v14i063: Chemtab 1.2 (part 3 of 3)

root at ames.arc.nasa.gov root at ames.arc.nasa.gov
Thu Aug 30 08:42:00 AEST 1990

Posting-number: Volume 14, Issue 63
Submitted-by: root at ames.arc.nasa.gov@lsrhs.UUCP (Mr System)
Archive-name: chemtab-1.2/part03

[Side comment:  I think I need a new network connection....  ++bsa]

These are the manual pages which are supposed to go with the sources..
These were written for version 1.0.  For better man pages, use Manual.User
that came with the Chemtab 1.2 sources.  Create a directory called 'Mans'
and unpack this file there.

---- Cut Here and unpack ----
# shar:	Shell Archiver  (v1.22)
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	  1a
#	  1b
#	  1c
#	  1d
#	  1e
#	  1f
#	  2a1
#	  2a2
#	  2b1
#	  2b2
#	  2c
#	  2d
#	  contents
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 1a &&
XChemTab - A Periodic Table Data Base (C) 1989 Jim King -             Page  1
X1a. Starting the Program
X	The program is set up to provide the user with an easy access
Xroutine.  Most system administrators (hopefully) will make an account solely
Xfor the purpose of running this program.  At lsrhs, the account name is
X'chemtab'.  To start the program, find a VT100 or VT220 terminal anywhere in
Xthe school which has 'login:' on the screen.  This is the login prompt.  At
Xthis prompt you type, "chemtab", and hit RETURN.  The program should only
Xtake a matter of seconds to start running.  After reading the credits page,
Xhit SPACE.  The program then asks you two questions, the first of which asks
Xyou if you need extra explanations.  This means that, if all goes well, the
Xprogram will tell you what it wants for input.  Type "y" or "n" for your
Xpreference.  The next question asks you if you would like your lists and
Xgraphs recorded for printout.  If you type "y", the program asks you your
Xlast name so that you can identify your printout from everybody else's.  The
Xonly other answer is "n", and once you type either you move to section 1b.
chmod 0755 1a || echo "restore of 1a fails"
set `wc -c 1a`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "1144"
then echo original size 1144, current size $Sum;fi
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 1b &&
XChemTab - A Periodic Table Data Base (C) 1989 Jim King -             Page  2
X1b. Looking at a specific element
X	The first MAIN MENU option is 'List information regarding one
Xelement'.  This is what you should choose.  The screen will clear and you
Xare given four options.  Type "1" if you wish to locate the element by name.
XType "2" if you wish to locate the element by atomic number.  Type "3" if 
Xyou wish to locate the element by symbol.  Type "4" to return to the MAIN
XMENU.  Once you see the information, hit SPACE to return to the MAIN MENU.
chmod 0755 1b || echo "restore of 1b fails"
set `wc -c 1b`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "551"
then echo original size 551, current size $Sum;fi
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 1c &&
XChemTab - A Periodic Table Data Base (C) 1989 Jim King -             Page  3
X1c. Choosing chararacteristics to select elements
X  a. Selecting
X	The main reason for having this database is to view relationships
Xbetween elements and characteristics of the elements, such as
Xelectronegativity or boiling point.  The process is quite simple, however.
XFirst, at the MAIN MENU, select number 2.  It says, 'Choose elements
Xcharacteristics'.  You are now at a sub-menu of characteristics.  You can
Xsort elements on a maximum of three characteristics.  Go through this
Xprocess to choose one.  First, decide which characteristic to sort from.
XType in the appropriate number, hit RETURN, and another sub-menu will appear.  
XAt this sub-menu you are choosing whether you want to select elements with a
Xvalue greater than, less than, or equal to an amount which you type in
Xnext.  You can choose option four at this sub-menu to return to the previous
Xsub-menu.  Once you decide which option you want, type in the number.  If
Xyou do not decide to return to the last sub-menu, you will be asked, 'What
XAmount?' Here you can type any number that you wish.  Hit RETURN when you
Xare done and the selection characteristic appears near the top of the
X  b. Erasing
X	To erase all of the characteristics you have showing at the top of
Xthe screen, use option 15 in the MAIN MENU sub-menu 2.  To erase one
Xcharacteristic, go to the MAIN MENU sub-menu 2.  Type in the number of the
Xcharacteristic you want to erase.  Answer "y" to the first question it asks.
XThen type 4.  This feature currently has some bugs.  For now, please use
Xcommand 15 and start from the beginning.
X  c. Creating two
X	You can limit the list to a defined limit on one characteristic by
Xchoosing MAIN MENU sub-menu 2.  Then type the number of the characteristic
Xyou want to define.  Choose the minimum value as described above.  Then, at
Xthe sub-menu, choose the SAME number, answer "n" to the first question, and
Xanswer "y" to the second one.  Then, set the maximum limit.
X  d. Changing
X	You can change one characteristic by typing it's number in the MAIN
XMENU sub-menu 2 and answering "y" to the first question that appears.
chmod 0755 1c || echo "restore of 1c fails"
set `wc -c 1c`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "2189"
then echo original size 2189, current size $Sum;fi
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 1d &&
XChemTab - A Periodic Table Data Base (C) 1989 Jim King -             Page  4
X1d. Viewing the selected elements
X	Once you have chosen some characteristics to select elements from
X(1c), the program automagically picks out the elements you want to look at.
XBy choosing numbers 3 or 4 in the MAIN MENU, you can list elements or view
Xtheir positions in the periodic table, respectively.
chmod 0755 1d || echo "restore of 1d fails"
set `wc -c 1d`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "384"
then echo original size 384, current size $Sum;fi
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 1e &&
XChemTab - A Periodic Table Data Base (C) 1989 Jim King -             Page  5
X1e. Graphing elemental characteristics
X	MAIN MENU choice #5 is labelled 'Use the graphing module'.  Go into
Xthis section of the program (by typing 5 at the MAIN MENU) and you will see
Xa list of ten characteristics to sort from.  IMP: Read all text at the
Xbottom of the screen with '***' in front of it.  It is important
Xinformation.  If it is instructions, follow them carefully.  The first
Xletter you choose will determine what characteristic lies along the x-axis.
XAfter choosing this, the program prompts you for an 'X Minimum?' Here, you
Xcan set the minimum value on the x-axis.  If you want to look at all values
Xfor every element, hit RETURN here.  Else, type a value.  Then the program
Xwill ask you for a maximum.  Now the program will ask you what you would
Xlike to graph against (up the y-axis).  Type in the letter of your choice
Xand do NOT hit RETURN.  Wait for the whole graph to appear, and when you are
Xdone with it, hit SPACE to return to the MAIN MENU.
chmod 0755 1e || echo "restore of 1e fails"
set `wc -c 1e`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "1048"
then echo original size 1048, current size $Sum;fi
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 1f &&
XChemTab - A Periodic Table Data Base (C) 1989 Jim King -             Page  6
X1f. Exiting the program
X	To exit the program, you can type ^C at any time.  This means hold
Xdown the key labelled "CTRL" while you type "c".  Or, if you prefer to exit
Xthe nice way, you can type 6 at the MAIN MENU.
chmod 0755 1f || echo "restore of 1f fails"
set `wc -c 1f`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "294"
then echo original size 294, current size $Sum;fi
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 2a1 &&
XChemTab - A Periodic Table Data Base (C) 1989 Jim King - Programmer's Manual
X								Page  P1
X2a1. Variables
XVariable	| Type	| Defined in	| Use
Xhlp		| int	| variables.h	| Extra explanations flag (1=YES)
Xtrans		| int	| variables.h	| Transcript flag (1=YES)
Xfp		| FILE	| variables.h	| File pointer for transcript
Xsub1[MAXLM]	| int	| variables.h	| Stores the element numbers that
X                                          were selected by esort()
Xgtot		| int	| variables.h	| Total number in sub1[]
Xfoo[160],str[80]| char	| variables.h	| Slave character arrays
Xlnm[80]		| char	| variables.h	| User's last name for transcript
Xi, j, k		| int	| variables.h	| Slave integers
Xx		| float	| variables.h	| Slave floating point integer
Xdosort[3]	| struc	| variables.h	| Holds selected characteristics
X*mopts[]	| char	| variables.h	| Main menu option strings
Xsopts[]		| struc	| variables.h	| Characteristic characteristics
XEQUAL		| def	| variables.h	| Constant
XGREATER		| def	| variables.h	| Constant
XLESS		| def	| variables.h	| Constant
Xsort_list[MAXLM]| int	| variables.h	| Final sort list
XPERTABLE	| def	| tune.h	| Location of element list
XMAXLM		| def	| tune.h	| Number of elements in above + 1
XTABLE		| def	| tune.h	| Location of periodic table
XTRANSCRIPT	| def	| tune.h	| Path of the logfile
Xsecs		| long	| main.c	| Time stamp for logfile
Xc		| char	| main.c	| Input choice in MAIN MENU
Xhorz[10]	| int	| ptabl.c	| Hoz. position of elements on scr.
Xfd		| FILE	| ptabl.c	| File pointer for the per. table
Xsift[3][MAXLM]	| int	| esort.c	| [3] sift spaces
Xsftc[3]		| int	| esort.c	| Total in sift[x] = sftc[x]
Xtmp[MAXLM]	| int	| esort.c	| Place to put compared elements
Xtc		| int	| esort.c	| Total in tmp[]
Xflg		| int	| vdata.c	| Flag in vdata
Xfactor		| int	| vdata.c	| Times to wrap the screen
Xl, m		| int	| vdata.c	| Slave integers
X*ptr		| char	| dogph.c	| Pointer for wgetnum
Xstopfl		| char	| dogph.c	| Stop flag for strings
XDO graph.h
chmod 0644 2a1 || echo "restore of 2a1 fails"
set `wc -c 2a1`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "2005"
then echo original size 2005, current size $Sum;fi
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 2a2 &&
XChemTab - A Periodic Table Data Base (C) 1989 Jim King - Programmer's Manual
X                                                                Page  P2
X2a2. Subroutines (Input / c = char, W = window, i = int, F = file, s=struct)
XSubroutine	| Loc		| Input	| Use
Xmain()		| main.c	|	| Main program procedure
Xbot(str)	| scrmisc.c	| c	| Display a line of text on line 23
Xcapture(win,f,z)| scrmisc.c	| Wii	| Put graph window in trans. file
Xcleanup()	| cleanup.c	|	| Handle ^C as quit
Xdisp(l)		| looke.c	| i	| Display element #l on screen
Xdogph()		| dogph.c	|	| Graphing module
Xesort()		| esort.c	|	| Select elements by characteristics
Xlooke()		| looke.c	|	| Main routine to look at 1 element
Xnumr(ch)	| dogph.c	| c	| Return a number for a character
Xptabl()		| ptabl.c	|	| Print periodic table
Xreadelem()	| element.c	|	| Read elements from PERTABLE file
Xschar()		| schar.c	|	| Select characteristics for element
Xspc()		| scrmisc.c	|	| Prompt user to hit SPACE to cont.
Xtablsort()	| schar.c	|	| Put characteristics on ptabl win.
Xtopline()	| vdata.c	|	| Display list index
Xupsort()	| schar.c	|	| Update selection window
Xvdata()		| vdata.c	|	| View selections in a list
Xwgetnum(win)	| dogph.c	| W	| My getnum for curses (BROKEN)
Xwhichone()	| schar.c	|	| Returns how many chars are current
chmod 0644 2a2 || echo "restore of 2a2 fails"
set `wc -c 2a2`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "1356"
then echo original size 1356, current size $Sum;fi
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 2b1 &&
XChemTab - A Periodic Table Data Base (C) 1989 Jim King - Programmer's Manual
X								Page  P3
X2b1a.  Adding an element to the program
X	1. Add the element to PERTABLE
X	2. Update tune.h (add one to MAXLM)
X	3. make install
X2b1b. Changing an element's figures
X	1. Update PERTABLE
X	2. no make is needed
chmod 0755 2b1 || echo "restore of 2b1 fails"
set `wc -c 2b1`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "306"
then echo original size 306, current size $Sum;fi
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 2b2 &&
XChemTab - A Periodic Table Data Base (C) 1989 Jim King - Programmer's Manual
X								Page  P4
X2b2. Adding a characteristic to the program
X	1. Choose a four-letter abbreviation for the characteristic.
X	   We will call this the 4LC.
X	2. Choose a negative value for the characteristic which is NOT
X           a value for ANY element.  We will call this UNDF.
X	3. Add the line to undefs.h:
X		4LC = UNDF;
X	   where appropriate.
X	4. Edit looke.c, dogph.c, vdata.c, and esort.c appropriately
X	5. Edit variables.h->sopts[] appropriately, and schar.c
X	6. If there's anything I missed, put it here.
X	7. Oh yeah, change PERTABLE
X	8. make install
chmod 0755 2b2 || echo "restore of 2b2 fails"
set `wc -c 2b2`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "644"
then echo original size 644, current size $Sum;fi
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 2c &&
XChemTab - A Periodic Table Data Base (C) 1989 Jim King - Programmer's Manual
X								Page  P6
X2c. Bugs to fix
X	1. Make all gets() routines VERY SMART
X	2. wgetnum doesn't accept delete
X	3. Erase all redefined variables
X	4. Make it faster!
chmod 0755 2c || echo "restore of 2c fails"
set `wc -c 2c`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "240"
then echo original size 240, current size $Sum;fi
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 2d &&
XChemTab - A Periodic Table Data Base (C) 1989 Jim King - Programmer's Manual
X								Page  P7
X2d. Version Logs
X	First program - buggy
X	Elements part of program.  Change element, have to recompile.
X	That is bad .. must change.
X	Menu is driven by arrow keys and a light-up bar.  I like it, but
X	it is cumbersome.  Maybe I'll remove it.  Only 20 elements in here.
X	Get to work!
X	Fixed up all the messy screens.
X	Re-Written with curses.  Now have 36 elements.
X	They are located in a separate file, so that compilation is not
X	necessary.  This slows down startup time, however.  The light-up
X	menu bar works better & faster, does not leave a trail.
X	Added all the elements.  Now I can work with the whole program.
X	Re-wrote the sorting subroutine.  Now it works fast and ALWAYS
X	works!
X	Bug fixes
X	Bug fixes
X	Added a graphing module!  (tough)
X	Added 'undefines' and highlights to the vdata routine.
X	Took out the light-up menu bar and replaced with letter/number
X	driven cbreak() menus.  Changed all wmove() wprintw() to mvwaddstr()
X	Added a 'look at one element' menu option
X	Added a title screen
X	Changed the main menu around so it fit the curriculum
X	Minor bug fixed, manual pages written
chmod 0755 2d || echo "restore of 2d fails"
set `wc -c 2d`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "1342"
then echo original size 1342, current size $Sum;fi
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > contents &&
XChemTab - A Periodic Table Data Base (C) 1989 Jim King - Table of Contents
X1. Operator's Manual
X   a. Starting the program...............................................1
X   b. Looking at a specific element......................................2
X   c. Choosing characteristics to select elements........................3
X   d. Viewing the selected elements......................................4
X   e. Graphing elemental characteristics.................................5
X   f. Exiting the program................................................6
X2. Programmer's Manual
X   a. Dynamics
X      1. Variables.......................................................P1
X      2. Subroutines.....................................................P2
X   b. (Vague step-by-step instructions on) How to:
X      1. Changing elements
X	 a. Add an element to the program................................P3
X	 b. Changing part of an element..................................P3
X      2. Add a characteristic to the program.............................P4
X      3. Add a main menu selection.......................................P5
X   c. Bugs to fix........................................................P6
X   d. Version Logs.......................................................P7
chmod 0755 contents || echo "restore of contents fails"
set `wc -c contents`;Sum=$1
if test "$Sum" != "1275"
then echo original size 1275, current size $Sum;fi
exit 0

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