
flamer at omsvax.UUCP flamer at omsvax.UUCP
Tue Aug 16 05:32:20 AEST 1983

/*   Program:         nwrite.
 *   Author:          Jim Earenluindil Trethewey.
 *   Version:         2.08 (VAX edition).
 *   Index:           CSD246.
 *   Date:            27-Apr-1983.
 *   Last-edit:       08-Jul-1983.
 *   Language:        C.
 *   Ppn:             /rl2/cs414/trethewe.
 *   For:             CS 416, Operating Systems III, Toshi Minoura.
 *                    Oregon State University,  Corvallis, Oregon.
 *   This is a UNIX multi-user interprocess communications (IPC) program.
 *   This module, nwrite.h, contains major data declarations.

float version = 2.08;
char as_of [] = "08-Jul-1983";

#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sgtty.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <utmp.h>

#ifndef myname
#include <ident.h>

#define   CTRL(x)    ('x' & 037)
#define   SPACE      ' '
#define   ESCAPE     CTRL([)
#define   TILDE      '~'
#define   BEEP       CTRL(G)
#define   CRLF       '\n'
#define   ERASE      "\b \b"
#define   YES        1
#define   NO         0
#define   S_OWRITE   0000002
#define   TTY        0
#define   f_EOF      0
#define   MODE       0600
#define   MAX_FILES  20

 *   The following entries are system dependant: change as needed.

char h_conv [] = "/tmp/nwrite.conv%d";
char h_temp [] = "/tmp/nwrite.XXXXXX";
char h_mfd [] = "/tmp/nwrite.master";
char h_tty [] = "/dev/";
char h_utmp [] = "/etc/utmp";
char sh [] = "/bin/sh";

 *   Global declarations.

struct mct
             int conversation;
             char person [12];
             char location [12];
             char time_on [26];

struct mct_node
             struct mct record;
             struct mct_node *next;

struct mct mfd;
struct mct_node *t_o_s, *ptr, *ptr_1, *ptr_2;
struct ltchars old_ltchars, new_ltchars;
short old_lmodes, new_lmodes;
struct sgttyb old_tty, new_tty;
struct stat stat_buf;
struct utmp ubuf;

FILE *fopen(), *popen(), *fclose();
FILE *f_conv, *f_mail, *f_master, *f_otty, *f_pager, *f_tty, *f_utmp;
FILE *out_file [MAX_FILES];

int isatty(), stat();
int ctrl_pipe [2];
int can_call, column, conversation, done, echo, found_conversation;
int logged_on, match_tty, n, name_match, reader, was_found, writing;
int n_open_files;
int timed_out;

extern sigset (), alarm ();
extern add_mfrec (), analyze (), ascii_time ();
extern back_up (), call_up (), choose_conversation ();
extern close_talk_files (), delete_mfrec ();
extern enter_conference (), eval_input (), force (), get_line (), hang_up ();
extern help (), help_text (), id_me (), init_tty_context ();
extern load_mfd (), lookup_callee_on_system (), mfd_search (), open_master ();
extern open_talk_files (), over (), P (), page_confirm ();
extern parse_request (), please_no (), position (), print_header (), quit ();
extern read_master (), read_pipe (), receive_message (), restore_tty_context ();
extern ring_ring (), save_tty_context (), send_message (), set_up ();
extern shell_escape (), show_char (), store_mfd (), text_process ();
extern tilde_escape (), time_out (), toggle_echo (), trapse_list ();
extern V (), who (), write_master (), write_pipe ();

int debug = NO;

unsigned dead_man = 15;

char **environ;
char *ctime(), *getlogin(), *rindex(), *ttyname();
char *malloc (), *getenv (), *mktemp ();
char ch;
char callee [12];
char current_time [26];
char his_tty [12];
char line [132];
char message [132];
char my_devtty [50];
char tmp_file [50];
char f_devtty [50];
char my_name [12];
char my_tty [12];
char lead_in;
char pattern [] = "-e";

 *   Compile this program with the following commands:
 *      cc nwrite.c -ljobs      (note that nwrite.h better be handy)
 *      mv a.out nwrite
 *      chmod u+s nwrite

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