c operator precedence and order of evaluation table in tbl

Peter Brouwer pb at idca.tds.PHILIPS.nl
Wed Jan 17 19:14:47 AEST 1990

Here is a a table of the evaluation order of c operators , use tbl and
[nt]roff to print.
center box tab(;);
cp16B s s s s s s s s s
cp16B s s s s s s s s s
cp14I  s s s s s s s s | cp14I
cp15 cp15 cp15 cp15 cp15 cp12 cp15 cp15 cp12 | l.
Precedence and order of evaluation
();[];->;.;;;;;;left to right;
!;~;++;--;-;(type);*;&;sizeof;right to left;
*;/;%;;;;;;;left to right;
+;-;;;;;;;;left to right;
<<;>>;;;;;;;;left to right;
<;<=;>;>=;;;;;;left to right;
==;!=;;;;;;;;left to right;
&;;;;;;;;;left to right;
^;;;;;;;;;left to right;
|;;;;;;;;;left to right;
&&;;;;;;;;;left to right;
| |;;;;;;;;;left to right;
? :;;;;;;;;;right to left;
 =;+=;-=;etc;;;;;;right to left;
,;;;;;;;;;left to right;
Peter Brouwer,                # Philips Telecommunications and Data Systems,
NET  : pb at idca.tds.philips.nl # Department SSP-P9000 Building V2,
UUCP : ....!mcvax!philapd!pb  # P.O.Box 245, 7300AE Apeldoorn, The Netherlands.
PHONE:ext [+31] [0]55 432523, # 

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