e - the friendly interface to vi.

Crocodile Dundee tcjones at watdragon.waterloo.edu
Sun Feb 28 08:38:33 AEST 1988

Warren Swan has pointed out a couple of potential problems in e if 
you are at a non-BSD site. The line

struct sgttyb blk;

at about line 475 in e.c is totally useless. I have no idea how it 
crept into the code - you should remove it. (BSD'ers can remove it too.)

The other (bigger) problem is with the opening and reading of
directories. I used the BSD opendir()/readdir() functions to handle all
that for me and was told that these were available on non-BSD unices if
one #included <ndir.h>.  If you don't have ndir.h then you will have to
read the directory in the "normal" open/read fashion, or take out the
cross directory searching completely (which would be a pity).  ndir.h
seems to exist in v8, but perhaps not in SysV - can anyone fill me in
on this?

If enough people encounter this problem then I'll do a rewrite using
only open/read and repost it.

Terry Jones

Department Of Computer Science, University Of Waterloo
Waterloo Ontario Canada N2L 3G1

tcjones at dragon.waterloo.{cdn,edu} tcjones at WATER.bitnet
tcjones%watdragon at waterloo.csnet [from oz, tcjones at dragon.waterloo.cdn@munnari]

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