help needed about DOSAMATIC

P Wei wei at princeton.UUCP
Wed Feb 19 15:23:38 AEST 1986

I downloaded the dosamatic for ibmpc from the net.sources a few weeks ago.
After cutting off the lines before #---cut here--- line in the uuencoded
files 1 and 2, I 'cat 2 >> 1' then run the 'sh 1'.
After transfering the exe file to ibmpc AT (dos 3.0), I tried to run it.
I got the Turbo-Pascal run time error message FF ( which means heap/stack
collision).    Can anyone tell me what went wrong ?  ( I used the supplied
ibmmono.bat to run it).
Or can someone near Princeton send me the two uuencoded files ?
HP Wei  (wei at princeton)

PS: The run time error happened the second time. The first
time the ibmmono.bat simply returned to dos. The third time the machine
was stuck and had to soft reboot.

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