TCP for VMS/Eunice (help!)

Scott Paisley paisley at cme-durer.ARPA
Tue Oct 4 01:34:18 AEST 1988

We have a vax 785 running VMS 4.7 and Eunice 4.3.1.  This critter
co-exists on our ethernet here with lots of suns and other ethernet
type thingys.  We have recently had some problems with the Wollongon's
implementation.  (mainly old bugs re-occurring in new releases, and
lack of help at their end. - so I'm told by the people here who have
delt with them.)  Our main problem as of late has been this.  When we
telnet from our suns (OS - Unix) to the Vax (OS VMS) it works fine
until you hit a cntl-c or cntl-y.  This will lock up the window on the
sun completely!  This problem occurred after installing a new version
of the Wollongon software.

We would like to find an alternative.  The solution must be able to
handle the following:

   o we would like this solution to run in a cluster environment (on the
     off chance that this system ever gets upgraded

   o we would like the solution to be able to use RBMS (DEC's Remote
     Bridge Management System).  I'm told that there is a dec board
     that will not be supported soon.  We don't want to get locked into
     that one.

   o works with EUNICE, in some acceptable fashion. 

I did see one solution here in comp.os.vms that suggested using a
microvax running ultrix and using that as a gateway to our existing
vax.  Anyone have any comments on this idea?  Pros/cons?

What about Excellan?  I know nothing about it.  Where can I get info
about it?  (ie what's their phone number :-)

Thanks for all the replies in advance, I'll summerize to the net if
other people show interest too.
Scott Paisley		ARPA : paisley at (preferred)
			BITNET : paisley at cmeamrf

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