a style question

Jay A. Konigsberg jak at sactoh0.SAC.CA.US
Mon Oct 8 12:22:10 AEST 1990

In article <1990Oct6.231143.28186 at zoo.toronto.edu> henry at zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer) writes:
>                                                     but simply because (C)
>it was easier to work with.  This is with experienced programmers, mind you;
>it is not an easy language for novices (even those with plenty of experience
>programming in other languages). 

Amen to that! I came to C with strong skills in five other languages,
including Pascal and Fortran. Initially I said: "one computer language
is much the same as another, C should be easy to learn".

Well, its two and a half years since I started with C and about one year
of using it for applications. In that time I've only been able to make
an intermediate grade. It really is amazing how versital the language
is - and how complex.

I am curious about two thing here. For those people who have used C for
*at least* one year:

First: what skill level did you have with the language after one, two,
three, four and five years?

Second: what was you skill level with the Unix O/S? (Yes, I know there
are DO/S and VMS'ers out there. But, I'm mainly intrested in Unix).

Jay @ SAC-UNIX, Sacramento, Ca.   UUCP=...pacbell!sactoh0!jak
If something is worth doing, it's worth doing correctly.

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