additions to network poker game

Jonathan Hue jon at msunix.UUCP
Tue Feb 25 18:16:23 AEST 1986

A couple of months ago or so there was a posting to
of a network poker game.  When I compiled it and tried to run it on
a Sun, the server kept barfing on the bind syscall because there was
no assignment to the sin_addr field of the socket's address structure (the
program uses sockets in the Internet protocol family).  I faked it for a
while with an INADDR_ANY, but finally got around to doing a real fix.
I added dynamic lookup of the local port address and host Internet
address.  I also made a change to erase characters when backspace
or delete is typed.

If anyone experienced the same problems as I did and would like the
fixes, send me mail.  If there's enough interest, I will post.  The
poker game itself is great, sometimes at lunch we can get a poker
game going on the net.  Hats off to ritcv!jjv3345 (sorry, I lost the
news header and don't know the author(s) real name(s)) for a great

Bitchin' Camaro!		Jonathan Hue
Bitchin' Camaro!		LMSC-Mechanisms & Servos
Tire Tracks Across your Lawn!
(c) The Dead Milkmen, 1985	{amdcad!cae780,sun!sunncal}!leadsv!msunix!jon

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