v01i026: Tooltool - a suntools user interface builder, Part 07/13

Charles Mcgrew mcgrew at dartagnan.rutgers.edu
Wed Jun 7 14:19:43 AEST 1989

Submitted-by: Chuck Musciano <chuck at trantor.harris-atd.com>
Posting-number: Volume 1, Issue 26
Archive-name: tooltool2.1c/part07

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of archive 7 (of 13)."
# Contents:  objects.c samples/vt100/out.c
# Wrapped by chuck at melmac on Thu Jun  1 10:39:33 1989
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'objects.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'objects.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'objects.c'\" \(19133 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'objects.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/*	Copyright 1988 by Chuck Musciano and Harris Corporation		*/
X/*									*/
X/*	Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software	*/
X/*	and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is	*/
X/*	hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice	*/
X/*	appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and	*/
X/*	this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and	*/
X/*	that the name of Chuck Musciano and Harris Corporation not be	*/
X/*	used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution	*/
X/*	of the software without specific, written prior permission.	*/
X/*	Chuck Musciano and Harris Corporation make no representations	*/
X/*	about the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is	*/
X/*	provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.		*/
X/*									*/
X/*	The sale of any product based wholely or in part upon the 	*/
X/*	technology provided by tooltool is strictly forbidden without	*/
X/*	specific, prior written permission from Harris Corporation.	*/
X/*	Tooltool technology includes, but is not limited to, the source	*/
X/*	code, executable binary files, specification language, and	*/
X/*	sample specification files.					*/
X#include	<ctype.h>
X#include	"tooltool.h"
XPRIVATE	short	cross_bits[] = {0x4000, 0xe000, 0x4000};
Xmpr_static(tt_better_button_cross, 3, 3, 1, cross_bits);
XPRIVATE	short	arrow_bits[] = {0x0400, 0x0600, 0xFD00, 0x0180, 0xFD00, 0x0600, 0x0400};
Xmpr_static(tt_menu_arrow, 9, 7, 1, arrow_bits);
XPUBLIC	event_proc(),
X	notify_proc();
X/* This group of routines contructs individual panel gadgets.		*/
XPRIVATE	struct	pixrect	*better_menu_image(text, chars, pixels, font)
Xchar	*text;
Xint	chars;
Xint	pixels;
Xstruct	pixfont	*font;
X{	struct	pixrect	*pr;
X	struct	pr_prpos	pos;
X	int	width, true_width, height;
X	width = chars * charwidth_of(font) + pixels;
X	true_width = text_width(text, font) + 13;
X	if (width < true_width)
X	   width = true_width;
X	pr = mem_create(width + 8, height = charheight_of(font) + 6, 1);
X	pr_rop(pr, 0, 0, width + 8, height, PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(1), NULL, 0, 0);
X	pr_rop(pr, 2, 2, width + 4, height - 4, PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(0), NULL, 0, 0);
X	pr_rop(pr, width - 5, (height - 7) / 2, 9, 7, PIX_SRC, &tt_menu_arrow, 0, 0);
X	pos.pr = pr;
X	pos.pos.x = 4 + (width - true_width) / 2;
X	pos.pos.y = 4 + baseline_of(font);
X	pf_ttext(pos, PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(1), font, text);
X	return(pr);
XPRIVATE	struct	pixrect	*better_button_image(text, chars, pixels, font)
Xchar	*text;
Xint	chars;
Xint	pixels;
Xstruct	pixfont	*font;
X{	struct	pixrect	*pr;
X	struct	pr_prpos	pos;
X	int	width, true_width, height;
X	width = chars * charwidth_of(font) + pixels;
X	true_width = text_width(text, font);
X	if (width < true_width)
X	   width = true_width;
X	pr = mem_create(width + 8, height = charheight_of(font) + 6, 1);
X	pr_rop(pr, 3, 0, width + 2, 2, PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(1), NULL, 0, 0);
X	pr_rop(pr, 3, height - 2, width + 2, 2, PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(1), NULL, 0, 0);
X	pr_rop(pr, 0, 3, 2, height - 6, PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(1), NULL, 0, 0);
X	pr_rop(pr, width + 6, 3, 2, height - 6, PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(1), NULL, 0, 0);
X	pr_rop(pr, 1, 1, 3, 3, PIX_SRC | PIX_DST, &tt_better_button_cross, 0, 0);
X	pr_rop(pr, width + 4, 1, 3, 3, PIX_SRC | PIX_DST, &tt_better_button_cross, 0, 0);
X	pr_rop(pr, width + 4, height - 4, 3, 3, PIX_SRC | PIX_DST, &tt_better_button_cross, 0, 0);
X	pr_rop(pr, 1, height - 4, 3, 3, PIX_SRC | PIX_DST, &tt_better_button_cross, 0, 0);
X	pos.pr = pr;
X	pos.pos.x = 4 + (width - true_width) / 2;
X	pos.pos.y = 4 + baseline_of(font);
X	pf_ttext(pos, PIX_SRC | PIX_COLOR(1), font, text);
X	return(pr);
XPRIVATE	image_box(gadget)
Xg_ptr	gadget;
X{	int	w, h, mw, mh;
X	cv_ptr	cv;
X	double	log10();
X	if (gadget->kind == GADGET_BUTTON) {
X	   if (gadget->u.but.label[0]->is_icon) {
X	      gadget->image = gadget->u.but.label[0]->image;
X	      gadget->width = gadget->image->pr_width;
X	      gadget->height = gadget->image->pr_height;
X	      }
X	   else {
X	      gadget->width = text_width(gadget->u.but.label[0]->label, gadget->u.but.label[0]->font) + 8;
X	      gadget->height = charheight_of(gadget->u.but.label[0]->font) + 6;
X	      }
X	   }
X	else if (gadget->kind == GADGET_MENU) {
X	   if (gadget->u.men.label->is_icon) {
X	      gadget->image = gadget->u.men.label->image;
X	      gadget->width = gadget->image->pr_width;
X	      gadget->height = gadget->image->pr_height;
X	      }
X	   else {
X	      gadget->width = text_width(gadget->u.men.label->label, gadget->u.men.label->font) + 21;
X	      gadget->height = charheight_of(gadget->u.men.label->font) + 6;
X	      }
X	   }
X	else if (gadget->kind == GADGET_LABEL) {
X	   tt_construct_label(gadget->u.lab.label);
X	   gadget->image = gadget->u.lab.label->image;
X	   gadget->width = gadget->image->pr_width;
X	   gadget->height = gadget->image->pr_height;
X	   }
X	else if (gadget->kind == GADGET_CHOICE) {
X	   if (gadget->u.cho.label == NULL) {
X	      gadget->width = -4; /* hack: correct for 4 pixel offset below */
X	      gadget->height = 0;
X	      }
X	   else {
X	      tt_construct_label(gadget->u.cho.label);
X	      gadget->image = gadget->u.cho.label->image;
X	      gadget->width = gadget->u.cho.label->image->pr_width;
X	      gadget->height = gadget->u.cho.label->image->pr_height;
X	      }
X	   tt_construct_label(gadget->u.cho.mark);
X	   tt_construct_label(gadget->u.cho.nomark);
X	   mw = max(gadget->u.cho.mark->image->pr_width, gadget->u.cho.nomark->image->pr_width);
X	   mh = max(gadget->u.cho.mark->image->pr_height, gadget->u.cho.nomark->image->pr_height);
X	   for (w = h = 0, cv = gadget->u.cho.value; cv; cv = cv->next) {
X	      tt_construct_label(cv->label);
X	      switch (gadget->u.cho.mode) {
X	         case CHOICE_CURRENT    : 
X	         case CHOICE_CYCLE      : h = max(cv->label->image->pr_height, h);
X				          w = max(cv->label->image->pr_width, w);
X				          break;
X	         case CHOICE_VERTICAL   : h += max(cv->label->image->pr_height, mh) + 4;
X				          w = max(cv->label->image->pr_width, w);
X				          break;
X	         case CHOICE_HORIZONTAL : h = max(cv->label->image->pr_height, h);
X				          w += cv->label->image->pr_width + mw + 8;
X				          break;
X		 }
X	      }
X	   switch (gadget->u.cho.mode) {
X	      case CHOICE_CURRENT    : gadget->width += w + 4;
X	      			       gadget->height = max(gadget->height, h);
X				       break;
X	      case CHOICE_CYCLE      : gadget->width += w + mw + 8;
X	      			       gadget->height = max(gadget->height, h);
X	      			       gadget->height = max(gadget->height, mh);
X				       break;
X	      case CHOICE_VERTICAL   : gadget->width += w + mw + 8;
X	      			       gadget->height = max(gadget->height, h - 4);
X				       break;
X	      case CHOICE_HORIZONTAL : gadget->width += w;
X				       gadget->height = max(gadget->height, h);
X				       break;
X	      }
X	   gadget->u.cho.ch_width = w;
X	   gadget->u.cho.ch_height = h;
X	   }
X	else if (gadget->kind == GADGET_SLIDER) {
X	   if (gadget->u.sli.label == NULL) {
X	      gadget->width = -4; /* hack: correct for 4 pixel offset below */
X	      gadget->height = 0;
X	      }
X	   else {
X	      tt_construct_label(gadget->u.sli.label);
X	      gadget->image = gadget->u.sli.label->image;
X	      gadget->width = gadget->u.sli.label->image->pr_width;
X	      gadget->height = gadget->u.sli.label->image->pr_height;
X	      }
X	   gadget->height = max(gadget->height, charheight_of(gadget->u.sli.font));
X	   gadget->width += 10 + gadget->u.sli.width;
X	   w = max(((int) log10(abs(gadget->u.sli.minimum) + 0.1)), ((int) log10(abs(gadget->u.sli.maximum) + 0.1))) + 1;
X	   if (gadget->u.sli.minimum < 0 || gadget->u.sli.maximum < 0)
X	      w++;
X	   if (gadget->u.sli.range)
X	      gadget->width += (2 * w + 2) * charwidth_of(gadget->u.sli.font);
X	   if (gadget->u.sli.value)
X	      gadget->width += (w + 3) * charwidth_of(gadget->u.sli.font);
X	   }
X	else if (gadget->kind == GADGET_TEXT) {
X	   if (gadget->u.tex.label == NULL) {
X	      gadget->width = -4; /* hack: correct for 4 pixel offset below */
X	      gadget->height = 0;
X	      }
X	   else {
X	      tt_construct_label(gadget->u.tex.label);
X	      gadget->image = gadget->u.tex.label->image;
X	      gadget->width = gadget->u.tex.label->image->pr_width;
X	      gadget->height = gadget->u.tex.label->image->pr_height;
X	      }
X	   gadget->width += 4 + gadget->u.tex.display_len * charwidth_of(gadget->u.tex.font);
X	   gadget->height = max(charheight_of(gadget->u.tex.font), gadget->height);
X	   }
XEXPORT	tt_build_images(d)
Xd_ptr	d;
X{	int	i, len = 0;
X	g_ptr	b;
X	char	*p;
X	for (b = d->gadgets; b; b = b->next) {
X	   image_box(b);
X	   if (b->kind == GADGET_BUTTON || b->kind == GADGET_MENU)
X	      len = (b->width > len)? b->width : len;
X	   }
X	if (d->proportional)
X	   len = 0;
X	for (b = d->gadgets; b; b = b->next) {
X	   if (b->kind == GADGET_BUTTON) {
X	      if (b->image == NULL) {
X	         b->image = better_button_image(b->u.but.label[0]->label, 0, len - 8, b->u.but.label[0]->font);
X	         b->width = b->image->pr_width;
X	         b->height = b->image->pr_height;
X	         }
X	      b->u.but.menu = menu_create(0);
X	      for (i = 0; i < MAX_SHIFT_SETS; i++)
X	         if (b->u.but.label[i])
X	            if (b->u.but.label[i]->is_icon) {
X	               menu_set(b->u.but.menu,
X	               		   MENU_APPEND_ITEM, menu_create_item(MENU_IMAGE_ITEM, b->u.but.label[i]->image, b->u.but.action[i],
X	               		   				      0),
X	               		0);
X	               }
X	            else {
X	               p = (char *) safe_malloc(strlen(b->u.but.label[i]->label) + 5);
X	               strcpy(p, "    ");
X	               strcat(p, b->u.but.label[i]->label);
X	               if (i & S_SHIFT)
X	                  p[0] = 'S';
X	               if (i & S_CONTROL)
X	                  p[1] = 'C';
X	               if (i & S_META)
X	                  p[2] = 'M';
X	               menu_set(b->u.but.menu,
X	               		   MENU_APPEND_ITEM, menu_create_item(MENU_STRING_ITEM, p, b->u.but.action[i],
X	               						      MENU_FONT, b->u.but.label[i]->font,
X	               						      0),
X	               		0);
X	               }
X	      }
X	   else if (b->kind == GADGET_MENU) {
X	      if (b->image == NULL) {
X	         b->image = better_menu_image(b->u.men.label->label, 0, len - 8, d->g_font);
X	         b->width = b->image->pr_width;
X	         b->height = b->image->pr_height;
X	         }
X	      }
X	   else if (b->kind == GADGET_LABEL) {
X	      /* do nothing, image_box took care of it */
X	      }
X	   else if (b->kind == GADGET_TEXT) {
X	      /* do nothing, image_box took care of it */
X	      }
X	   else if (b->kind == GADGET_CHOICE) {
X	      /* do nothing, image_box took care of it */
X	      }
X	   else if (b->kind == GADGET_SLIDER) {
X	      /* do nothing, image_box took care of it */
X	      }
X	   }
XEXPORT	tt_make_gadget(d, gadget, x, y)
Xd_ptr	d;
Xg_ptr	gadget;
Xint	x;
Xint	y;
X{	char	*s;
X	int	i, lx, ly, mx, my, vx, vy, max_h, max_mh, max_mw;
X	Panel_item	p;
X	cv_ptr	cv;
X	if (gadget->x != -1) {
X	   x = gadget->x;
X	   y = gadget->y;
X	   }
X	if (gadget->kind == GADGET_BUTTON || gadget->kind == GADGET_MENU)
X	   p = panel_create_item(d->panel, (gadget->kind == GADGET_BUTTON)? PANEL_BUTTON : PANEL_MESSAGE,
X				    PANEL_LABEL_IMAGE, gadget->image,
X				    PANEL_ITEM_X, x,
X				    PANEL_ITEM_Y, y,
X				    PANEL_CLIENT_DATA, gadget,
X				    PANEL_EVENT_PROC, event_proc,
X				    PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, notify_proc,
X				    PANEL_ACCEPT_KEYSTROKE, !d->text_items_exist,
X				 0);
X	else if (gadget->kind == GADGET_LABEL)
X	   p = panel_create_item(d->panel, PANEL_MESSAGE,
X				    PANEL_LABEL_IMAGE, gadget->image,
X				    PANEL_ITEM_X, x,
X				    PANEL_ITEM_Y, y,
X				    PANEL_CLIENT_DATA, gadget,
X				    PANEL_EVENT_PROC, event_proc,
X				    PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, notify_proc,
X				    PANEL_ACCEPT_KEYSTROKE, !d->text_items_exist,
X				 0);
X	else if (gadget->kind == GADGET_SLIDER) {
X	   if (gadget->u.sli.label == NULL)
X	      /* do nothing */ ;
X	   else if (gadget->u.sli.label->image->pr_height > charheight_of(gadget->u.sli.font)) {
X	      ly = y;
X	      vy = y + (gadget->u.sli.label->image->pr_height - charheight_of(gadget->u.sli.font)) / 2;
X	      }
X	   else {
X	      ly = y + (charheight_of(gadget->u.sli.font) - gadget->u.sli.label->image->pr_height) / 2;
X	      vy = y;
X	      }
X	   if (gadget->u.sli.label)
X	      p = panel_create_item(d->panel, PANEL_SLIDER,
X	      			       PANEL_LABEL_IMAGE, gadget->image,
X	      			       PANEL_LABEL_X, x,
X	      			       PANEL_LABEL_Y, ly,
X	      			       PANEL_VALUE_X, x + gadget->image->pr_width + 4,
X	      			       PANEL_VALUE_Y, vy,
X	      			    0);
X	   else
X	      p = panel_create_item(d->panel, PANEL_SLIDER,
X	      			       PANEL_VALUE_X, x,
X	      			       PANEL_VALUE_Y, y,
X	      			    0);
X	   panel_set(p, PANEL_MIN_VALUE, gadget->u.sli.minimum,
X	   	        PANEL_MAX_VALUE, gadget->u.sli.maximum,
X	   	        PANEL_VALUE, gadget->u.sli.initial,
X	   	        PANEL_VALUE_FONT, gadget->u.sli.font,
X	   	        PANEL_SHOW_RANGE, gadget->u.sli.range,
X	   	        PANEL_SHOW_VALUE, gadget->u.sli.value,
X	   	        PANEL_SLIDER_WIDTH, gadget->u.sli.width,
X	   	        PANEL_CLIENT_DATA, gadget,
X		        PANEL_EVENT_PROC, event_proc,
X		        PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, notify_proc,
X		        PANEL_ACCEPT_KEYSTROKE, !d->text_items_exist,
X		     0);
X	   }
X	else if (gadget->kind == GADGET_CHOICE) {
X	   p = panel_create_item(d->panel, PANEL_CHOICE,
X	   			    PANEL_MARK_IMAGES, gadget->u.cho.mark->image, 0,
X	      		   	    PANEL_NOMARK_IMAGES, gadget->u.cho.nomark->image, 0,
X	      		   	    PANEL_CLIENT_DATA, gadget,
X	      		   	    PANEL_EVENT_PROC, event_proc,
X	      		   	    PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, notify_proc,
X	      		   	    PANEL_FEEDBACK, (gadget->u.cho.mode != CHOICE_CURRENT)? PANEL_MARKED : PANEL_NONE,
X	      		   	 0);
X	   if (gadget->u.cho.mode == CHOICE_CURRENT || gadget->u.cho.mode == CHOICE_CYCLE)
X	      panel_set(p, PANEL_DISPLAY_LEVEL, PANEL_CURRENT, 0);
X	   else
X	      panel_set(p, PANEL_DISPLAY_LEVEL, PANEL_ALL, 0);
X	   max_mw = (gadget->u.cho.mode != CHOICE_CURRENT)? max(gadget->u.cho.mark->image->pr_width, gadget->u.cho.nomark->image->pr_width) : -4;
X	   max_mh = (gadget->u.cho.mode != CHOICE_CURRENT)? max(gadget->u.cho.mark->image->pr_height, gadget->u.cho.nomark->image->pr_height) : 0;
X	   if (gadget->u.cho.label) {
X	      lx = x;
X	      mx = x + gadget->u.cho.label->image->pr_width + 4;
X	      vx = mx + max_mw + 4;
X	      if (gadget->u.cho.label->image->pr_height > max_mh)
X	         if (gadget->u.cho.label->image->pr_height > gadget->u.cho.ch_height)
X	            max_h = gadget->u.cho.label->image->pr_height;
X	         else
X	            max_h = gadget->u.cho.ch_height;
X	      else if (max_mh > gadget->u.cho.ch_height)
X	         max_h = max_mh;
X	      else
X	         max_h = gadget->u.cho.ch_height;
X	      ly = y + (max_h - gadget->u.cho.label->image->pr_height) / 2;
X	      my = y + (max_h - max_mh) / 2;
X	      vy = y + (max_h - gadget->u.cho.ch_height) / 2;
X	      }
X	   else {
X	      mx = x;
X	      vx = x + max_mw + 4;
X	      max_h = max(max_mh, gadget->u.cho.ch_height);
X	      my = y + (max_h - max_mh) / 2;
X	      vy = y + (max_h - gadget->u.cho.ch_height) / 2;
X	      }
X	   if (gadget->u.cho.mode == CHOICE_VERTICAL) {
X	      ly = y;
X	      for (i = 0, vy = y, cv = gadget->u.cho.value; cv; i++, cv = cv->next) {
X	         if (max_mh > cv->label->image->pr_height)
X	            panel_set(p, PANEL_CHOICE_IMAGE, i, cv->label->image,
X	            		 PANEL_CHOICE_X, i, vx,
X	            		 PANEL_CHOICE_Y, i, vy + (max_mh - cv->label->image->pr_height) / 2,
X	            		 PANEL_MARK_X, i, mx,
X	            		 PANEL_MARK_Y, i, vy,
X	            	      0);
X	         else
X	            panel_set(p, PANEL_CHOICE_IMAGE, i, cv->label->image,
X	            		 PANEL_CHOICE_X, i, vx,
X	            		 PANEL_CHOICE_Y, i, vy,
X	            		 PANEL_MARK_X, i, mx,
X	            		 PANEL_MARK_Y, i, vy + (cv->label->image->pr_height - max_mh) / 2,
X	            	      0);
X	         vy += max(max_mh, cv->label->image->pr_height) + 4;
X	         }
X	      }
X	   else {
X	      for (i = 0, cv = gadget->u.cho.value; cv; cv = cv->next, i++) {
X	         panel_set(p, PANEL_CHOICE_IMAGE, i, cv->label->image,
X	            	      PANEL_CHOICE_X, i, vx,
X	            	      PANEL_CHOICE_Y, i, vy + (gadget->u.cho.ch_height - cv->label->image->pr_height) / 2,
X	            	   0);
X	         if (gadget->u.cho.mode != CHOICE_CURRENT)
X	            panel_set(p, PANEL_MARK_X, i, mx,
X	            	         PANEL_MARK_Y, i, my,
X	            	      0);
X	         if (gadget->u.cho.mode == CHOICE_HORIZONTAL) {
X	            mx += max_mw + cv->label->image->pr_width + 8;
X	            vx += max_mw + cv->label->image->pr_width + 8;
X	            }
X	         }
X	      }
X	   if (gadget->u.cho.label)
X	      panel_set(p, PANEL_LABEL_IMAGE, gadget->u.cho.label->image,
X	      		   PANEL_LABEL_X, lx,
X	      		   PANEL_LABEL_Y, ly,
X	      		0);
X	   }
X	else if (gadget->kind == GADGET_TEXT) {
X	   if (gadget->u.tex.label == NULL)
X	      vy = y;
X	   else if (gadget->u.tex.label->is_icon)
X	      if (gadget->u.tex.label->image->pr_height > gadget->u.tex.font->pf_defaultsize.y) {
X	         ly = y;
X	         vy = y + (gadget->height - gadget->u.tex.font->pf_defaultsize.y) / 2;
X	         }
X	      else {
X	         ly = y + (gadget->height - gadget->u.tex.label->image->pr_height) / 2;
X	         vy = y;
X	         }
X	   else
X	      if (gadget->u.tex.label->font->pf_defaultsize.y > gadget->u.tex.font->pf_defaultsize.y) {
X	         ly = y;
X	         vy = y + (baseline_of(gadget->u.tex.label->font) - baseline_of(gadget->u.tex.font));
X	         }
X	      else {
X	         ly = y + (baseline_of(gadget->u.tex.font) - baseline_of(gadget->u.tex.label->font));
X	         vy = y;
X	         }
X	   if (gadget->u.tex.label)
X	      p = panel_create_item(d->panel, PANEL_TEXT,
X	      			       PANEL_LABEL_IMAGE, gadget->image,
X	      			       PANEL_LABEL_X, x,
X	   	     		       PANEL_LABEL_Y, ly,
X	      			    0);
X	   else
X	      p = panel_create_item(d->panel, PANEL_TEXT, 0);
X	   panel_set(p, PANEL_VALUE_X, gadget->u.tex.label? x + 4 + gadget->image->pr_width : x,
X		        PANEL_VALUE_Y, vy,
X		        PANEL_VALUE_DISPLAY_LENGTH, gadget->u.tex.display_len,
X		        PANEL_VALUE_STORED_LENGTH, gadget->u.tex.retain_len,
X		        PANEL_VALUE_FONT, gadget->u.tex.font,
X	   		PANEL_CLIENT_DATA, gadget,
X	   		PANEL_EVENT_PROC, event_proc,
X	   		PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, notify_proc,
X	   	     0);
X	   }
X	gadget->panel_item = p;
if test 19133 -ne `wc -c <'objects.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'objects.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'objects.c'
if test -f 'samples/vt100/out.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'samples/vt100/out.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'samples/vt100/out.c'\" \(19613 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'samples/vt100/out.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X * vtem - A termcap driven VT100 emulator for BSD Unix
X *
X * $Header: /home/src/local/vttool/RCS/out.c,v 1.2 89/02/08 16:08:10 jqj Exp $
X *
X * $Log:	out.c,v $
X * Revision 1.2  89/02/08  16:08:10  jqj
X * Many changes for better emulation.  Emulator now passes most vttest tests
X * with the exception of double height/width lines and special characters.
X * Major changes include:
X * 1/ respond to terminal inquiries
X * 2/ reasonable handling of 132-column mode (truncate lines if no room).  Full
X * 	support if CO >= 132 in termcap.
X * 3/ correct handling of autowrap (e.g. "x" in col 80 then cursor up => no wrap)
X * 4/ support for VT102 features (I/D line, D char, IRM, terminal inquiry)
X * 5/ newline mode
X * 6/ \E[5r should set scrolling region to [5,24]
X * 7/ correct handling of character sets in VT52 mode
X * 8/ correct handling of most control characters
X * 9/ various miscellaneous bugs in the emulation
X * 
X * Version 1.1+gnu1+bgb
X * Fixed handling of ^[[0;0r - clear scroll region barnett at ge-crd.arpa
X * added mechanism to approximate the VT52 Special Graphics Set
X * ^[Fn where  \0157 <= n <= \0176
X *
X * Version 1.1+gnu1
X * Bug fixes by hoptoad!gnu for version 1.1+gnu1:
X * Don't walk past the end of the 'tabs' array if we are in column 81.
X * There may still be a few column 81 bugs in here.
X *
X * Public domain software.
X * Written by Leif Samuelsson (leif at erisun) in December, 1985
X */
X#include "vtem.h"
Xtypedef Bool int;
Xtypedef enum { NORMAL, GRAPHICS } char_set;
Xstatic int	row, col, save_row, save_col, top_margin, bottom_margin;
Xstatic char_set	g0_set, g1_set;
Xstatic Bool	blink, bold, reverse, underline,
X		save_blink, save_bold, save_reverse, save_underline,
X		origin_mode, vt52_mode, wrap_mode,
X		newline_mode, insert_mode, echo_mode,
X		cursor_key_mode, keypad_app_mode,
X		shift_out, need_wrap;
Xstatic int	wrap_column;	/* 80 or 132 */
Xstatic short tabs[132];
Xstatic FILE *f;
Xstatic int arg[10], argno;
Xstatic char *answerback = "\r";
X/* arow is absolute row, taking top_margin into account */
X#define arow	(row + (origin_mode ? (top_margin - 1) : 0))
X/* nextch - read output and interpret control characters.
X *	    Return first non-control character, or EOF or CAN on error
X */
Xint nextch()
Xregister int ch;
X    while ((ch = getc(f)) != EOF) {
X	switch (ch) {
X	    case '\0':			/* Ignore nulls and DELs */
X	    case '\177':
X		    break;
X	    case '\005':		/* Dumb answerback */
X		    write(master,answerback,strlen(answerback));
X		    break;
X	    case '\007':		/* Bell */
X		ring_bell(); break;
X	    case '\b':			/* BackSpace */
X		    need_wrap = 0;
X		    if (col > 1) {
X			if (--col < CO)
X			    backspace();
X		    } break;
X	    case '\t':			/* Tab */
X		while (col < wrap_column && !tabs[col++])
X		    need_wrap = 0;
X		set_cursor(col-1, arow-1); break;
X	    case '\n':			/* Line Feed */
X	    case '\013':		/* VT */
X	    case '\014':		/* FF */
X		    if (newline_mode) 
X			do_newline();
X		    else do_linefeed();
X		    break;
X	    case '\r':			/* Carriage Return */
X		need_wrap = 0;
X		if (col > 1) {
X		    col = 1;
X		    cr();
X		} break;
X	    case '\016':
X		shift_out = 1; break;
X	    case '\017':
X	        shift_out = 0; break;
X	    case '\032':		/* SUB -- treat as CAN */
X		ch = '\030';		/* and print error indicator */
X		do_printing('a', GRAPHICS);
X	    default:
X		return(ch);
X	}
X	if (f->_cnt == 0)
X	    fflush(stdout);
X    }
X    return(ch);
X/* handle_output - Main loop of output process.
X *		   Reads and dispatches characters from output stream.
X * Called from main() in a lower fork.
X */
Xregister int ch;
X    (void) close(0);
X    if ((f = fdopen(master, "r")) == (FILE *) 0) {
X	fprintf(stderr, "handle_output: Can't read from shell\r\n");
X	exit(1);
X    }
X    do_reset();
X    if (vttype == VT52)
X	vt52_mode = 1;
X    while ((ch = nextch()) != EOF) {
X	if (ch == '\033') {		/* Escape character */
X	    if (vt52_mode)
X		do_vt52_escape();
X	    else
X		do_ansi_escape();
X	}
X	else if (ch >= ' ')		/* Printing character */
X	    do_printing(ch,(shift_out ? g1_set : g0_set));
X	if (f->_cnt == 0)
X	    fflush(stdout);
X    }
X    fclose(f);
X    exit(0);
X/* do_printing - process a printing character.
X * ch -- the ascii character to be printed.
X * charset -- NORMAL or GRAPHICS
X */
Xstatic do_printing(ch, charset)
Xchar ch;
Xchar_set charset;
X    /* on some terminals, we could be smarter about graphics characters */
X    if (charset == GRAPHICS) {
X	if (ch >= '_')
X	    ch = " *#HFCLo+NV+++++---__++++!<>P##. "[ch - '_'];
X    }
X    if (need_wrap) {		/* last action wrote to wrap column */
X	col = 1;
X	need_wrap = 0;
X	set_cursor(col-1, arow-1);
X	do_linefeed();
X    }
X    if (col == wrap_column) {	/* last column of current display */
X	if (arow < LI && col <= CO)
X	    putchar(ch);	/* Must ignore last pos to avoid scroll */
X	set_cursor(col-1, arow-1);
X	if (wrap_mode)
X	    need_wrap = 1;
X    }
X    else {
X	if (col <= CO && (col < CO || arow < LI)) {
X	    if (insert_mode)
X		insert_char(ch);	/* maybe make room, then print */
X	    else putchar(ch);		/* just print it */
X	    if (col == CO)		/* might have caused a wrap if AM */
X		set_cursor(col-1, arow-1);	/* put it back where it was */
X	}
X	col++;
X    }
X/* do_ansi_escape - reads and interprets an ANSI escape sequence
X */
Xstatic do_ansi_escape()
Xregister int ch;
X    if ((ch = nextch()) == EOF)
X	return;
X    switch (ch) {
X	case '\030':			/* CANCEL */
X	    break;
X	case '#': 
X	    do_hash();
X	    break;
X	case '=':			/* we ignore keypad_app_mode */
X	    keypad_app_mode = 0; break;
X	case '>':
X	    keypad_app_mode = 1; break;
X	case '(':
X	case ')':
X	    do_character_sets(ch); break;
X	case '7':			/* save cursor */
X	    save_row = row;
X	    save_col = col;
X	    save_blink = blink;
X	    save_bold = bold;
X	    save_reverse = reverse;
X	    save_underline = underline;
X	    break;
X	case '8':			/* resort cursor */
X	    row = save_row;		/* if no previous SAVE, use default */
X	    col = save_col;
X	    set_cursor(col-1, arow-1);
X	    if (blink = save_blink)
X		start_blink();
X	    if (bold = save_bold)
X		start_bold();
X	    if (reverse = save_reverse)
X		start_reverse();
X	    if (underline = save_underline)
X		start_underline();
X	    break;
X	case 'D':			/* cursor down, with scroll */
X	    do_linefeed(); break;
X	case 'E':			/* CRLF, with scroll */
X	    do_newline(); break;
X	case 'H':			/* set tab in current column */
X	    if (col <= sizeof (tabs)/sizeof (*tabs))
X		    tabs[col-1] = 1; break;
X	case 'M':			/* cursor up, with scroll */
X	    do_reverse_lf(); break;
X	case 'Z':
X	    do_device_attributes(); break;
X	case '[':
X	    do_csi(); break;
X	case 'c':
X	    do_reset();
X	    ring_bell(); break;
X    }
X/* do_csi - the real ANSI interpreter
X */
Xstatic do_csi()
Xregister int i, ch;
Xint private;
X    if ((ch = nextch()) == EOF || ch == '\030')
X	return;
X    /* Check if private VT100 esc sequence */
X    private = 0;
X    if (ch == '?') {
X	private = 1;
X	if ((ch = nextch()) == EOF || ch == '\030')
X	    return;
X    }
X    /* Parse arguments */
X    argno = 0;
X    while ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == ';') {
X	arg[argno] = 0;
X	while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
X	    arg[argno] = arg[argno] * 10 + (ch - '0');
X	    if ((ch = nextch()) == EOF || ch == '\030')
X		return;
X	}
X	if (ch == ';') {
X	    if ((ch = nextch()) == EOF || ch == '\030')
X		return;
X	}
X	argno++;
X    }
X    if (private) {
X	switch (ch) {
X	    case 'h':
X		do_set_mode(private,1);
X		break;
X	    case 'l':
X		do_set_mode(private,0);
X		break;
X	}
X    }
X    else {
X	switch (ch) {
X	    case 'A':
X		need_wrap = 0;
X		i = (argno == 1 && arg[0] > 0) ? arg[0] : 1;
X		while (i-- && arow > 1 && arow != top_margin) {
X		    cursor_up();
X		    row--;
X		} break;
X	    case 'B':
X		need_wrap = 0;
X		i = (argno == 1 && arg[0] > 0) ? arg[0] : 1;
X		while (i-- && arow < 24 && arow != bottom_margin) {
X		    cursor_down();
X		    row++;
X		} break;
X	    case 'C':
X		i = (argno == 1 && arg[0] > 0) ? arg[0] : 1;
X		while (i-- && col < wrap_column) {
X		    need_wrap = 0;
X		    if (col++ < CO)
X			cursor_right();
X		} break;
X	    case 'D':
X		need_wrap = 0;
X		i = (argno == 1 && arg[0] > 0) ? arg[0] : 1;
X		while (i-- && col > 1) {
X		    if (--col < CO)
X			backspace();
X		} break;
X	    case 'H':
X	    case 'f':
X		do_set_cursor(); break;
X	    case 'J':
X		do_erase_in_display(); break;
X	    case 'K':
X		do_erase_in_line(); break;
X	    case 'L':
X		do_insert_line(); break;
X	    case 'M':
X		do_delete_line(); break;
X	    case 'P':
X		do_delete_char(); break;
X	    case 'c':
X	    	do_device_attributes(); break;
X	    case 'g':
X	        do_clear_tabs(); break;
X	    case 'h':
X		do_set_mode(private,1); break;
X	    case 'l':
X		do_set_mode(private,0); break;
X	    case 'm':
X		do_attributes(); break;
X	    case 'n':
X	    	do_device_status_report(private); break;
X	    case 'r':
X		do_set_scroll_region(); break;
X	    case 'x':
X		/* Request Terminal Parameters--make some up for now */
X		if (argno == 0 || arg[0] == 0)
X		    write(master,"\033[2;1;2;120;120;1;0x",20);
X		else if (arg[0] == 1)
X		    write(master,"\033[3;1;2;120;120;1;0x",20);
X		break;
X	}
X    }
X/* do_set_mode - process \E[<#;...>h \E[<#;...>l
X * private == 1 -- call was \E[?...
X * setit == 1 -- call was \E[...h (set_mode) rather than \E[...l (reset_mode)
X */
Xstatic do_set_mode(private,setit)
XBool private, setit;
X    int i;
X    for (i = 0; i < argno; i++) {
X	if (private) switch (arg[i]) {
X	    case 1:			/* DECCKM */
X		cursor_key_mode = setit; break;
X	    case 2:			/* DECANM */
X		vt52_mode = !setit; break;
X	    case 3:			/* DECCOLM */
X		clear_screen();
X		row = 1; col = 1;
X		top_margin = 1; bottom_margin = 24;
X		set_cursor(col-1, arow-1);
X		wrap_column = setit ? 132 : 80;
X		break;
X	    case 6:			/* DECOM */
X		origin_mode = setit; break;
X	    case 7:			/* DECAWN */
X		wrap_mode = setit; break;
X	    case 12:			/* echo -- not implemented */
X		echo_mode = setit; break;
X	    default:			/* DECSNM, DECARM, DECPFF, DECPEX */
X		break;
X	}
X	else switch (arg[i]) {		/* ANSI sequences */
X	    case 4:			/* IRM -- insert/replace mode */
X	        if (vttype == VT102) {
X		    insert_mode = setit;
X		    set_insert_mode(setit);
X		}
X		break;
X	    case 20:			/* LNM - linefeed/newline mode */
X		newline_mode = setit; break;
X	}
X    }
X/* do_vt52_escape - interprets VT52 escape sequences
X * note that if vttype==VT52 we provide a partial emulation of a VT52,
X * just as a VT100 does, not a real VT52.
X */
Xstatic do_vt52_escape()
Xregister int ch;
X    if ((ch = nextch()) == EOF)
X	return;
X    switch (ch) {
X	case '=':			/* we ignore keypad_app_mode */
X	    keypad_app_mode = 0; break;
X	case '>':
X	    keypad_app_mode = 1; break;
X	case '<':
X		if (vttype != VT52)	/* can we handle VT100 sequences? */
X		    vt52_mode = 0;
X		break;
X	case 'A':
X		if (row > 1) {
X		    need_wrap = 0;
X		    cursor_up();
X		    row--;
X		} break;
X	case 'B':
X		if (row < bottom_margin-top_margin+1) {
X		    need_wrap = 0;
X		    cursor_down();
X		    row++;
X		} break;
X	case 'C':
X		if (col < wrap_column) {
X		    need_wrap = 0;
X		    cursor_right();
X		    col++;
X		} break;
X	case 'D':
X		if (col > 1) {
X		    need_wrap = 0;
X		    if (--col < CO)
X			backspace();
X		} break;
X	case 'H':
X		row = col = 1;
X		need_wrap = 0;
X		set_cursor(col-1, arow-1); break;
X	case 'I':
X		do_reverse_lf(); break;
X	case 'J':
X		clear_eos(); break;
X	case 'K':
X		clear_eol(col-1, arow-1); break;
X	case 'Y':
X		do_vt52_set_cursor(); break;
X        case 'F':
X		g0_set = g1_set = GRAPHICS; break;
X	case 'G':
X		g0_set = g1_set = NORMAL; break;
X	case 'Z':		/* identify as VT52 */
X		write(master,"\033/Z",3); break;
X    }
Xstatic do_set_cursor()
X    if (arg[0] == 0)
X	arg[0]++;
X    if (arg[1] == 0)
X	arg[1]++;
X    switch (argno) {
X	case 0:
X	    arg[0] = 1;
X	    /* Fall through */
X	case 1:
X	    arg[1] = 1;
X	    /* Fall through... */
X	case 2:
X	    if (arg[0] > 24)
X		arg[0] = 24;
X	    if (arg[1] > wrap_column)
X		arg[1] = wrap_column;
X	    if (row != arg[0] || col != arg[1])
X		need_wrap = 0;		/* bizarre */
X	    row = arg[0];
X	    col = arg[1];
X	    set_cursor(col-1, arow-1);
X	    break;
X    }
Xstatic do_vt52_set_cursor()
Xregister int ch1, ch2;
X    if ((ch1 = nextch()) == EOF)
X	return;
X    if ((ch2 = nextch()) == EOF)
X	return;
X    ch1 -= 0x1f;
X    ch2 -= 0x1f;
X    if (ch1 >= 1 && ch1 <= 24 && ch2 >= 1 && ch2 <= 80) {
X	    if (row != ch1 || col != ch2)
X		need_wrap = 0;
X	    row = ch1;
X	    col = ch2;
X	    set_cursor(col-1, arow-1);
X    }
X/* do_erase_in_display - process \E[<#>J
X */
Xstatic do_erase_in_display()
X    switch (argno) {
X	case 0:
X	    arg[0] = 0;
X	    argno++;
X	    /* Fall through */
X	case 1:
X	    switch (arg[0]) {
X		case 0:
X		    clear_eos();
X		    break;
X		case 1:
X		    clear_bos(col-1, arow-1);
X		    break;
X		case 2:
X		    clear_screen();
X		    set_cursor(col-1, arow-1);
X		    break;
X	    }
X	    break;
X    }
X/* do_erase_in_line - process \E[<#>K
X */
Xstatic do_erase_in_line()
X    switch(argno) {
X	case 0:
X	    arg[0] = 0;
X	    argno++;
X	    /* fall through */
X	case 1:
X	    switch (arg[0]) {
X		case 0:
X		    clear_eol(col-1, arow-1);
X		    break;
X		case 1:
X		    clear_bol(col-1, arow-1);
X		    break;
X		case 2:
X		    cr();
X		    clear_eol(0, arow-1);
X		    set_cursor(col-1, arow-1);
X		    break;
X	    } break;
X    }
Xstatic do_clear_tabs()
Xregister int i;
X    if (argno == 0)
X	arg[argno++] = 0;
X    switch (arg[0]) {
X	case 0:
X	    if (col <= sizeof (tabs)/sizeof (*tabs))
X		    tabs[col-1] = 0; break;
X	case 3:
X	    for (i = 0; i < sizeof (tabs)/sizeof (*tabs); i++)
X		tabs[i] = 0;	/* should we stop at wrap_column? */
X	    break;
X    } 
X/* do_attributes - process \E[<#...>m
X */
Xstatic do_attributes()
Xregister int i;
X    if (argno == 0) {
X	arg[0] = 0;
X	argno++;
X    }
X    for (i=0; i<argno; i++) {
X	switch (arg[i]) {
X	    case 0:
X		end_attributes();
X		bold = underline = blink = reverse = 0;
X		break;
X	    case 1:
X		start_bold();
X		bold = 1; break;
X	    case 4:
X		start_underline();
X		underline = 1; break;
X	    case 5:
X		start_blink();
X		blink = 1; break;
X	    case 7:
X		start_reverse();
X		reverse = 1; break;
X	}
X    }
Xstatic do_set_scroll_region()
X    switch (argno) {
X	case 0:
X	    arg[0] = 1;
X	    /* Fall through */
X	case 1:
X	    arg[1] = 24;
X	    argno = 2;
X	    /* Fall through */
X	case 2:
X	    if (arg[0] == 0 && arg[1] == 0) {	/* per bgb */
X		arg[0] = 1; arg[1] = 24;
X	    } else {
X		if (arg[0] == 0)
X		  arg[0] = 1;
X		if (arg[1] == 0)
X		  arg[1] = 1;
X	    }
X	    if (arg[0] < arg[1]) {	/* region must be at least 2 lines */
X		top_margin = arg[0];
X		bottom_margin = arg[1];
X		col = row = 1;
X		need_wrap = 0;
X		set_cursor(col-1, arow-1);
X	    }
X	    break;
X    }
X/* do_newline - next line, column 0, with possible scroll
X */
Xstatic do_newline()
X	    if (col > 1) {
X		col = 1;
X		cr();
X		need_wrap = 0;
X	    }
X	    do_linefeed();
X/* do_linefeed - next line, same column, with possible scroll
X * (note -- no cursor down if at bottom of screen below scrolling region)
X */
Xstatic do_linefeed()
X    if (arow == bottom_margin) {
X 	need_wrap = 0;
X	if (bottom_margin < LI || top_margin > 1) {
X	    scroll_region(top_margin-1, bottom_margin-1, TRUE);
X	    set_cursor(col-1, arow-1);
X	}
X	else
X	    linefeed();		/* assumed to cause fullscreen scroll */
X    }
X    else if (arow < 24) {	/* don't scroll if below scrolling region */
X 	need_wrap = 0;
X	row++;
X	linefeed();
X    }
X/* do_reverse_lf - previous line, same column, with possible scroll
X */
Xstatic do_reverse_lf()
X    if (arow == top_margin) {
X 	need_wrap = 0;
X	scroll_region(top_margin-1, bottom_margin-1, FALSE);
X	set_cursor(col-1, arow-1);
X    }
X    else if (arow > 1) {	/* don't scroll if above scrolling region */
X 	need_wrap = 0;
X	row--;
X	reverse_lf();		/* assumed to cause fullscreen scroll */
X    }
X/* do_hash - process \E#<#>.  Only DECALN -- screen alignment display
X * functions not implemented include double hight and double width lines!
X */
Xstatic do_hash()
Xregister int ch, i, j;
Xint maxch;
X    if ((ch = nextch()) == EOF)
X	return;
X    switch(ch) {
X	case '8':		/* screen alignment display */
X	    set_cursor(0, 0);
X	    if ((maxch = wrap_column) > CO) maxch = CO;
X	    for (i=1; i<24; i++) {
X		for (j=maxch; j>0; j--)
X		    putchar('E');
X		set_cursor(0, i);
X	    }
X	    if (LI <= 24 && CO <= maxch)
X		maxch--;		/* avoid last space on display */
X	    for (j=maxch; j>0; j--)
X		putchar('E');
X	    top_margin = 1;
X	    bottom_margin = 24;		/* at least on my VT102... */
X	    row = col = 1;
X	    set_cursor(col-1, arow-1);
X	    break;
X    }		 
X/* do_characters_sets - Not fully implemented
X */
Xstatic do_character_sets(ch)
Xregister int ch;
Xregister int ch2;
X    if ((ch2 = nextch()) == EOF)
X	return;
X    switch (ch2) {
X	case 'A':
X	case 'B':
X		if (ch == '(')
X			g0_set = NORMAL;
X		else
X			g1_set = NORMAL;
X		break;
X	case '0':
X		if (ch == '(')
X			g0_set = GRAPHICS;
X		else
X			g1_set = GRAPHICS;
X		break;
X    }
X/* do_reset - Reset emulator and screen
X */
Xstatic do_reset()
Xregister int i;
X    clear_screen();
X    row = 1;
X    col = 1;
X    top_margin = 1;
X    bottom_margin = 24;
X    origin_mode = 0;
X    vt52_mode = (vttype == VT52);	/* stuck in VT52 mode? */
X    wrap_mode = 1;
X    newline_mode = 0;
X    insert_mode = 0;
X    echo_mode = 0;
X    cursor_key_mode = 0;
X    keypad_app_mode = 0;
X    wrap_column = 80;
X    g0_set = NORMAL;
X    g1_set = NORMAL;
X    shift_out = 0;
X    need_wrap = 0;
X    end_attributes();
X    set_insert_mode(0);
X    bold = underline = blink = reverse = 0;
X    save_bold = save_underline = save_blink = save_reverse = 0;
X    save_row = save_col = 1;		/* VT102 goes home if none saved */
X    for (i=0; i<132; i++)
X	tabs[i] = ((i/8)*8 == i);
X/* do_insert_line - VT102 only
X * insert lines at the cursor, moving the current line down.  Note that
X * on a VT102 this is a no-op if the cursor is outside the scrolling region.
X */
Xstatic do_insert_line()
X    int i;
X    if (vttype != VT102 || arow < top_margin || arow > bottom_margin)
X	return;
X    if (argno==0 || arg[0] == 0) arg[0] = 1;
X    for (i = 0; i < arg[0]; i++)
X        scroll_region(arow-1,bottom_margin-1, FALSE);
X    set_cursor(col-1,arow-1);
X/* do_delete_line - VT102 only
X * delete the line containing the cursor.  Note that on a VT102 this
X * is a no-op if the cursor is outside the scrolling region.
X */
Xstatic do_delete_line()
X    int i;
X    if (vttype != VT102 || arow < top_margin || arow > bottom_margin)
X	return;
X    if (argno==0 || arg[0] == 0) arg[0] = 1;
X    for (i = 0; i < arg[0]; i++)
X	scroll_region(arow-1,bottom_margin-1, TRUE);
X    set_cursor(col-1,arow-1);
X/* do_delete_char - VT102 only
X * delete the character at the cursor.  End of line must fill with
X * blanks.
X */
Xstatic do_delete_char()
X    int i;
X    if (vttype != VT102) return;
X    if (argno==0 || arg[0] == 0) arg[0] = 1;
X    if (CO > wrap_column) {
X	set_cursor(wrap_column,arow-1);
X	clear_eol(wrap_column-1,arow-1);
X	set_cursor(col-1,arow-1);
X    }
X    for (i = 0; i < arg[0]; i++)
X	delete_char();
X * Status reports
X */
X/* do_device_status_report - process \E[<#>n and \E[?<#>n
X */
Xstatic do_device_status_report(private)
Xint private;
X	char buf[12];
X	if (argno==0) arg[argno++]=1;
X	switch (arg[0]) {
X	    case 5:	/* device status */
X		write(master,"\033[0n",4);	/* terminal is ok */
X		break;
X	    case 6:	/* cursor position report */
X		sprintf(buf,"\033[%d;%dR",arow,col);
X		write(master,buf,strlen(buf));
X		break;
X	    case 15:	/* printer status */
X		if (private)		/* say "no printer" */
X		    write(master,"\033[?13n",6);
X		break;
X	}
X/* do_device_attributes - Device Attributes
X * say we're a VT100 without AVO or a VT102
X */
Xstatic do_device_attributes() {
X	switch (vttype) {
X	    default:
X	    case VT100:
X		write(master,"\033[?1;0c",7); break;
X	    case VT102:
X		write(master,"\033[?6c",5); break;
X	}
if test 19613 -ne `wc -c <'samples/vt100/out.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'samples/vt100/out.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'samples/vt100/out.c'
echo shar: End of archive 7 \(of 13\).
cp /dev/null ark7isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have unpacked all 13 archives.
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
    echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
##  End of shell archive.
exit 0

Chuck Musciano			ARPA  : chuck at trantor.harris-atd.com
Harris Corporation 		Usenet: ...!uunet!x102a!trantor!chuck
PO Box 37, MS 3A/1912		AT&T  : (407) 727-6131
Melbourne, FL 32902		FAX   : (407) 727-{5118,5227,4004}

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