v02i017: 3270tool enhancements

Charles Mcgrew mcgrew at aramis.rutgers.edu
Sat Aug 25 06:16:39 AEST 1990

Submitted-by: zjat02 at trc.amoco.com (Jon A. Tankersley)
Posting-number: Volume 2, Issue 17
Archive-name: 3270tool/enhance01

Enhancements to 3270tool to support model 3-5 3278 terminals.

Robert Viduya isn't supporting this package anymore (he uses X now).  I don't
know if I can support it either (we're moving to X), but I can answer some
questions on it.  Here is Robert's 'disclaimer':

>Perhaps you might want to post your changes to sun-spots and/or comp.sys.sun?
>That way those two archives can get updated.  I mentioned in the notes I
>included when I distributed the program that I'd written the program a
>year or two ago (it took me that long to get permission to release it)
>and that I'd since stopped using SunView and had switched to X.  At this
>point, I really don't feel comfortable at all acting as a clearinghouse
>for 3270tool because I no longer run in an environment that allows me
>to fully test out any changes people send me.

*** 3270.h	Thu Jul 26 13:30:53 1990
--- ../3270.h	Wed Aug  1 13:15:47 1990
*** 36,43 ****
  #define ORDER_YALE	0x2B	/* Yale sub command */
  /* screen dimensions */
! #define COLS	80
! #define ROWS	24
  #define CHAR_WIDTH	(ibmfont->pf_char[0x10].pc_pr->pr_size.x)
  #define CHAR_HEIGHT	(ibmfont->pf_char[0x10].pc_pr->pr_size.y)
--- 36,44 ----
  #define ORDER_YALE	0x2B	/* Yale sub command */
  /* screen dimensions */
! /* #define COLS	80   */
! /* #define ROWS	24   */
! extern int COLS, ROWS, ROWSCOLS;
  #define CHAR_WIDTH	(ibmfont->pf_char[0x10].pc_pr->pr_size.x)
  #define CHAR_HEIGHT	(ibmfont->pf_char[0x10].pc_pr->pr_size.y)
*** 53,59 ****
  #define ROWCOL_TO_BA(r,c)	(((r) * COLS) + c)
  #define INC_BA(ba)			\
      {					\
! 	if (++ba >= (COLS * ROWS))	\
  	    ba = 0;			\
--- 54,60 ----
  #define ROWCOL_TO_BA(r,c)	(((r) * COLS) + c)
  #define INC_BA(ba)			\
      {					\
! 	if (++ba >= (ROWSCOLS))	\
  	    ba = 0;			\
*** 60,66 ****
  #define DEC_BA(ba)			\
      {					\
  	if (--ba < 0)			\
! 	    ba = (COLS * ROWS) - 1;	\
--- 61,67 ----
  #define DEC_BA(ba)			\
      {					\
  	if (--ba < 0)			\
! 	    ba = (ROWSCOLS) - 1;	\
*** 3270tool.1	Thu Jul 26 14:24:49 1990
--- ../3270tool.1	Wed Aug  1 17:28:40 1990
*** 1,15 ****
  '\" t
! .TH 3270TOOL 1 "March 28, 1989"
  3270tool \- IBM remote host access tool
! .B 3270tool
  .I 3270tool
  opens a telnet connection to the given IBM host in a SunView window.
! The created window provides a fairly complete IBM 3278 Model 2 terminal
! emulation.
  .I 3270tool
  is similar to
  .I tn3270 (1)
--- 1,19 ----
  '\" t
! .TH 3270TOOL 1 "July 26, 1990"
  3270tool \- IBM remote host access tool
! .B 3270tool [ \-m 2|3|4|5 ]
  .I 3270tool
  opens a telnet connection to the given IBM host in a SunView window.
! The created window provides a fairly complete IBM 3278 terminal emulation.
! By specifying the
! .b \-m
! flag you can chose other IBM 3278 model layouts.  Model 2 has 24x80 screen,
! Model 3 has 32x80, Model 4 has 43x80, and Model 5 has 27x132 screen.
! The default is a Model 4.
  .I 3270tool
  is similar to
  .I tn3270 (1)
*** 3270tool.c	Thu Jul 26 13:30:39 1990
--- ../3270tool.c	Wed Aug  1 17:21:59 1990
*** 25,31 ****
--- 25,48 ----
  int		net_sock;
  extern Notify_value	net_input ();
+ /*
+  * Modifications for variable sized screens.....
+  * 07/27/90  jat
+  */
+ u_char	*screen_buf;
+ u_char	*prim_seln;	/* enough for screen + eols */
+ u_char	*shelf_seln;
+ u_char	ttype_model;
+ extern int errno;
+ extern char *optarg;
+ extern int optind, opterr;
+ int	c = 0,
+ 	model,
+ 	errflg = 0;
+ static char usage[] = { "3270tool: Usage 3270tool [ -m 2|3|4|5 ] ibm-host" };
  main (argc, argv)
  int	argc;
*** 41,51 ****
  	FRAME_ARGC_PTR_ARGV,		&argc, argv,
      if (argc <= 1) {
! 	(void) fprintf (stderr, "usage: 3270tool ibm-host\n");
  	exit (1);
!     net_sock = connect_net (argv[1]);
      screen_init ();
      key_panel_init ();
      menu_init ();
--- 58,115 ----
  	FRAME_ARGC_PTR_ARGV,		&argc, argv,
+ /*
+  * check for model type
+  */
+     COLS=80; ROWS=43;				/* default to type 4 */
+     ttype_model='4';				/* and model type to 4 */
+     ROWSCOLS=ROWS*COLS;				/* save some time here */
+     while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "m:")) != EOF) {
+ 	switch(c) {
+ 	case 'm':
+ 	    model=atoi(optarg);
+ 	    switch(model) {
+ 		case 2: COLS=80; ROWS=24;	/* type 2 */
+ 			ttype_model = *optarg;
+ 			break;
+ 		case 3: COLS=80; ROWS=32;	/* type 3 */
+ 			ttype_model = *optarg;
+ 			break;
+ 		case 4: COLS=80; ROWS=43;	/* type 4 */
+ 			ttype_model = *optarg;
+ 			break;
+ 		case 5: COLS=132; ROWS=27;	/* type 5 */
+ 			ttype_model = *optarg;
+ 			break;
+ 		default: errflg++;		/* unknown */
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 	    break;
+ 	default:
+ 	    errflg++;				/* unknown */
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+     if (errflg) {
+        (void) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",usage);
+        exit(2);
+        }
      if (argc <= 1) {
! 	(void) fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", usage);
  	exit (1);
!     screen_buf = (u_char *) malloc(ROWSCOLS);
!     prim_seln = (u_char *) malloc(ROWSCOLS + ROWS + 1);
!     shelf_seln = (u_char *) malloc(ROWSCOLS + ROWS + 1);
!     net_sock = connect_net (argv[optind]);
! /*
!  * end of changes
!  */
      screen_init ();
      key_panel_init ();
      menu_init ();
*** Makefile	Thu Aug  2 12:51:33 1990
--- ../Makefile	Thu Aug  2 12:53:49 1990
*** 11,17 ****
  #	BINDIR		destination of the binary
  #	MANDIR		destination of the manual page
  #	MANEXT		the . extension of the installed manual page
! #	CFLAGS		add -DTYPE4KBD if you have a Type 4 kybd
  FONTDIR	= /usr/local/lib/fonts
  BINDIR	= /usr/local/bin
--- 11,19 ----
  #	BINDIR		destination of the binary
  #	MANDIR		destination of the manual page
  #	MANEXT		the . extension of the installed manual page
! #	CFLAGS		C flags
! #	KBDFLGS		change to -DTYPE4KBD
! #	FNTFLGS		Font directory define
  FONTDIR	= /usr/local/lib/fonts
  BINDIR	= /usr/local/bin
*** 18,27 ****
  MANDIR	= /usr/man/manl
  MANEXT	= l
  CC	= cc
! CFLAGS	= -O2 -DFONT3270=\"$(FONTDIR)/3270.font\"
  3270tool:	3270tool.o screen.o telnet.o kybd.o keypanel.o selection.o
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o 3270tool 3270tool.o screen.o telnet.o kybd.o keypanel.o selection.o -lsunwindow -lsuntool -lpixrect
  install: $(BINDIR)/3270tool $(MANDIR)/3270tool.$(MANEXT) $(FONTDIR)/3270.font
--- 20,34 ----
  MANDIR	= /usr/man/manl
  MANEXT	= l
  CC	= cc
! CFLAGS	= -O2
! LIBS    = -lsunwindow -lsuntool -lpixrect
! FNTFLGS = -DFONT3270=\"$(FONTDIR)/3270.font\"
  3270tool:	3270tool.o screen.o telnet.o kybd.o keypanel.o selection.o
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o 3270tool 3270tool.o screen.o telnet.o kybd.o keypanel.o selection.o $(LIBS)
  install: $(BINDIR)/3270tool $(MANDIR)/3270tool.$(MANEXT) $(FONTDIR)/3270.font
*** 56,58 ****
--- 63,76 ----
  selection.o:	selection.c 3270.h 3270_enc.h
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c selection.c
+ SRC=3270tool.c telnet.c keypanel.c selection.c
+ OBJ=3270tool.o telnet.o keypanel.o selection.o screen.o kybd.o
+ saber_src:
+ 	#load -g $(CFLAGS) $(SRC) $(LIBS)
+ 	#load -g -DFONT3270=\\"$(FONTDIR)/3270.font\\" screen.c
+ 	#load -g -DTYPE3KBD -DDEBUG kybd.c
+ saber_obj:
+ 	#load -g $(OBJ) $(LIBS)
*** kybd.c	Thu Jul 26 13:30:39 1990
--- ../kybd.c	Wed Aug  1 12:09:06 1990
*** 102,108 ****
  u_char		aid = AID_NO;		/* current attention ID */
  Menu		Key_menu;
! extern u_char		screen_buf[ROWS * COLS];
  extern int		cursor_addr, buffer_addr;
  extern Pixwin		*pixwin;
  extern Canvas		canvas;
--- 102,109 ----
  u_char		aid = AID_NO;		/* current attention ID */
  Menu		Key_menu;
! /*extern u_char		screen_buf[ROWS * COLS];*/
! extern u_char		*screen_buf;
  extern int		cursor_addr, buffer_addr;
  extern Pixwin		*pixwin;
  extern Canvas		canvas;
*** 242,249 ****
  			bcopy ((char *) &screen_buf[baddr], (char *) &screen_buf[baddr+1], end_baddr - baddr);
  		    else {
  			bcopy ((char *) &screen_buf[0], (char *) &screen_buf[1], end_baddr);
! 			screen_buf[0] = screen_buf[(ROWS * COLS) - 1];
! 			bcopy ((char *) &screen_buf[baddr], (char *) &screen_buf[baddr+1], ((ROWS * COLS) - 1) - baddr);
  		    screen_buf[baddr] = cgcode;
  		    cursor_off ();
--- 243,250 ----
  			bcopy ((char *) &screen_buf[baddr], (char *) &screen_buf[baddr+1], end_baddr - baddr);
  		    else {
  			bcopy ((char *) &screen_buf[0], (char *) &screen_buf[1], end_baddr);
! 			screen_buf[0] = screen_buf[(ROWSCOLS) - 1];
! 			bcopy ((char *) &screen_buf[baddr], (char *) &screen_buf[baddr+1], ((ROWSCOLS) - 1) - baddr);
  		    screen_buf[baddr] = cgcode;
  		    cursor_off ();
*** 496,502 ****
      baddr = cursor_addr - COLS;
      if (baddr < 0)
! 	baddr = (cursor_addr + (ROWS * COLS)) - COLS;
      cursor_move (baddr);
--- 497,503 ----
      baddr = cursor_addr - COLS;
      if (baddr < 0)
! 	baddr = (cursor_addr + (ROWSCOLS)) - COLS;
      cursor_move (baddr);
*** 510,516 ****
      if (kybdlock)
!     baddr = (cursor_addr + COLS) % (COLS * ROWS);
      cursor_move (baddr);
--- 511,517 ----
      if (kybdlock)
!     baddr = (cursor_addr + COLS) % (ROWSCOLS);
      cursor_move (baddr);
*** 525,531 ****
      if (kybdlock)
!     baddr = (cursor_addr + COLS) % (COLS * ROWS);	/* down */
      baddr = (baddr / COLS) * COLS;			/* 1st col */
      fa = get_field_attribute (baddr);
      if (fa != (&screen_buf[baddr]) && !FA_IS_PROTECTED (*fa))
--- 526,532 ----
      if (kybdlock)
!     baddr = (cursor_addr + COLS) % (ROWSCOLS);	/* down */
      baddr = (baddr / COLS) * COLS;			/* 1st col */
      fa = get_field_attribute (baddr);
      if (fa != (&screen_buf[baddr]) && !FA_IS_PROTECTED (*fa))
*** 1112,1119 ****
  	if (end_baddr > baddr)
  	    bcopy ((char *) &screen_buf[baddr+1], (char *) &screen_buf[baddr], end_baddr - baddr);
  	else {
! 	    bcopy ((char *) &screen_buf[baddr+1], (char *) &screen_buf[baddr], ((ROWS * COLS) - 1) - baddr);
! 	    screen_buf[(ROWS * COLS) - 1] = screen_buf[0];
  	    bcopy ((char *) &screen_buf[1], (char *) &screen_buf[0], end_baddr);
  	screen_buf[end_baddr] = CG_NULLBLANK;
--- 1113,1120 ----
  	if (end_baddr > baddr)
  	    bcopy ((char *) &screen_buf[baddr+1], (char *) &screen_buf[baddr], end_baddr - baddr);
  	else {
! 	    bcopy ((char *) &screen_buf[baddr+1], (char *) &screen_buf[baddr], ((ROWSCOLS) - 1) - baddr);
! 	    screen_buf[(ROWSCOLS) - 1] = screen_buf[0];
  	    bcopy ((char *) &screen_buf[1], (char *) &screen_buf[0], end_baddr);
  	screen_buf[end_baddr] = CG_NULLBLANK;
*** 1329,1335 ****
  		return (NOTIFY_IGNORED);
  	    baddr = ROWCOL_TO_BA(Y_TO_ROW (event_y (event)), 
  				 X_TO_COL (event_x (event)));
! 	    while (baddr >= (COLS * ROWS))
  		baddr -= COLS;
  	    cursor_move (baddr);
--- 1330,1336 ----
  		return (NOTIFY_IGNORED);
  	    baddr = ROWCOL_TO_BA(Y_TO_ROW (event_y (event)), 
  				 X_TO_COL (event_x (event)));
! 	    while (baddr >= (ROWSCOLS))
  		baddr -= COLS;
  	    cursor_move (baddr);
*** 1336,1342 ****
  	case MS_MIDDLE:	/* middle mouse sets selections */
  	    baddr = ROWCOL_TO_BA(Y_TO_ROW (event_y (event)), 
  				 X_TO_COL (event_x (event)));
! 	    while (baddr >= (COLS * ROWS))
  		baddr -= COLS;
  	    set_seln (cursor_addr, baddr);
--- 1337,1343 ----
  	case MS_MIDDLE:	/* middle mouse sets selections */
  	    baddr = ROWCOL_TO_BA(Y_TO_ROW (event_y (event)), 
  				 X_TO_COL (event_x (event)));
! 	    while (baddr >= (ROWSCOLS))
  		baddr -= COLS;
  	    set_seln (cursor_addr, baddr);
*** screen.c	Thu Jul 26 13:30:39 1990
--- ../screen.c	Wed Aug  1 14:27:07 1990
*** 158,164 ****
  /* the following are set from values in the 3270 font */
  int			char_width, char_height, char_base;
! u_char			screen_buf[ROWS * COLS];
  bool			formatted = FALSE;	/* set in screen_disp */
  struct itimerval	blink_timer;
--- 158,165 ----
  /* the following are set from values in the 3270 font */
  int			char_width, char_height, char_base;
! /* u_char			screen_buf[ROWS * COLS]; */
! extern u_char	*screen_buf;
  bool			formatted = FALSE;	/* set in screen_disp */
  struct itimerval	blink_timer;
*** 220,226 ****
  	COL_TO_X (COLS), ROW_TO_Y (ROWS) + 2,
  	PIX_SET, 1
!     bzero ((char *) screen_buf, sizeof (screen_buf));
      cursor_addr = 0;
      buffer_addr = 0;
      pw_batch_on (pixwin);
--- 221,227 ----
  	COL_TO_X (COLS), ROW_TO_Y (ROWS) + 2,
  	PIX_SET, 1
!     bzero ((char *) screen_buf, ROWSCOLS);
      cursor_addr = 0;
      buffer_addr = 0;
      pw_batch_on (pixwin);
*** 643,649 ****
  	case CMD_EWA:	/* erase/write alternate */
  	    /* on 3278-2, same as erase/write.  fallthrough */
  	case CMD_EW:	/* erase/write */
! 	    bzero ((char *) screen_buf, sizeof (screen_buf));
  	    buffer_addr = 0;
  	    cursor_off ();
  	    pw_writebackground (pixwin, 0, 0, COL_TO_X (COLS), ROW_TO_Y (ROWS), PIX_CLR);
--- 644,650 ----
  	case CMD_EWA:	/* erase/write alternate */
  	    /* on 3278-2, same as erase/write.  fallthrough */
  	case CMD_EW:	/* erase/write */
! 	    bzero ((char *) screen_buf, ROWSCOLS);
  	    buffer_addr = 0;
  	    cursor_off ();
  	    pw_writebackground (pixwin, 0, 0, COL_TO_X (COLS), ROW_TO_Y (ROWS), PIX_CLR);
*** 812,818 ****
  	    cursor_move (0);
      else {
! 	bzero ((char *) screen_buf, sizeof (screen_buf));
  	pw_writebackground (pixwin, 0, 0, COL_TO_X (COLS), ROW_TO_Y (ROWS), PIX_CLR);
  	buffer_addr = 0;
  	cursor_move (0);
--- 813,819 ----
  	    cursor_move (0);
      else {
! 	bzero ((char *) screen_buf, ROWSCOLS);
  	pw_writebackground (pixwin, 0, 0, COL_TO_X (COLS), ROW_TO_Y (ROWS), PIX_CLR);
  	buffer_addr = 0;
  	cursor_move (0);
*** 885,891 ****
  		    buffer_addr = ((*(cp-1) & 0x3F) << 8) | *cp;
  		else	/* 12-bit coded */
  		    buffer_addr = ((*(cp-1) & 0x3F) << 6) | (*cp & 0x3F);
! 		buffer_addr %= (COLS * ROWS);
  		current_fa = get_field_attribute (buffer_addr);
  		last_cmd = TRUE;
--- 886,892 ----
  		    buffer_addr = ((*(cp-1) & 0x3F) << 8) | *cp;
  		else	/* 12-bit coded */
  		    buffer_addr = ((*(cp-1) & 0x3F) << 6) | (*cp & 0x3F);
! 		buffer_addr %= (ROWSCOLS);
  		current_fa = get_field_attribute (buffer_addr);
  		last_cmd = TRUE;
*** 927,933 ****
  		    baddr = ((*(cp-1) & 0x3F) << 8) | *cp;
  		else	/* 12-bit coded */
  		    baddr = ((*(cp-1) & 0x3F) << 6) | (*cp & 0x3F);
! 		baddr %= (COLS * ROWS);
  		cp++;		/* skip char to repeat */
  		if (*cp == ORDER_GE)
--- 928,934 ----
  		    baddr = ((*(cp-1) & 0x3F) << 8) | *cp;
  		else	/* 12-bit coded */
  		    baddr = ((*(cp-1) & 0x3F) << 6) | (*cp & 0x3F);
! 		baddr %= (ROWSCOLS);
  		cp++;		/* skip char to repeat */
  		if (*cp == ORDER_GE)
*** 950,956 ****
  		    baddr = ((*(cp-1) & 0x3F) << 8) | *cp;
  		else	/* 12-bit coded */
  		    baddr = ((*(cp-1) & 0x3F) << 6) | (*cp & 0x3F);
! 		baddr %= (COLS * ROWS);
  		do {
  		    if (IS_FA (screen_buf[buffer_addr]))
  			current_fa = &(screen_buf[buffer_addr]);
--- 951,957 ----
  		    baddr = ((*(cp-1) & 0x3F) << 8) | *cp;
  		else	/* 12-bit coded */
  		    baddr = ((*(cp-1) & 0x3F) << 6) | (*cp & 0x3F);
! 		baddr %= (ROWSCOLS);
  		do {
  		    if (IS_FA (screen_buf[buffer_addr]))
  			current_fa = &(screen_buf[buffer_addr]);
*** selection.c	Thu Jul 26 13:30:39 1990
--- ../selection.c	Wed Aug  1 12:09:07 1990
*** 23,34 ****
  bool		seln_isset;
  int		row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end;	/* selection area */
  Seln_client	s_client;
! u_char		prim_seln[ROWS * COLS + ROWS + 1];/* enough for screen + eols */
  int		prim_size = 0;
! u_char		shelf_seln[ROWS * COLS + ROWS + 1];
  int		shelf_size = 0;
  extern u_char	asc2cg[128], cg2asc[256];
! extern u_char	screen_buf[ROWS * COLS];
  extern Pixwin	*pixwin;
  extern Pixfont	*ibmfont;
  extern int	char_width, char_height, char_base;
--- 23,35 ----
  bool		seln_isset;
  int		row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end;	/* selection area */
  Seln_client	s_client;
! /* u_char	prim_seln[ROWS * COLS + ROWS + 1];/* enough for screen + eols */
  int		prim_size = 0;
! /* u_char	shelf_seln[ROWS * COLS + ROWS + 1]; */
  int		shelf_size = 0;
  extern u_char	asc2cg[128], cg2asc[256];
! /* extern u_char	screen_buf[ROWS * COLS]; */
! extern u_char	*screen_buf, *prim_seln, *shelf_seln;
  extern Pixwin	*pixwin;
  extern Pixfont	*ibmfont;
  extern int	char_width, char_height, char_base;
*** telnet.c	Thu Jul 26 13:30:39 1990
--- ../telnet.c	Wed Aug  1 13:58:29 1990
*** 49,54 ****
--- 49,55 ----
  static u_char	ttype_opt[]	= { IAC, SB, TELOPT_TTYPE, TELQUAL_IS,
  				    'I', 'B', 'M', '-', '3', '2', '7', '8', '-', '2',
  				    IAC, SE };
+ extern u_char ttype_model;
  extern Frame	frame;
  extern u_long	inet_addr ();
*** 259,264 ****
--- 260,266 ----
  			if (*cp == SE) {
  			    telnet_state = TNS_DATA;
  			    if (sbbuf[0] == TELOPT_TTYPE && sbbuf[1] == TELQUAL_SEND) {
+ 				ttype_opt[13] = ttype_model;
  				(void) write (fd, (char *) ttype_opt, sizeof (ttype_opt));

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