Help! Missing header file!

George Pinder pinder2 at
Sat May 11 11:47:03 AEST 1991

I found a code of Turbo C++ communications called "serial.cpp" in a local FTP
site, unfortunately however, it was missing a vital header file called
"serial.h" (I presume it was custom made.) If anyone knows where I can get this
file, or has it themselves, I would truly appreciate any email at
pinder at Thanks in advance!

  /  ^   ^  \
 |   o   o   |
(    (___)    )
 | \_______/ |
____ |   |____

| Pinder2 at   7 Bishop Rd, Shelburne, VT   (802) 985-4998 Vermont   |
|"The right half of the brain controls the left half of the body.             |
| This means that only left-handed people are in their right mind."           |

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