PCmoria bug/feature? (locked doors)

James E. Wilson wilson at ji.Berkeley.EDU
Thu Feb 4 07:58:32 AEST 1988

In article <5500006 at uicsgva> sargent at uicsgva.UUCP writes:
>	In a recent version of PCMORIA I'm encountering
how recent is recent?

>either a bug or a feature:  when trying to enter a store
>(on the town level) it tells me "The door is locked". 
>Even after several more runs, the doors are still locked.
>This is a problem because my char may starve to death.

This is a bug in PCmoria4.83.  (And a very minor bug in Umoria/VMS moria).

I am not involved in the development of the PCmoria source, but I can
make a good guess as to the problem...

The problem is that there is a counter for the current turn which is
declared as an int.  If this is still declared as an int on the PC, then
this counter will suddenly become negative after 32K moves. 
(The same thing happens on the mainframe
versions after 2G moves.)  When the counter goes negative, all stores
will have locked doors.

I checked the latest source for PCmoria that I have (approx Dec. 17),
and noticed that if the above bug is the problem, then
it has already been fixed.  You can probably solve your 
problem by getting a 'more' recent version of the program.
Or, if you have old source, try changing the declaration of the variable 'turn'
from int to long.

Jim Wilson
wilson at ji.Berkeley.EDU

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