default terminal table

utzoo!henry utzoo!henry
Sun Sep 12 20:26:57 AEST 1982

For nroff terminal-table fans, here is the default terminal table at
our installation.  It has fewer wierdies in it than the tty37 table
and is much better at funny characters than the tn300 table.  This is
what we use for our line printer and all our CRT's.

#define INCH 240
Reasonable-worst-case-tty, no control characters except BS and BEL.
nroff driving tables
width and code tables
Intention is to produce printing reps of as many chars as possible.
Better ugly than invisible.
Henry Spencer, University of Toronto, 7 April 1981.

struct {
	int bset;
	int breset;
	int Hor;
	int Vert;
	int Newline;
	int Char;
	int Em;
	int Halfline;
	int Adj;
	char *twinit;
	char *twrest;
	char *twnl;
	char *hlr;
	char *hlf;
	char *flr;
	char *bdon;
	char *bdoff;
	char *ploton;
	char *plotoff;
	char *up;
	char *down;
	char *right;
	char *left;
	char *codetab[256-32];
	int zzz;
	} t {
/*bset*/	0,
/*breset*/	0,
/*Hor*/		INCH/10,
/*Vert*/	INCH/6,
/*Newline*/	INCH/6,
/*Char*/	INCH/10,
/*Em*/		INCH/10,
/*Halfline*/	INCH/12,
/*Adj*/		INCH/10,
/*twinit*/	"",
/*twrest*/	"",
/*twnl*/	"\n",
/*hlr*/		"",
/*hlf*/		"",
/*flr*/		"",
/*bdon*/	"",
/*bdoff*/	"",
/*ploton*/	"",
/*plotoff*/	"",
/*up*/		"",
/*down*/	"",
/*right*/	"",
/*left*/	"",
"\001 ",	/*space*/
"\001!",	/*!*/
"\001\"",	/*"*/
"\001#",	/*#*/
"\001$",	/*$*/
"\001%",	/*%*/
"\001&",	/*&*/
"\001'",	/*' close*/
"\001(",	/*(*/
"\001)",	/*)*/
"\001*",	/***/
"\001+",	/*+*/
"\001,",	/*,*/
"\001-",	/*- hyphen*/
"\001.",	/*.*/
"\001/",	/*/*/
"\2010",	/*0*/
"\2011",	/*1*/
"\2012",	/*2*/
"\2013",	/*3*/
"\2014",	/*4*/
"\2015",	/*5*/
"\2016",	/*6*/
"\2017",	/*7*/
"\2018",	/*8*/
"\2019",	/*9*/
"\001:",	/*:*/
"\001;",	/*;*/
"\001<",	/*<*/
"\001=",	/*=*/
"\001>",	/*>*/
"\001?",	/*?*/
"\001@",	/*@*/
"\201A",	/*A*/
"\201B",	/*B*/
"\201C",	/*C*/
"\201D",	/*D*/
"\201E",	/*E*/
"\201F",	/*F*/
"\201G",	/*G*/
"\201H",	/*H*/
"\201I",	/*I*/
"\201J",	/*J*/
"\201K",	/*K*/
"\201L",	/*L*/
"\201M",	/*M*/
"\201N",	/*N*/
"\201O",	/*O*/
"\201P",	/*P*/
"\201Q",	/*Q*/
"\201R",	/*R*/
"\201S",	/*S*/
"\201T",	/*T*/
"\201U",	/*U*/
"\201V",	/*V*/
"\201W",	/*W*/
"\201X",	/*X*/
"\201Y",	/*Y*/
"\201Z",	/*Z*/
"\001[",	/*[*/
"\001\\",	/*\*/
"\001]",	/*]*/
"\001^",	/*^*/
"\001_",	/*_*/
"\001`",	/*` open*/
"\201a",	/*a*/
"\201b",	/*b*/
"\201c",	/*c*/
"\201d",	/*d*/
"\201e",	/*e*/
"\201f",	/*f*/
"\201g",	/*g*/
"\201h",	/*h*/
"\201i",	/*i*/
"\201j",	/*j*/
"\201k",	/*k*/
"\201l",	/*l*/
"\201m",	/*m*/
"\201n",	/*n*/
"\201o",	/*o*/
"\201p",	/*p*/
"\201q",	/*q*/
"\201r",	/*r*/
"\201s",	/*s*/
"\201t",	/*t*/
"\201u",	/*u*/
"\201v",	/*v*/
"\201w",	/*w*/
"\201x",	/*x*/
"\201y",	/*y*/
"\201z",	/*z*/
"\001{",	/*{*/
"\001|",	/*|*/
"\001}",	/*}*/
"\001~",	/*~*/
"\000\0",	/*nar sp*/
"\001-",	 /*hyphen*/
"\001+\bo",	/*bullet*/
"\002[]",	 /*square*/
"\002--",	 /*3/4 em*/
"\001_",	 /*rule*/
"\2031/4",	/*1/4*/
"\2031/2",	/*1/2*/
"\2033/4",	/*3/4*/
"\001-",	 /*minus*/
"\202fi",	 /*fi*/
"\202fl",	 /*fl*/
"\202ff",	 /*ff*/
"\203ffi",	 /*ffi*/
"\203ffl",	 /*ffl*/
"\001'\b`",	/*degree*/
"\001-\b!",	/*dagger*/
"\001j\bf",	/*section*/
"\001'",	 /*foot mark*/
"\001'",	 /*acute accent*/
"\001`",	 /*grave accent*/
"\001_",	 /*underrule*/
"\001/",	 /*slash (longer)*/
"\000\0",	/*half narrow space*/
"\001 ",	/*unpaddable space*/
"\201<\ba",	/*alpha*/
"\201,\bB",	/*beta*/
"\201,\by",	/*gamma*/
"\201<\bo",	/*delta*/
"\201-\bc",	/*epsilon*/
"\201,\bL",	/*zeta*/
"\201,\bn",	/*eta*/
"\201-\b0",	/*theta*/
"\201,\bi",	/*iota*/
"\201<\bK",	/*kappa*/
"\201\\\b>",	/*lambda*/
"\201,\bu",	/*mu*/
"\201,\bv",	/*nu*/
"\201,\b3",	/*xi*/
"\201o",	/*omicron*/
"\201-\bn",	/*pi*/
"\201p",	/*rho*/
"\201-\bo",	/*sigma*/
"\201~\bt",	/*tau*/
"\201u",	/*upsilon*/
"\201/\bo",	/*phi*/
"\201/\b\\",	/*chi*/
"\201|\bu",	/*psi*/
"\201u\bw",	/*omega*/
"\202~\b|~",	/*Gamma*/
"\202_\b/_\b\\",	/*Delta*/
"\201-\bO",	/*Theta*/
"\202/\\",	/*Lambda*/
"\201_\b-\b~",	/*Xi*/
"\202~\b|~\b|",	/*Pi*/
"\201~\b_\b>",	/*Sigma*/
"\000\0",	 /**/
"\201Y",	/*Upsilon*/
"\201|\bO",	/*Phi*/
"\201|\bU",	/*Psi*/
"\202_\b(_\b)",	/*Omega*/
"\002\\/",	/*square root*/
"\201s",	/*terminal sigma*/
"\001~",	/*root en*/
"\001_\b>",	 /*>=*/
"\001_\b<",	 /*<=*/
"\001_\b=",	 /*identically equal*/
"\001-",	 /*equation minus*/
"\001~\b=",	 /*approx =*/
"\001~",	/*approximates*/
"\001/\b=",	/*not equal*/
"\002->",	 /*right arrow*/
"\002<-",	 /*left arrow*/
"\001|\b^",	 /*up arrow*/
"\001|\bv",	/*down arrow*/
"\001=",	 /*equation equal*/
"\001x",	 /*multiply*/
"\001-\b:",	 /*divide*/
"\001_\b+",	/*plus-minus*/
"\001U",	 /*cup (union)*/
"\003(^)",	/*cap (intersection)*/
"\002(_\b~",	/*subset of*/
"\002_\b~)",	/*superset of*/
"\002(~\b_\b=",	/*improper subset*/
"\002~\b_\b=)",	/*improper superset*/
"\002oo",	/*infinity*/
"\0016",	/*partial derivative*/
"\001~\bV",	/*gradient*/
"\001-",	/*not*/
"\001'\b,\bI",	/*integral sign*/
"\002oc",	/*proportional to*/
"\001/\bO",	/*empty set*/
"\201-\bC",	/*member of*/
"\001+",	 /*equation plus*/
"\005(Reg)",	/*registered*/
"\003(c)",	/*copyright*/
"\001|",	 /*box rule */
"\001/\bc",	/*cent sign*/
"\001I\b|",	/*dbl dagger*/
"\001=\b>",	/*right hand*/
"\001=\b<",	/*left hand*/
"\001*",	 /*math * */
"\000\007",	/*bell system sign!*/
"\001|",	 /*or (was star)*/
"\001O",	 /*circle*/
"\001~\b(",	 /*left top (of big curly)*/
"\001_\b(",	 /*left bottom*/
"\001~\b)",	 /*right top*/
"\001_\b)",	 /*right bot*/
"\001-\b(",	 /*left center of big curly bracket*/
"\001-\b)",	 /*right center of big curly bracket*/
"\001|",	/*bold vertical*/
"\001_\b[",	/*left floor (left bot of big sq bract)*/
"\001_\b]",	/*right floor (rb of ")*/
"\001~\b[",	/*left ceiling (lt of ")*/
"\001~\b]"};	/*right ceiling (rt of ")*/

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