Big C projects

Martin P. Ibert martini at heaven7.UUCP
Tue May 1 07:58:56 AEST 1990

In <9011 at>, flc at (Fred Christianson) writes:
[paraphrasing someone else, the editot ate the name seconds ago :-)
>Use a production quality compiler, not a toy.  On DOS platforms Microsoft C
>has been the least problematic compiler.

HA! If you value what you do, think again. I am doomed to use MSC, and its
"gallic curse" *) errors (&"&@\ contact Microsoft technical support) nearly
drove me nuts. That was MSC 5.1, not any long-bygone version.

As an aside: Ever used MS Fortran ver. 1.x? Never? Praise the lord!


*) For Asterix lovers. Else substitute "tty line noise"

    __*__     | Martin P Ibert, Westendallee 100d, D-1000 Berlin 19, Germany
----|   |---- | Domain: martini at heaven7.uucp or martini%heaven7 at zelator.uucp  
============= | Bang path: ..!uunet!unido!tub!tmpmbx!zelator!heaven7!martini 
| | |   | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------
| | |   | | | | --- The lessons of Chernobyl have still not been learned ---

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