do...while vs. repeat...until

cbuckley at cbuckley at
Sat Mar 24 22:39:26 AEST 1990

In article <KZB#G{_ at>, night at (Trip Martin) writes:

> An interesting note that might give some perspective to this issue is how
> Plus, a little-known language that I'm somewhat familiar with, handles loops.
> Instead of having both while and do..while forms of loops, it uses one form
> called cycle.  Cycle is an infinite loop.  You can then stick exit statements
> anywhere in the loop (and then can be conditional, with both flavors of tests
> supported).  Conceptually, it's a more general way of handling loops.
> Trip Martin

...... in other words .......



| Colm Buckley. (Computer Science, Trinity College, Dublin)       |
|                                                                 |
| EMAIL      : cbuckley at                               |
| Phone      : Dublin 770101                                      |
    |       Beware of a programmer with a screwdriver...      |

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