v04i123: Calculate Eastern for given year

Sales Support ns at pr1me.dk.UUCP
Sat Oct 15 09:33:30 AEST 1988

Posting-number: Volume 4, Issue 123
Submitted-by: " Sales Support" <ns at pr1me.dk.UUCP>
Archive-name: paaske

I'm using the month-program for my appointments written by
  Origional Author:	Tom Stoehn at Tektronics[zeus!tims]
  Modifications by:	Marc Ries at TRW[trwrb!ries]
			Niels S|ndergaard, Prime Denmark
			(made Danish version)

in addition to translateting to danish I also found reason to put in
calculation of hollydays, in order to calculate the hollydays you need
to find out what date Eastern sunday is, I found an algoritm in a book
which Title I forgot by an author which name I also forgot, but I
don't think there is any Copyrigth left as the book was from 1754. I
coded and tested this routine from 1754 to 2037 (where I could verify
the results) and found the algoritm correct.

/* Udregn Paaske S|ndag for givent aar */
/* Calculate Eastern Sunday for given year */
/* Copyrigth (c) 1988, Prime Computer Inc. Mass.
   this program can be copied, distributed and used to any purpose.
   Prime Computer Inc, has no warrenty for any kind of damage done
   by using this program or the results from it */

int day,month;
int paaske(year)
int year;
	int register b;
	int a,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,p,x;

	a= year%19;
	f = (b + 8)/25;
	g = (b - f + 1)/3;
	h = ((19 * a) + b - d - g + 15)%30;
	i = c/4;
	k = c%4;
	l = ((2*e) + (2*i) + 32 - h -k)%7;
	m = (a + (11*h) + (22*l))/451;
	x=  (h + l - (7*m) + 114);
	n = x/31;
	p = x%31;
	day = p + 1;
	month= n;

 Med Venlig Hilsen (With Kind Regards)
 Niels S|ndergaard,
 Prime Computer A/S, Denmark.
 ns at pr1me.dk, {...}!mcvax!dkuug!pr1me!ns   or  ns at cph-d.Prime.COM
 Med Venlig Hilsen (With Kind Regards)
 Niels S|ndergaard,
 Prime Computer A/S, Denmark.
 ns at pr1me.dk, {...}!mcvax!dkuug!pr1me!ns   or  ns at cph-d.Prime.COM

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