Winter 1989 USENIX Call for Papers

Keith Muller muller at ucsd.EDU
Sat Sep 17 02:59:24 AEST 1988

                      Call for Papers
               Winter 1989 USENIX Conference
                   San Diego, California
               January 30 - February 3, 1989

Papers are requested for formal  review  as  candidates  for
inclusion  in  the  three  day technical session at the 1989
Winter USENIX Conference.  Papers that are accepted will  be
presented  at the conference and published in the conference
proceedings.  The technical sessions provide a forum for the
presentation  of  new research and development related to or
based upon the UNIX operating system.

Suggested topics include(but are not limited to):

        Performance Analysis and Tuning

        New User Interfaces and Applications

        System and Network Security

        Networking and Distributed Services

        RISC versus CISC in UNIX

        Software and System Management tools


        Graphics and Electronic Publishing

        Evolution of UNIX for the 1990's

All papers should describe new and interesting work.  Accep-
tance  or  rejection  of a paper will be based completely on
the work submitted at the deadline.  Submitted papers should
consist  of  a  100  to 300 word abstract in addition to the
main body of the paper. Extended abstracts  will  be  condi-
tionally  accepted  but  full  papers  are preferred. Papers
accepted on extended abstracts that do not meet the  promise
of the abstract will be rejected.  Each paper should discuss
how this work relates to prior work and  provide  sufficient
detail  in  the presentation of background material and work
to allow referees to perform a  comparison  consistent  with
other  submitted  papers. Concise references of related work
should also be included as appropriate. Full  papers  should
be   6-12  single  spaced  typeset  pages  and  include  any
abstract, references, or illustrations.  For the review pro-
cess  you  should  submit  the  highest quality copy you can
create. Laser printer output is recommended.  The exact for-
mat  for  final  papers  will be sent to authors of accepted

Four hard copies and one electronic copy of  each  submitted
paper or extended abstract must arrive no later than October
7, 1988; this is an absolute deadline. Papers received after
that  date  will  not be considered. Papers which clearly do
not meet USENIX's standards for applicability,  originality,
completeness  or page length may be rejected with no review.
Authors will receive official  notification  no  later  than
November  4,  1988, and final versions of the papers are due
by December 5, 1988.

Please contact one  of  the  Program  Chairs  if  additional
information is required:
        Greg Hidley, (619) 534-6170, sdusenix at
        Keith Muller, (619) 534-4062, sdusenix at
Send technical program submissions to:
        Greg Hidley
        CSE Dept. C-014
        University of Calif. San Diego
        La Jolla, CA 92093

Electronic mail addresses:
        Bitnet:         sdusenix at ucsd
        Internet:       sdusenix at
        UUCP:   ucbvax!ucsd!sdusenix

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