Controlling stdin and stdouts of other executables

Dave Eisen dkeisen at Gang-of-Four.Stanford.EDU
Wed May 2 16:37:30 AEST 1990

>)If all you want to do is IGNORE the error and standard output from your
>)command, then the following should work:
>You don't want to close the standard streams, you want to connect them
>to /dev/null, quite a difference!

and this is most easily done using the shell's usual redirection operators:

system ("command > /dev/null 2>&1");

Dave Eisen                      	    Home: (415) 323-9757
dkeisen at Gang-of-Four.Stanford.EDU           Office: (415) 967-5644
"I drive a brand new BMW and I wear an unusually large shoe..."

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