Language principles

Chuck Phillips chuckp at
Fri Feb 9 03:59:34 AEST 1990

On 2 Feb 90 21:29:25 GMT,
hascall at (John Hascall) said:
John>  Inside the front cover of "Principles of Programming Languages",
John> by Bruce J. MacLennan is the list:
John>     ZERO-ONE-INFINITY:  The only reasonable numbers are zero, one, and
John>        infinity.

On most of the points I agree.  However, this restriction seems a bit
bizarre.  It may be inelegant, but I admit to liking the raw mathematical
power that comes from being able to express the number "42", for example.

Could you provide a bit more context to this?  I have a nagging feeling I
must be missing something.
		Chuck Phillips -- chuckp%ncr-fc.FtCollins.NCR.COM

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