News batching programs

utzoo!decvax!cca!ima!johnl utzoo!decvax!cca!ima!johnl
Wed Nov 3 14:05:00 AEST 1982

cat > README << 'EOFEOF'
These small programs provide a rudimentary news batching scheme.  They are
designed for the situation where most of the news comes in from one site
and is then redistributed to one or more other sites.  Batching the news
saves spool disk space and uucp transfer time, since one job of 100 items
is transferred much faster than 100 jobs of 1 item.  I observe that the
uucp time per system appears to have dropped from 1 hour/day to about 15
minutes at 1200 baud.

The scheme is this.  When news is "sent" to another system, net news passes
the item to "batchnews", which appends it to a spool file.  Every now and
then, a daemon named "unbatch" is run which takes the existing batched
spool files and makes uux commands to transfer them to the other sites.
It runs "bnproc" at the other sites which separate the articles and pass
them to rnews for posting.

Note that the regular news passing scheme still works.  We use batched
news from ima to three other sites, but those other sites pass the few
articles they originate back the regular way.

Rough installation instructions:

1 - Compile batchnews and unbatch and install them in /usr/lib/news
	at the sending site.
2 - Compile bnproc and install it in /usr/bin at the receiving
	site.  It has to be in /usr/bin or uux can't find it. Sorry.

3 - At the sending site, add a line like this to the news sys file:


This sets up a fake news site that gets the batched news.  If you just
send to one site, you can use that site's name.  Adjust the entries for
the receiving sites so that they do not get news the old way (e.g., make
them just receive but not net.all or anything else.)

4 - At the sending site, add a line like this to /usr/lib/crontab

45 0,6,12,18 * * * cd /usr/tmp;/usr/lib/news/unbnews -s1 -s2 news.*

where s1 and s2 are the sites that actually are to get the news.
If the sender polls the receiver, run this program when news is to
go out.  If the receiver polls the sender, run this program shortly
before the poll is expected.

Notes:  The default name for the spool files is /usr/lib/news.*, but you
can pass arguments to change it if you want to make separate batches for
separate machines.  In another news article, I post changes to uux so that
it links rather than copying the spool files.  You might want to install

Finally, you might want to add some sort of locking to batchnews if
you often have several items posted at once.  If you get all of your
news over the phone, uux serializes calls to rnews automatically.

John Levine, IECC, PO Box 349, Cambridge MA 02238; (617) 491-5450
decvax!cca!ima!johnl, harpo!esquire!ima!johnl, ucbvax!cbosgd!ima!johnl,
yale-co!jrl (all uucp), Levine at YALE (Arpa).
cat > batchnews.c << 'EOFEOF'
* batchnews:      take many news articles and batch them into one big        *
*                 group                                                      *

# include <stdio.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>

int debug = 1;
# define INTERVAL       3600    /* one spool file per hour */

/* write out a line with the file length, then the file itself */

main(ac, av)
char **av;
	long now;
	char fnbuf[100];
	register FILE *fo;
	register c;
	struct stat statbuf;

	sprintf(fnbuf, "/usr/tmp/%s.%ld", ac>1? av[1]: "news", now/INTERVAL);
	fo = fopen(fnbuf, "a");
	fstat(0, &statbuf);
	fprintf(fo, "%ld\n", statbuf.st_size);
	while(--statbuf.st_size >= 0 && (c = getchar()) != EOF)
		putc(c, fo);
cat > unbatch.c << 'EOFEOF'
* unbatch: unbatch news items and hand them to uucp                          *

# include <stdio.h>

 *      Syntax: unbnews -host -host file file

main(ac, av)
char **av;
	int i;
	register char *hn;

	for(i = 1; i < ac; i++) {
		if(av[i][0] == '-')
			douux(av[i]+1, ac, av);

	/* get rid of the files */
	for(i = 1; i < ac; i++)
		if(av[i][0] != '-')
	return 0;

douux(host, ac, av)
char *host;
char **av;
	char uxbuf[100];
	register i;

	/* note: make this uux -l -z ... if your uux supports it */
	sprintf(uxbuf, "uux -z '%s!bnproc", host);
	for(i = 1; i < ac; i++) {
		if(av[i][0] != '-')
			strcat(uxbuf, " !");
			strcat(uxbuf, av[i]);
	strcat(uxbuf, "'");
	/* following for debugging only */
	printf("%s\n", uxbuf);
cat > bnproc.c << 'EOFEOF'
* bnproc: break up and process the batched news files                        *

# include <stdio.h>

char buf[40];
FILE *popen();

main(ac, av)
char **av;
	while(--ac >= 0)
	return 0;

char *fn;
	long size;
	register FILE *ifn, *pfn;

	ifn = fopen(fn, "r");
	if(ifn == NULL)
	while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), ifn) != NULL) {
		long atol();
		register c;

		size = atol(buf);
		if(size <= 0)
		pfn = popen("rnews", "w");
		while(--size >= 0 && (c = getc(ifn)) != EOF)
			putc(c, pfn);


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