text hash functions

cameron shelley cpshelley at violet.waterloo.edu
Fri Oct 19 01:05:51 AEST 1990

My god!

  Thanks to all who responded with suggestions and functions.  I now
have about 50K of the stuff!  It's going to take a while to try it all
out, but I'm looking forward to it (maybe :).  Anyone who wishes a
summary, just mail to the address in the sig.  Thanks again!


      Cameron Shelley        | "Saw, n.  A trite popular saying, or proverb. 
cpshelley at violet.waterloo.edu|  So called because it makes its way into a
    Davis Centre Rm 2136     |  wooden head."
 Phone (519) 885-1211 x3390  |				Ambrose Bierce

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