MicroSoft C version 5.10

brian_helterline brianh at hpcvia.CV.HP.COM
Sat Feb 24 03:49:59 AEST 1990

>Does anyone know why I am getting something like:
>"Cannot open intermediate file"
>I believe the error code is c1040 or c1048.  I do not have the
>manuals since they are all at home 500 miles away (In the Bay Area).
>For example at the dos prompt:
>c> cl user.c
>[[ Microsoft C V5.1 heading .... ]]
>Error message (See above: ie. Cannot open intermediate file)
>Some info on my setup:
>The medium model library have been installed, but not the small,
>large or compressed library.  
>Any help would be appreciated...
>pa1486 at

	When you type  CL user.c at the DOS prompt, the default memory
	model is small which you said you did not have.  To compile with
	the medium model you need to type  CL /AM user.c at the DOS
	prompt.  If you are always using just the medium model and don't
	want to add the /AM every time, set the environment variable CL
	equal to /AM.  i.e.

	{inside autoexec.bat}
	REM MSC SETUP             \
	SET LIB=C:\MSC\LIB         \   These lines or something like them
	SET INCLUDE=C:\MSC\INCLUDE  |  should already be in AUTOEXEC.BAT
	SET TMP=C:\MSC\TMP         /
	SET CL=/AM            <---------add this line

	Also, if you type CL /HELP at the DOS prompt, it will list all
	of the options available.  Hope this helps........

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