monitor.c -- a system status monitor

Prentiss Riddle riddle at ut-sally.UUCP
Wed Oct 26 14:24:58 AEST 1983

 *   monitor   831017   Prentiss Riddle
 *   system status monitor
 *   compilation:  "cc -o monitor monitor.c -lcurses -ltermlib"
 *   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *   This routine is intended primarily to be used as an aid in debugging
 *   multi-process systems, programs manipulating a lot of files in a direc-
 *   tory, and the like.  I like to be running a program I'm working on at one
 *   terminal while "monitor" is running on the next one to tell me what's
 *   going on.  What it does is run a specified command over and over again,
 *   displaying one screenful of the process's output at all times and using
 *   cursor optimization to update the display with a minimum of distractions.
 *   NOTE:  monitor runs in an infinite loop -- the only way to exit is with
 *          the "break" key!
 *   USAGE:   monitor [-] [-t] [-s sleep] [command]
 *      -            yields a "usage" message.
 *      -t           causes the clock time to appear in the upper right-
 *                      hand corner of the display.
 *      -s sleep     specifies the number of seconds to sleep between execu-
 *                      tions of the "command".
 *                      Default: 15.
 *      command      command to be repeatedly executed.  If it contains
 *                      pipes, semicolons or metacharacters it should be
 *                      quoted.
 *                      Default: 'ps -ua'
 *  The command
 *       monitor -t -s 0 ps -aux
 *  continuously displays the time of day and the first screenful of the
 *  list of all processes on the system.  A more specialized command
 *       monitor 'ls -aCF ; echo "" ; ps -u'
 *   keeps me informed about the contents of my current working directory
 *   and the status of all of my processes.
 *   The program also has other potential applications.  People here at UT
 *   who want to keep their terminals from being timed out often run shell
 *   scripts equivalent to the following:
 *       monitor -s 100 w
 *   Finally, you can drive yourself crazy with:
 *       monitor -t -s 5 'echo "" ; /usr/games/fortune'
 *   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *   Address comments and complaints to:
 *           Prentiss Riddle
 *           1216-B W. 22nd
 *           Austin, TX 78705
 *           {ihnp4,kpno,ctvax}!ut-sally!riddle
 *           riddle at ut-sally.UUCP

#include <curses.h>
#include <signal.h>

#define   DEFTFLAG  FALSE    /* default "-t" option flag */
#define   DEFSLEEP  15       /* default sleep time */
#define   DEFCOM    "ps -u"  /* default command */
#define   BIGSTRING 160      /* length of long strings */

FILE *stream;                /* input stream from child process */

main( argc, argv )

    int  argc;
    char *argv[];

    int  atoi();             /* ascii-to-integer function */
    int  die();              /* function to die gracefully on interrupt */
    FILE *popen();           /* (system) open a pipe to a child process */
    long time();             /* (system) system time in seconds */
    char *ctime();           /* (system) time and date as an ascii string */

    long systime;            /* result from "time()" */
    char *datetime;          /* result from "ctime()" */
    char justtime[9];        /* clock time (without date) */
    char c;                  /* current character */
    int  i;                  /* counter */
    int  x,y;                /* screen coordinates */
    char line[BIGSTRING];    /* a line of output from the child proces */
    int  tflag;              /* logical flag for the "-t" option */
    int  sleepytime;         /* seconds to sleep between commands */
    char command[BIGSTRING]; /* command to be executed */
    char *usage = "usage:  monitor [-] [-t] [-s sleep] [command]\n";

 *  Get arguments and flags.  Set defaults first.
    tflag = DEFTFLAG;
    sleepytime = DEFSLEEP;
    strcpy ( command, DEFCOM );

    for (i = 1; i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-'; i++) {
        if ( strcmp(argv[i],"-t") == 0 ) {
            tflag = !tflag;
        } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"-s") == 0 ) {
            if ( i >= argc || ! atoi ( argv[++i], &sleepytime ) ) {
                fprintf ( stderr,
                          "monitor: missing sleep argument\n" );
                fprintf ( stderr, "%s", usage );
        } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"-") == 0 ) {
            printf ( "%s", usage );
        } else {
            fprintf ( stderr,
                      "monitor: unknown argument %s\n", argv[i] );
            fprintf ( stderr, "%s", usage );

    /* collapse any remaining args into "command" */
    if ( i < argc )
        for ( command[0] = '\0'; i < argc; i++ ) {
            append ( command, argv[i] );
            append ( command, " " );

    /* echo the settings */
    fprintf (stderr, "monitor ");
    if (tflag)  fprintf (stderr, "-t ");
    fprintf (stderr, "-s %d %s\n", sleepytime, command);

 *  Initialize things for "curses".
    signal ( SIGINT, die );
    leaveok ( stdscr, FALSE );
    scrollok ( stdscr, FALSE );

 *  Infinite loop.
    while ( TRUE ) {

        /* perform the command and copy it to the screen. */
        stream = popen ( command, "r" );
        y = 0;
        do {
            x = 0;
            while ( x < COLS-1 && (c = getc(stream)) != '\n'
                               && c != EOF )
                line[x++] = c;
            line[x] = '\0';
            while ( c != EOF && c != '\n' )
                 c = getc(stream);
            mvaddstr ( y++, 0, line );
        } while ( y < LINES && c != EOF );
        pclose ( stream );

        /* print the time */
        if ( tflag ) {
            systime = time(0);
            datetime = ctime ( &systime );
            substr ( datetime, 11, 18, justtime );
            move ( 0, COLS-13 );
            addstr ( justtime );
        /* flag it if the screen wouldn't hold everything */
        if ( y >= LINES ) {
            move ( 0, COLS-4 );
            addstr ( "..." );

        /* have "curses" refresh the screen and rest up for next time. */
        if (sleepytime > 0)
            sleep ( sleepytime );

int  atoi ( a, i )
 *  Ascii-to-integer converter.
 *  Returns "1" if conversion successful, "0" if it fails.
    char a[];
    int  *i;
    int  j;
    char c;

    *i = 0;
    for (j = 0; (c = a[j]) != '\0'; j++) {
        if ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' )
            *i = 10 * *i + c - '0';
            return ( 0 );
    return ( 1 );

append ( str1, str2 )
 *  Copies str2 to the end of str1.
 *  str2 had better be big enough!
    char *str1,*str2;
    int  i,j;

    /* find the end of str1 */
    for ( i = 0 ; str1[i] != '\0' ; i++ ) ;

    /* do the append */
    for ( j = 0 ; (str1[i++] = str2[j++]) != '\0' ; ) ;

die() {
 *  routine to die gracefully upon interrupt.
    /* handle the interrupt */
    signal ( SIGINT, SIG_IGN );

    /* close curses */
    move ( LINES-1, 0 );
 /*DEBUG     addch ( ' ' );     DEBUG*/

    /* close the "system" process */
    pclose ( stream );

    /* bye-bye */


substr ( str, f, t, sub )
 *  Copies str[f..t] to sub[].  Copying stops if a '\0' is encountered.
 *  If t < 0 it is assumed to be infinite.
 *  There had better be enough space in sub[] for the result!
    int  f, t;
    char str[], sub[];
    char c;
    int  i,j;

    if (t < 0)  t = 32000;
    i = f;
    j = 0;
    while ( i <= t && (c = str[i]) != '\0' ) {
        sub[j] =c;
    sub[j] = '\0';

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