dtree.c (revised edition for 4bsd sites)

Ed Arnold arnold at csu-cs.UUCP
Mon Apr 9 23:45:44 AEST 1984

    When I posted the diffs to dtree I received a lot of requests to mail
    or post the revised source. There, in my opinion, were enough requests
    that a reposting is in order. What follows is the current local version
    of dtree. As I've said before links have been coaxed into working.
    Another modification has been made as of my last diff posting. A local
    wizard has hacked the source such that it will search down the path of
    a directory that is greater than 14 characters or the specified column
    width. Credit for the new hack goes to Mike Vevea (csu-cs!vevea). By
    the way, all of these modifications are for the 4.2bsd version of our
    favorite operating system. All sites with 4.1 that may sometime in the
    future upgrade to 4.2 can install the fixes for "upward compatibility."
    I apologize to all of those who mailed to me weeks ago, I was trying
    to post this as soon as possible but ran into some delays. Thanks for
    all the positive input and comments.

       Ed Arnold   {hplabs,hpfcla,unmvax,hao,denelcor} (csu-cs!arnold)
		   Colorado State University    Ft. Collins,  Colorado

Tear here:
 *	DTREE - Print the tree structure of a directory
 *	4/7/83 name was changed from TREE to DTREE
 *	9/7/83 mods for 4.1c and 4.2 dirctory structure added
 *	Dave Borman, Digital Unix Engineering Group
 *		decvax!borman
 *	Originally written at St. Olaf College, Northfield MN.
 *	Copyright (c) 1983 by Dave Borman
 *	All rights reserved
 *	This program may not be sold, but may be distributed
 *	provided this header is included.
 *	Compile: PDP V7 w/split i&d    cc -O dtree.c -i -n -o dtree
 *		 VAX 4.1bsd	       cc -O dtree.c -n -o dtree
 *		 VAX 4.2bsd	       cc -O -DNEWDIR -DLINK dtree.c -n -o dtree
 *	Usage:	dtree -[adfglnpsvx] [-b filenamesize] [-c linelength] [top]
 *	Flags:	-a) include non-directory entries in listing
 *		-d) sort tree with directories at the top
 *		-f) sort tree with files at the top
 *		-g) same as l, but use group name instead of user name
 *		-l) print stats with each listing
 *		    if both g & l flags are given, both owner and
 *		    group will be printed
 *		-n) do not sort the tree
 *		-p) include files starting with a '.' (except "." & "..")
 *		-s) use shorter stats. Implies -l if -g isn't given.
 *		-v) variable length columns
 *		-x) do not cross mounted file systems.
 *              -b length) big directory names (define the max. name length)
 *		-c length) set max column length to "length" (if col.
 *                         length > file name length, this implies -b also)

 /*     Modified by      Ed Arnold      CSU-CS   (csu-cs!arnold)     3-5-84
  *     Allows symbolic links to both directories and individual files.
  *     With a '-l' or '-al' option, links are denoted with a 'l' in front of 
  *     file or directory permissions. In all other instances both links to 
  *     directories and files are represented just as files are. Contents of
  *     linked directories are not printed due to the possibility of 
  *     recursively linked directories.
  *     Big directory name option added by:
  *                      Mike Vevea      CSU-CS (csu-cs!vevea)      3-22-84

#define STATS	/* comment out to remove stats, giving more core space	*/
		/* and thus the ability to tree larger tree structures	*/
		/* on PDP 11/70s */

/* #define	NEWDIR	/* directory structure ala Berkeley 4.1c or 4.2 */

/* #define LINK    /* allows links to be processed in Berkeley 4.2 version 
                      NEWDIR must be defined as well as LINK */
static	char Sccsid[]="@(#)dtree.c	2.3	2/14/84";

#ifdef LINK
static  char Rcsid[] ="$Header: dtree.c,v 3.0 84/03/30 22:57:31 arnold Exp $";
#endif LINK

#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<sys/types.h>
#include	<sys/stat.h>
#ifdef	STATS
# include	<pwd.h>
# include	<grp.h>
#endif	STATS
#ifdef	NEWDIR
# include	<sys/dir.h>
# include	<sys/dir.h>
#endif	NEWDIR
#define	DEFDIRSIZ	14
#define DEFCOLWID       14
 * TWIDDLE is a fudge factor.  It should be declared so that
 * sizeof(struct entry) is on a nice boundry.
#define	TWIDDLE	4

#define	addr(b,o) ((struct entry *)\
			((int)(b) + (o)*(sizeof(struct entry)+Length-TWIDDLE)))
#define	SIZEOFentry	(sizeof(struct entry) + Length - TWIDDLE)

#define	DEPTH	10	/* maximum depth that dtree will go */
#define	MAX	100	/* initial # of elements for list of files */
#define	PWD	"/bin/pwd"	/* program to get name of current dir */
#define	DATE	"/bin/date"	/* program to print current date */

#define	FFIRST	2	/* sort files first */
#define DFIRST	1	/* sort directories first */
#define	FAIL	-1	/* failure return status of sys calls */
#define	GREATER	1	/* return value of strcmp if arg1 > arg2 */
#define	LESSTHAN -1	/* return value of strcmp if arg1 < arg2 */
#define	SAME	0	/* return value of strcmp if arg1 == arg2 */

int	Index = 0;		/* current element of list[]	*/
int	Length = DEFDIRSIZ;	/* max length of a dir. name    */
int     CLength = DEFCOLWID;    /* max length of a column       */
int	All = 0;		/* all != 0; list non-directory entries */
int	File_dir = 0;		/* flag for how to sort */
int	Sort = 1;		/* flag to cause sorting of entries */
int	Point = 1;		/* skip point files if set	*/
int	Maxes[DEPTH];		/* array keeps track of max length in columns */
int	Level = 0;		/* counter for how deep we are	*/
int	Device;			/* device that we are starting tree on */
int	Xdev = 1;		/* set to allow crossing of devices */
int	Varspaces = 0;		/* set to allow compaction of column width */
#ifdef	STATS
int	Gflag = 0;		/* set for group stats instead of owner */
int	Longflg = 0;		/* set for long listing */
int	Compact = 0;		/* set for shortened long listing */
#endif	STATS
struct	stat Status;
#ifdef  LINK
struct  stat Lstat;   /* stat of link, if there is one */
#endif  LINK

struct entry {
	int next;			/* index to next element in list */
					/* could be a ptr, but realloc() */
					/* might screw us then */
#ifdef	STATS
	off_t	e_size;			/* size in blocks */
	unsigned short	e_mode;		/* file mode */
	short	e_uid;			/* uid of owner */
	short	e_gid;			/* gid of owner */
#endif	STATS
	short unsigned dir : 1;		/* entry is a directory */
	short unsigned last : 1;	/* last entry in the dir. */
	short unsigned dev : 1;		/* set if same device as top */
	short unsigned end : 13;	/* index of last subdir entry*/
	char	e_name[TWIDDLE];	/* name from directory entry */
					/* it will actually be larger */
} *List, *SaveList;

unsigned Size;				/* how big of space we've malloced */

char	*Spaces;	/* used for output */
char	Buf1[BUFSIZ];	/* buffers for stdio stuff.  We don't want	*/
char	Buf2[BUFSIZ];	/* anyone calling malloc, because then		*/
char	Buf3[BUFSIZ];	/* realloc() will have to move the whole list	*/

main(argc, argv)
char	**argv;
int	argc;
	register int i, j = 0;
	int	flag = 0;	/* used to jump over 'c' argument */
	char	top[128];	/* array for treetop name */
	char	home[128];	/* starting dir for multiple trees */
	char	*ptr;
	char	*malloc();
	char	*rindex();
	FILE	*istr, *popen();

	setbuf(stdout, Buf1);

	for (j=1; j<argc; j++) {
		if (flag) {	/* saw a 'c' or 'b', so jump over value */
			if (flag > 1) j += flag-1;
			flag = 0;
		if (argv[j][0] == '-') {
			for (i = 1; i < strlen(argv[j]); i++) {
				switch (argv[j][i]) {
				case 'a':
					All = 1;
				case 'b':
					Length = atoi(argv[j+1+flag]);
					if (Length > MAXNAMLEN)
						Length = MAXNAMLEN;
					else if (Length < 1)
						Length = DEFCOLWID;
					flag += 1;
				case 'c':
					CLength = atoi(argv[j+1+flag]);
					if (CLength > MAXNAMLEN)
						CLength = MAXNAMLEN;
					else if (CLength < 1)
						CLength = DEFCOLWID;
					if (Length < CLength) Length = CLength;
					flag += 1;
				case 'd':
					File_dir = DFIRST;
				case 'f':
					File_dir = FFIRST;
				case 'n':
					Sort = 0;
				case 'p':
					Point = 0;
				case 'v':
					Varspaces = 1;
				case 'x':
					Xdev = 0;
#ifdef	STATS
				case 'g':
					Gflag = 1;
				case 'l':
					Longflg = 1;
				case 's':
					Compact = 1;
#endif	STATS
						"Bad flag: %c\n", argv[j][i]);
#ifdef	STATS
		"Usage: dtree -[adfglnpsvx] [-b filenamesize] [-c linelength] [directory ... ]\n");
#else	STATS
		"Usage: dtree -[adfglnpsvx] [-b filenamesize] [-c linelength] [directory ... ]\n");
#endif	STATS
		} else
#ifdef	STATS
	if (Compact && !Gflag)
		Longflg = 1;
#endif	STATS

	/* Establish where we are (our home base...) */
	if ((istr = popen(PWD, "r")) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr,"dtree: %s failed\n", PWD);
	} else {
		setbuf(istr, Buf2);
		if (fgets(home, 128, istr) == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "dtree: EOF from %s\n", PWD);
	if (home[strlen(home)-1] == '\n')
		home[strlen(home)-1] = '\0';

	Spaces = malloc(Length+2);
	for(i = 0; i < Length + 1; i++)
		Spaces[i] = ' ';
	Spaces[i] = '\0';

	/* Get initial Storage space */
	Size = SIZEOFentry * MAX;
	SaveList = (struct entry *)malloc(Size);

	/* adjust for no specified directory */
	if (j == argc)
		argv[--j] = ".\0";

	/* walk down the rest of the args, treeing them one at at time */
	for (; j < argc; j++) {
		if (chdir(home) == -1) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Can't chdir back to %s\n", home);
		sprintf(top, "%s", argv[j]);

		if (chdir(top) == FAIL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Can't chdir to %s\n", top);
		} else if ((istr = popen(PWD, "r")) == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr,"dtree: %s failed\n", PWD);
		} else {
			setbuf(istr, Buf2);
			if (fgets(top, 128, istr) == NULL) {
				fprintf(stderr, "dtree: EOF from %s\n", PWD);
			ptr = top;
			while (*ptr && (*ptr != '\n'))
			*ptr = '\0';

		List = SaveList; Index = 0;
		ptr = rindex(top, '/');

		if (!ptr || *++ptr == '\0')
			sprintf(addr(List,Index)->e_name, "%.*s", Length, top);
			sprintf(addr(List,Index)->e_name, "%.*s", Length, ptr);

		if(stat(top, &Status) == FAIL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Can't stat %s\n", top);
		Device = Status.st_dev;
		addr(List,0)->dir = 1;
		addr(List,0)->last = 1;
		addr(List,0)->next = 1;
#ifdef	STATS
		addr(List,0)->e_mode = Status.st_mode;
		addr(List,0)->e_uid = Status.st_uid;
		addr(List,0)->e_gid = Status.st_gid;
		addr(List,0)->e_size = Status.st_size;
#endif	STATS
		Index = 1;
		for (i = 1; i < DEPTH; i++)
			Maxes[i] = 0;
		Maxes[0] = stln(addr(List,0)->e_name);
		Level = 1;

		/* search the tree */
		addr(List,0)->end = t_search(top, addr(List,0));

		if (Index == 1)				/* empty tree */
			addr(List,0)->next = 0;

		if (All)
		    printf("\nDirectory structure and contents of %s\n", top);
		    printf("\nDirectory structure of %s\n", top);
		if (Point)
			printf("(excluding entries that begin with '.')\n");
		pt_tree();				/* print the tree */

t_search(dir, addrs)
char *dir;
struct	entry *addrs;
	int	bsort;			/* index to begin sort */
	int	stmp;			/* save temporary index value */
	struct entry *sstep;		/* saved step in list */
	int	nitems;			/* # of items in this directory */
#ifdef	NEWDIR
	DIR	*dirp;			/* pointer to directory */
	FILE	*dirp;
	char	sub[MAXNAMLEN+1];	/* used for subdirectory names */
	int	i;
#ifdef	NEWDIR
	struct direct *dp;
	struct direct dirent;
	struct direct *dp = &dirent;
#endif	NEWDIR
	int	n_subs = 0;
	int	tmp = 0;
	extern	qsort();
	int	compar();	/* comparison routine for qsort */
	char	*realloc();

#ifdef	NEWDIR
	dirp = opendir(".");
	dirp = fopen(".", "r");
#endif	NEWDIR
	if (dirp == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s\n", dir);
#ifndef	NEWDIR
	setbuf(dirp, Buf3);
#endif	NEWDIR

	bsort = Index;
	sstep = addr(List,bsort); /* initialize sstep for for loop later on */
	nitems = Index;
	/* get the entries of the directory that we are interested in */
#ifndef	NEWDIR
	while (fread((char *)(dp), sizeof(struct direct), 1, dirp) == 1) {
	while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {
#endif	NEWDIR

		if (!dp->d_ino
		    || (strcmp(dp->d_name, ".") == SAME)
		    || (strcmp(dp->d_name, "..") == SAME)
		    || (Point && dp->d_name[0] == '.'))

		sprintf(sub, "%s", dp->d_name);
#ifdef LINK
		if (lstat (sub,&Lstat) == FAIL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%s:lstat can't find\n", sub);
#endif LINK
		if ((tmp = stat(sub, &Status)) == FAIL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%s:stat can't find\n", sub);
#ifdef LINK
		if (((Lstat.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK)  &&
		    ((Status.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)) 
		        addr(List,Index)->dir = 0;	
		else if ((((Lstat.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) &&
			((Status.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR)) && (All)) 
                        addr(List,Index)->dir = 0;
#endif LINK
		else if ((Status.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
			addr(List,Index)->dir = 1;
		else if (All)
			addr(List,Index)->dir = 0;
		sprintf(addr(List,Index)->e_name, "%.*s", Length, dp->d_name);
		addr(List,Index)->last = 0;
		addr(List,Index)->end = 0;
#ifdef LINK
		if ((Lstat.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) {
		     addr(List,Index)->dev = (Device == Lstat.st_dev);
		     addr(List,Index)->e_mode = Lstat.st_mode;
		     addr(List,Index)->e_uid = Lstat.st_uid;
		     addr(List,Index)->e_gid = Lstat.st_gid;
		     addr(List,Index)->e_size = Lstat.st_size;
                else {
#endif LINK
		     addr(List,Index)->dev = (Device == Status.st_dev);
#ifdef STATS
		     addr(List,Index)->e_mode = Status.st_mode;
		     addr(List,Index)->e_uid = Status.st_uid;
		     addr(List,Index)->e_gid = Status.st_gid;
		     addr(List,Index)->e_size = Status.st_size;
#endif STATS
#ifdef LINK
#endif LINK
		if (stln(addr(List,Index)->e_name) > Maxes[Level])
			Maxes[Level] = stln(addr(List,Index)->e_name);
		if (Index*SIZEOFentry >= Size) {
			Size += 20*SIZEOFentry;
			if (!(List =
			    (struct entry *)realloc((char *)List, Size))) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Out of space\n");
#ifdef	NEWDIR
#endif	NEWDIR

	nitems = Index - nitems;	/* nitems now contains the # of */
					/* items in this dir, rather than */
					/* # total items before this dir */

	if (Sort)
		qsort(addr(List,bsort), nitems, SIZEOFentry, compar);

	addr(List,Index-1)->last = 1;	/* mark last item for this dir */
	n_subs = nitems;
	stmp = Index;

	/* now walk through, and recurse on directory entries */
	/* sstep was initialized above */

	for (i = 0; i < nitems; sstep = addr(List,stmp - nitems+(++i))) {
		if (sstep->dir && (Xdev || sstep->dev)) {
			sstep->next = Index;
			sprintf(sub, "%.*s", Length, sstep->e_name);
			tmp = n_subs;
			if (chdir(sub) == FAIL)
					"Can't chdir to %s/%s\n", dir, sub);
			else {
				n_subs += t_search(sub, sstep);
				if (chdir("..") == FAIL) {
						"No '..' in %s/%s!\n",dir, sub);
			if (n_subs - tmp <= 0)
				sstep->next = 0;
			sstep->next = 0;
	addrs->end = (unsigned)n_subs;

 *	comparison routine for qsort

compar(a, b)
struct entry *a, *b;
	if (!File_dir)		/* straight alphabetical */
		return(strncmp(a->e_name, b->e_name, Length));

	/* sort alphabetically if both dirs or both not dirs */

	if ((a->dir && b->dir) || (!a->dir && !b->dir))
		return(strncmp(a->e_name, b->e_name, Length));

	if (File_dir == FFIRST) {	/* sort by files first */
		if (a->dir)

	if (a->dir)			/* sort by dir first */

	register int	i,j;
	struct entry *l;
	struct entry *hdr[DEPTH];
	int posit[DEPTH];		/* array of positions to print dirs */
	int con[DEPTH];			/* flags for connecting up tree */
	char	flag;			/* flag to leave blank line after dir */
	struct	entry *stack[DEPTH];	/* save positions for changing levels */
	int	top = 0;		/* index to top of stack */
	int	count = 1;		/* count of line of output */
#ifdef	STATS
	char	*getmode();
	char	*guid(), *ggid();
#endif	STATS

	Level = 0;			/* initialize Level */

	/* this loop appends each entry with dashes or spaces, for */
	/* directories or files respectively */

	for (i = 0; i < Index; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < Length; j++) {
			if (!addr(List,i)->e_name[j])
		if (addr(List,i)->dir) {
			for (; j < Length; j++)
				addr(List,i)->e_name[j] = '-';
		} else {
			for (; j < Length; j++)
				addr(List,i)->e_name[j] = ' ';

	/* adjust the Maxes array according to the flags */

	for (i = 0; i < DEPTH; i++) {
		if (Varspaces) {
			if (Maxes[i] > CLength )
				Maxes[i] = CLength;
		} else
			Maxes[i] = CLength;

	/* clear the connective and position flags */

	for (i = 0; i < DEPTH; i++)
		con[i] = posit[i] = 0;

	/* this is the main loop to print the tree structure. */
	l = addr(List,0);
	j = 0;
	for (;;) {
		/* directory entry, save it for later printing */
		if (l->dir != 0 && l->next != 0) {
			hdr[Level] = l;
			posit[Level] = count + (l->end + 1)/2 - 1;
			flag = 1;
			stack[top++] = l;
			l = addr(List,l->next);

#ifdef	STATS
#endif	STATS
		/* print columns up to our entry */
		for (j = 0; j < (flag ? Level-1 : Level); j++) {
			if (!flag && posit[j] && posit[j] <= count) {
				/* time to print it */
				if (hdr[j]->e_name[CLength-1] != '-')
					hdr[j]->e_name[CLength-1] = '*';
				posit[j] = 0;
				if (hdr[j]->last != 0)
				    con[j] = 0;
				    con[j] = 1;
#ifdef	STATS
				if (Gflag || Longflg) {
				    if ((i = j+1) <= Level)
					printf("| %.*s", Maxes[i], Spaces);
				    for (i++; i <= Level; i++) {
					printf("%c %.*s",
					    (con[i] ? '|' : ' '),
					    Maxes[i], Spaces);
				    if (!Compact) {
					printf("%s ", getmode(hdr[j]->e_mode));
					if (Longflg)
					   printf("%8.8s ",guid(hdr[j]->e_uid));
					if (Gflag)
					   printf("%8.8s ",ggid(hdr[j]->e_gid));
				    } else {
					printf(" %04o ",hdr[j]->e_mode & 07777);
					if (Longflg)
					    printf("%5u ", hdr[j]->e_uid);
					if (Gflag)
					    printf("%5u ", hdr[j]->e_gid);
				    goto do_it_again;
#endif	STATS
			} else
				printf("%c %.*s", (con[j] ? '|' : ' '),
					Maxes[j], Spaces);
		if (flag) {	/* start of directory, so leave a blank line */
			printf(con[j] ? "|\n" : "\n");
			flag = 0;
		} else {
				/* normal file name, print it out */
			if (l->e_name[CLength-1] != '-' &&
			    l->e_name[CLength-1] != ' ')
			    l->e_name[CLength-1] = '*';
			if (l->last) {
				con[j] = 0;
			} else {
				con[j] = 1;
#ifdef	STATS
			if (Gflag || Longflg) {
				if (Compact) {
					printf(" %04o ", l->e_mode & 07777);
					if (Longflg)
					    printf("%5u ", l->e_uid);
					if (Gflag)
					    printf("%5u ", l->e_gid);
				} else {
					printf("%s ", getmode(l->e_mode));
					if (Longflg)
					    printf("%8.8s ",guid(l->e_uid));
					if (Gflag)
					    printf("%8.8s ",ggid(l->e_gid));
#endif	STATS

		if (l->last) {
			/* walk back up */
			while (l->last) {
				if (--top <= 0)
				l = stack[top];
		l = addr(l,1);

#ifdef	STATS

char *
short uid;
	static char tb[10];
	extern struct passwd *getpwuid();
	struct passwd *pswd;

	pswd = getpwuid(uid);
	if (pswd == NULL)
		sprintf(tb,"%u", uid);
		sprintf(tb, "%8s", pswd->pw_name);

char *
short gid;
	static char tb[10];
	extern struct group *getgrgid();
	struct group *grp;

	grp = getgrgid(gid);
	if (grp == NULL)
		sprintf(tb,"%u", gid);
		sprintf(tb, "%8s", grp->gr_name);

/* take the mode and make it into a nice character string */

char	*
unsigned short p_mode;
	static char a_mode[16];
	register int	i = 0, j = 0;

	a_mode[j++] = ' ';

	switch (p_mode & S_IFMT) {
#ifdef LINK
	case S_IFLNK:
		a_mode[j++] = 'l';
#endif LINK
	case S_IFDIR:
		a_mode[j++] = 'd';
#ifdef	S_IFMPC		/* defined in stats.h if you have MPX files */
	case S_IFMPC:
		a_mode[j-1] = 'm';
#endif	S_IFMPC
	case S_IFCHR:
		a_mode[j++] = 'c';
#ifdef	S_IFMPB		/* defined in stats.h if you have MPX files */
	case S_IFMPB:
		a_mode[j-1] = 'm';
#endif	S_IFMPB
	case S_IFBLK:
		a_mode[j++] = 'b';
	case S_IFREG:
		a_mode[j++] = (p_mode & S_ISVTX) ? 't' : ' ';
	a_mode[j++] = ' ';
	for( i = 0;i<3;i++ ) {
		a_mode[j++] = (p_mode<<(3*i) & S_IREAD) ? 'r' : '-';
		a_mode[j++] = (p_mode<<(3*i) & S_IWRITE) ? 'w' : '-';
		a_mode[j++] = (i<2 && (p_mode<<i & S_ISUID)) ? 's' :
			      ((p_mode<<(3*i) & S_IEXEC ) ? 'x' : '-');
		a_mode[j++] = ' ';
	a_mode[j] = '\0';

/* stln - sortof like strlen, returns length up to Length-1 */
register char *st;
	register int t;

	for (t=0; t<Length-1; ++t)
		if (!st[t])
			return (++t);
	return (++t);

 * Return a pointer into str at which the character
 * c last appears; NULL if not found.

char *
rindex(str, c)
register char *str, c;
	register char *ptr;

	ptr = NULL;
	do {
		if (*str == c)
			ptr = str;
	} while (*str++);

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