tags.ml and ctags

Tim Mann mann at CSL-Vax.ARPA
Thu Nov 8 12:20:32 AEST 1984

> Apparently our 1981 version of 'tags.ml' is not compatible with the current
> version of 'ctags', as the format of the tags file is different.  For example,
> tags.ml expacts to see ^A and ^B as delimiters.
> 	Is there a more recent version of tags.ml around?  Any help would be
> appreciated.

Here is a version of tags.ml I hacked up to work with ctags output.  (The
"ved" mentioned in the comment is an editor that runs on the V-System here
at Stanford.)  Hope no one minds the length of this posting to net.emacs.

; twenex-like tags package		J. Gosling, November 81
; modified to use ctags files		Tim Mann, 9-4-84
; As a hack, I've modified the Emacs tags package to use the "tags" files
; created by the ctags program instead of building its own.  This is a win for
; several reasons, the primary one being that ved (and also vi) uses this kind
; of tags file, so you only need one.  Another reason is that ctags builds a
; tags file much faster than Emacs can.
; To use the modified tags package, add the following to your .emacs_pro file:
; (autoload "goto-tag" "ctags.ml")
; (autoload "goto-tag-in-buffer" "ctags.ml")
; (bind-to-key "goto-tag" "\^Xt")
; (bind-to-key "goto-tag-in-buffer" "\^X\^T")
; This binds "goto-tag" to ^Xt and "goto-tag-in-buffer" to ^X^T.  Goto-tag
; prompts you for the name of a function or typedef, then visits the file
; containing the function or type definition at the first line of the
; definition.  If there is more than one object of the same name listed in 
; the tags file, ^Xt will find the first one, and repeatedly typing ^U^Xt 
; will step through the others.  Goto-tag-in-buffer is used when the cursor 
; is positioned on or just after the name of a function or type; it finds the 
; name in the buffer, then visits the file as in goto-tag.
; The first time you use one of these functions, it will look for the tags
; file in the current directory, and if none is found, in your home directory.
; From then on the same tags file will be used until you either exit or call
; the function "visit-tag-table" with a new file name.
; When you run ctags, you will probably want to use the switches -tw.  This
; causes tags to be generated for typedefs as well as functions, and suppresses
; (useless) warning messages.  Both emacs and ved (as of now) understand tags
; on both functions and typedefs.  (Macros too, I think.)

(declare-global last-search-tag)

(defun (to-tag-buffer
	   (temp-use-buffer "*TAG*")
	   (if (& (= (buffer-size) 0) (= (current-file-name) ""))
		   (if (error-occured (read-file "tags"))
		       (if (error-occured (read-file "~/tags"))
			   (message "Can't read tags file")
		   (error-occured (replace-string "*" "\\*"))
		   (setq buffer-is-modified 0)

(defun (visit-tag-table tagfn
	   (setq tagfn (arg 1 ": visit-tag-table "))
	       (temp-use-buffer "*TAG*")
	       (read-file tagfn)
	       (error-occured (replace-string "*" "\\*"))
	       (setq buffer-is-modified 0)

(defun (goto-tag fn pat restart pos
	   (setq restart 0)
	   (if (! prefix-argument-provided)
		   (setq last-search-tag
		      (concat "^" (quote (arg 1 ": goto-tag ")) "[^\^I]*\^I"))
		   (setq restart 1)))
	   (setq pos -2)
	       (if restart (beginning-of-file))
	       (re-search-forward last-search-tag)
	       (search-forward "\^I")
	       (setq fn (region-to-string))
	       (if (looking-at "/")
			  (setq pat (region-to-string))
			  (setq pos (- (region-to-string) 1))
	   (visit-file fn)
	   (if (= pos -2)
	       (if (error-occured (re-search-forward pat))
	           (re-search-reverse "")
	              (provide-prefix-argument pos (next-line))

; goto-tag-in-buffer
; Similar to describe-word-in-buffer
	(error-occured (forward-character))
	(goto-tag (region-to-string))

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