RT-11 floppy -- radix50.c

John R Blaker jrb at wdl1.UUCP
Sat Feb 18 04:52:15 AEST 1984

 *			       == R A D I X 5 0 ==			    *
 * John R Blaker -- Ford Aerospace & Communications Corporation -- Oct 1982 *
 * This file contains some routines stolen from the 'rk11' program for      *
 * dealing with RADIX-50 format of filenames in the directory of an RT11    *
 * disc.  It also contains some interface routines of my own which have     *
 * nicer names than those stolen.  This file contains the following         *
 * functions:								    *
 *	rt11_to_a()	RT11 format to regular ASCII (mine)		    *
 *	a_to_rt11()	Regular ASCII to RT11 (mine)			    *
 *	r502a()		RADIX-50 to ASCII (stolen)			    *
 *	a2r50()		ASCII to RADIX-50 (stolen)			    *
 *	code()		Convert to ASCII code				    *

 * Include files

#include	"rt11.h"	/* Global definitions */

 * rt11_to_a()
 * Translates a RADIX-50 filename to a regular ASCII one

rt11_to_a(fnm1, fnm2, ext, filename)
int	fnm1;		/* Radix-50 of first 3 characters in filename */
int	fnm2;		/* Radix-50 of second 3 characters in filename */
int	ext;		/* Radix-50 of file type extension */
char	*filename;	/* String to hold filename */
	char	name1[4];	/* ASCII first part of filename */
	char	name2[4];	/* ASCII second part of filename */
	char	exten[4];	/* ASCII extension */
	r502a(fnm1, name1);
	name1[3] = '\0';
	r502a(fnm2, name2);
	name2[3] = '\0';
	r502a(ext, exten);
	exten[3] = '\0';
	strcpy(filename, name1);
	strcat(filename, name2);
	strcat(filename, ".");
	strcat(filename, exten);
} /* rt11_to_a */

 * a_to_rt11()
 * Translates an ASCII to a RADIX-50 one

a_to_rt11(name, fnm1, fnm2, ext)
char	*name;	/* filename to be converted */
int	fnm1;	/* RADIX-50 of first 3 characters */
int	fnm2;	/* RADIX-50 of second 3 characters */
int	ext;	/* RADIX-50 of 3 character extension */
	char	name1[4];	/* String for first 3 characters */
	char	name2[4];	/* String for second 3 characters */
	char	exten[4];	/* String for 3 character extension */
	int	index;		/* Loop index */

	for (index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
		name1[index] = name[index];
		name2[index] = name[index + 4];
		exten[index] = name[index + 9];
	} /* for */
} /* a_to_rt11 */

int ldivr;	/* Remainder of long division */

 * R502A : rad50 to ascii converter.

r502a(ar50, acp) 	/*xlate rad50 value to ascii string*/
int  ar50;                    /*rad50 value to be xlated*/
char *acp;                    /*pointer to target array*/
	register char *cp;
	register char *rp;

	cp = acp;
	rp = " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz$.?0123456789"; /* convert to lower */
	*cp++ = *(rp + ldiv(0, ar50, 050*050));
	*cp++ = *(rp + ldivr / 050);
	*cp = *(rp + ldivr % 050);
} /* r502a */

 * A2R50 : ASCII to rad50 conversion.

a2r50(acp, ar50p)		/* xlate ascii string to rad50 string */
char	*acp;			/*points to null-terminated ascii string*/
int	*ar50p;			/*points to target array*/
	int		i;
	register int	j;
	char    *ap;
	register char	c;

	ap = "\
\000\377\377\377\033\377\377\377\ space  $
\377\377\377\377\377\377\034\377\  .
\036\037\040\041\042\043\044\045\ 0 - 7
\046\047\377\377\377\377\377\377\ 8 - 9
\377\001\002\003\004\005\006\007\ A -
\010\011\012\013\014\015\016\017\   -
\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027\   -
\030\031\032\377\377\377\377\377\   - Z
\377\001\002\003\004\005\006\007\ a -
\010\011\012\013\014\015\016\017\   -
\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027\   -
\030\031\032\377\377\377\377\377";  - z
	while (1) {
		i = 0;
		for (j = 050*050 ; j > 0 ; j =/ 050) {
			if ((c = *acp++) == '\0')
			if ((c = code(c)) < 0)
			*ar50p = i =+ j * c;
		} /* for */
	} /* while */
} /* a2r50 */

 * code()
 * This function converts a character to its
 * ASCII code

char code(c)
char c;
	if ( c == ' ')
	if ( c == '$') 
	if ( c == '.') 
	if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) 
	if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) 
	if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) 
} /* code */

#ifndef PWB
#	define	MAXINT	16536	/* Maximum int size on PDP-11 */

 * ldiv()
 * Simulate old V6/PWB 'ldiv()' library function

ldiv(hi, lo, div)
int	hi;		/* High-byte of dividend */
unsigned	lo;	/* Low-byte of dividend */
int	div;		/* Divisor */
	ldivr = ((hi * MAXINT) + lo) % div;
	return(((hi * MAXINT) + lo) / div);
} /* ldiv */

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