Question about Lex

Ger Timmens gtir5 at
Wed May 29 18:19:12 AEST 1991

This is what I do:

1. lex lexcommands         /* ==> lex.yy.c */
2. cc lex.yy.c             /* ==> a.out    */
3. a.out < input > output  /* ==> output   */

I've got the following problem:
When I encounter a string in the file *input* I want to
generate an error message reporting the line number and
However I cannot include the following in my *lexcommands* file:

"string"       fprintf(stderr,"Found *string* on line %d in %s.\n",

since this would report the line number in the file *lex.yy.c* !

Is there a solution to this problem ?
I've experimented with #line, but I did not succeed.

Thanks in advance,

=     Ger Timmens,  Fysisch Elektronisch Laboratorium TNO     =
=   Tel.:  070-3264221 tst. 308    @-mail: gtir5 at   =
= >>> Any You Can Do, I Can Do Better, (No You Can't) ... <<< =

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