looking for interpreter / macro language facility

Arthur J. Butler ajb at miles.WPI.EDU
Thu May 23 01:30:52 AEST 1991

hi.  i am looking for advice and/or suggestions on an interpreter or
macro language facility which i plan on adding to my application.  are
there common languages which are used to add macro facilities to
applications?  are there any PD/commercial lisp implementations
available which would suffice?

	within this macro language, i need to at least to
	a) be able to call functions within my program.
	b) be able to use control and loop constructs.
	c) define and use simple variables.

my program will be written in C/C++ to be run in a UNIX workstation
environment.  in the worst case i can develop my own language using
lex / yacc but why reinvent the wheel.


arthur (ajb at ee.wpi.edu)

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