Youth Hostels (Re: Keeping costs down at Usenix in Dallas)

Prentiss Riddle riddle at ut-sally.UUCP
Tue Jan 15 15:03:53 AEST 1985

> Just general information, people often overlook Youth Hostels --
> the rooms are clean, spacious, and *cheap*.  If you're under
> 35 (I think, call to check) you can usually get a good place
> to sleep for a few bucks a night.

We should be so lucky!  Last I checked, there was only one Youth Hostel in
Texas, and it was in Houston.  Hostels are a great idea, but like lots of
other great ideas, they really haven't caught on in this part of the world.

--- Prentiss Riddle ("Aprendiz de todo, maestro de nada.")
--- {ihnp4,harvard,seismo,gatech,ctvax}!ut-sally!riddle
--- riddle at ut-sally.UUCP, riddle at ut-sally.ARPA, riddle at zotz.ARPA

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