Encryption program

Richard O'Keefe ok at edai.UUCP
Sat Apr 14 09:54:17 AEST 1984

encrypt/decrypt/recrypt program

This is an enhanced version of the program I posted in encrypted
form a while back.  I meant then to post the source after waiting
a month to see if anyone could decrypt it (no-one has) and then I
thought it might be worth some $$$money$$$.  Unfortunately, I did
it on the Departmental VAX, and the Department have ignored my
letter asking how much of a cut they would want, so, you lucky
lucky world, you're getting this free, gratis, and for nothing!

cat >encrypt.1 <<'EOF'
.TH ENCRYPT 1 local
decrypt, encrypt, recrypt \- encryption/decryption filters
.B encrypt
.I key
.B decrypt
.I key
.B recrypt
.I keyin
.I keyout
All three commands are filters, reading from the standard input and
writing on the standard output.
.B encrypt
takes a clear text and encrypts it using the given
.I key.
.B decrypt
takes a text which was encrypted using the given
.I key
and produces the original clear text.
.B recrypt
decrypts its standard input using
.I keyin
and re-encrypts it using
.I keyout
to its standard output.  It has the same effect as
	decrypt keyin | encrypt keyout
except that it is more convenient, and on systems where pipes are
implemented as temporary files it reduces the chance of the clear text
becoming visible.
.I key
is a string of at least 14 ASCII characters (excluding NUL).  Only the
first 14 characters are significant.  The internal 52-bit form of a key
is never revealed.  Alphabetic case in a key is ignored, so the same key
may be used in a system where the command scanner ignores alphabetic case.
The encryption method used is quite fast (around 5000 characters per
second on an 11/750).  There is good reason to suppose that
its most vulnerable point is the physical security of the key.
"command must be {de,en,re}crypt" \- there is actually only one program.
It uses the command name to tell it what to do.  This message means that
the name you used didn't start with any letter in "dDeErR".
"missing decryption key"
"decryption key shorter than 14 characters"
"missing encryption key"
"encryption key shorter than 14 characters" \- unlike the standard UNIX
program crypt(1) these programs will
.I not
read a key from the terminal.  When a key is provided it must be at
least 14 characters long (but need not be any longer).
"file name arguments are not accepted" \- these commands are pure
filters, they do
.I not
accept file names as arguments like cat(1).
crypt(1), crypt(3)
Richard A. O'Keefe, DAI Edinburgh
cat >encrypt.c <'EOF'
/*  File   : encrypt.c
    Author : R.A.O'Keefe
    Updated: 16 Feb 84
    Purpose: encrypt and decrypt a file for security.
    Compile: cc -n -s -O encrypt.c -o encrypt
	     ln encrypt decrypt; ln encrypt recrypt

#define	mod0 30269
#define mod1 30307
#define mod2 30323

#define mul0 171
#define mul1 172
#define mul2 170

#define	BlockSize 4096

char	inbuff[BlockSize];
char	exbuff[BlockSize];
short	perm[BlockSize];

int	drand0, drand1, drand2;		/* random state for dePerm */
int	erand0, erand1, erand2;		/* random state for enPerm */

#ifndef	NOFLOAT

#define inc(a,i) t = (long)a/**/rand/**/i * mul/**/i,\
		 t %= mod/**/i,\
		 a/**/rand/**/i = t,\
		 d += (double)t*(1.0/(double)mod/**/i)

/*  dePerm(length) and enPerm(length) both generate random permutations
    on 0..(length-1) in the vector perm[].  They are different because
    they use (contain) two random number generators, and that is for
    the sake of recrypt.  Normally I wouldn't duplicate code of this
    sort, but there is so little of it.  Note how the "inc" macro has
    a symbolic index (d/e) and a numeric index (0/1/2) and how it uses
    a feature of the C preprocessor: mul\**\i expands to e.g. mul2.

void dePerm(length)
    int length;
	register int N, I;
	register long t;
	register double d;

	for (N = length; --N >= 0; perm[N] = N) ;
	for (N = length; N > 0; ) {
	    d = 0.0;
	    I = (int)((d-(long)d)*N);
	    t = perm[N], perm[N] = perm[I], perm[I] = t;

void enPerm(length)
    int length;
	register int N, I, t;
	register double d;

	for (N = length; --N >= 0; perm[N] = N) ;
	for (N = length; N > 0; ) {
	    d = 0.0;
	    I = (int)((d-(long)d)*N);
	    t = perm[N], perm[N] = perm[I], perm[I] = t;


/*  We can actually generate these random numbers without using floating
    point, so the method is suitable for use on 16-bit machines with a
    (16)*(16)->32 multiply and a (32)/(16)->16 divide instruction.  Here
    is the code for those machines.

void dePerm(length)
    int length;
	register int N, I, t;

	for (N = length; --N >= 0; perm[N] = N) ;
	for (N = length; N > 0; ) {
	    I = (((((drand0 = ((long)drand0 * mul0) % mod0) << 15)/mod0
	      +	   ((drand1 = ((long)drand1 * mul1) % mod1) << 15)/mod1
	      +	   ((drand2 = ((long)drand2 * mul2) % mod2) << 15)/mod2
	      ) & 077777) * N) >> 15;
	    t = perm[N], perm[N] = perm[I], perm[I] = t;

void enPerm(length)
    int length;
	register int N, I, t;

	for (N = length; --N >= 0; perm[N] = N) ;
	for (N = length; N > 0; ) {
	    I = (((((erand0 = ((long)erand0 * mul0) % mod0) << 15)/mod0
	      +	   ((erand1 = ((long)erand1 * mul1) % mod1) << 15)/mod1
	      +	   ((erand2 = ((long)erand2 * mul2) % mod2) << 15)/mod2
	      ) & 077777) * N) >> 15;
	    t = perm[N], perm[N] = perm[I], perm[I] = t;

#endif	NOFLOAT

/*  gripe(s) writes s on the standard output and exits with failure  */

void gripe(s)
    char *s;
	write(2, s, strlen(s));

/*  We want to derive 3 15-bit numbers and one 8-bit number from the key.
    Since a key is likely to mainly consist of letters, and since we are
    to ignore alphabetic case, we can only get 5 bits per character.  To
    get a 15-bit number we could take 3 letters but this would produce a
    bias in the remainders, so we take 4 letters.  So the key has to be
    at least 14 characters long, and we ignore all but the first 14.  As
    the "ps" command will display argument strings, we have to smash the
    string as soon as we have looked at it.

int getkey(s, k0, k1, k2)
    register char *s;
    short *k0, *k1, *k2;
	register int t;

	if (s == 0 || strlen(s) < 14) return -1;
	t = ((s[ 0]&31)<<15) | ((s[ 1]&31)<<10) | ((s[ 2]&31)<<5) | (s[ 3]&31);
	*k0 = t%mod0;
	t = ((s[ 4]&31)<<15) | ((s[ 5]&31)<<10) | ((s[ 6]&31)<<5) | (s[ 7]&31);
	*k1 = t%mod1;
	t = ((s[ 8]&31)<<15) | ((s[ 9]&31)<<10) | ((s[10]&31)<<5) | (s[11]&31);
	*k2 = t%mod2;
	t =					  ((s[12]&15)<<4) | (s[13]&15);
	strcpy(s, "not now a key.");
	return t;

void main(argc, argv)
    char **argv;
    int argc;
	int decrypt, encrypt;
	register int N, dmask, emask;
	int length;
	/*  Decode the arguments  */
	/*  Argument 0 is the command name, {de|en|re}recrypt  */
	/*  We only examine the first letter, and that ignoring case  */
	/* We have to skip over leading directory/ components to find */
	/* the initial.						      */
	    register char *s = *argv;
	    register int initial = *s;
	    while (*s) if (*s++ == '/') initial = *s;
	    switch (initial|32) {
		case 'd': decrypt = 1, encrypt = 0; break;
		case 'e': decrypt = 0, encrypt = 1; break;
		case 'r': decrypt = 1, encrypt = 1; break;
		default : gripe("command must be {de,en,re}crypt\n");

	if (decrypt) {		/* Decryption key */
	    argv++, argc--;
	    if (argc <= 0) gripe("missing decryption key\n");
	    dmask = getkey(*argv, &drand0, &drand1, &drand2);
	    if (dmask < 0) gripe("decryption key shorter than 14 characters\n");

	if (encrypt) {		/* Encryption key */
	    argv++, argc--;
	    if (argc <= 0) gripe("missing encryption key\n");
	    emask = getkey(*argv, &erand0, &erand1, &erand2);
	    if (emask < 0) gripe("encryption key shorter than 14 characters\n");

	if (argc > 1) {		/* There should be no more arguments */
	    gripe("file name arguments are not accepted\n");

	while ((length = read(0, inbuff, BlockSize)) != 0) {

	    if (decrypt) {
		for (N = length; --N >= 0; )
		    exbuff[N] = dmask ^= inbuff[perm[N]];
		if (encrypt)
		    for (N = length; --N >= 0; inbuff[N] = exbuff[N]) ;

	    if (encrypt) {
		for (N = length; --N >= 0; )
		    exbuff[perm[N]] = emask ^ inbuff[N], emask = inbuff[N];

	    write(1, exbuff, length);


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