makedep: construct dependency lines for makefiles

Tim Mann mann at CSL-Vax.ARPA
Fri Oct 26 14:36:11 AEST 1984

> I think there is something wrong with the distribution. Where is "makedep.h"
> and why does the buildfile (/* you need buildmake */) include a non-existent
> file called "dependencies".
> 	David Hawley
> 	University of Waterloo

The missing "dependencies" is due to a circularity:  makedep's buildfile
uses makedep to build its own dependencies.  You can start out with an empty
"dependencies" file to make the initial makefile.

I'm sorry if makedep.h got left out.  I don't have the original shar archive
anymore so I have no way of guessing what went wrong.  At any rate, here it

 * Primary include file for makedep

#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>

#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

extern int errno;
int Debug;
char *MyName;	/* name by which makedep was invoked */

 * List definitions

/* StringList record states. */
#define HEADER 1
#define PROCESSED 3

typedef struct StringListType
    char *str;
    int state;
    struct DepListType *dep;
    struct StringListType *next;

typedef struct DepListType
    struct StringListType *inclFile;
    struct DepListType *next;

extern StringList *MakeList();

 * Various string objects and their default defns.

/* Extensions for object. */
#define DefaultObjExt "o"
#define DefaultVObjExt "b"
char ObjExt[16];

/* Source file list. */
StringList *SrcFiles;

/* Search lists for include files. */
#define DefaultVInclDirs "/usr/sun/include /usr/local/include /usr/include"
#define DefaultXVInclDirs "/usr/sun/xinclude /usr/sun/include /usr/local/include /usr/include"
#define DefaultUnixInclDirs "/usr/include"
StringList *InclDirs;
StringList *UserInclDirs;

/* Output file name. */
#define DefaultOutputFileName "dependencies"
char OutputFileName[128];

/* Command line option flags */
int NFlag, UFlag, VFlag, xVFlag, eFlag;

/* List of include files that have been encountered. */
StringList *IList;

#define Equal(a,b) (strcmp(a,b) == 0)

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