Problem with Turbo C++

Gary Hennigan ghenniga at
Tue Oct 2 13:22:48 AEST 1990

I hope someone can help me with this one!

   After much procrastinating I decided to attempt to learn C after many
years as a strictly FORTRAN programmer. I got started O.K. writing the
standard "Hello World" program and then some very simple file I/O code.
Now the trouble starts! What I want to do is read in a vector, actually 
the variable I use is a matrix but I only want to read one column from the
file which has a format like:


where two is the number of elements in the file. To accomplish this I
used this piece of code:

for( nr=1; nr <= Anr; nr++)
  fscanf( inpfile, "%f\n", &A[nr][1] );

Now everything compiles fine but when I run it I get the following error:

 scanf : floating point formats not linked
Abnormal program terminaion.

Anyone know what this means? I can run the code fine using VAXC or "cc"
on Unix but Turbo C++ always gives me the above errror on my PC.

   Thanks for any and all help,
   Gary Hennigan
  (ghenniga at NMSU.Edu)
  (.sig in for repairs)

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