Printer spooler program (sort of for Versatec plot routines)

chris at eneevax.UUCP chris at eneevax.UUCP
Mon Apr 23 10:07:58 AEST 1984

Here's a handy-neato-semi-frobic printer spooler for 4.1BSD.  (It will
probably run on other versions of Unix(tm), as long as you've got a
directory library.  By the way, <4.2/dir.h> is where I've got the
header file for the 4.2-directory-compatibility library.)

Anyway, we use this on Enee-Vax to run the Versatec(tm).  It's quite
easy to run various different programs from this spooler; all that's
required is a change to the configuration file in /etc/spool_devices.
You can even run other devices (although I've never tested that), each

People running 4.2 probably won't care about this spooler, since 4.2
already has a handy-neato-frobic spooler.  (Not just semi-frobic
either... networking even).

Or if you have MDQS, use that; it's probably the best of the three.

(Especially since this one doesn't have a "vpq" and "vprm" (yet?).
But we haven't needed them so far...)

N.B.  There are a few #defines in spool.h that you may want to change.
Oh yes, and I changed vtroff and vpr (vpr is a shell script that says
"spool -d versatec"; vtroff ends with "spool -d versatec -nrvcat") to
call this spooler instead of the old one.

-------tear on dashed line as usual---don't forget the signature-------
: Run this shell script with "sh" not "csh"
export PATH
if [ $1x = -ax ]; then
/bin/echo 'Extracting spool.c'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >spool.c
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /usr/enee/chris/sys/spool/RCS/spool.c,v 1.5 84/04/22 04:38:45 chris Exp $";

/* Copyright (c) 1984 Chris Torek / University of Maryland */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include "spool.h"

 * $Header: /usr/enee/chris/sys/spool/RCS/spool.c,v 1.5 84/04/22 04:38:45 chris Exp $
 * $Log:	spool.c,v $
 * Revision 1.5  84/04/22  04:38:45  chris
 * Security hacking; new 'R' control card for removing files; use jobs
 * library on 4.1
 * Revision 1.4  83/12/22  21:19:41  chris
 * Fixed file-left-open bug
 * Revision 1.3  83/12/14  23:16:32  chris
 * Fixed security bug in spooler ... was creating the control file
 * according to the mode in the user's umask; if this was 0, anyone
 * could write the file.  Now does a chmod 0644.
 * Revision 1.2  83/12/10  01:10:26  chris
 * Fixed geteuid call
 * Revision 1.1  83/12/10  01:04:04  chris
 * Initial revision
 * Spooler
 * The general workings are as follows:
 *	interpret options and generate control & data files for the despooler
 * The despooler reads the control files to decide what to print, and how.

char	*CFName,		/* Control file */
	*DFName,		/* Data file (if any) */
	*TFName,		/* Temporary control file */
	*PrintProgram,		/* Program (-p, -<foo>, or default) */
	*UserName,		/* User's login name */
	*Title,			/* Title (-t) */
	*ProgName;		/* argv[0], for errors */
int	CopyFlag,		/* Use a copy instead of the original (-c) */
	MailFlag,		/* Send mail back to user when done (-m) */
	UserID,			/* User's UID */
	GroupID;		/* User's GID */
struct SpoolDevice
	*Device;		/* Device */

char *malloc (),
     *sprintf (),
     *LookUpType ();
struct passwd *getpwuid ();

#ifdef BSD41
int (*sigset ())();
#define set(sig)	if (sigset (sig, SIG_IGN) == SIG_DFL) \
				(void) sigset (sig, cleanup)
#else BSD41
#define	set(sig)	if (signal (sig, SIG_IGN) == SIG_DFL) \
				(void) signal (sig, cleanup)
#endif BSD41

main (argc, argv)
int argc;
register char **argv;
    register char  *cp;
    char   *generic_type,
    int     file,
	    do_stdin = 1;
    int     cleanup ();

    set (SIGINT);
    set (SIGQUIT);
    set (SIGHUP);
    set (SIGTERM);

    ProgName = *argv++;
#ifndef	DEBUG
    if (geteuid ())
	error ("panic: not setuid\n");
#endif	DEBUG
    GetDevices ();
    UserID = getuid ();
    GroupID = getgid ();
	register struct passwd *p;

	if ((p = getpwuid (UserID)) == NULL)
	    error ("intruder alert\n");
	UserName = p -> pw_name;
	endpwent ();
    generic_type = 0;
    got_prog = 0;
    while (--argc >= 0 || do_stdin) {
	if (argc < 0) {		/* got here for do_stdin then */
	    file = 0;		/* fileno (stdin) */
	    fname = (char *) 0;
	    goto dofile;
	if (**argv == '-') {
	    cp = *argv++ + 1;
	    if (*cp == 0) {	/* "-" => stdin */
		file = 0;
		fname = (char *) 0;
		goto dofile;
	    if (cp[1] == 0) {	/* -<x>\0 */
		switch (*cp) {
		    case 'd': 
			if (--argc < 0)
			    error ("-d requires an argument\n");
			Device = FindDevice (*argv++);
			if (Device == (struct SpoolDevice *) 0) {
			    fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s: no such spool device\n",
						ProgName, argv[-1]);
			    cleanup ();
			    /* NOTREACHED */
		    case 'p': 
			if (got_prog)
			    error ("use only one -p per file\n");
			if (--argc < 0)
			    error ("-p requires an argument\n");
			PrintProgram = *argv++;
		    case 't':
			if (--argc < 0)
			    error ("-t requires an argument\n");
			Title = *argv++;
		    case 'c': 
		    case 'm': 
			fprintf (stderr, "%s: unknown option -%c\n",
						ProgName, *cp);
			cleanup ();
	    else {		/* -<xyz> */
		if (generic_type)
		    error ("use only one generic type per file\n");
		generic_type = cp;
	else {			/* argument not starting with "-" */
	    /* Must be a file to print.  Ensure that the guy has read access,
	       and get a file descriptor */
	    if (access (*argv, 4) || ((file = open (*argv++, 0)) < 0)) {
		fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", ProgName);
		perror (argv[-1]);
		cleanup ();
	    if (Device == (struct SpoolDevice *) 0)
		error ("must specify a device name\n");
	    if (got_prog) {
		if (Device -> sd_restricted)
		    error ("restricted device (-p invalid)\n");
		if (generic_type)
		    error ("use only one of -p and generic type\n");
		got_prog = 0;
	    else {
		if (generic_type || PrintProgram == (char *) 0) {
		    PrintProgram = LookUpType (generic_type);
		    generic_type = 0;
	    CopyFile (fname, file);
	    if (file != 0)
		(void) close (file);
	    do_stdin = 0;
	    Title = (char *) 0;
    cleanup ();
    /* NOTREACHED */

X/* Make a unique name by filling in the last 7 characters of the given
   string. */
UniqueName (name)
char *name;
    register int    i,
    register char  *s = name;

    pid = getpid ();
    while (*s)
    s -= 5;
    for (i = 5; --i >= 0; ) {
	s[i] = pid % 10 + '0';
	pid /= 10;
    *--s = 'a';
    s[-1] = 'a';
    while (access (name, 0) == 0) {
	if (++*s > '~') {
	    *s = 'a';
	    if (++s[-1] > '~')
		error ("panic: can't get unique name\n");

StartDeSpool ()
    switch (vfork ()) {
	case 0:			/* child */
	    execl (DeSpoolDaemon, DeSpoolDaemon, Device -> sd_dev, 0);
	    fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", ProgName);
	    perror ("can't exec despooler");
	    _exit (0);
	case -1:	    /* Leave file to be despooled later */
	    fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", ProgName);
	    perror ("can't fork");

cleanup () {
    if (CFName)
	(void) unlink (CFName);
    if (DFName)
	(void) unlink (DFName);
    if (TFName)
	(void) unlink (TFName);
    exit (0);

X/* Copy the user's data file whose name is 'name' and is already opened as fd
   'f'.  Basic task is to generate the control cards and make a link to the
   data file (if possible) or copy the data file (if CopyFlag is set).  Care
   is taken to make sure that the control file is secure.  NOTE:  the 200
   character buffer size is the same as in the despooler.  If you change one,
   change the other too!  Here we mercilessly truncate excessively long names
   (more security hacking). */
CopyFile (name, f)
char *name;
int f;
    char cnbuf[200], dnbuf[200], tnbuf[200], dirname[200];
    int  islink = 0;
    register FILE *cf;

    /* Generate file names.  There are 7 Xs in each string below. */
    (void) sprintf (dirname, SpoolDirectory, Device -> sd_namelist.nl_name);
    (void) sprintf (cnbuf, "%s/C.XXXXXXX", dirname);
    (void) sprintf (dnbuf, "%s/D.XXXXXXX", dirname);
    (void) sprintf (tnbuf, "%s/T.XXXXXXX", dirname);
    UniqueName (cnbuf);
    UniqueName (dnbuf);
    UniqueName (tnbuf);
    CFName = cnbuf;
    TFName = tnbuf;
    DFName = dnbuf;
    /* If possible, link to the named file, or as a second alternative put
       the file name right into the control card */
    if (!CopyFlag && name != (char *) 0)
	if (link (name, DFName) == 0)
    /* Build temporary command file */
    if ((cf = fopen (TFName, "w")) == NULL) {
	fprintf (stderr, "%s: can't create ", ProgName);
	perror (TFName);
	cleanup ();
    /* Make it rw-r--r--... very important!! */
    if (chmod (TFName, 0644)) {
	fprintf (stderr, "%s: can't chmod 0644 ", ProgName);
	perror (TFName);
	cleanup ();
    fprintf (cf, "u %d %d\n", UserID, GroupID);
    fprintf (cf, "D %s\n", Device -> sd_namelist.nl_name);
#ifdef	DEBUG
    if (CopyFlag)
	fprintf (cf, "# -c\n");
    if (islink)
	fprintf (cf, "# link\n");
#endif	DEBUG
    if (MailFlag)
	fprintf (cf, "M\n");
    fprintf (cf, "U %s\n", UserName);
    if (Title)
	fprintf (cf, "T %.*s\n", sizeof dnbuf, Title);
    fprintf (cf, "< %s\n", DFName);
    fprintf (cf, "X %.*s\n", sizeof dnbuf, PrintProgram);
    fprintf (cf, "R %s\n", DFName);
    if (ferror (cf)) {
	fprintf (stderr, "%s: error making control file: ", ProgName);
	perror ("");
	cleanup ();
    (void) fclose (cf);
    /* Copy data */
    if (!islink) {
#ifdef	VMUNIX
	char buf[BUFSIZ * 10];
#else	VMUNIX
	char buf[BUFSIZ];
#endif	VMUNIX
	register int n, of;

	of = creat (DFName, 0666);
	if (of < 0) {
	    fprintf (stderr, "%s: can't create ", ProgName);
	    perror (DFName);
	    cleanup ();
	    /* NOTREACHED */
	(void) chown (DFName, UserID, GroupID);
	while ((n = read (f, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0) {
	    if (write (of, buf, n) != n) {
		fprintf (stderr, "%s: write error on ", ProgName);
		perror (DFName);
		cleanup ();
	(void) close (of);
	if (n < 0) {
	    fprintf (stderr, "%s: read error on ", ProgName);
	    perror (name ? name : "[stdin]");
	    cleanup ();
	    /* NOTREACHED */
    /* Finally, move the temporary control file to a real control file */
    if (link (TFName, CFName)) {
	fprintf (stderr, "%s: can't link %s to ", ProgName, TFName);
	perror (CFName);
	cleanup ();
    (void) unlink (TFName);
    StartDeSpool ();
    CFName = 0, DFName = 0, TFName = 0;

X/* Look up a type name and convert to a program name */
char *
LookUpType (type)
register char *type;
    register struct proglist *p;

    if (type == (char *) 0) {
	for (p = Device -> sd_proglist; p; p = p -> pr_next)
	    if (p -> pr_shortname == (char *) 0)
		return p -> pr_longname;
	goto bad;
    for (p = Device -> sd_proglist; p; p = p -> pr_next) {
	if (p -> pr_shortname == (char *) 0)
	if (*p -> pr_shortname == *type)
	    if (strcmp (p -> pr_shortname, type) == 0)
		return p -> pr_longname;
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: generic ", ProgName);
    if (type == (char *) 0)
	fprintf (stderr, "default");
	fprintf (stderr, "type %s ", type);
    fprintf (stderr, "not defined for device %s\n",
				Device -> sd_namelist.nl_name);
    cleanup ();
    /* NOTREACHED */

X/* Must be a function -- called from readdev.c */
error (msg) char *msg; {
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s", ProgName, msg);
    cleanup ();
    /* NOTREACHED */
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 spool.c
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld spool.c
/bin/echo 'Extracting despool.c'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >despool.c
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /usr/enee/chris/sys/spool/RCS/despool.c,v 1.5 84/04/22 03:32:55 chris Exp $";

/* Copyright (c) 1984 Chris Torek / University of Maryland */

 * $Header: /usr/enee/chris/sys/spool/RCS/despool.c,v 1.5 84/04/22 03:32:55 chris Exp $
 * Despool the spooled files in a spool directory
 * Usage: despool [ device-name ]
 * $Log:	despool.c,v $
 * Revision 1.5  84/04/22  03:32:55  chris
 * Security hacking; new 'R' control card for removing D. files
 * Revision 1.4  84/01/24  21:17:33  chris
 * Rewrote large portions of DeSpool; opening the device is now delayed
 * until after a control file is found.  Locking might be fixed (I hope).
 * Revision 1.3  83/12/10  02:45:31  chris
 * Versatec hacking:  checks for EIO after failed open; if so,
 * prints "offline: device <dev>" and sleeps for 60 seconds, then
 * tries again.
 * Revision 1.2  83/12/10  01:12:25  chris
 * Fixed geteuid call
 * Revision 1.1  83/12/10  01:03:01  chris
 * Initial revision

#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/param.h>		/* for NOFILE */
#include <4.2/dir.h>		/* 4.2 dir library */
#include "spool.h"

int	IsLocked;		/* True => we have locked spool dir */
char	*ProgName;		/* Program name, for errors */
char	*ErrDev;		/* Device name, for errors */

long	lseek ();
char	*strcpy (),
	*sprintf ();

#define	warn(msg)	err (0, msg)

X/* Need an external name called "error" for readdev.c */
error (msg)
char *msg;
    err (1, msg);

err (doexit, msg)
int doexit;
char *msg;
    register FILE *console;

    fputs (msg, stderr);
    if (ErrDev)
	fprintf (stderr, "\tdevice %s\n", ErrDev);
    if (console = fopen ("/dev/console", "w")) {
	fputs (msg, console);
	if (ErrDev)
	    fprintf (console, "\tdevice %s\n", ErrDev);
	(void) fclose (console);
    if (doexit) {
	if (IsLocked)
	    UnLock ();
	exit (1);

X/* If we are invoked with arguments, despool each argument directory (fork
   off all but the last one).  Otherwise despool all devices (again fork off
   all but the last). */

main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
    register struct SpoolDevice *sd;

    ProgName = *argv++;
#ifndef	DEBUG
    if (geteuid ())
	error ("panic: not setuid\n");
#endif	DEBUG

    umask (022);
    GetDevices ();

    if (argc) {
	while (--argc >= 0) {
	    if (argc > 0 && fork () > 0) {
		if ((sd = FindDevice (*argv++)) == 0)
		    error ("invalid device name\n");
		DeSpool (sd);
		exit (0);
	    else {
		if ((sd = FindDevice (*argv++)) == 0)
		    error ("invalid device name\n");
		DeSpool (sd);
		ErrDev = 0;
	exit (0);

    for (sd = DevList; sd; sd = sd -> sd_next) {
    	if (sd -> sd_next && fork () > 0)
	    DeSpool (sd), exit (0);
	    DeSpool (sd);
    exit (0);

X/* 9 is strlen("C.aa12345") */
#define	IsCFile(p) (p->d_namlen==9 && p->d_name[0]=='C' && p->d_name[1]=='.')

X/* Scan the directory looking for C. files.  If we find one, try to lock this
   device.  If someone else has it locked, then we're done; just return.
   Otherwise, try to open the device.  If this fails, unlock and return.
   At this point we have the device on stdout and a control file.  Run the
   control file and continue.  After the directory is finished, unlock the
   device, and if we ran any control files, start the whole thing all over
   again in case more stuff got spooled. */

DeSpool (dev)
register struct SpoolDevice *dev;
    register DIR   *dirf;
    register struct direct *dp;
    char     dirname[200],	/* hardcoded pathname lengths again *sigh* */
    int      IsOpen;
    extern   errno;

    IsOpen = 0;			/* dev not connected to stdout yet */
    (void) sprintf (dirname, SpoolDirectory, dev -> sd_namelist.nl_name);
    if (chdir (dirname)) {
	(void) sprintf (msg, "panic: can't chdir to %s\n", dirname);
	error (msg);
    if ((dirf = opendir (".")) == NULL)
	error ("panic: can't open \".\"\n");
    while (dp = readdir (dirf)) {
	if (!IsCFile (dp))
	if (!IsLocked) {
	    if (Lock ())
		break;		/* someone else is doing this dir */
	if (!IsOpen) {
	    int fd;
	    ErrDev = dev -> sd_namelist.nl_name;
	    fd = DevOpen (dev -> sd_dev);
	    if (fd != 1) {
		(void) sprintf (msg, "panic: got fd %d (should be 1)\n", fd);
		error (msg);
	DoFile (dp -> d_name, dev);
#ifdef	DEBUG
	strcpy (msg, dp -> d_name);
	*msg = 'B';
	(void) link (dp -> d_name, msg);
#endif	DEBUG
	(void) unlink (dp -> d_name);
    closedir (dirf);
    if (IsLocked) {		/* Then we did at least one C. file */
	UnLock ();
	if (dirf = opendir ("."))
	    goto rescan;

X/* Open the named device; try hard to make it stdout (fd 1) */
DevOpen (name)
char *name;
    int fd;
    static unsigned int sleepy;

    /* In order to get stdout we must have stdin tied somewhere, so we
       open /dev/null and close it only if it's not stdout. */
    fd = open ("/dev/null", 0);	/* ensure fd 0 used */
    (void) close (1);		/* get rid of stdout */
    if (fd > 1)			/* don't need it & didn't just close it */
	(void) close (fd);

    /* The EIO (''Old MacDonald Had A Farm, E I E I O...'') stuff is a
       Versatec hack.  The versatec gives back EIO if offline, ENXIO for
       already open. */
    sleepy = 60;
    fd = open (name, 1);	/* BOGUS!  Should be per-dev! */
    if (fd < 0 && (errno == EIO || errno == ENXIO)) {
	warn (errno == EIO ? "offline:" : "busy:");
	(void) sleep (sleepy);	/* Wait for someone to fix. */
	sleepy += 30;		/* Gradually slow down too, */
	if (sleepy >= 600)	/* but not more than 10 minutes apart */
	    sleepy = 600;	/* so that we don't doze off. */
	goto reopen;
    if (fd < 0) {
	char msg[100];
	(void) sprintf (msg, "can't open %s\n", name);
	error (msg);
    return fd;

X/* For now, we lock using links.  When 4.2 rolls around we'll use the
   fancy file locking stuff. */
Lock () {
    register int n;
    char lname[10];

    (void) sprintf (lname, "l.%d", getpid ());
    (void) unlink (lname);
    if ((n = creat (lname, 0)) < 0) {
	warn ("can't create lock temp\n");
	return 1;
    (void) close (n);
    if ((n = link (lname, "lock")) == 0)
    (void) unlink (lname);
    return n;

UnLock () {
    if (unlink ("lock"))
	warn ("can't unlink lock\n");
    IsLocked = 0;

X/* Perform all work indicated by the C. file.  NOTE:  the size of 'buf'
   matches the size restrictions enforced by the spooler, to ensure that
   long names don't overrun important variables and wreak havoc (after
   all, we *are* setuid...). */
DoFile (file, dev)
char *file;
struct SpoolDevice *dev;
    register FILE  *f;
    register char  *cp;
    register int    c;
    int     uid,
    char    user[50],

    if ((f = fopen (file, "r")) == NULL) {
	(void) sprintf (msg, "can't open control file %s\n", file);
	warn (msg);
    uid = -1;			/* none yet */
    gid = -1;
    mailflag = 0;
    user[0] = 0;
    title[0] = 0;
    in_fd = -1;
    DidHeader = 0;
    while (fgets (buf, sizeof buf, f)) {
	cp = buf + strlen (buf);
	if (cp > buf && *--cp == '\n')
	    *cp = 0;
	cp = buf;
	c = *cp++;
	if (*cp == ' ')
	switch (c) {
	case '#':
	case 'D':
	case 0:
	case 'u':
	    if (sscanf (cp, "%d %d", &uid, &gid) != 2) {
		(void) sprintf (msg, "bad format control file [u card] %s\n",
		warn (msg);
		uid = gid = -1;
	case 'M':
	case 'U':
	    strcpy (user, cp);
	case 'T':
	    strcpy (title, cp);
	case '<':		/* input file */
	    if (in_fd >= 0)
		(void) close (in_fd);
	    if ((in_fd = open (cp, 0)) < 0) {
		(void) sprintf (msg, "(%s) can't open %s\n", file, cp);
		warn (msg);
	case 'X':		/* execute program */
	    if (uid < 0 || gid < 0 || *user == 0) {
		(void) sprintf (msg, "bad format control file %s\n", file);
		warn (msg);
	    if (in_fd < 0)
	    if (DidHeader == 0 && dev -> sd_header) {
		ForkExec (uid, gid, fileno (f), dev -> sd_header);
	    ForkExec (uid, gid, in_fd, cp);
	case 'R':		/* remove file */
	    if (unlink (cp)) {
		(void) sprintf (msg, "can't remove file \"%s\"\n", cp);
		warn (msg);
	    cp = buf;
	    if (c & 0200) {
		c &= 0177;
		*cp++ = 'M', *cp++ = '-';
	    if (c == 0177)
		*cp++ = '^', *cp++ = '?';
	    else if (c < ' ')
		*cp++ = '^', *cp++ = c + '@';
		*cp++ = c;
	    *cp = 0;
	    (void) sprintf (msg, "odd character (%s) in %s\n", buf, file);
	    warn (msg);
    if (in_fd > 0)
	(void) close (in_fd);
#ifdef lint
    in_fd = mailflag;		/* ...for now */

X/* Execute "prog" as user (uid, gid).  If fd is nonzero move it to fd 0. */
ForkExec (uid, gid, fd, prog)
int uid, gid, fd;
char *prog;
    register int    pid,
    int     status;

#ifdef	DEBUG
    fprintf (stderr, "about to exec \"%s\"\n", prog);
    fprintf (stderr, "uid = %d gid = %d fd = %d\n", uid, gid, fd);
#endif	DEBUG
    for (w = 0; w < 10 && (pid = fork ()) < 0; )
	sleep ((unsigned) ++w);
    if (pid < 0) {
	warn ("can't fork\n");
    if (pid) {			/* parent */
	while ((w = wait (&status)) != pid && w != -1)
    /* child */
    (void) setgid (gid);
    (void) setuid (uid);
    if (fd) {
	dup2 (fd, 0);
	(void) close (fd);
    (void) lseek (0, 0L, 0);	/* rewind stdin */
    for (w = 3; w < NOFILE; w++)
	(void) close (w);
    execl ("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", prog, 0);
    error ("can't execl /bin/sh ?!\n");
    /* NOTREACHED */
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 despool.c
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld despool.c
/bin/echo 'Extracting header.c'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >header.c
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /usr/enee/chris/sys/spool/RCS/header.c,v 1.2 84/01/24 21:16:26 chris Exp $";

/* Copyright (c) 1984 Chris Torek / University of Maryland */

 * $Header: /usr/enee/chris/sys/spool/RCS/header.c,v 1.2 84/01/24 21:16:26 chris Exp $
 * Generate a printout header
 * Usage: header (stdin from control file, stdout to output device)
 * $Log:	header.c,v $
 * Revision 1.2  84/01/24  21:16:26  chris
 * Added ARGSUSED comment to main() to keep lint quieter.
 * Revision 1.1  83/12/10  01:03:36  chris
 * Initial revision

#include <stdio.h>
#include "spool.h"
#include <sys/types.h>

char *ProgName;
char  user[BUFSIZ],
struct SpoolDevice *sd;
int   devline;

extern char chrtab[][16];

time_t  time ();
char   *ctime (),
       *strcpy ();

main (argc, argv) char **argv; {
    register char  *cp;
    time_t tm;
    char    buf[BUFSIZ];

    ProgName = *argv;
    GetDevices ();
    while (fgets (buf, sizeof buf, stdin)) {
	cp = &buf[strlen (buf)];
	if (*--cp == '\n')
	    *cp = 0;
	switch (*buf) {
	    case 'D': 
		if (sd)
		    error ("bad format control file\n");
		cp = buf + 1;
		while (*cp == ' ')
		sd = FindDevice (cp);
		if (sd == 0)
		    error ("invalid device in control file\n");
	    case 'U': 
		cp = buf + 1;
		while (*cp == ' ')
		strcpy (user, cp);
	    case 'T': 
		cp = buf + 1;
		while (*cp == ' ')
		strcpy (title, cp);
    if (sd == 0)
	error ("no device in control file\n");
    if (*user == 0)
	error ("missing user name\n");
    SkipTo (sd -> sd_pagelen / 2 - 16);
    GenTitle (user);
    SkipTo (sd -> sd_pagelen / 2);
    Column (sd -> sd_linelen / 2 - 13);
    (void) time (&tm);
    printf ("%.25s\n", ctime (&tm));
    SkipTo (sd -> sd_pagelen / 2 + 2);
    if (*title)
	GenTitle (title);
    if (sd -> sd_ff)
	fputs (sd -> sd_ff, stdout);
    else {
	if (devline > sd -> sd_pagelen)
	    devline %= sd -> sd_pagelen;
	SkipTo (sd -> sd_pagelen);
    exit (0);

error (s)
char *s;
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s", ProgName, s);
    exit (1);

SkipTo (row) {
    if (row <= devline || row > sd -> sd_pagelen)
    while (devline < row) {
	putchar ('\n');

Column (n) register n; {
    if (n < 1 || n >= sd -> sd_linelen - 13)
    while (--n >= 0)
	putchar (' ');

GenTitle (str)
char *str;
    register int    c,
    register char  *s,
    int		len,
    char       *pend;
    static char buf[BUFSIZ];

    *buf = 'x';
    len = strlen (str);
    if (sd -> sd_linelen) {
	nblank = (sd -> sd_linelen - 8 * len) / 2;
	pend = &buf[sd -> sd_linelen - 7];
	nblank = 0, pend = &buf[sizeof buf];
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
	s = str;
	p = &buf[1];
	t = nblank;
	while (--t >= 0)
	    *p++ = ' ';
	while (c = *s++ & 0177) {
	    if (p >= pend)
	    t = c < ' ' || c >= 0177 ? 0 : chrtab[c - ' '][i];
	    j = 8;
	    while (--j >= 0) {
		*p++ = t & 128 ? c : ' ';
		t <<= 1;
	while (*--p == ' ')
	*p++ = '\n';
	*p = 0;
	fputs (&buf[1], stdout);
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 header.c
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld header.c
/bin/echo 'Extracting readdev.c'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >readdev.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include "spool.h"

/* Copyright (c) 1984 Chris Torek / University of Maryland */

 * $Header: /usr/enee/chris/sys/spool/RCS/readdev.c,v 1.2 83/12/10 02:36:48 chris Exp $
 * Routines for reading /etc/spool_devices and looking up device names
 * $Log:	readdev.c,v $
 * Revision 1.2  83/12/10  02:36:48  chris
 * Fixed \ decoding
 * Revision 1.1  83/12/10  01:03:44  chris
 * Initial revision

char *malloc (),
     *strcpy ();

char *
strsave (s) char *s; {
    register int len;
    static char *pool;
    static int   size;

    len = strlen (s) + 1;
    if (size < len) {		/* sigh, potentially wasting space here */
	size = len > BUFSIZ/2 ? len + BUFSIZ : BUFSIZ;
	pool = malloc ((unsigned) size);
	if (pool == 0)
	    error ("out of memory\n");
    strcpy (pool, s);
    size -= len;
    pool += len;
    return pool - len;

X/* classify string s according to list l */
X/* (i.e., l[class(s)-1] matches s) */
class (s, l)
register char *s;
char **l;
    register char *p, **lp = l;

    while (p = *lp++) {
	if (*p == *s && strcmp (p, s) == 0)
	    return lp - l;
    return 0;

X/* Make an arg vector, interpreting ' " and \ along the way */
MakeArgV (s, v, b)
register char	*s,		/* source */
		**v,		/* vector base */
		*b;		/* canon buf */
    register quote = 0;

    while (*s) {
	while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')
	if (*s == 0)
	*v++ = b;
	while (*s) {
	    if (*s == quote) {	/* out of quotes */
		quote = 0;
	    if (quote == 0 && (*s == '\'' || *s == '"')) {
		quote = *s++;	/* into quotes */
	    if (*s == '\\') {	/* \ escapes */
		if (*++s == 0)
		switch (*s) {
		case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
		case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
		    *b = *s++ - '0';
		    if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '7') {
			*b <<= 3, *b += *s++ - '0';
			if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '7')
			    *b <<= 3, *b += *s++ - '0';
		case 'r':
		    *b++ = '\r';
		case 'n':
		    *b++ = '\n';
		case 'f':
		    *b++ = '\014';
		case 't':
		    *b++ = '\t';
		case 'b':
		    *b++ = '\b';
		    *b++ = *s++;
	    if (quote || (*s != ' ' && *s != '\t'))
		*b++ = *s++;	/* keep adding it on... */
	    else {
		*b++ = 0;	/* end of this arg */
    *b = 0;
    *v = 0;			/* end of argv list */

 * Read the DevFile

GetDevices () {
    register struct SpoolDevice *s;
    register char  *cp,
    static char     line[BUFSIZ],
    register FILE  *sf;
    int		    c;

 /* Types for "class" to pick out: device=1, exec=2, ... */
    static char *ty[] = {
	"device", "exec", "restricted", "pagelen",
	"linelen", "header", "formfeed", 0

    s = 0;
    if ((sf = fopen (DevFile, "r")) == NULL)
	error ("panic: open devfile\n");
    for (;;) {
	(void) fgets (line, sizeof line, sf);
	if (ferror (sf))
	    error ("panic: devfile read\n");
	if (feof (sf))
	cp = line + strlen (line);
	if (cp > line && *--cp == '\n')
	    *cp = 0;
	cp = line;
	while (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t')
	if (*cp == '#' || *cp == 0)
	MakeArgV (cp, vec, canonbuf);
	vp = vec;		/* for fast access... */
	c = class (*vec, ty);
	if (c != 1 && s == 0)
	    error ("panic: devfile bad format\n");
	switch (c) {
	case 0: 		/* not in ty[] */
	case 1: 		/* device */
	    if (vp[1] == (char *) 0 || vp[2] == (char *) 0)
		error ("panic: device name\n");
	    s = (struct SpoolDevice *) malloc (sizeof (*s));
	    if (s == 0)
		error ("out of memory\n");
	    s -> sd_dev = strsave (vp[1]);
	    s -> sd_namelist.nl_name = strsave (vp[2]);
	    s -> sd_namelist.nl_next = 0;
	    s -> sd_proglist = 0;
	    s -> sd_linelen = 0;
	    s -> sd_pagelen = 0;
	    s -> sd_header = 0;
	    s -> sd_ff = 0;
	    s -> sd_next = DevList;
	    DevList = s;
	    for (vp = &vec[3]; *vp; vp++) {
		register struct namelist *n;

		n = (struct namelist *) malloc (sizeof *n);
		if (n == 0)
		    error ("out of memory\n");
		n -> nl_name = strsave (*vp);
		n -> nl_next = s -> sd_namelist.nl_next;
		s -> sd_namelist.nl_next = n;
	case 2: 		/* exec */
	    if (vp[1] == 0)
		error ("panic: exec name\n");
		register struct proglist *p;
		register char  *lp;

		p = (struct proglist *) malloc (sizeof *p);
		if (p == 0)
		    error ("out of memory\n");
		if (vp[2]) {
		    p -> pr_shortname = strsave (vp[1]);
		    vp = &vec[2];
		    lp = line;
		    while (cp = *vp++) {
			while (*lp++ = *cp++)
			lp[-1] = ' ';
		    *--lp = 0;	/* ASSUMES AT LEAST ONE *vp NONEMPTY */
		    if ((p -> pr_longname = strsave (line)) == 0)
			error ("out of memory\n");
		else {
		    p -> pr_shortname = 0;
		    p -> pr_longname = strsave (vp[1]);
		p -> pr_next = s -> sd_proglist;
		s -> sd_proglist = p;
	case 3: 		/* restricted */
	    s -> sd_restricted++;
	case 4: 		/* pagelen */
	    if (vp[1] == 0)
		error ("panic: bad pagelen\n");
	    s -> sd_pagelen = atoi (vp[1]);
	case 5: 		/* linelen */
	    if (vp[1] == 0)
		error ("panic: bad linelen\n");
	    s -> sd_linelen = atoi (vp[1]);
	case 6: 		/* header */
	    if (vp[1])
		s -> sd_header = strsave (vp[1]);
	case 7: 		/* formfeed */
	    if (vp[1])
		s -> sd_ff = strsave (vp[1]);
		s -> sd_ff = "\014";/* control-L */
	    error ("panic: bad case in switch\n");
    (void) fclose (sf);

X/* Given a name, return the device for it, or 0 for no such device.  Any of
   the aliases are legal, and so is the physical device (why not?). */
struct SpoolDevice *
FindDevice (name)
register char *name;
    register struct SpoolDevice *s;
    register struct namelist *n;

    for (s = DevList; s; s = s -> sd_next) {
	if (*s -> sd_dev == *name && strcmp (s -> sd_dev, name) == 0)
	    return s;
	n = &s -> sd_namelist;
	while (n) {
	    if (*n -> nl_name == *name && strcmp (n -> nl_name, name) == 0)
		return s;
	    n = n -> nl_next;
    return 0;
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 readdev.c
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld readdev.c
/bin/echo 'Extracting spool.h'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >spool.h
/* Copyright (c) 1984 Chris Torek / University of Maryland */

 * $Header: /usr/enee/chris/sys/spool/RCS/spool.h,v 1.1 83/12/10 01:06:09 chris Exp $
 * Definitions for spooler
 * $Log:	spool.h,v $
 * Revision 1.1  83/12/10  01:06:09  chris
 * Initial revision

#define	DeSpoolDaemon	"/usr/lib/despool"	/* Name of despooler daemon.
						   It is run with the device
						   name as an argument. */
#define	DevFile		"/etc/spool_devices"	/* File which describes the
						   available devices */
#define	SpoolDirectory	"/usr/spool/%s"		/* Used with printf to make
						   directory name for a given
						   device */

X/* The format for DevFile is a set of lines beginning with one of "device" or
   "exec".  "Device" specifies a list of device names; the first of these is
   the spool device, the second is the official name, and the remainder are
   aliases.  The official name is used to generate the spool directory name.
   The device name is passed to the despooler to be used as the standard
   output of the programs executed.  "Exec" specifies a program to execute,
   or the user may explicitly name a program.  (Security is assured by having
   the daemon carefully run all files as the spooling user, and all control
   files owned by root.  This will not work across machines, but....) */

X/* This contains the in-core version of the stuff in DevFile */
struct SpoolDevice {
	char	*sd_dev;	/* "/dev/foo" */
	struct namelist {
		char		*nl_name;
		struct namelist	*nl_next;
	} sd_namelist;		/* official name, and aliases */
	struct proglist {
		char		*pr_shortname;
		char		*pr_longname;
		struct proglist	*pr_next;
	} *sd_proglist;		/* List of -<xyz> programs */
	int	sd_restricted;	/* True => disallow -p */
	int	sd_pagelen;	/* page length (lines) */
	int	sd_linelen;	/* line length (chars) */
	char	*sd_ff;		/* form feed sequence (if any) */
	char	*sd_header;	/* header-printer program */
	struct SpoolDevice *sd_next;
} *DevList;

struct SpoolDevice *FindDevice ();
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 spool.h
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld spool.h
/bin/echo 'Extracting spool.1l'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >spool.1l
spool \- printer spooler
X.B "spool -d"
X.B \-c
] [
X.B \-m
] [
X.B \-p
prog ] [
X.B \-t
title ]
[ name ... ]
X.I Spool
queues the named files for printing on the specified
X.IR device .
If no files are named, the standard input is read.
X.B \-c
option forces
X.I spool
to make a copy of the named files, rather than using links.  This
may be useful when the file is a temporary file that gets rewritten
immedately after the call to
X.IR spool .
The option
X.B \-m
causes notification via
X.IR mail (1)
to be sent when the job completes.  The
X.B \-t
option allows a title specification for the header page.
X.I Spool
looks up the device in /etc/spool_devices to see how to print things.
It also handles special arguments.
For example, on the Versatec\(rg  we recognize
X.B \-rtroff
as rotated troff output to be printed via /usr/lib/rvcat.  Other
programs may be specified with the
X.B \-p
Chris Torek
spool(5L), despool(8L), std_header(8L)
X.B \-m
option isn't implemented yet.
There is no easy way to remove a queue entry or look at the queue yet.
Jobs are printed in directory order.  They ought to be printed in
queueing order.
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 spool.1l
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld spool.1l
/bin/echo 'Extracting spool.5l'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >spool.5l
X.DA "10 Dec 83"
spool \- spooler device description file
The spooler device description file /etc/spool_devices controls
the operation of the spooler /usr/bin/spool and its associated
programs.  This file is read one line at a time.  A new device
is introduced with the
X.B device
keyword.  All other keywords refer to the most recent device named.
The file may also contain comments and blank lines.  A comment is
denoted by making the first nonblank character a pound sign (#).
Each line is divided into an argument vector for processing.  Quoting
conventions are similar to those of the Bourne shell (sh), except that
there are no shell variables and backquotes do nothing.
The following keywords are currently recognized.
\fBdevice\fP \fIdevname name alias1 alias2 ...\fP
Introduces a device name.  The first argument
(\fIdevname\fP) should be the name of
the device itself (as in /dev/lp or /dev/vp0); this is opened by the
despooler before executing anything else.  The second argument
(\fIname\fP) is the ``official'' name of the device.  It is used
to generate the spool directory
name (usually \fB/usr/spool/\fP\fIname\fP).  The remaining arguments,
if any, are aliases for the official name, which any of the spooling
programs will recognize.  (The device name \fIdevname\fP is also legal.)
\fBpagelen\fP \fIn\fP
Sets the page length to
X.IR n .
The standard header program uses this to center the header in the page.
\fBlinelen\fP \fIn\fP
Sets the line length to
X.IR n .
The standard header program uses this to center each line of the header.
\fBformfeed\fP [ \fIstring\fP ]
Sets the formfeed character to
X.I string
(if specified) or control-L (if no argument is given).  If the device
is incapable of doing formfeeds, this should be left unspecified.
Don't forget to quote the string if it contains spaces.
X.B restricted
X.B restricted
keyword prevents people from running any program they want on the
output device at despooling time.  This is useful for systems doing
accounting, to keep users from bypassing the accounting system.  If you
aren't doing accounting and want to avoid using up large amounts of
disk space for spooling raster graphics and such, then you can leave
the device unrestricted so that users don't have to pre-expand their
output.  If the device is restricted, the only commands that may be run
are those listed in the device description file.
\fBheader\fP \fIprog\fP
Specifies a header program to be executed before despooling files.
Typically this will call /usr/lib/std_header to print the spool
file owner's name and the date, and the optional title, but may be
left out or changed to another program if desired.  The program is
invoked with stdin connected to the spool control file and stdout
to the output device.
\fBexec\fP \fIkey prog\fP ; \fBexec\fP \fIprog\fP
For restricted devices, this lists the only programs that may be
used for device output.  For unrestricted devices, this provides a
shorthand for often-used programs.
The first format tells the spooler that when the
X.I key
option is given, it should place an execution request for the
X.IR prog ram.
The second format gives the spooler a default program in case none
is specified.  The
X.I prog
argument is passed to the Bourne shell for execution so you may need
to quote things twice.  As a free bonus the first format concatenates
any additional arguments to the end of the program name, separated by
blanks, to make things easier.
Chris Torek
spool(1L), spool(5L), despool(8L), std_header(8L)
The only way to pass user-defined arguments to a predefined despooling
program is to put them into the spooled file itself.  There ought to
be a more flexible method.
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 spool.5l
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld spool.5l
/bin/echo 'Extracting spool_devices'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >spool_devices
# This is an example /etc/spool_devices file

# Entry for the versatec, taken from a real live working description
# file.  We will use the standard header, make it unrestricted, and
# give a 66-line 132-col size.  /usr/lib/std_header writes a header
# naming the user, date, time, and title.

# This is the only actual entry in use here at eneevax.

device /dev/vp0 versatec vp vp0 va va0 varian vers
pagelen 66
linelen 132
header /usr/lib/std_header
# old troff
exec troff /usr/lib/vcat -t
# rotated troff
exec rtroff /usr/lib/rvcat -t
# new troff, rotated, couple of bug fixes, new vtroff shell script
exec ntroff /usr/lib/nrvcat
# plot
exec plot /usr/lib/vpplot
# rotated plot
exec rplot /usr/lib/rvpplot
# another name for the same
exec vpplot /usr/lib/vpplot
exec rvpplot /usr/lib/rvpplot
# CIFPLOT stuff
exec vdmp /usr/lib/vdmp
# default to /usr/ucb/expand, plus pagefeed, if nothing else
exec "/usr/ucb/expand; /bin/echo \014"

# line printer
# can do formfeeds
device /dev/lp printer lp lp0 lineprinter
pagelen 66
linelen 80
header /usr/lib/std_header
exec pr /bin/pr
exec /bin/cat

# Imagen
# we don't really have one, but this illustrates some other stuff
# no header
# we'll just suppose that it can't do formfeeds (even though I think it can)
device /dev/imagen imagen imprint imprint-10 laser
exec foo "bar baz \"xyzzy plugh\""
exec /usr/lib/imagen_stuff
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 644 spool_devices
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld spool_devices
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Univ of MD Comp Sci (301) 454-7690
UUCP:	{seismo,allegra,brl-bmd}!umcp-cs!chris
CSNet:	chris at umcp-cs		ARPA:	chris at maryland

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