DOS Environment Variables

sherif el kassas elkassas at
Wed May 8 23:37:04 AEST 1991

In article <42119 at>, robc at (Rob X Cowan) writes:
=> [stuff deleted]
=>      I forgot to mention that int 2Eh ( interface) also has a
=> way to actually access its own SET command.  Can't remember how right now,
=> but it should be easier than direct access, if your not up to that.
=> -Rob
=> robc at

Well, that's how i'd do it ! any better ideas ?

#include <standard_disclaimer>
 * file: test2e.c
 * demo for changing environment vars ...etc
 * compile with:
 *   TCC  test2e.c
 * note that u'll need tasm or masm !

#include <dos.h>
#include <string.h>

char *command = " set t=this is a test \r";

void int2e(char far *command_line)
  unsigned seg, ofs;

  seg = FP_SEG(command_line);
  ofs = FP_OFF(command_line);

  asm      jmp start
  asm      my_ss dw 00
  asm      my_sp dw 00
  asm      push bp
  asm      push ds
  asm      mov  ax, ss
  asm      mov  cs:my_ss, ax
  asm      mov  cs:my_sp, sp
  asm      mov  si, ofs
  asm      mov  ax, seg
  asm      mov  ds, ax
  asm      int  2Eh
  asm      cli
  asm      mov  sp, cs:my_sp
  asm      mov  ax, cs:my_ss
  asm      mov  ss, ax
  asm      sti
  asm      pop  ds
  asm      pop  bp

  command[0] = strlen(command)-1;

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