rand() and examples

Michael Robertson amigo at milton.u.washington.edu
Mon Oct 22 07:39:45 AEST 1990

     I need some definite description how to use the rand() function in
     C. Or, if someone can describe random() then that may help as well.
     I'm creating a game that needs a random number between 1 and 13,
     I want only 1 to 13, not 13.000001, etc. A "demo" I have locally
          include <time.h>
               unsigned seed=time();   /* grab seed from time() */
               srand(seed);            /* set seed */
               int test_it;            
               test_it == rand()%14;   /* rand() generates numbers, 
                                          % func. limits it..? */
               printf("\nRand=%d", &test_it);

          There's of course some stuff wrong with the above I believe.
     If someone can e-mail me correct use of rand() and/or random(),
     it'd be much appreciated..
                                                mike robertson
                                                amigo at milton.u.washington.edu

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