Summary: Converting ascii hex to pure hex values

Mark Pledger mpledger at cti1.UUCP
Fri Oct 26 21:02:42 AEST 1990

I sure caused alot of traffic for this little question.

Thanks to everyone who responded.

I guess I did'nt make myself clear enough on my question though.  I know I
can use scanf() or cast a char to int (for a single char).  I DID'NT want to
use scanf() and casting does not work for my question.  The original question
went something like this:  If you have a character string with the ascii 
representation of hex values (e.g. s[] = "63", which will be stored as TWO
hex byte values \x9 & \x9.  I only want to store them as ONE hex byte of \x63.
Without using scanf() (or even sprintf())  what is the best (fasted for me) way
to convert a two-digit ascii code to a one digit hex code, so I can put it back
into the charater string s[], append a null, and write it back out to disk.  I
currently use atoi() and just write out the int to disk.  I am interested in
creating (or finding) a routine that will take a character string as the 
argument, and returning the hex result in the same character string.

Any suggestions?


Mark Pledger

CTI                              |              (703) 685-5434 [voice]
2121 Crystal Drive               |              (703) 685-7022 [fax]
Suite 103                        |              
Arlington, DC  22202             |              mpledger at

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