Yacc description of C grammar?

Brad Willcott bxw at ccadfa.adfa.oz.au
Mon Oct 8 15:00:57 AEST 1990

peters at paul.rutgers.edu (Joe Peters) writes:

>Can anybody provide any leads on where I could acquire a Yacc
>description of C? I'd hate to have to reinvent the wheel...
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You can anonymous ftp the following:


To find out what else is available, get one of the files beginning '0-' from
the 'pc' directory.  They all contain basically the same up-to-date info.
They are just listings of the directories/files, sorted in different orders.

Brad Willcott,                          ACSnet:     bxw at ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz
Computing Services,                     Internet:   bxw at ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au
Australian Defence Force Academy,       UUCP:!uunet!munnari.oz.au!ccadfa.oz!bxw
Northcott Dr. Campbell ACT Australia 2600  +61 6 268 8584  +61 6 268 8150 (Fax)

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