BOF Announcement - Netnews User Interfaces (yet again)

Stanier A alan at
Fri Jun 9 18:52:13 AEST 1989

In article <3287 at epimass.EPI.COM> jbuck at epimass.EPI.COM (Joe Buck) writes:
>Folks, there's a reason why spelling and grammar flames are discouraged
>on Usenet.  By Murphy's law, any time you criticize someone's grammar
>or spelling, you'll make at least one blooper yourself, and someone will
>flame you.  And so on.  So if you must flame, please do it by mail.


	Don't you realize the pleasure to be had from watching
opinionated windbags making fools of themselves in public?

                              Alan  M  Stanier
email alan at    Essex University Computer Centre       If you do it
tel +44 206-872153        Wivenhoe Park, Colchester,        to excess, it's
FAX +44 206-860585          Essex CO4 3SQ, England           even more fun

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