nmail.h header file for Network Mail Router

utzoo!decvax!harpo!duke!ucf-cs!tim utzoo!decvax!harpo!duke!ucf-cs!tim
Fri Jun 18 06:09:38 AEST 1982

 * nmail.h
 * The header file containing defines you might wish to change.
 * SITENAMELEN - The maximum length of the name of a site.
 * MAXSITES - In an attempt to hold down memory usage, a liberal
 *		upper limit is given.  Dynamic calculation is
 *		not worth the trouble in this case.
 * AVGLINKS - Some sites have >20 links.  Most have 1.  Want to
 *		keep the memory size declarations down so this
 *		is an average.
 * SITEBUFSZ - The size of the buffer to hold the site names.
 * NETFILE - Where the topology description is kept.
 * LOCAL - The name of the originating (local) site.
 * ARPA - The name of the site that will gateway mail to the ARPANET

#define SITENAMELEN	15
#define MAXSITES	500
#define AVGLINKS	4
#define NETFILE		"/usr1/vlsi/tim/net/network"
#define LOCAL		ucf-cs
#define ARPA		"ucbvax!"


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