label.c (Lattice/MS-DOS) - (nf)

saj at iuvax.UUCP saj at iuvax.UUCP
Thu Feb 16 06:32:33 AEST 1984

iuvax!apratt    Jan  9 04:23:00 1984

/** program in Lattice C for MS-DOS to change the volume label of a disk.
    Written by Allan Pratt (Collins Box 170, Indiana University, Bloomington,
    Indiana, 47406) at ...decvax!ihnp4!iuvax!apratt   POSTED TO USENET 1/9/84

	A>LABEL text [drive]

	The first eleven characters of "text" are made into the volume label
	of the disk in drive "drive". If the drive specification is omitted,
	the default drive is assumed.

#define XFCB_PREFIX	0xff	/* prefix for extended FCBs */
#define LABEL_ATTRIB	0x08	/* label attribute bit */

#define CLOSE_FILE	0x10	/* bdos fn # to close a file */
#define CREATE_FILE	0x16	/* bdos fn # to create a file */
#define RENAME_FILE	0x17	/* bdos fn # to rename a file */

char xfcb[48];			/* buffer for the xfcb itself */

int argc;
char *argv[];
	char *fcb;
	char *c;
	int d = 0;
	int i;

	xfcb[0] = XFCB_PREFIX;	/* says this is an extended fcb  */
	xfcb[6] = LABEL_ATTRIB;	/* says this is the volume label */
				/* all other bytes of the prefix are zero */
	if(argc == 1 || argc > 3) {		/* wrong # of params */
		printf("label: newlabel [d]\n");

	if(argc == 3) {			/* determine drive number (to d) */
		if (*argv[2] >= 'A' && *argv[2] <= 'Z')
			d = *argv[2] - 'A' + 1;
		else if (*argv[2] >= 'a' && *argv[2] <= 'z')
			d = *argv[2] - 'a' + 1;	
		else {
			printf("label: invalid drive specifier\n");

	xfcb[7] = d;		/* put the drive specifier in the fcb */

		/* delete the label if there is one */
	for(i=1;i<12;i++) xfcb[7+i]='?';     /* wildcard matches any label */

	for(c=argv[1], i=0;i<11;i++) {	/* fill the secondary part with the */
		if(*c != '\0') xfcb[0x18+i] = *c++;	  /* new label name */
		else xfcb[0x18+i] = ' ';

	/* the following attempts to rename any file ("????????.???") which
	   has the LABEL attribute set, to the new label (from the argument).
	   If that fails, the XFCB is re-worked, so that the new label is in
	   the normal filename position, and this file (again with the LABEL
	   attribute) is created. If THAT fails, an error is reported.       */

	if(bdos(RENAME_FILE,xfcb) & 0xff) {	/* attempt a RENAME. */

		/* if that fails, move the filename and CREATE */
		for(i=0; i<11; i++)	/* move the new name into the normal */
			xfcb[8+i] = xfcb[0x18+i]; 	    /* filename spot */

		if(bdos(CREATE_FILE,xfcb) & 0xff)
			printf("label: cannot create new label.\n");
		else bdos(CLOSE_FILE,xfcb);

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