Seven Original Sins of K&R (Long)

Rick Schubert rns at se-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM
Wed Oct 3 00:26:28 AEST 1990

[I know I should probably let this go since this is a dead issue, but I
 couldn't resist improving on Henry's answer.  I hope I'm not missing
 something, since I'm surprised he didn't also say what I'm going to.]

In <1990Sep28.144753.23727 at> henry at (Henry Spencer) writes:

>In article <1990Sep27.131329.26616 at> roy at (Roy Smith) writes:
>>... I meant to
>>#define NULL (""[0])

>Roy, apart from not being a compile-time value, which limits its use,
>this is exactly and precisely equivalent to

>#define	NULL	0

Since (""[0]) is not a compile-time value (I assume that's the same thing
as a constant expression), it is also not a null-pointer constant.
It DOES have the value 0, but the only arithmetic expressions that 
are null pointers are those that are constant expressions evaluating to 0.

-- Rick Schubert (rns at se-sd.sandiego.NCR.COM)

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