a style question

Hascall John Paul john at IASTATE.EDU
Mon Oct 1 10:44:48 AEST 1990

In article <8660 at ncar.ucar.edu>, steve at groucho.ucar.edu (Steve Emmerson)
> >Since I going to be doing my first team effort I want to know if this is bad
> >style:
> >	for(x=0;x!=100;x++) ...
> It's OK, though some improvements could be made.  ...
> 	for (x = 0; x < NUM_ELEMENTS; x++) ...

    This is really pointless, but I don't see that stopping anyone else...
    What is the generally preferred usage?  Or does it matter at all?

        ++x;   or   x++;

    I find myself using ++x (which in my mind I attribute to some long gone,
  brain-damaged optimizer from my past -- but I still persist).  My `favorite'

        --x;   and   x++;         (pre-decrement, post-increment!!!)
> Note also the use of additional whitespace.


John Hascall                        An ill-chosen word is the fool's messenger.
Project Vincent
Iowa State University Computation Center                       john at iastate.edu
Ames, IA  50010                                                  (515) 294-9551

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