vmpic -- vmstat in windows

chris at umcp-cs.UUCP chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
Mon Aug 1 12:59:04 AEST 1983

Vmpic is a slightly expanded and much modified version of vmstat.
Vmpic shows the statistics in windows and is therefore easier(?)
to read.  It uses the Maryland Windows Library and it will run only
on 4.1BSD (well, actually I just can't try it on 4.1a or 4.1c but
I severely doubt it would work).

				- Chris

: Run this shell script with "sh" not "csh"
export PATH
if [ $1x = -ax ]; then
/bin/echo 'Extracting vmpic.c'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >vmpic.c
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "@(#)$Header:   vmpic.v  Revision 1.1  83/03/18  19:21:09  chris  Stab$ vmpic.c	U of Maryland ACT 5-Mar-1983";

 * vmpic - vmstat using full screen
 % cc -O -s -o vmpic vmpic.c -lwinlib -ljobs -ltermlib
 %i cc -O -s -o /usr/local/vmpic vmpic.c -lwinlib -ljobs -ltermlib; chmod g+s /usr/local/vmpic
 * Joe Pallas 5-Mar-1983
 * Modified:	5-Mar-1983 ACT for window library, load average
 *		7-Mar-1983 ACT for multiple windows
 *		8-Mar-1983 ACT highlight system %cpu if >= 40.0
 *		18-Mar-1983 ACT added ^L check, minor changes
 *		19-Mar-1983 Andrew & Patrick hacked for vmpic login...
 *			    (a REALLY horrible hack!)
 *		19-Mar-1983 ACT Cleaned up above mod a bit
 *		2-May-1983 ACT Cleaned up yet more (fix from JIP)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/vm.h>
#include <sys/dk.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <nlist.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <local/window.h>


X/* This one is an /etc/config option; not available in h files */

struct nlist nml[] = {
#define	X_CPTIME	0
#define	X_RATE		1
#define	X_TOTAL		2
#define	X_DEFICIT	3
#define	X_FORKSTAT	4
#define	X_SUM		5
#define	X_FIRSTFREE	6
#define	X_MAXFREE	7
#define	X_BOOTIME	8
#define	X_DK_XFER	9
#define	X_TK_NIN	10
#define	X_TK_NOUT	11
#define	X_AVENRUN	12
#define	X_LOTSFREE	13
#define	X_DESFREE	14
#define	X_MINFREE	15
#define	X_HZ		16
#define	X_LP_NOUT	17

char	*ctime ();
double	stat1 ();

char	buf[100];
int	firstfree, maxfree, minfree, lotsfree, desfree, deficit, hz, kmem;
time_t	bootime;
double	etime;
double	avenrun[3];

X/* Grouping of stuff so can use structure assignment */
struct {
	long		time[CPUSTATES];
	long		xfer[DK_NDRIVE];
	struct vmmeter	Rate;
	struct vmtotal	Total;
	struct vmmeter	Sum;
X/*	struct forkstat	Forkstat; -- not currently used */
	long		tk_nin;
	long		tk_nout;
	int		lp_nout;
} s, s1;			/* s1 == the previous s */

X/* This structure is used to specify what to read from the kernel.  k_item is
   the address to read into, k_size is the number of bytes, and k_index is
   the index into the namelist "nml" which determines the kernel address. */
struct kvalues {
	caddr_t		k_item;
	off_t		k_size;
	int		k_index;

struct kvalues LoopTable[] = {
	(caddr_t) s.time,	sizeof s.time,	X_CPTIME,
	(caddr_t) s.xfer,	sizeof s.xfer,	X_DK_XFER,
	(caddr_t) &s.Rate,	sizeof s.Rate,	X_RATE,
	(caddr_t) &s.Sum,	sizeof s.Sum,	X_SUM,
X/*	(caddr_t) &s.Forkstat,	sizeof s.Forkstat, X_FORKSTAT, */
	(caddr_t) &s.Total,	sizeof s.Total,	X_TOTAL,
	(caddr_t) &s.tk_nin,	sizeof s.tk_nin, X_TK_NIN,
	(caddr_t) &s.tk_nout,	sizeof s.tk_nout, X_TK_NOUT,
	(caddr_t) &deficit,	sizeof deficit,	X_DEFICIT,
	(caddr_t) avenrun,	sizeof avenrun,	X_AVENRUN,
	(caddr_t) &s.lp_nout,	sizeof s.lp_nout, X_LP_NOUT,
	0, 0, 0

struct kvalues InitTable[] = {
	(caddr_t) &firstfree,	sizeof firstfree, X_FIRSTFREE,
	(caddr_t) &maxfree,	sizeof maxfree,	X_MAXFREE,
	(caddr_t) &bootime,	sizeof bootime,	X_BOOTIME,
	(caddr_t) &lotsfree,	sizeof lotsfree, X_LOTSFREE,
	(caddr_t) &desfree,	sizeof desfree, X_DESFREE,
	(caddr_t) &minfree,	sizeof minfree, X_MINFREE,
	(caddr_t) &hz,		sizeof hz,	X_HZ,
	0, 0, 0

X/* This determines what windows to display */
X/* The 4 ints specify the position & size; the two strings are optional, and
   are the label and initial contents for the window */
struct initscreen {
	int	i_x, i_y, i_xe, i_ye;
	char	*i_lbl, *i_str;
} InitScreen[] = {
#define	W_TIME (wins[0])
X/*0*/	18, 0,  38, 1,	0,
#define	W_PROC (wins[1])
X/*1*/	0,  1,  15, 7,	"Processes",
			"Runnable\nDisk Wait\nPage Wait\nSwapped\nSleeping",
#define	W_BOOTIME (wins[2])
X/*2*/	18, 1,  39, 1,	0,
			"Last reboot @ ",
#define	W_DISK (wins[3])
X/*3*/	17, 2,  12, 6,	"Disk Xfers",
#define	W_FAULTS (wins[4])
X/*4*/	32, 3,  18, 6,	"Faults",
			"Interrupts\nDZ Pseudo\nSyscalls\nContext Sw",
#define	W_PAGE (wins[5])
X/*5*/	0,  8,  19, 10,	"Paging",
			"Reclaims\nPage Ins\nPage Outs\nPages Freed\nDeficit\nScan Rate\nSwap Ins\nSwap Outs",
#define	W_CPU (wins[6])
X/*6*/	22, 9,  21, 6,	"CPU Usage",
			"User (normal)\t  %\nUser (nice)\t  %\nSystem\t\t  %\nIdle\t\t  %",
#define	W_MEM (wins[7])
X/*7*/	22, 15, 28, 5,	"Memory",
			"Active Virtual       pages\nActive Real\t     pages\nFree\t\t     pages",
#define	W_TERM (wins[8])
X/*8*/	0,  18, 15, 5,	"Terminals",
			"Input\nOutput\nLP Out",
#define	W_UP (wins[9])
X/*9*/	22, 20, 20, 1,	0,
#define	W_LOAD (wins[10])
X/*10*/	22, 21, 34, 1,	0,
			"Load average:",
#define	W_MAIL (wins[11])
X/*11*/	22, 22,	4,  1,	0,

#define	NWINS	(sizeof InitScreen/sizeof *InitScreen)

Win	*wins[NWINS];

main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
	register	i;
	register struct initscreen *ip;
	register struct vmmeter *v;
	time_t		now, mtime;
	int		days, hrs, mins;
	int		iter, sleeptime, nintv;
	char		*str;
	char		mail[300];
	double		f;
	struct stat	st;
	int		NewMail = 0;

	/* Read the namelist */
	nlist ("/vmunix", nml);
	if (nml[0].n_type == 0) {
		fprintf (stderr, "No /vmunix namelist\n");
		exit (1);
	if (nml[X_LP_NOUT].n_type == 0)
		nml[X_LP_NOUT].n_value = 0;
	/* Open /dev/kmem */
	kmem = open ("/dev/kmem", 0);
	if (kmem < 0) {
		fprintf (stderr, "Can't open /dev/kmem\n");
		exit (1);
	if (argc < 2) {
		iter = 1;
		sleeptime = 0;
#if 0
		/* This is the way it *should* be done, */
		if (getppid () == 1) {	/* Parent is init, must be a
					   "login shell" */
		/* but with our "fakelogin" program ppid != 1, sigh */
		if (getuid () == 199) {	/* ugly ... */
			iter = 0;
			sleeptime = 5;
	else if (argc == 2)
		iter = 0, sleeptime = atoi (argv[1]);
	else if (argc >= 3)
		iter = atoi (argv[2]), sleeptime = atoi (argv[1]);
	if (ReadKernel (InitTable))
		exit (1);
	time (&now);
	nintv = now - bootime;
	if (nintv <= 0 || nintv > 60*60*24*365*10) {
		fprintf (stderr,
			"Time makes no sense: namelist must be wrong\n");
		exit (1);
	/* Initialize windows */
	if (Winit (0, 0)) {
		fprintf (stderr,
			"Sorry, this terminal doesn't support windows\n");
		exit (1);
	for (ip = InitScreen; ip < &InitScreen[NWINS]; ip++) {
		register Win *w;

		w = Wopen (0, ip->i_x, ip->i_y, ip->i_xe, ip->i_ye, 0, 0);
		if (w == 0) {
			Wcleanup ();
			fprintf (stderr, "Sorry, your screen is too small\n");
			exit (1);
		wins[ip - InitScreen] = w;
		Woncursor (w, 0);
		Wnewline (w, 1);
		Wwrap (w, 0);
		if (ip -> i_ye > 1) {
			Wframe (w);
			if (ip -> i_lbl)
				Wlabel (w, ip -> i_lbl, 0, 1);
		if (str = ip -> i_str) {
			if (*str == '$') {/* Use inverse video */
				Wsetmode (w, WINVERSE);
			Wputs (str, w);
			Wsetmode (w, 0);
	WSetRealCursor = 1;
	WRCurRow = 0;
	WRCurCol = 0;
	sprintf (mail, "/usr/spool/mail/%s", getenv ("USER"));
	if (stat (mail, &st) >= 0)
		mtime = st.st_mtime;
	sprintf (buf, "%.24s", ctime (&bootime));
	Wputs (buf, W_BOOTIME);
	Whide (W_MAIL);

	/* This is the main loop.  It should be a for(;;) but then everything
	   would be way over on the right. */
	time (&now);

	/* Read the kernel stuff */
	if (ReadKernel (LoopTable))
		Wexit (1);

	/* Put info into windows */
	WAcursor (W_TIME, 0, 14);
	sprintf (buf, "%.24s", ctime (&now));
	Wputs (buf, W_TIME);
	etime = 0.;
	for (i = 0; i < CPUSTATES; i++)
		etime += s.time[i] - s1.time[i];
	if (etime == 0.)
		etime = 1.;

#define	WPR(w,y,x,fmt,n)	WAcursor (w, y, x),	\
				sprintf (buf, fmt, n),	\
				Wputs (buf, w)

	/* Processes */
	WPR (W_PROC, 0, 10, "%3d", s.Total.t_rq);/* Running */
	WPR (W_PROC, 1, 10, "%3d", s.Total.t_dw);/* Disk Wait */
	WPR (W_PROC, 2, 10, "%3d", s.Total.t_pw);/* Page Wait */
	WPR (W_PROC, 3, 10, "%3d", s.Total.t_sw);/* Swapped */
	WPR (W_PROC, 4, 10, "%3d", s.Total.t_sl);/* Sleeping */

	/* Virtual memory */
	WPR (W_MEM, 0, 15, "%5d", s.Total.t_avm / 2);/* AVM */
	WPR (W_MEM, 1, 15, "%5d", s.Total.t_rm / 2);/* ARM */
	WAcursor (W_MEM, 2, 15);
	sprintf (buf, "%5d", i = s.Total.t_free / 2);
	if (i < minfree)
	else if (i < desfree)
		Wsetmode (W_MEM, WINVERSE);
	Wputs (buf, W_MEM);	/* Free space */
	Wsetmode (W_MEM, 0);

	v = nintv != 1 ? &s.Sum : &s.Rate;

	/* Paging */
	WPR (W_PAGE, 0, 12, "%5d",/* Reclaims */
		(v -> v_pgrec - (v -> v_xsfrec + v -> v_xifrec)) / nintv);
	WPR (W_PAGE, 1, 12, "%5d", v -> v_pgin  / nintv);/* Pageins */
	WPR (W_PAGE, 2, 12, "%5d", v -> v_pgout / nintv);/* Pageouts */
	WPR (W_PAGE, 3, 12, "%5d", v -> v_dfree / nintv);/* Freed per sec */
	WPR (W_PAGE, 4, 12, "%5d", deficit / 2);/* Shortfall */
	f = (60.0 * v -> v_scan) / (LOOPSIZ * nintv);
	if (f >= 0.01)
		Wsetmode (W_PAGE, WINVERSE);
	WPR (W_PAGE, 5, 12, "%5.2f", f);
	Wsetmode (W_PAGE, 0);
	WPR (W_PAGE, 6, 12, "%5d", v -> v_swpin  / nintv);/* Swap ins */
	WPR (W_PAGE, 7, 12, "%5d", v -> v_swpout / nintv);/* Swap outs */

	etime /= 60.;

	/* Disk transfers */
	for (i = 0; i < DK_NDRIVE; i++)
		WPR (W_DISK, i, 6, "%4.0f", (s.xfer[i]-s1.xfer[i])/etime);

	/* Faults */
	WPR (W_FAULTS, 0, 12, "%4d", v -> v_intr / nintv - hz);/* Interrupts */
	WPR (W_FAULTS, 1, 12, "%4d", v -> v_pdma / nintv);/* DZ pseudo intr */
	WPR (W_FAULTS, 2, 12, "%4d", v -> v_syscall / nintv);/* System calls */
	WPR (W_FAULTS, 3, 12, "%4d", v -> v_swtch / nintv);/* Context sws */

	/* CPU usage */
	WPR (W_CPU, 0, 15, "%3.0f", stat1 (0));/* User mode (normal) */
	WPR (W_CPU, 1, 15, "%3.0f", stat1 (1));/* User mode (nice) */
	f = stat1 (2);
	if (f >= 40.)
		Wsetmode (W_CPU, WINVERSE);
	WPR (W_CPU, 2, 15, "%3.0f", f);/* System */
	Wsetmode (W_CPU, 0);
	WPR (W_CPU, 3, 15, "%3.0f", stat1 (3));/* Idle */

	/* Terminal I/O */
	WPR (W_TERM, 0, 8, "%5.0f", (s.tk_nin-s1.tk_nin)/etime);/* In */
	WPR (W_TERM, 1, 8, "%5.0f", (s.tk_nout-s1.tk_nout)/etime);/* Out */
	WPR (W_TERM, 2, 8, "%5.0f", (s.lp_nout-s1.lp_nout)/etime);/* LP Out */

	/* Load average */
	WAcursor (W_LOAD, 0, 14);
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		sprintf (buf, "%5.2f", avenrun[i]);
		if (avenrun[i] > 6.)
			Wsetmode (W_LOAD, WINVERSE);
		Wputs (buf, W_LOAD);
		Wsetmode (W_LOAD, 0);
		if (i != 2)
			Wputc (' ', W_LOAD);

	/* Uptime */
	WAcursor (W_UP, 0, 3);
	Wclear (W_UP, 0);
	i = now - bootime;
	days = i / (60*60*24);
	i -= days * 60*60*24;
	hrs = i / (60*60);
	i -= hrs * 60*60;
	mins = i / 60;
	i = 0;
	if (days) {
		sprintf (buf, "%d day%s", days, days == 1 ? "" : "s");
		Wputs (buf, W_UP);
		i = 1;
	if (hrs && mins)
		sprintf (buf, "%s%2d:%02d", i ? ", " : "", hrs, mins);
	else {
		buf[0] = 0;
		if (hrs > 0)
			sprintf (buf, "%s%d hr%s", i ? ", " : "",
					hrs, hrs == 1 ? "" : "s");
		if (mins > 0)
			sprintf (buf, "%s%d min%s", i ? ", " : "",
					mins, mins == 1 ? "" : "s");
	Wputs (buf, W_UP);

	/* Mail */
	if (stat (mail, &st) >= 0 && st.st_size) {
		if (st.st_mtime < st.st_atime)
			NewMail = 0;
		else if (st.st_mtime > mtime)
			NewMail++, mtime = st.st_mtime;
		NewMail = 0;
	if (NewMail)
		Wunhide (W_MAIL);
		Whide (W_MAIL);

	/* Update screen and loop if desired */
	Wrefresh (0);
	if (InputPending) {
		char c;

		while (InputPending) {
			read (0, &c, 1);
			if (c == 014)
			ioctl (0, FIONREAD, &InputPending);
		Wrefresh (0);
	if (--iter == 0)
		Wexit (0);
	nintv = 1;
	s1 = s;
	if (sleeptime)
		sleep (sleeptime);
	goto loop;

X/* Return the %cpu for s.time[row] */
stat1 (row)
	double t;
	register i;

	t = 0.;
	for (i = 0; i < CPUSTATES; i++)
		t += s.time[i] - s1.time[i];
	if (t == 0.)
		t = 1.;
	return (s.time[row] - s1.time[row]) * 100. / t;

X/* Read kernel values according to table starting at k */
ReadKernel (k)
register struct kvalues *k;
	while (k -> k_item) {
		lseek (kmem, (long) nml[k -> k_index].n_value, 0);
		if (read (kmem, (char *) k->k_item, k->k_size) != k->k_size) {
			fprintf (stderr, "Error reading kmem at %d\r\n",
					nml[k -> k_index].n_value);
			return -1;
	return 0;

X/* The standard sleep creates problems because it uses longjmp() on an alarm
   to return.  This one uses a flag instead, so is much safer. */

X/* @(#)sleep.c	4.1 (Berkeley) 12/21/80 */
#include <signal.h>

static alarmed;

unsigned n;
	int sleepx();
	unsigned altime;
	int (*alsig)() = SIG_DFL;
	int (*sigset())();

	if (n==0)
	altime = alarm(1000);	/* time to maneuver */
	if (altime) {
		if (altime > n)
			altime -= n;
		else {
			n = altime;
			altime = 1;
	alsig = sigset(SIGALRM, sleepx);
	alarmed = 0;
	while (!alarmed)
	sigset (SIGALRM, alsig);
	alarm (altime);

//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 vmpic.c
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld vmpic.c
/bin/echo 'Extracting vmpic.1l'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >vmpic.1l
X.TH VMPIC 1L "U of M Local"
vmpic \- report virtual memory and system statistics in windows
X.B vmpic
X.I interval
X.I count
] ]
X.B Vmpic
delves into the system and normally reports certain statistics kept
about process, virtual memory, disk, trap and cpu activity.  The
X.I interval
argument causes
X.B vmpic
to report once each
X.I interval
seconds; ``vmpic 5'' will print what the system is doing every five
seconds; this is a good choice of printing interval since this is how
often the statistics are sampled in the system.  If a
X.I count
is given, the statistics are repeated
X.I count
times.  The display is done in windows, with each window being labeled
as to genral contents and with one line per statistic in each window.
Standout mode is used to highlight things which are considered unusual
or bad for response.  The screen can be completely redrawn by typing
X.TP 10
X.I Processes
X.B Running
processes are those trying to use the CPU.  Processes in
X.B "Disk Wait"
are waiting for disk (or other short-term I/O) operations to complete.
Processes in
X.B "Page Wait"
are waiting for free memory pages.  Process
X.B Sleeping
are those that are runnable or short sleepers (< 20 seconds);
X.B "Swapped"
processes are those that are runnable but swapped.
X.TP 10
X.I Memory
Information about the usage of virtual and real memory.
X.B "Active Virtual"
pages are those which belong to processes that are running or have run
in the last 20 seconds.  A ``page'' here is 1024 bytes.
X.B "Active Real"
pages are those which are in use by processes and are actually in core
(as opposed to "virtually" existing, being out on disk).
X.B Free
memory is the number of pages not currently in use.
X.TP 10
X.I Page
Information about page faults and paging activity, and swaps.  These
are averaged each five seconds, and given in units per second.
X.B Reclaims
are pages that were freed but taken back by the process from which they
were freed before being allocated anywhere else.  Reclaims also include
text pages that were given up by a process that exited, but taken back
by a new instance of the same program.
X.B "Page Ins"
are pages that were transferered in from disk.
X.B "Page Outs"
are pages that were freed and transferred out to disk.
X.B "Pages Freed"
is the number of pages freed per second.  This counts pages that were
reclaimed, so is not necessarily the number of new free pages.
X.B Deficit
is the number of pages needed to swap someone in.  Normally this will
always be zero; if it is nonzero, the paging system is getting
overloaded.  The
X.B "Scan Rate"
is the rate at which the pageout daemon is running through physical
memory and freeing pages.  As the scan rate goes up, so does the number
of pages freed, and probably the number of reclaims.  If the pageout
daemon gets back around to a page and it's still free, it gets paged
out.  I'm not sure just what units the scan rate is in.
X.B "Swap Ins"
is the number of process swap ins in the last 5 seconds;
X.B "Swap Outs"
is the number of process swap outs.
X.TP 10
X.I "Disk Xfers"
Disk operations per second (this field is system dependent).  The
numbers after each
are the disk numbers.  On our system,
disk 0 is /usr, /, and some paging; disk 1 is /u; and disk 2 is /g, /tmp,
and more paging.
X.TP 10
X.I Faults
Trap/interrupt rate averages per second over last 5 seconds.
X.B Interrupts
is interrupts per second, not including the clock.
X.B "DZ Pseudo"
is the number of DZ PDMA (Pseudo DMA) interrupts.
X.B Syscalls
is system calls per second.
X.B "Context Sw"
is the cpu context switch rate (switches/sec).
X.TP 10
X.I "CPU Usage"
is a breakdown of percentage usage of CPU time.
X.B "User (normal)"
is the time spent running normal priority user processes.
X.B "User (nice)"
is the time spent running low priority ("niced") processes.
X.B System
is the time spent running system code, and
X.B Idle
is the amount of time the CPU has nothing to do.
X.TP 10
X.I Terminals
shows the number of characters read and written on ttys per second
averaged over the last interval.
X.B Input
is the number of characters read and
X.B Output
is the number of characters written.
X.TP 10
X.I Mail
X.B Mail
window pops up if you get new mail.  This is for those of you who
have nothing better to do than wait for mail and watch the show.
X/dev/kmem, /vmunix
The sections starting with ``Interpreting system activity'' in
X.I "Setting up the Fourth Berkeley Software Tape"
by W. Joy, O. Babaoglu, and K. Sklower
Joe Pallas and Chris Torek
The code was originally derived from
X.IR vmstat (1).
The way CPU time is computed can cause the number of interrupts to be
printed as "-1" occasionally.
Won't run on very small screens.
Should include lots of other goodies.
I don't guarantee that any of the above is correct.  --Chris
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 vmpic.1l
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld vmpic.1l
In-Real-Life:	Chris Torek, Univ of MD Comp Sci
UUCP:		{seismo,allegra,brl-bmd}!umcp-cs!chris
CSNet:		chris at umcp-cs
ARPA:		chris.umcp-cs at UDel-Relay

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