MS-DOS Kermit sources (Part 6 of 7)

Jim Knutson knutson at ut-ngp.UUCP
Sat Oct 6 02:09:58 AEST 1984

: Run this shell script with "sh" not "csh"
export PATH
if [ $1x = -ax ]; then
/bin/echo 'Extracting msxwng.asm'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >msxwng.asm
	public  serini, serrst, clrbuf, outchr, coms, vts, dodel, ctlu
        public  cmblnk, locate, lclini, prtchr, dobaud, clearl
        public  dodisk, getbaud, beep, term, puthlp
	public	count, poscur, machnam, sendbr, putmod, clrmod
	public	setktab, setkhlp, xofsnt, showkey
        include msdefs.h

false   equ     0
true	equ	1	

ctrla	equ	1		; Control-A.

auxin	equ	3
auxout	equ	4
auxfil	equ	3		; file number of aux file.
iordy	equ	6		; input ready function
write	equ	40h
wbios	equ	88h
settrp	equ	02h
clrtrp	equ	03h
chrrdy	equ	01h
txrdy	equ	02h

rcvdat	equ	1080h
rcvstat equ	1082h
rcvmod	equ	1084h
rcvcmd	equ	1086h
trdat	equ	1088h
trmod	equ	108ch
wrcmd	equ	108eh

; mode bits
mod1	equ	4dh			; clock rate, 8 bits, 1 stop bit
mod2	equ	30h			; internal clock

; command register bits
txen	equ	01h
dtr	equ	02h
rxen	equ	04h
brk	equ	08h
clrerr	equ	10h
rts	equ	20h

datas   segment public 'datas'
        extrn   drives:byte, flags:byte, trans:byte
	extrn	portval:word, port1:byte, port2:byte, swchar:byte

portin	db	0
crlf    db      cr,lf,'$'
machnam	db	'FIELD TEST Wang$'
noimp	db	cr,lf,'Command not implemented.$'
shkmsg	db	'Not implemented.'
shklen	equ	$-shkmsg
xofsnt	db	0		; Say if we sent an XOFF.
xofrcv	db	0		; Say if we received an XOFF.
setktab	db	0
setkhlp	db	0
invseq	db	esc,'[7m$'	; Reverse video on.
nrmseq	db	esc,'[0m$'	; Reverse video off.
ivlseq	db	79 dup (' '),cr,'$' 	; Make a line inverse video
comphlp db      cr,lf,'1 (COM1)   2 (COM2)$'    
delstr  db      BS,' ',BS,'$' 	; Delete string.
clrlin	db	cr,esc,'[K$'
tmp     db      ?,'$'
temp    dw      0
temp1   dw      ?               ; Temporary storage.
temp2   dw      ?               ; Temporary storage.

; Entries for choosing communications port. [19b]
comptab db      04H
        db      01H,'1$'
        dw      01H
        db      01H,'2$'
        dw      00H
        db      04H,'COM1$'
        dw      01H
        db      04H,'COM2$'
        dw      00H

; variables for serial interrupt handler

source  db      bufsiz DUP(?)   ; Buffer for data from port.
bufout  dw      0               ; buffer removal ptr
count   dw      0               ; Number of chars in int buffer.
bufin   dw      0               ; buffer insertion ptr
telflg  db      0               ; Are we acting as a terminal. [16] [17c]
clreol  db      esc,'[0K$'
blank	db	esc,'[H',esc,'[J$'
movcur  db      esc,'['
colno   db      20 dup (?)
ten     db      10
prthnd  dw      0
ourarg  termarg <>
; must parallel baud rate defs in pcdefs.
baudtab db	0ffh		; 45.5 baud (not supported)
	db	0		; 50
	db	1		; 75
	db	2		; 110
	db	3		; 134.5
	db	4		; 150
	db	5		; 300
	db	6		; 600
	db	7		; 1200
	db	8		; 1800
	db	9		; 2000
	db	10		; 2400
	db	12		; 4800
	db	14		; 9600
	db	15		; 19.2k
	db	0ffh		; 38.4k (ha)

nbaud	equ	$-baudtab
qid	dw	?
prtcnt	dw	?
trqid	dw	?
tmqid	dw	?
brflg	db	?
datas   ends

code    segment public
        extrn   comnd:near, dopar:near, prserr:near
        assume  cs:code,ds:datas

	mov ah,gcurdsk			; Current disk value to AL.
	int dos
	mov dl,al			; Put current disk in DL.
	mov ah,seldsk			; Select current disk.
	int dos				; Get number of drives in AL.
	mov drives,al

; Clear the input buffer before sending a packet. [20e]

	mov	ah,ioctl
	mov	bx,auxfil
	mov	al,iordy
	int	dos
	cmp	al,0ffh
	jne	clrb1			; not ready, keep going
	mov	ah,auxin
	int	dos
	jmp	clrbuf			; read char and keep going.
clrb1:	mov	count,0
	mov ax,offset source
	mov bufin,ax
        mov bufout,ax

; Common routine to clear to end-of-line. [19a]

        mov dx,offset clreol
        mov ah,prstr
        int dos

; This routine should set the baud rate for the current port but it
; is actually done in SERINI.
dobaud	proc	near
dobaud  endp

; Send a break out the current serial port.  Returns normally.
sendbr:	push dx
	push ax
	push cx
	push ds			; preserve data segment
	mov ax,cs
	mov ds,ax		; handler is in code segment
	mov al,settrp
	mov bx,txrdy		; interrupt on transmitter empty
	mov cx,0		; interrupt immediately
	mov dx,offset sendb1	; handler routine
	int wbios
	pop ds
	mov trqid,bx
	push ds
	mov ax,cs
	mov ds,ax
	mov al,settrp
	mov bx,0		; 10 ms timer
	mov cx,21		; after 21 times - approx 200 ms.
	mov dx,offset sendb2	; timer interrupt
	int wbios
	pop ds
	mov tmqid,bx

	mov brflg,1
	mov dx,rcvcmd
	in al,dx		; Read command register.
	or al,brk+txen		; Set send-break bit.
	mov dx,wrcmd		; Write command register.
	out dx,al
pause:	cmp brflg,0
	jne pause		; while non-zero, keep going
	mov al,clrtrp		; clear the trap
	mov bx,trqid
	int wbios
	mov al,clrtrp
	mov bx,tmqid
	int wbios
	pop cx
	pop ax
	pop dx

sendb1	proc	far
sendb1	endp

sendb2	proc	far
	push ax
	push ds
	mov ax,seg datas
	mov ds,ax
	mov brflg,0
	mov dx,rcvcmd
	in al,dx
	and al,not (txen + brk)
	mov dx,wrcmd
	out dx,al
	pop ds
	pop ax
sendb2	endp

; Write a line in inverse video at the bottom of the screen...
; the line is passed in dx, terminated by a $.  Returns normally.
putmod	proc	near
	push	dx		; preserve message
	mov	dx,24 * 100H	; line 24
	call	poscur
	mov	dx,offset invseq ; put into inverse video
	mov	ah,prstr
	int	dos
	pop	dx
	int 	dos
	mov	dx,offset nrmseq ; normal videw
	int	dos
	ret			; and return
putmod	endp

; Clear the mode line written by putmod.  Returns normally.
clrmod	proc	near
	mov	dx,24 * 100H
	call	poscur
	call	clearl
clrmod	endp

; Put a help message one the screen in reverse video.  Pass
; the message in AX, terminated by a null.  Returns normally.
; The message is put wherever the cursor currently is located.
puthlp	proc	near
	push ax
	mov ah,prstr		; Leave some room before the message.
	mov dx,offset crlf
	int dos
	mov dx,offset invseq	; Put into reverse video.
	int dos
	pop si			; Put message address here.
puth0:	mov ah,prstr
	mov dx,offset ivlseq	; Make line inverse video
	int dos
puth1:	lodsb
	cmp al,0		; Terminated with a null.
	je puth2
	mov dl,al
	mov ah,conout
	int dos	
	cmp al,lf		; Line feed?
	je puth0		; Yes, clear the next line.
	jmp puth1		; Else, just keep on writing.
puth2:	mov dx,offset nrmseq	; Normal video.
	mov ah,prstr
	int dos
	mov dx,offset crlf
	int dos
puthlp	endp

outchr: push dx                 ; Save register.
	mov al,ah
	call dopar
	mov dl,al
	mov ah,auxout
	int dos
	pop	dx
	jmp rskp

; This routine blanks the screen.

        mov ah,prstr
        mov dx,offset blank
        int dos

        mov dx,0                ; Go to top left corner of screen.
        jmp poscur              ; callret...

	mov dx,rcvmod
	in al,dx
	in al,dx		; get second mode word
	and	al,0fh		; isolate baud rate
	mov cx,nbaud
	mov di,offset baudtab
	mov bx,ds
	mov es,bx		; address correct segment
	mov bx,portval
	repne scasb		; look for baud rate
	jne getb1		; mystery baud rate...
	sub di,offset baudtab + 1
	mov [bx].baud,di	; store baud rate in comm area
	ret			; and return
getb1:	mov [bx].baud,-1	; unknown baud rate

; skip returns if no character available at port,
; otherwise returns with char in al, # of chars in buffer in dx.
prtchx: cmp count,0
	je prtch4		; empty buffer, forget it.
	mov si,bufout
	cmp si,offset source + bufsiz
	jb prtch1
	mov si,offset source
prtch1: mov bufout,si
	dec count
	push bx
	mov bx,portval
        cmp [bx].parflg,PARNON ; no parity?
        je prtch3               ; then don't strip
        and al,7fh              ; else turn off parity
prtch3: mov dx,count		; chars left in buffer
	pop bx
prtch4: jmp rskp		; no chars...

; Position the cursor according to contents of DX.

        mov     ax,ds
        mov     es,ax                   ; address data segment!!!
        mov     di,offset colno
        mov     al,dh                   ; row
	inc	al
        call    nout
        mov     al,';'
        mov     al,dl                   ; col
	inc	al
        call    nout
        mov     al,'H'
        mov     al,'$'
        mov     dx,offset movcur
        mov     ah,prstr
        int     dos                     ; print the sequence

        cbw                     ; extend to word
        div     byte ptr ten    ; divide by 10
        or      al,al           ; any quotient?
        jz      nout1           ; no, forget this
        push    ax              ; save current result
        call    nout            ; output high order
        pop     ax              ; restore
nout1:  mov     al,ah           ; get digit
        add     al,'0'          ; make printable
        ret                     ; put in buffer and return
NOUT    endp

; Perform a delete.

        mov ah,prstr
        mov dx,offset delstr    ; Erase weird character.
        int dos                 

; Perform a Control-U.

        mov ah,prstr
        mov dx,offset clrlin
        int dos

        mov dx,offset comptab
        mov bx,offset comphlp
        mov ah,cmkey
        call comnd
         jmp r
        push bx
        mov ah,cmcfm
        call comnd              ; Get a confirm.
         jmp comx               ;  Didn't get a confirm.
	pop bx
        mov flags.comflg,bl     ; Set the comm port flag.
	cmp flags.comflg,1	; Using Com 1?
	jne coms0		; Nope.
	mov ax,offset port1
	mov portval,ax
coms0:	mov ax,offset port2
	mov portval,ax
comx:	pop bx

	jmp notimp

notimp:	mov ah,prstr
	mov dx,offset noimp
	int dos
	jmp prserr

lclini: mov trans.escchr,ctrla	; Use Control-A as escape char.
	mov swchar,'/'

	mov ax,offset shkmsg
	mov cx,shklen

;     Common initialization for using serial port.

	cmp portin,0		; already inited?
	jne serin1		; yes, skip it
	mov portin,1		; remember inited
	mov dx,rcvcmd
	in al,dx		; read cmd register to reset mode ptr.
	mov dx,trmod
	mov al,mod1
	out dx,al
	push bx
	mov bx,portval
	mov si,[bx].baud
	pop bx
	mov al,baudtab[si]
	or al,mod2
	out dx,al
	mov dx,wrcmd
	mov al,txen+dtr+rxen+clrerr+rts
	out dx,al		; enable transmit and receive
	call clrbuf		; empty buffer
	mov al,settrp
	mov bx,chrrdy		; interrupt on character ready
	mov cx,0		; interrupt immediately
	mov dx,offset serint	; handler routine
	mov prtcnt,0		; no characters in yet
	push ds
	mov si,cs
	mov ds,si
	int wbios
	pop ds
	or al,al
	jne serin1
	mov qid,bx		; preserve trap identification
serin1: ret			; We're done. [21c]

	cmp portin,0		; already de-inited?
	je serrs1		; yes, skip this
	mov portin,0
	mov al,clrtrp
	mov bx,qid
	int wbios
serrs1:	ret

; serial interrupt handler
serint	proc	far
	push ds
	push ax
	push dx
	push di
	mov ax,seg datas
	mov ds,ax
	mov di,bufin
	mov dx,rcvdat
	in al,dx
	mov [di],al
	inc di
	cmp di,offset source + bufsiz
	jb sernt1
	mov di,offset source
sernt1: mov bufin,di
	inc count
	pop di
	pop dx
	pop ax
	pop ds
serint	endp

; Generate a short beep.

        mov dl,bell
        mov ah,conout
        int dos 
; Jumping to this location is like retskp.  It assumes the instruction
;   after the call is a jmp addr.
        pop bp
        add bp,3
        push bp
; Jumping here is the same as a ret.
R       PROC    NEAR
R       ENDP

term    proc    near
        mov si,ax               ; this is source
        mov di,offset ourarg    ; place to store arguments
        mov ax,ds
        mov es,ax               ; address destination segment
        mov cx,size termarg
        rep movsb               ; copy into our arg blk
term1:  call prtchr
        jmp short term2         ; have a char...
        jmp short term3         ; no char, go on
term2:	and al,7fh
	push ax
        mov dl,al
	mov ah,dconio
        int dos                 ; write out the character
        pop ax
        test ourarg.flgs,capt   ; capturing output?
        jz term3                ; no, forget it
        call ourarg.captr       ; else call the routine
term3:  mov ah,dconio
        mov dl,0ffh
        int dos
	or al,al
        jz term1                ; no character, go on
        cmp al,ourarg.escc      ; escape char?
        je term4                ; yes, exit
        push ax                 ; save char
        mov ah,al
        call outchr             ; output the character
        pop ax
        test ourarg.flgs,lclecho ; echoing?
        jz term1                ; no, continue loop
        mov dl,al
        mov ah,dconio
        int dos
        jmp term1               ; else echo and keep going
term4:	ret
term    endp
code	ends
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 msxwng.asm
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld msxwng.asm
/bin/echo 'Extracting msxz100.asm'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >msxz100.asm

; Kermit system dependent module for Heath/Zenith Z100

	public	serini, serrst, clrbuf, outchr, coms, vts, dodel,
	public	ctlu, cmblnk, locate, prtchr, dobaud, clearl,
	public	dodisk, getbaud, beep,
	public	count, xofsnt, puthlp, putmod, clrmod, poscur
	public	sendbr, machnam, setktab, setkhlp, lclini, showkey
	include msdefs.h

false	equ	0
true	equ	1
mntrgh	equ	bufsiz*3/4	; High point = 3/4 of buffer full.

; constants used by serial port handler

BRKBIT	EQU	048H		; Send-break bit. 

MDMCOM1	EQU	00EFH		; Address of modem port command. [19b]

; external variables used:
; drives - # of disk drives on system
; flags - global flags as per flginfo structure defined in pcdefs
; trans - global transmission parameters, trinfo struct defined in pcdefs
; portval - pointer to current portinfo structure (currently either port1
;    or port2)
; port1, port2 - portinfo structures for the corresponding ports

; global variables defined in this module:
; xofsnt, xofrcv - tell whether we saw or sent an xoff.
; setktab - keyword table for redefining keys (should contain a 0 if
;    not implemented)
; setkhlp - help for setktab.

BIOS_SEG SEGMENT AT 40H		; Define segment where BIOS really is
	ORG	6*3
BIOS_AUXOUT LABEL FAR		; AUX output routine
	ORG	26*3
	ORG	27*3

; Function codes for BIOS_xxxFUNC
CHR_WRITE	EQU	0	; Write character
CHR_READ	EQU	1	; Read character
CHR_STATUS	EQU	2	; Get status
  CHR_SFGS	EQU	0	; Get status subfunction
  CHR_SFGC	EQU	1	; Get config subfunction
CHR_CONTROL	EQU	3	; Control function
  CHR_CFSU	EQU	0	; Set new configuration parameters
  CHR_CFCI	EQU	1	; Clear input buffer

datas 	segment	public 'datas'
	extrn	drives:byte, flags:byte, trans:byte
	extrn	portval:word, port1:byte, port2:byte

setktab	db	13
	mkeyw	'F0',96h
	mkeyw	'F1',97h
	mkeyw	'F2',98h
	mkeyw	'F3',99h
	mkeyw	'F4',9ah
	mkeyw	'F5',9bh
	mkeyw	'F6',9ch
	mkeyw	'F7',9dh
	mkeyw	'F8',9eh
	mkeyw	'F9',9fh
	mkeyw	'F10',0a0h
	mkeyw	'F11',0a1h
	mkeyw	'SCAN',-1

setkhlp	db	cr,lf,'Keyname: f0, ... f11, "HELP" or "SCAN" follwed by '
	db	'decimal scan code$'
brkval	db	0		; What to send for a break.
brkadr	dw	0		; Where to send it.
badbd	db	cr,lf,'Unimplemented baud rate$'
noimp	db	cr,lf,'Not implemented$'
machnam	db	'Heath-Zenith Z-100$'
crlf	db	cr,lf,'$'
delstr  db	BS,' ',BS,'$' 	; Delete string. [21d]
home	db	ESC,'H$'
eeolstr db	ESC,'K$'	; Erase to end of line
clrstr	db	ESC,'E$'	; Erase entire display
enamod	db	ESC,'x1$'	; Enable 25th line
dismod	db	ESC,'y1$'	; Disable 25th line
enascan	db	ESC,'y?$'	; Enable scan codes
disscan	db	ESC,'x?$'	; Disable scan codes
begrev	db	ESC,'p$'	; Enter reverse video
endrev	db	ESC,'q$'	; Exit reverse video
lin25	db	ESC,'Y8 $'	; Column 1 row 25
savcur	db	ESC,'j$'	; Save current cursor position
precur	db	ESC,'k$'	; Restore cursor to previous position
clrlin  db	cr,'$'		; Clear line (just the cr part).
xofsnt	db	0		; Say if we sent an XOFF.
xofrcv	db	0		; Say if we received an XOFF.
tmp	db	?,'$'
temp1	dw	?		; Temporary storage.

ontab	db	02H		; Two entries.
	db	03H,'OFF$'	; Should be alphabetized. [19a]
	dw	00H
	db	02H,'ON$'
	dw	01H

; this table is indexed by the baud rate definitions given in
; pcdefs.  Unsupported baud rates should contain FF.
bddat	label	word
	dw	0		; 45.5 baud
	dw	1		; 50 baud
	dw	2   		; 75 baud
	dw	3   		; 110 baud
	dw	4   		; 134.5 baud
	dw	5   		; 150 baud
	dw	6   		; 300 baud
	dw	7   		; 600 baud
	dw	8  		; 1200 baud
	dw	9  		; 1800 baud
	dw	10 		; 2000 baud
	dw	11 		; 2400 baud
	dw	12 		; 4800 baud
	dw	13 		; 9600 baud
	dw	14  		; 19200 baud
	dw	15  		; 38400 baud

; storage for port configuration
cfginfo	struc
cfclass	db	0
cfattr	db	0
cfport	dw	0
cfbaud	db	0
cfhshk	db	0
cfbctl	db	0
cfecnt	db	0
cfncnt	db	0
cfnchr	db	0
cfres	db	6 dup(?)
cfsize	db	0
cfginfo	ends

auxconf	cfginfo	<>

; variables for serial interrupt handler

count	dw	0		; Number of chars in int buffer.

ourarg	termarg	<>

shkbuf	db	300 dup (?)	; room for definition
shkmsg	db	'  Scan code: '
shkmln	equ	$-shkmsg
shkms1	db	cr,lf,'  Definition: '
shkm1ln	equ	$-shkms1
datas	ends

code	segment	public
	extrn	comnd:near, dopar:near, defkey:near
	assume	cs:code,ds:datas

; local initialization

lclini	proc	near
	mov	brkval,BRKBIT	; What to send for a break.
	mov	brkadr,MDMCOM1
 	mov	flags.vtflg,0	; Turn off true Heath mode (allows key macros)	 
lclini	endp

; this is called by Kermit initialization.  It checks the
; number of disks on the system, sets the drives variable
; appropriately.  Returns normally.  

	mov	ah,gcurdsk	; Current disk value to AL.
	int	dos
	mov	dl,al		; Put current disk in DL.
	mov	ah,seldsk	; Select current disk.
	int	dos
	mov	drives,al

; show the definition of a key.  The terminal argument block (which contains
; the address and length of the definition tables) is passed in ax.
; Returns a string to print in AX, length of same in CX.
; Returns normally.
showkey	proc	near
	push	es
	push	ax		; save the ptr
	mov	bx,ds
	mov	es,bx		; address data segment
showk1:	mov	ah,prstr
	mov	dx,offset enascan ; enable scan codes
	int	dos
	mov	ah,0ch		; char input with buffer flush
	mov	al,7
	int	dos
;	mov	ah,chr_control
;	mov	al,chr_cfci	; clear input
;	call	bios_confunc
;	mov	ah,chr_read
;	call	bios_confunc	; read a char
	push	ax
	mov	ah,prstr
	mov	dx,offset disscan ; disable scan codes
	int	dos
	pop	ax
;	push	ax		; save the character
;	call	gss		; get shift state
;	pop	bx
	mov	ah,0		; shift state to ah
;	mov	al,bh		; scan code to al
	push	ax		; remember scan code
	mov	di,offset shkbuf
	mov	si,offset shkmsg
	mov	cx,shkmln
	rep	movsb		; copy in initial message
	call	nout		; write out scan code
	mov	si,offset shkms1
	mov	cx,shkm1ln	; second message
	rep	movsb
	pop	ax		; get scan code back
	pop	bx		; and terminal arg block
	mov	cx,[bx].klen	; and length
	jcxz	showk2		; no table, not defined
	push	di		; remember output ptr
	mov	di,[bx].ktab	; get key table
	repne	scasw		; search for a definition for this
	mov	si,di		; remember result ptr
	pop	di		; get output ptr back
	jne	showk2		; not defined, forget it
	sub	si,[bx].ktab	; compute offset from beginning
	sub	si,2		; minus 2 for pre-increment
	add	si,[bx].krpl	; get index into replacement table
	mov	si,[si]		; pick up replacement
	mov	cl,[si]		; get length
	mov	ch,0
	inc	si
	rep	movsb		; copy into buffer
showk2:	mov	ax,offset shkbuf ; this is buffer
	mov	cx,di
	sub	cx,ax		; length
	pop	es
	ret			; and return
showkey	endp

; Clear the input buffer. This throws away all the characters in the
; serial interrupt buffer.  This is particularly important when
; talking to servers, since NAKs can accumulate in the buffer.
; Returns normally.

	mov 	ah,chr_control
	mov	al,chr_cfci
	call	bios_auxfunc
	mov 	count,0

; Clear to the end of the current line.  Returns normally.

	mov	ah,prstr
	mov	dx,offset eeolstr	; Erase to end of line
	int	dos

; Put the char in AH to the serial port.  This assumes the
; port has been initialized.  Should honor xon/xoff.  Skip returns on
; success, returns normally if the character cannot be written.

outchr:	mov	bp,portval
	cmp	ds:[bp].floflg,0 ; Are we doing flow control.
	je	outch2		; No, just continue.
	xor	cx,cx		; clear counter
outch1:	cmp	xofrcv,true	; Are we being held?
	jne	outch2		; No - it's OK to go on.
	loop	outch1		; held, try for a while
	mov	xofrcv,false	; timed out, force it off and fall thru.
outch2:	push	dx		; Save register.
	mov	al,ah		; Parity routine works on AL.
	call	dopar		; Set parity appropriately.
	call	bios_auxout
	pop	dx
	jmp	rskp

; This routine blanks the screen.  Returns normally.

	mov	ah,prstr
	mov	dx,offset clrstr
	int	dos

; Locate: homes the cursor.  Returns normally.

	mov	ah,prstr
	mov	dx,offset home	; Go to top left corner of screen.
	int	dos

; write a line in inverse video at the bottom of the screen...
; the line is passed in dx, terminated by a $.  Returns normally.
putmod	proc	near
	push	dx		; preserve message
	mov	ah,prstr
	mov	dx,offset savcur
	int	dos
	mov	dx,offset enamod
	int	dos
	mov	dx,offset lin25
	int	dos
	mov	dx,offset begrev
	int	dos
	pop	dx		; get message back
	int	dos		; write it out
	mov	dx,offset endrev
	int	dos
	mov	dx,offset precur
	int	dos
	ret			; and return
putmod	endp

; clear the mode line written by putmod.  Returns normally.
clrmod	proc	near
	mov	ah,prstr
	mov	dx,offset dismod
	int	dos
clrmod	endp

	mov	dl,07		; ASCII BEL
	mov	ah,dconio	
	int	dos             ; Ring it

; put a help message on the screen.  This one uses reverse video...
; pass the message in ax, terminated by a null.  Returns normally.
puthlp	proc	near
	push	ax		; preserve this
	mov	ah,prstr
	mov	dx,offset crlf
	int	dos
	pop	si		; point to string again
puthl3:	lodsb			; get a byte
	cmp	al,0		; end of string?
	je	puthl4		; yes, stop
	mov	dl,al
	mov	ah,dconio
	int	dos
	jmp	puthl3		; and keep going
puthl4:	mov	ah,prstr
	mov	dx,offset crlf
	int	dos
puthlp	endp

; Set the baud rate for the current port, based on the value
; in the portinfo structure.  Returns normally.

	mov	bp,portval
	mov	temp1,ax	; Don't overwrite previous rate. [25]
	mov	ax,ds:[bp].baud	; Check if new rate is valid. [25]
	mov	tmp,2
	mul	tmp		; Get index into baud table.
	mov	bx,offset bddat	; Start of table.
	add	bx,ax
	mov	ax,[bx]		; The data to output to port.
	cmp	ax,0FFH		; Unimplemented baud rate.
	jne	dobd0
	mov	ax,temp1	; Get back orginal value.
	mov	ds:[bp].baud,ax	; Leave baud rate as is.
	mov	ah,prstr
	mov	dx,offset badbd	; Give an error message.
	int	dos
dobd0:	push	ax		; Save it
	mov	bx,ds		; Set up pointer to config info
	mov	es,bx		;  .  .  .
	mov	bx,offset auxconf ;  .  .  .
	mov	ah,chr_status
	mov	al,chr_sfgc	; get current config info
	call	bios_auxfunc
	pop	ax		; get baud back
	mov	auxconf.cfbaud,al
	mov	ah,chr_control	; Function is control
	mov	al,chr_cfsu	; Subfunction is set new config
	call	bios_auxfunc	; Set the configuration

; Get the current baud rate from the serial card and set it
; in the portinfo structure for the current port.  Returns normally.
; This is used during initialization.

	mov	bx,ds
	mov	es,bx
	mov	bx,offset auxconf
	mov	ah,chr_status
	mov	al,chr_sfgc	; Status function get config info
	call	bios_auxfunc
	mov	ch,0
	mov	cl,auxconf.cfbaud
	mov	bp,portval
	mov	ds:[bp].baud,cx

; skip returns if no character available at port,
; otherwise returns with char in al, # of chars in buffer in dx.
	call	chkxon		; see if we need to xon
	push	bx
	mov 	ah,chr_status
	mov 	al,chr_sfgs	; Status function get status
	call	bios_auxfunc
	cmp 	bl,0
	jnz 	prtch2
	pop 	bx
	jmp 	rskp     	; No data - check console.
prtch2:	mov	dh,0
	mov	dl,bl		; Place # of chars in dx
	mov	ah,chr_read
	call 	bios_auxfunc
	dec	dl		; Decrement number of chars
	mov	count,dx	; Save count for posterity
	pop	bx

; local routine to see if we have to transmit an xon
chkxon	proc	near
	push	bx
	mov	bx,portval
	cmp	[bx].floflg,0	; doing flow control?
	je	chkxo1		; no, skip all this
	cmp	xofsnt,false	; have we sent an xoff?
	je	chkxo1		; no, forget it
	cmp	count,mntrgh	; below trigger?
	jae	chkxo1		; no, forget it
	mov	ax,[bx].flowc	; ah gets xon
	call	outchr		; send it
	nop			; in case it skips
	mov	xofsnt,false	; remember we've sent the xon.
chkxo1:	pop	bx		; restore register
	ret			; and return
chkxon	endp

; Send a break out the current serial port.  Returns normally.
	push	cx
	push	dx
	push	ax
	xor	cx,cx		; Clear loop counter.
	mov	dx,brkadr	; Port address.  [19b]
	in	al,dx		; Get current setting.
	or	al,brkval	; Set send-break bit(s).
	out	dx,al		; Start the break.
pause:	loop	pause		; Wait a while.
	xor	al,brkval	; Clear send-break bit(s).
	out	dx,al		; Stop the break.
	pop	ax
	pop	dx
	pop	cx
	ret			; And return.

; Position the cursor according to contents of DX:
; DH contains row, DL contains column.  Returns normally.

	push	dx
	mov	ah,CONOUT
	mov	dl,ESC
	int	dos
	mov	dl,'Y'
	int	dos
	pop	dx
	push	dx
	mov	dl,dh
	add	dl,' '
	int	dos
	pop	dx
	add	dl,' '
	int	dos

; Delete a character from the terminal.  This works by printing
; backspaces and spaces.  Returns normally.

	mov	ah,prstr
	mov	dx,offset delstr ; Erase weird character.
	int	dos			

; Move the cursor to the left margin, then clear to end of line.
; Returns normally.

	mov	ah,prstr
	mov	dx,offset clrlin
	int	dos
	call	clearl

; set the current port.  

	jmp	notimp

; Set heath emulation on/off.

	mov	dx,offset ontab
	mov	bx,0
	mov	ah,cmkey
	call	comnd
	 jmp	r
	push	bx
	mov	ah,cmcfm
	call	comnd			; Get a confirm.
	 jmp	vt0			; didn't get a confirm.
	pop	bx
	mov	flags.vtflg,bl		; Set the Heath emulation flag
vt0:	pop	bx

notimp:	mov	ah,prstr
	mov	dx,offset noimp
	int	dos
	jmp	rskp

; initialization for using serial port.  This routine performs
; any initialization necessary for using the serial port, including
; setting up interrupt routines, setting buffer pointers, etc.
; Doing this twice in a row should be harmless (this version checks
; a flag and returns if initialization has already been done).
; SERRST below should restore any interrupt vectors that this changes.
; Returns normally.

	ret			; We're done.

; Reset the serial port.  This is the opposite of serini.  Calling
; this twice without intervening calls to serini should be harmless.
; Returns normally.

	ret			; All done.

; put the number in ax into the buffer pointed to by di.  Di is updated
nout	proc	near
	mov	dx,0		; high order is always 0.
	mov	bx,10
	div	bx		; divide to get digit
	push	dx		; save remainder digit
	or	ax,ax		; test quotient
	jz	nout1		; zero, no more of number
	call	nout		; else call for rest of number
nout1:	pop	ax		; get digit back
	add	al,'0'		; make printable
	stosb			; drop it off
	ret			; and return
nout	endp

; Jumping to this location is like retskp.  It assumes the instruction
;   after the call is a jmp addr.
	pop	bp
	add	bp,3
	push	bp
; Jumping here is the same as a ret.

code	ends 
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 msxz100.asm
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld msxz100.asm
/bin/echo 'Extracting msyibm.asm'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >msyibm.asm

	title term

	public	term, gss		; entry points
	include	msdefs.h

; some character definitions

chesc	equ	27
bel	equ	7

print_out equ	05h			; dos function to print to printer
pbout	equ	02h			; dos function to print a character
prscan	equ	72h			; print-screen scan code...
upscan	equ	49h			; up page
dnscan	equ	51h			; down page
ctlup	equ	84h			; ctl-up page
ctldn	equ	76h			; ctl-down page
homscn	equ	47h			; home screen
endscn	equ	4fh			; end of screen
screen	equ	10h			; bios screen call
kb	equ	16h			; keyboard interrupt
alt_shift equ	8H			; alt shift key down
ctl_shift equ	4H			; ctl key down
left_shift equ	2H			; left shift key down
right_shift equ	1H			; right shift key down

timer	equ	40h			; timer port
bel_prt	equ	61h			; speaker control

crt_status equ	3dah			; crt status port
disp_enb   equ	8			; display enable bit

uparr	equ	48h			; scan codes for arrow keys
dnarr	equ	50h
lftarr	equ	4bh
rgtarr	equ	4dh

modfrm	struc				; format of mode line
	db	'Esc chr: '
m_echr	db	2 dup (?)
	db	', Port: '
m_prt	db	1 dup (?)
	db	', Speed: '
m_baud	db	4 dup (?)
	db	', Parity: '
m_par	db	4 dup (?)
	db	', Echo: '
m_echo	db	3 dup (?)
	db	', Type '
m_hlp	db	2 dup (?)
	db	'? for Help'
modfrm	ends

datas	segment	public 'datas'
waste	db	100h dup (?)		;*** need this junk because assembler
					;*** generates non-relocatable offsets
					;*** for things like 
					;*** "sub di,offset foo"
					;*** if offset foo < 100H
; stuff for screen routines
flags	db	?			; status flags...
flags1	db	0			; internal flags.
prtscr	equ	80h			; print screen pressed
lnwrap	equ	40h			; line wrap enabled.
inited	equ	08h			; been here before...
cursor	dw	?
esc_ch	db	?
argadr	dw	?			; address of arg blk
ckeys	db	0,prscan,dnscan,upscan,endscn,homscn,ctlup,ctldn
	db	uparr,dnarr,lftarr,rgtarr
lckeys	equ	$-ckeys
; ckacts must parallel ckeys above...
ckacts	dw	trnbrk,trnprs,upwpg,dnwpg,endwnd,homwnd,dnwind,upwind
	dw	trnupw,trndnw,trnlfw,trnrgw

uptrn	db	esc,'A'
dntrn	db	esc,'B'
rgtrn	db	esc,'C'
lftrn	db	esc,'D'

spctab	db	chesc,cr,lf,bs,tab,bel
lspctab	equ	$-spctab
spcjmp	dw	outesc,outcr,outlf,outbs,outtab,outbel	; must match spctab
	db	'NOZ@[pq<vw'
lesctab	equ	$-esctab
; escjmp must parallel esctab above
escjmp	dw	movcur,curup,curdwn,currt,outbs,clrscr,outign,outign,curhom
	dw	revind,clreow,clreol,inslin,dellin,delchr,noins
	dw	vtident,entins,doansi
	dw	invvid,nrmvid,outign,dowrap,nowrap
vtidstr	db	chesc,'/K'
lvtidst	equ	$-vtidstr
coord	dw	?
insmod	db	?
wcoord	dw	?
ttstate	dw	outtt0
curattr	db	?			; current attribute
ansarg	db	?			; ansi argument value
igncnt	db	?			; # of chars to ignore
beldiv	dw	2dch			; 550 hz?
crt_mode db	?
crt_cols db	?
crt_lins db	?	
low_rgt	dw	?			; lower right corner of window
; key redefinitions
ktrntab	dw	?			; address of translation table
krpltab	dw	?			; address of replacement table
tmptab	db	0eh,3bh			; scan code for bs, f1
ktlen	dw	?
modbuf	modfrm	<>			; mode line buffer
; routine to call for captured output
captrtn	dw	?
; some static data for mode line
unkbaud	db	'Unk '			; must be 4 chars...
baudn	db	'45.5'
	db	'  50'
	db	'  75'
	db	' 110'
	db	' 135'
	db	' 150'
	db	' 300'
	db	' 600'
	db	'1200'
	db	'1800'
	db	'2000'
	db	'2400'
	db	'4800'
	db	'9600'
baudnsiz  equ	14			; # of baud rates known (tbl size / 4)
parnams	db	'Even'
	db	'Mark'
	db	'None'
	db	'Odd '			; must be 4 chars
	db	'Spc '
offmsg	db	'Off'
onmsg	db	'On '
lclmsg	db	'Lcl'
remmsg	db	'Rem'
; storage for multi-window stuff
swidth	equ	80
slen	equ	24
npgs	equ	5			; # of pages on each side
bsize	equ	swidth*slen*npgs*2
scrsav	dw	swidth*slen dup (0700H)	; a blank screen

; circular buffer.  To work properly, the buffer size should be an exact
; multiple of swidth*2
cbuf	struc
pp	dw	?			; place ptr in buffer
bend	dw	?			; end of buffer
orig	dw	?			; buffer origin
lcnt	dw	0			; # of lines in buffer.
cbuf	ends

topbuf	db	bsize dup (?)
botbuf	db	bsize dup (?)		; top and bottom windows
tlbuf	db	swidth*2 dup (?)
blbuf	db	swidth*2 dup (?)
twnd	cbuf	<topbuf,topbuf+bsize-1,topbuf,0>
bwnd	cbuf	<botbuf,botbuf+bsize-1,botbuf,0>
portno	db	?
prton	db	'Printer: on'
prtnlen	equ	$-prton
prtoff	db	'Printer: off'
prtflen	equ	$-prtoff
datas	ends

code	segment	public			; code segment
	extrn	prtchr:near,outchr:near,sendbr:near
	assume	cs:code,ds:datas,es:datas

scrini	proc	near			; init screen stuff
	mov	ah,15			; read video state...
	int	screen
	mov	crt_mode,al		; save crt mode
	cmp	ah,crt_cols		; is real # of cols < passed?
	jge	scrin1			; no
	mov	crt_cols,ah		; yes, save # of cols
scrin1:	mov	dl,crt_cols		; # of cols again
	mov	dh,crt_lins		; and # of rows
	dec	dl
	dec	dh
	mov	low_rgt,dx		; save away window address
	mov	insmod,0		; not in insert mode
	mov	dx,cursor		; assume old cursor
	test	flags1,inited		; have we been here before?
	jnz	scrin4			; yes, use old cursor
	mov	curattr,07		; else set nice screen attribute
	mov	ttstate,offset outtt0	; normal screen state
	mov	ah,3			; figure out where cursor is
	xor	bh,bh			; page 0
	int	screen			; read cursor position
	cmp	dh,crt_lins		; past logical end of screen?
	jb	scrin2			; no, keep going
	mov	dh,byte ptr low_rgt+1	; yes, just use lower right corner
scrin2:	cmp	dl,crt_cols		; maybe past right margin
	jb	scrin3			; no, use the way it is
	mov	dl,byte ptr low_rgt
scrin3:	mov	cursor,dx		; init cursor
scrin4:	mov	ah,2
	xor	bh,bh
	int	screen			; set cursor in case it moved
scrini	endp

argini	proc	near			; read passed arguments
	mov	bx,argadr		; base of argument block
	mov	al,[bx].flgs		; get flags
	and	al,capt+emheath+havtt+trnctl+lclecho+modoff
	mov	flags,al		; mask for allowable and save
	and	flags1,not (prtscr)	; these are allowable
					; (others remain).
	mov	al,[bx].prt
	cmp	al,portno		; using same port?
	je	argin1			; yes, go on
	and	flags1,not inited	; else re-init stuff
argin1:	mov	portno,al		; update port number
	mov	al,[bx].cols
	mov	crt_cols,al
	mov	al,[bx].rows
	mov	crt_lins,al		; init # of rows and cols
	mov	ax,[bx].captr
	mov	captrtn,ax		; buffer capture routine
	mov	ax,[bx].belld
	mov	beldiv,ax		; bell divisor
	mov	ax,[bx].klen
	mov	ktlen,ax		; length of key redef tbl
	mov	ax,[bx].ktab
	mov	ktrntab,ax		; save key translation table
	mov	ax,[bx].krpl
	mov	krpltab,ax
	mov	al,[bx].escc
	mov	esc_ch,al
	ret				; that's it
argini	endp

modlin	proc	near			; turn on mode line
	mov	al,esc_ch
	mov	modbuf.m_echr,' '	; first char is initial space
	mov	modbuf.m_hlp,' '	; goes here too.
	cmp	al,32			; printable?
	jnb	modl1			; yes, keep going
	add	al,40h			; made printable
	mov	modbuf.m_echr,'^'	; note control char
	mov	modbuf.m_hlp,'^'
modl1:	mov	modbuf.m_echr+1,al	; fill in character
	mov	modbuf.m_hlp+1,al
	mov	bx,argadr		; get argument block
	mov	al,[bx].baudb		; get baud bits
	mov	si,offset unkbaud	; assume unknown baud
	cmp	al,baudnsiz		; too big?
	jnb	modl2			; yes, use default
	mov	cl,2			; each is 4 bytes long
	shl	al,cl
	mov	ah,0
	add	ax,offset baudn
	mov	si,ax
modl2:	mov	cx,size m_baud		; length of baud space
	mov	di,offset modbuf.m_baud
	rep	movsb			; copy in baud rate
	mov	al,[bx].parity		; get parity code
	mov	cl,2			; each is 4 bytes long...
	shl	al,cl
	mov	ah,0
	add	ax,offset parnams	; names of parity settings
	mov	si,ax
	mov	cx,4			; each is 4 long
	mov	di,offset modbuf.m_par
	rep	movsb
	mov	si,offset lclmsg	; assume remote echoing
	test	flags,lclecho		; echoing?
	jz	modl4			; no, keep going
	mov	si,offset remmsg
modl4:	mov	cx,3			; size of on/off
	mov	di,offset modbuf.m_echo
	rep	movsb
	mov	al,'1'
	cmp	portno,1		; port 1?
	je	modl5			; yes, keep going
	mov	al,'2'
modl5:	mov	modbuf.m_prt,al		; fill in port number
	mov	cx,size modfrm		; this is size of mode line
	mov	si,offset modbuf	; mode line image
; alternate entry to write an alternate mode line
modwrt:	push	cx
	push	si			; save mode line and size
	mov	dx,24 * 100h		; 25th line for mode line
	push	word ptr curattr	; save current attributes
	mov	curattr,70h		; want inverse video
	call	clreol			; clear to end of line...
	pop	word ptr curattr	; restore attributes
	mov	dx,24 * 100h
	mov	bh,0
	mov	ah,2			; set cursor position
	int	screen
	pop	si
	pop	cx			; restore these
modl6:	lodsb				; get a byte
	mov	ah,14			; write to terminal
	mov	bh,0			; page 0
	int	screen
	loop	modl6			; write out entire mode line
	mov	dx,cursor
	mov	ah,2
	mov	bh,0
	int	screen			; put cursor back where it belongs
	ret				; and return
modlin	endp

clrmod	proc	near			; clear mode line
	mov	ax,600h			; blank window
	mov	cx,24 * 100h		; beginning of window
	mov	dx,24 * 100h + 79	; end of window
	mov	bh,07			; nice attribute
	int	screen			; clear mode line
	ret				; and return
clrmod	endp

term	proc	near			; terminal emulator entry point

	mov	argadr,ax		; save argument ptr
	push	es			; save caller's extra segment address
	mov	ax,seg datas
	mov	es,ax

	call	argini			; init options from arg address

	call	scrini			; init screen stuff

	test	flags1,inited		; have we run yet?
	jz	term1			; no, forget this part
	call	restscr			; restore screen
term1:	or	flags1,inited		; remember we've run already.

	call	clrmod			; empty mode line
	test	flags,modoff		; is mode line disabled?
	jnz	lp			; yes, skip it
	call	modlin			; turn on mode line

lp:	call	portchr			; char at port?
	 jnc	chkinp			; no, keep going
	call	outtty			; print on terminal

chkinp:	mov	ah,1
	int	kb
	jz	lp			; nothing available...
	xor	ah,ah
	int	kb			; get the char from the buffer
	push	ax			; save character temporarily
	call	gss			; get shift state into al
	mov	bl,al			; save shift state
	pop	ax

	cmp	al,esc_ch		; escape character?
	je	quit			; yes, stop here

	call	trnout			; translate if nec., output to prt
	jmp	chkinp			; and keep going

quit:	call	clrmod			; erase mode line
	call	savescr			; save screen

	mov	al,flags
	mov	bx,argadr
	mov	[bx].flgs,al		; update flags in arg block
	pop	es			; restore segment register
	ret				; and return to caller

term	endp

; get shift state into al.  We only care about shift, ctl, and alt keys.
; right shift is collapsed into left shift.
gss	proc	near
	mov	ah,2
	int	kb			; get current shift state
	mov	bl,al			; copy for a moment
	and	bl,right_shift		; mask out all but right shift
	shl	bl,1			; move right shift to left shift pos
	or	al,bl			; collapse shift bits
	and	al,(left_shift + alt_shift + ctl_shift)
gss	endp

; save the screen so we can restore it
; maybe save cursor also.
savescr	proc	near
	push	ds
	mov	si,0
	mov	di,offset scrsav	; place to put screen
	mov	cx,80*24		; # of words on screen
	call	scrseg
	push	ax			; save screen segment
	call	scrwait			; wait for screen to be ready
	pop	ds			; address screen
	rep	movsw			; save the screen
	pop	ds			; restore this
	ret				; and return
savescr	endp

; restore screen from scrsav buffer
restscr	proc	near
	push	es
	mov	si,offset scrsav	; source
	mov	di,0
	mov	cx,80*24
	call	scrseg
	mov	es,ax
	call	scrwait
	rep	movsw			; restore it
	pop	es
restscr	endp

; send the character in al out to the serial port
; handle echoing also...
outprt	proc	near
	test	flags,lclecho		; echoing?
	jz	outpr1			; no, forget it
	push	ax			; save char
	call	outtty			; print it
	pop	ax			; restore
outpr1:	mov	ah,al			; this is where outchr expects it
	call	outchr			; output to the port
	 nop				; skip returns...
outprt	endp

; returns with carry on if a character is available

portchr	proc	near
	call	prtchr			; character at port?
	 jmp	short portc1		; yes, go handle
	nop				; skip return is stupid...
	clc				; no carry -> no character
	ret				; and return...
portc1:	and	al,7fh			; we don't worry about parity here
	stc				; have a character
	ret				; and return
portchr	endp

; translate the scan code in ah according to the translate table
; given in ktrntab/krpltab, output to port.  If no translation,
; use ascii char in al. (should probably include shift state
; somewhere).  Shift state is in bl.
trnout	proc	near
	cmp	ah,4eh			;*** plus key thing?
	je	trnmod			; yes, go toggle mode line
trnou1:	test	flags,havtt		; translate table given?
	jz	trnou3			; no, just output character
	push	ax			; save original value
	mov	al,ah			; put scan code into ah
	mov	ah,bl			; shift state into top half.
	mov	di,ktrntab		; pick up translate tbl
	mov	cx,ktlen		; length of tbl
	repne	scasw			; look for our key
	pop	ax			; recover character
	jne	trnou3			; not found, forget it
	sub	di,ktrntab		; get index into tbl
	sub	di,2			; (minus 2 for pre-increment)
	mov	bx,krpltab		; get replacement table
	mov	si,[bx][di]		; and addr of replacement
	mov	cl,[si]			; get first byte (length)
	xor	ch,ch			; clear high-order byte
	inc	si			; point to translation string
trnou2:	lodsb				; get a byte
	push	si
	push	cx			; save important registers
	call	outprt			; send to port
	pop	cx
	pop	si
	loop	trnou2			; send all chars
	ret				; and return
trnou3:	cmp	al,0			; is it a special code?
	jne	trnou4			; no, don't do this
	mov	al,ah			; get scan code
	mov	cx,lckeys		; length of table
	mov	di,offset ckeys		; table address
	repne	scasb
	mov	al,0			; ascii code was 0...
	jne	trnou4			; not found, keep going
	sub	di,offset ckeys+1	; get table offset
	shl	di,1			; shift for word offset
	jmp	ckacts[di]		; jump to appropriate routine
trnou4:	call	outprt			; just output single char
	ret				; and return

trnmod:	test	flags,modoff		; mode line already off?
	jnz	trnm1			; yes, go turn on
	call	clrmod			; no, clear mode line here
	or	flags,modoff		; turn on flag
	ret				; and return
trnm1:	call	modlin			; turn on mode line
	and	flags,not modoff	; clear flag
	ret				; and return

trnbrk:	mov	ah,dconio
	mov	dl,0ffH
	int	dos			; read the bogus ^C DOS gets.
	call	sendbr
trnprs:	xor	flags1,prtscr		; flip the flag
	and	flags,not modoff	; turn on mode line
	mov	si,offset prton
	mov	cx,prtnlen
	test	flags1,prtscr		; did it go on?
	jnz	trnpr1			; yes, say so
	mov	si,offset prtoff
	mov	cx,prtflen
trnpr1:	call	modwrt			; write into mode line
	ret				; and return

; common entry for arrow keys
trnarr:	mov	cx,2			; length is always 2
	jmp	trnou2			; go send definition

trnupw:	mov	si,offset uptrn
	jmp	trnarr

trndnw:	mov	si,offset dntrn
	jmp	trnarr

trnlfw:	mov	si,offset lftrn
	jmp	trnarr

trnrgw:	mov	si,offset rgtrn
	jmp	trnarr

trnout	endp

; move viewing window up (screen moves down).
; alternate entry upwin2 doesn't beep if invalid.
upwind	proc	near
	mov	ax,offset tlbuf	; place to put line temporarily
	mov	bx,offset twnd ; where to get lines from
	call	getcirc		; try to get a line
	jnc	upwin3		; have a line, go show it
	call	outbel		; else ring bel
	ret			; and return
upwin2:	mov	ax,offset tlbuf
	mov	bx,offset twnd
	call	getcirc
	jnc	upwin3
	ret			; this just rets if no line avail.
upwin3:	mov	ax,offset blbuf	; place for bottom line
	call	getbot		; fetch bottom line
	mov	ax,offset blbuf
	mov	bx,offset bwnd
	call	putcirc		; save in circular buffer
	mov	ax,701h		; scroll down one line
	xor	cx,cx		; from top
	mov	dx,low_rgt	; to bottom
	mov	bh,curattr
	int	screen		; scroll it down
	mov	di,0		; offset for destination
	mov	si,offset tlbuf	; where to get line from
	mov	cx,swidth	; length of line
	push	es
	call	scrseg
	push	ax
	call	scrwait
	pop	es
	rep	movsw		; copy the line in
	pop	es		; restore this
	ret			; and return
upwind	endp

; move viewing window down a line (screen scrolls up)
; entry dwin2 does same w/out checking to see if scroll is legal
dnwind	proc	near
	mov	ax,offset blbuf	; place to put line temporarily
	mov	bx,offset bwnd ; where to get lines from
	call	getcirc		; try to get a line
	jnc	dnwin3		; have a line, go show it
	call	outbel		; else ring bel
	ret			; and return
dnwin2:	mov	ax,offset blbuf
	mov	bx,offset bwnd
	call	getcirc
	jnc	dnwin3
	ret			; this just rets if no line avail.
dnwin3:	call	scrprep		; save top line
	mov	ax,601h		; scroll up one line
	xor	cx,cx		; from top
	mov	dx,low_rgt	; to bottom
	mov	bh,curattr
	int	screen		; scroll it down
	mov	dx,low_rgt
	mov	dl,0		; get addr of last line
	call	scrloc
	mov	di,ax		; this is offset in dest
	mov	si,offset blbuf	; where to get line from
	mov	cx,swidth	; length of line
	push	es
	call	scrseg
	push	ax
	call	scrwait
	pop	es
	rep	movsw		; copy the line in
	pop	es		; restore this
	ret			; and return
dnwind	endp

; move viewing window down as much as possible...
endwnd	proc	near
	mov	cx,1000			; large number of lines
	jmp	dnwp1			; and enter dwnpg
endwnd	endp

; scroll viewing window down (contents move up) crt_lins times...
dnwpg	proc	near
	mov	cl,crt_lins
	mov	ch,0
dnwp1:	push	cx			; save this
	call	dnwin2
	pop	cx
	loop	dnwp1
	ret				; and return
dnwpg	endp

; home viewing window
homwnd	proc	near
	mov	cx,1000			; large # of lines
	jmp	upwp1			; join upwpg
homwnd	endp

; scroll viewing window up (screen moves down) a page
upwpg	proc	near
	mov	cl,crt_lins
	mov	ch,0
upwp1:	push	cx
	call	upwin2
	pop	cx
	loop	upwp1
	ret				; and return
upwpg	endp

; get the bottom line into the buffer pointed to by ax.
getbot	proc	near
	push	ds
	mov	di,ax			; save dest
	mov	cx,swidth
	mov	dx,low_rgt
	mov	dl,0
	call	scrloc
	mov	si,ax
	call	scrseg
	push	ax
	call	scrwait
	pop	ds
	rep	movsw
	pop	ds
getbot	endp

; put a line into the circular buffer.  Pass the buffer structure
; in bx, the pointer to the line in ax.
putcirc	proc	near
	push	si
	push	di
	push	cx
	push	dx
	mov	di,[bx].pp		; pick up buffer ptr
	add	di,2*swidth		; increment to next avail slot
	cmp	di,[bx].bend		; past end?
	jb	putci1			; no, leave alone
	mov	di,[bx].orig		; else start at beginning
putci1:	mov	[bx].pp,di		; update ptr
	mov	si,ax			; this is source
	mov	cx,swidth
	rep	movsw			; copy into buffer
	cmp	[bx].lcnt,npgs*slen	; can we increment it?
	jae	putci2			; no, keep going
	inc	[bx].lcnt		; else count this line
putci2:	pop	dx
	pop	cx
	pop	di
	pop	si			; restore registers
putcirc	endp

; get a line from the circular buffer, removing it from the buffer.
; returns with carry on if the buffer is empty.
; pass the buffer structure in bx, the buffer to copy the line into
; in ax.
getcirc	proc	near
	push	si
	push	di
	push	cx
	push	dx
	cmp	[bx].lcnt,0		; any lines in buffer?
	jne	getci1			; yes, ok to take one out.
	stc				; else set carry
	jmp	short getcir3		; and return
getci1:	mov	si,[bx].pp		; this is source
	mov	di,ax			; this is dest
	mov	cx,swidth		; # of chars to copy
	rep	movsw
	mov	si,[bx].pp		; get ptr again
	sub	si,2*swidth		; move back
	cmp	si,[bx].orig		; compare to origin
	jae	getcir2			; still in range, continue
	mov	si,[bx].bend		; else use end of buffer
	sub	si,2*swidth-1		; minus length of a piece
getcir2:mov	[bx].pp,si		; update ptr
	dec	[bx].lcnt		; decrement # of lines in buffer
	clc				; make sure no carry
getcir3:pop	dx
	pop	cx
	pop	di
	pop	si
getcirc	endp

; call before scrolling to save top line...
scrprep	proc	near
	push	ds
	mov	si,0			; offset of top line
	mov	cx,swidth		; length of line
	mov	di,offset tlbuf		; place to put line temporarily
	call	scrseg
	push	ax
	call	scrwait
	pop	ds
	rep	movsw			; copy the line
	pop	ds			; restore this
	mov	ax,offset tlbuf
	mov	bx,offset twnd		; this is where it goes
	call	putcirc			; put into buffer
	ret				; and return
scrprep	endp

; put the character in al to the screen
outtty	proc	near
	test	flags,capt		; capturing output?
	jz	outnoc			; no, forget this part
	push	ax			; save char
	call	captrtn			; give it captured character
	pop	ax			; restore character and keep going

outnoc:	test	flags1,prtscr		; should we be printing?
	jz	outnop			; no, keep going
	push	ax
	mov	ah,print_out
	mov	dl,al			; put character here for dos...
	int	dos
	pop	ax

outnop:	test	flags,emheath		; emulating heath?
	jnz	outnop1			; yup, go do something smart
	mov	dl,al
	mov	ah,pbout
	int	dos			; else let dos print char
	ret				; and return

outnop1:mov	dx,cursor		; these may need cursor...
	jmp	ttstate			; jump according to current state

	cmp	al,32			; special character?
	jb	outtt1			; yes, handle specially...

	cmp	insmod,0		; in insert mode?
	je	outnrm			; no, output normal
	push	ax			; save character
	call	inschr			; insert a character
	pop	ax
outnrm:	xor	bh,bh			; current page
	mov	cx,1			; only one char
	mov	bl,curattr		; with current attribute
	mov	ah,9
	int	screen			; put onto screen
	mov	dx,cursor		; get cursor pos
currt:	inc	dl			; bump col
	cmp	dl,crt_cols		; see if in range
	jb	setcur			; in range, go set cursor
	test	flags1,lnwrap		; in wrap mode?
	jz	outign			; no, just return w/out updating cursor
	xor	dl,dl
	inc	dh			; handle wrap
setcur:	cmp	dh,crt_lins
	jb	setc1			; not off end, keep going
	push	dx			; save row/col
	call	scrprep			; save top line in window buf
	mov	ax,0601h		; scroll up one line
	xor	cx,cx			; from 0,0
	mov	dx,low_rgt		; to 24,80
	mov	bh,curattr		; nice attribute
	int	screen			; do the scroll
	pop	dx
	mov	dh,crt_lins		; go to bottom line again...
	dec	dh
setc1:	xor	bh,bh			; page is 0
	mov	cursor,dx		; save cursor pos
	mov	ah,2
	int	screen			; set cursor
outign:	ret				; and return
; special character (in al)
outtt1:	mov	di,offset spctab	; special char table
	mov	cx,lspctab		; length of tbl
	repne	scasb			; look for char in tbl
	jz	outtt2			; found, go do something with it
	test	flags,trnctl		; are we allowed to print carets?
	jz	outign			; no, just ignore it.
	push	ax			; save char
	mov	al,'^'
	call	outtty			; print caret
	pop	ax
	add	al,'A'-1		; make printable
	jmp	outtty			; print, then return

outtt2:	mov	dx,cursor		; might need cursor pos
	sub	di,offset spctab+1	; get index of char
	shl	di,1			; double for word offset
	jmp	spcjmp[di]		; and go handle

; special char routines.  cursor is in dx, char in al

outlf:	inc	dh			; bump row
	jmp	setcur

outcr:	xor	dl,dl			; set col to 0
	jmp	setcur

outbs:	or	dl,dl
	jle	setcur			; col 0, can't back up
	dec	dl			; back up col
	jmp	setcur			; and use if reasonable

outtab:	mov	dl,byte ptr cursor	; get initial column
outta1:	mov	dh,dl			; save column ptr
	push	dx
	mov	al,' '			; output a space
	call	outtty			; convenient, huh?
	pop	dx
	mov	dl,byte ptr cursor
	cmp	dh,dl			; is it moving?
	je	outta2			; no, forget this
	test	dl,7			; is it a multiple of 8?
	jnz	outta1			; no, keep going
outta2:	ret				; else return

; stolen from bios
outbel:	mov	al,10110110b		; timer initialization
	out	timer+3,al
	mov	ax,beldiv		; bel divisor
	out	timer+2,al
	mov	al,ah
	out	timer+2,al		; output divisor
	in	al,bel_prt
	mov	ah,al			; remember original value
	or	al,3			; turn speaker on
	out	bel_prt,al
	mov	cx,8888h
outbe1:	loop	outbe1			; wait a while
	mov	al,ah
	out	bel_prt,al		; turn bell off
	ret				; and return

outesc:	mov	ttstate,offset escseq	; expect escape sequence.
	ret				; and return

; escape-char handling routines
escseq:	mov	ttstate,offset outtt0	; put state back to normal
	mov	di,offset esctab	; escape char tbl
	mov	cx,lesctab		; length of tbl
	repne	scasb			; look for it in tbl
	jz	escsq1			; found, go use it
	jmp	outtty			; not there, just print it
escsq1:	sub	di,offset esctab+1	; get offset into tbl
	shl	di,1			; convert to word offset
	jmp	escjmp[di]		; and go dispatch on it

; escape dispatch routines
revind:	cmp	dh,0
	jle	revin1
	dec	dh			; back up a row
	jmp	setcur			; and go set cursor
revin1:	push	dx			; save cursor pos
	mov	ax,701h			; scroll down one line
	xor	cx,cx			; from top
	mov	dx,low_rgt		; to bottom
	mov	bh,curattr
	int	screen			; scroll it down
	pop	dx			; restore cursor.
	mov	dh,0			; set row back to 0
	jmp	setcur

curup:	cmp	dh,0			; w/in range?
	jle	curu1			; no, skip this
	dec	dh			; else back up
curu1:	jmp	setcur			; and go set position

curdwn:	inc	dh
	jmp	setcur			; increment row (setcur can scroll!)

; currt is above

clrscr:	call	curhom			; go home cursor
	jmp	clreow			; then clear to end of window

curhom:	xor	dx,dx			; move to 0,0
	jmp	setcur

clreow:	cmp	dl,0			; at beginning of line?
	jz	clrw1			; yes, skip this part...
	push	dx			; remember cursor pos
	call	clreol			; clear to end of this line
	pop	dx
	inc	dh			; bump row
	xor	dl,dl			; start from col 0
clrw1:	cmp	dh,crt_lins		; last line on screen
	jnb	clrw2			; if not in range, forget it
	mov	ax,700h			; clear whole window
	mov	cx,dx			; this is beginning
	mov	dx,low_rgt
;	mov	dx,174fh		; this is lower right corner
	mov	bh,curattr		; default attribute
	int	screen			; go clear it
clrw2:	ret				; and return

clreol:	push	es
	mov	cl,crt_cols		; last col + 1
	sub	cl,dl			; this is # of chars to move
	xor	ch,ch
	jcxz	clrl1
	call	scrloc			; compute screen location (to ax)
	mov	di,ax
	call	scrseg
	mov	es,ax			; address screen segment
	call	scrwait			; wait for retrace
	mov	ah,curattr		; current attribute
	mov	al,' '			; fill char
	rep	stosw			; fill line with spaces
clrl1:	pop	es
	ret				; and return

inslin:	mov	al,1			; scroll one line
; alternate entry if inserting more then one line
inslin1:mov	ch,dh			; start at current row
	xor	cl,cl			; column 0
	mov	dx,low_rgt
;	mov	dx,174fh		; to bottom of screen
	mov	ah,7h			; scroll down.
	mov	bh,curattr		; attribute
	int	screen

dellin:	mov	al,1			; scroll 1 line
; alternate entry if deleting more than one line
dellin1:mov	ch,dh			; start at current row
	xor	cl,cl			; column 0
	mov	dx,low_rgt
;	mov	dx,174fh		; to bottom of screen
	mov	ah,6h			; scroll up.
	mov	bh,curattr		; attribute
	int	screen

delchr:	push	ds
	push	es
	pushf			; these may get changed...
	mov	cl,crt_cols
	dec	cl
	sub	cl,dl		; from what we're fiddling)
	xor	ch,ch
	jcxz	delch1		; none to move, forget it
	call	scrloc		; compute location
	mov	di,ax
	mov	si,ax
	add	si,2		; source is next position over
	call	scrseg		; pick up screen segment
	push	ax		; put screen segment onto stack
	mov	es,ax		; and in destination segment
	call	scrwait		; wait for retrace
	pop	ds		; address screen segment
	rep	movsw		; delete it
	mov	byte ptr [di],' ' ; kill char at end of line
delch1:	popf
	pop	es
	pop	ds

inschr:	push	ds
	push	es		; save these as well
	pushf			; might as well save flags...
	mov	dx,cursor	; this is place to do it
	mov	cl,crt_cols
	dec	cl
;	mov	cl,79		; this is last col to move, +1 for length
	sub	cl,dl		; compute distance to end
	xor	ch,ch		; clear top half of offset
	jcxz	insch1		; nothing to move...
	mov	dl,crt_cols
	sub	dl,2		; last col to move
;	mov	dl,78		; this is address of last col to move
	call	scrloc		; compute pos
	mov	si,ax
	mov	di,ax
	add	di,2		; destination is one byte over...
	std			; remember to move us backwards
	call	scrseg		; find screen segment
	mov	es,ax
	push	ax		; save screen seg on stack
	call	scrwait		; wait until save to write
	pop	ds		; address screen segment
	rep	movsw		; move each char and attribute
insch1:	popf
	pop	es
	pop	ds
	ret			; and return

noins:	mov	insmod,0		; turn off insert mode
	ret				; and return

movcur:	mov	wcoord,2		; want two coordinates...
	mov	ttstate,offset getcoord
	ret				; and return

vtident: mov	si,offset vtidstr
	mov	cx,lvtidst
vtid1:	lodsb				; get a byte from the string
	push	si			; have to save from outprt
	push	cx
	call	outprt			; send to serial port
	pop	cx
	pop	si
	loop	vtid1			; go thru all chars
	ret				; and return

entins:	mov	insmod,0ffh		; enter insert mode...
	ret				; and return

doansi:	mov	ansarg,0		; ansi argument is 0 (default)
	mov	ttstate,offset getaarg	; state is get ansi argument

getaarg:cmp	al,'0'
	jb	getaa1			; in range for digit?
	cmp	al,'9'
	ja	getaa1
	sub	al,'0'			; convert to binary
	mov	dl,al			; tuck away
	mov	al,ansarg
	mov	dh,10
	mul	dh			; shift sum
	add	al,dl			; add in this digit (what about ovfl?)
	mov	ansarg,al
	ret				; and return

getaa1:	cmp	al,'?'			; the dreaded question mark?
	jne	getaa2
	mov	ttstate,offset ignn	; we ignore these...
	mov	igncnt,2		; this is how many chars come after him

getaa2:	mov	ttstate,offset outtt0	; reset state
	mov	dx,cursor		; this needs cursor position
	mov	bl,ansarg
	xchg	al,bl			; put argument in nice place
	cmp	bl,'L'			; insert line?
	jne	getaa3
	jmp	inslin1			; and go do it

getaa3:	cmp	bl,'M'			; maybe delete line?
	jne	getaa4
	jmp	dellin1

getaa4:	ret				; ignore.

invvid:	mov	curattr,70h		; attribute for inverse video

nrmvid:	mov	curattr,07h		; attribute for normal video

dowrap:	or	flags1,lnwrap		; turn on wrap mode
	ret				; and return

nowrap:	and	flags1,not lnwrap	; turn off wrap mode
	ret				; and return

; get a coordinate.
	sub	al,32			; coordinates offset by 32
	mov	si,wcoord
	dec	si
	mov	byte ptr coord[si],al	; fill in appropriate coordinate
	mov	wcoord,si		; update flag
	jnz	getco1			; more needed, can't do anything yet
	mov	ttstate,offset outtt0	; reset state
	mov	dx,coord		; get coordinates
	jmp	setcur			; and go jump there
getco1:	ret

; ignore following igncnt characters
ignn:	dec	igncnt			; decrement count
	jnz	ignn1
	mov	ttstate,offset outtt0	; put state back to normal if done
ignn1:	ret

outtty	endp

; computes screen location to ax, given row and col in dx.
; trashes ax,bx
scrloc	proc	near
	mov	al,dh		; get row
	mov	bl,crt_cols	;** row size
	mul	bl		; multiply by row size
	xor	dh,dh		; clear col
	add	ax,dx		; this is current position
	sal	ax,1		; double for attributes
scrloc	endp

; puts current screen segment in ax
scrseg	proc	near
	mov	ax,0b000h		; assume bw for now
	cmp	crt_mode,7		; 7 is bw (***)
	je	scrse1
	mov	ax,0b800h		; color card
scrse1:	ret
scrseg	endp

; wait for retrace so can write to screen memory
scrwait	proc	near
	cmp	crt_mode,7		; bw mode?
	je	scrwa3			; yes, no waiting
	push	dx
	mov	dx,crt_status
scrwa1:	in	al,dx
	test	al,disp_enb		; display enable?
	jnz	scrwa1			; yes, keep waiting
scrwa2:	in	al,dx
	test	al,disp_enb		; now wait for it to go off
	jz	scrwa2			; so can have whole cycle
	pop	dx
scrwa3:	ret				; that was easy...
scrwait	endp
code	ends

	%out [End of pass 1]
	%out [End of assembly]


//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 msyibm.asm
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld msyibm.asm
/bin/echo 'Extracting msyz100.asm'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >msyz100.asm

; Kermit system dependent module for Heath/Zenith Z100

	public	term
	include msdefs.h

BIOS_SEG SEGMENT AT 40H		; Define segment where BIOS really is
	ORG	4*3
BIOS_PRINT	LABEL FAR       ; Printer output
	ORG	6*3
BIOS_AUXOUT	LABEL FAR	; AUX output routine
	ORG	26*3
	ORG	27*3

; Function codes for BIOS_xxxFUNC
CHR_WRITE	EQU	0	; Write character
CHR_READ	EQU	1	; Read character
CHR_STATUS	EQU	2	; Get status
  CHR_SFGS	EQU	0	; Get status subfunction
  CHR_SFGC	EQU	1	; Get config subfunction
CHR_CONTROL	EQU	3	; Control function
  CHR_CFSU	EQU	0	; Set new configuration parameters
  CHR_CFCI	EQU	1	; Clear input buffer

; Scan code definitions used for translating back to Heath ESC sequences
entscan	equ	08dh		; enter key scan code
f0scan	equ	096h		; F0 key
f1scan	equ	097h		; F1 key
f2scan	equ	098h		; F2 key
f3scan	equ	099h		; F3 key
f4scan	equ	09ah		; F4 key
f5scan	equ	09bh		; F5 key
f6scan	equ	09ch		; F6 key
f7scan	equ	09dh		; F7 key
f8scan	equ	09eh		; F8 key
f9scan	equ	09fh		; F9 key
f10scn	equ	0a0h		; F10 key
f11scn	equ	0a1h		; F11 key
f12scn	equ	0a2h		; F12 key
homscan	equ	0a9h		; Home key
upscan	equ	0a5h		; Up arrow
dnscan	equ	0a6h		; Down arrow
rtscan	equ	0a7h		; Right arrow
lfscan	equ	0a8h		; Left arrow
kpminus	equ	0adh		; keypad minus
kpdot	equ	0aeh		; keypad period
kp0	equ	0b0h		; keypad 0
kp1	equ	0b1h		; keypad 1
kp2	equ	0b2h		; keypad 2
kp3	equ	0b3h		; keypad 3
kp4	equ	0b4h		; keypad 4
kp5	equ	0b5h		; keypad 5
kp6	equ	0b6h		; keypad 6
kp7	equ	0b7h		; keypad 7
kp8	equ	0b8h		; keypad 8
kp9	equ	0b9h		; keypad 9
sentscn	equ	0cdh		; shifted enter key
sf0scan	equ	0d6h		; shifted F0 key
sf1scan	equ	0d7h		; shifted F1 key
sf2scan	equ	0d8h		; shifted F2 key
sf3scan	equ	0d9h		; shifted F3 key
sf4scan	equ	0dah		; shifted F4 key
sf5scan	equ	0dbh		; shifted F5 key
sf6scan	equ	0dch		; shifted F6 key
sf7scan	equ	0ddh		; shifted F7 key
sf8scan	equ	0deh		; shifted F8 key
sf9scan	equ	0dfh		; shifted F9 key
sf10scn	equ	0e0h		; shifted F10 key
sf11scn	equ	0e1h		; shifted F11 key
sf12scn	equ	0e2h		; shifted F12 key
shomscn	equ	0e9h		; shifted Home key
supscan	equ	0e5h		; shifted Up arrow
sdnscan	equ	0e6h		; shifted Down arrow
srtscan	equ	0e7h		; shifted Right arrow
slfscan	equ	0e8h		; shifted Left arrow
skpmins	equ	0edh		; shifted keypad minus
skpdot	equ	0eeh		; shifted keypad period
skp0	equ	0f0h		; shifted keypad 0
skp1	equ	0f1h		; shifted keypad 1
skp2	equ	0f2h		; shifted keypad 2
skp3	equ	0f3h		; shifted keypad 3
skp4	equ	0f4h		; shifted keypad 4
skp5	equ	0f5h		; shifted keypad 5
skp6	equ	0f6h		; shifted keypad 6
skp7	equ	0f7h		; shifted keypad 7
skp8	equ	0f8h		; shifted keypad 8
skp9	equ	0f9h		; shifted keypad 9

; Miscellaneous scan codes used for functions
prscan	equ	f12scn		; print-screen scan code (F12)...
brkscan	equ	0aah		; Break key

modfrm	struc				; format of mode line
	db	'Esc chr: '
m_echr	db	2 dup (?)
	db	', Speed: '
m_baud	db	4 dup (?)
	db	', Parity: '
m_par	db	4 dup (?)
	db	', Echo: '
m_echo	db	3 dup (?)
	db	', Prn: '
m_prs	db	3 dup (?)
	db	', Type '
m_hlp	db	2 dup (?)
	db	'? for Help$'
modfrm	ends

datas 	segment	public 'datas'
waste	db	100h dup(?)		; assembler problem???

flags1	db	0			; internal flags
prtscr	equ	80h			; print screen pressed flag

; Key translations - F12 is printscreen
ckeys	db	brkscan,prscan,upscan,dnscan,lfscan,rtscan,homscan
	db	entscan,f0scan,f1scan,f2scan,f3scan,f4scan,f5scan,f6scan
	db	f7scan,f8scan,f9scan,f10scn,f11scn,kpminus
	db	kpdot,kp0,kp1,kp2,kp3,kp4,kp5,kp6,kp7,kp8,kp9
	db	supscan,sdnscan,slfscan,srtscan,shomscn
	db	sentscn,sf0scan,sf1scan,sf2scan,sf3scan,sf4scan,sf5scan,sf6scan
	db	sf7scan,sf8scan,sf9scan,sf10scn,sf11scn,skpmins
	db	skpdot,skp0,skp1,skp2,skp3,skp4,skp5,skp6,skp7,skp8,skp9
lckeys	equ	$-ckeys
;ckacts must parallel ckeys above...
ckacts	dw	trnbrk,trnprs,trnupw,trndnw,trnlfw,trnrgw,trnhom,trnkpn
	dw	trnf0,trnf1,trnf2,trnf3,trnf4,trnf5,trnf6,trnf7,trnf8,trnf9
	dw	trnf10,trnf11,trnkpn,trnkpn,trnkpn,trnkpn,trnkpn
	dw	trnkpn,trnkpn,trnkpn,trnkpn,trnkpn,trnkpn,trnkpn
	dw	trnupw,trndnw,trnlfw,trnrgw,trnhom,trnkps
	dw	trnsf0,trnsf1,trnsf2,trnsf3,trnsf4,trnsf5,trnsf6,trnsf7
	dw	trnsf8,trnsf9,trnsf10,trnsf11,trnkps,trnkps
	dw	trnkps,trnskp1,trnskp2,trnskp3,trnskp4,trnskp5,trnskp6
	dw	trnskp7,trnskp8,trnskp9

enascan	db	ESC,'y?$'	; Enable scan codes
disscan	db	ESC,'x?$'	; Disable scan codes
uptrn	db	esc,'A'
dntrn	db	esc,'B'
rgtrn	db	esc,'C'
lftrn	db	esc,'D'
enttrn	db	cr		; enter key translation
homtrn	db	ESC,'H'		; home key translation
dottrn	db	'.'		; keypad . translation
mintrn	db	'-'		; keypad - translation
kp0trn	db	'0'		; keypad 0 translation
kp1trn	db	'1'		; keypad 1 translation
kp2trn	db	'2'		; keypad 2 translation
kp3trn	db	'3'		; keypad 3 translation
kp4trn	db	'4'		; keypad 4 translation
kp5trn	db	'5'		; keypad 5 translation
kp6trn	db	'6'		; keypad 6 translation
kp7trn	db	'7'		; keypad 7 translation
kp8trn	db	'8'		; keypad 8 translation
kp9trn	db	'9'		; keypad 9 translation
senttrn	db	cr		; shifted enter key translation
shomtrn	db	ESC,'H'		; home key translation
sdottrn	db	'.'		; shifted keypad . translation
smintrn	db	'-'		; shifted keypad - translation
skp0trn	db	'0'		; shifted keypad 0 translation
skp1trn	db	ESC,'L'		; shifted keypad 1 translation
skp2trn	db	ESC,'B'		; shifted keypad 2 translation
skp3trn	db	ESC,'M'		; shifted keypad 3 translation
skp4trn	db	ESC,'D'		; shifted keypad 4 translation
skp5trn	db	ESC,'H'		; shifted keypad 5 translation
skp6trn	db	ESC,'C'		; shifted keypad 6 translation
skp7trn	db	ESC,'@'		; shifted keypad 7 translation
skp8trn	db	ESC,'A'		; shifted keypad 8 translation
skp9trn	db	ESC,'N'		; shifted keypad 9 translation
f0trn	db	ESC,'J'		; F0 translation
f1trn	db	ESC,'S'		; F1 translation
f2trn	db	ESC,'T'		; F2 translation
f3trn	db	ESC,'U'		; F3 translation
f4trn	db	ESC,'V'		; F4 translation
f5trn	db	ESC,'W'		; F5 translation
f6trn	db	ESC,'P'		; F6 translation
f7trn	db	ESC,'Q'		; F7 translation
f8trn	db	ESC,'R'		; F8 translation
f9trn	db	ESC,'0I'	; F9 translation
f10trn	db	ESC,'0J'	; F10 translation
f11trn	db	ESC,'0K'	; F11 translation
f12trn	db	ESC,'0L'	; F12 translation
sf0trn	db	ESC,'E'		; shifted F0 translation
sf1trn	db	ESC,'1A'	; shifted F1 translation
sf2trn	db	ESC,'1B'	; shifted F2 translation
sf3trn	db	ESC,'1C'	; shifted F3 translation
sf4trn	db	ESC,'1D'	; shifted F4 translation
sf5trn	db	ESC,'1E'	; shifted F5 translation
sf6trn	db	ESC,'1F'	; shifted F6 translation
sf7trn	db	ESC,'1G'	; shifted F7 translation
sf8trn	db	ESC,'1H'	; shifted F8 translation
sf9trn	db	ESC,'1I'	; shifted F9 translation
sf10trn	db	ESC,'1J'	; shifted F10 translation
sf11trn	db	ESC,'1K'	; shifted F11 translation
sf12trn	db	ESC,'1L'	; shifted F12 translation

ourarg	termarg	<>
modbuf	modfrm	<>			; mode line buffer

; some static data for mode line
unkbaud	db	'Unk '			; must be 4 chars...
baudn	db	'45.5'
	db	'  50'
	db	'  75'
	db	' 110'
	db	' 135'
	db	' 150'
	db	' 300'
	db	' 600'
	db	'1200'
	db	'1800'
	db	'2000'
	db	'2400'
	db	'4800'
	db	'9600'
	db	' 19K'
	db	' 38K'

baudnsiz  equ	16			; # of baud rates known (tbl size / 4)
parnams	db	'Even'
	db	'Mark'
	db	'None'
	db	'Odd '			; must be 4 chars
	db	'Spc '
offmsg	db	'Off'
onmsg	db	'On '
lclmsg	db	'Lcl'
remmsg	db	'Rem'

datas	ends

code	segment	public
	extrn	prtchr:near,outchr:near,putmod:near,clrmod:near,sendbr:near
	assume	cs:code,ds:datas

; This is from the dumb terminal emulator routine in MSXGEN.ASM.
; Had to use bios calls because DOS calls were losing chars.
term	proc	near
	mov 	si,ax		; this is source
	mov 	di,offset ourarg ; place to store arguments
	mov 	ax,ds
	push	es		; save caller's extra segment address
	mov 	es,ax		; address destination segment
	mov 	cx,size termarg
	rep 	movsb		; copy into our arg blk
	and	flags1,not (prtscr)	; print screen mode disabled

	test	ourarg.flgs,emheath ; Are we to use Heath sequences?
	jnz	chkmod		; no, do something else
	mov	ah,prstr
	mov	dx,offset enascan ; enable scan codes
	int	dos 

chkmod:	call 	clrmod		; clear mode line
	test 	ourarg.flgs,modoff ; is mode line disabled?
	jnz	term1		; yes, skip it
	call 	modlin		; turn on mode line

term1:	call 	portchr		; char at port?
	 jnc	term3		; no, keep going
	call	outtty		; print on terminal

term3:	mov 	ah,chr_status
	mov 	al,chr_sfgs	; get number of characters
	call 	bios_confunc	; check console
	cmp 	bl,0
	jz 	term1		; no character, go on
	mov 	ah,chr_read
	call 	bios_confunc	; read it
	cmp 	al,ourarg.escc	; escape char?
	je 	term4		; yes, exit
	push 	ax		; save char
	mov 	ah,al
	call	trnout		; translate if nec., output to port
	pop 	ax
	jmp 	term1		; else echo and keep going

term4:	call	clrmod
	mov	ah,prstr
	mov	dx,offset disscan ; disable scan code generation
	int	dos
	pop	es

term	endp

; returns with carry on if a character is available

portchr	proc	near
	call	prtchr			; character at port?
	 jmp	short portc1		; yes, go handle
	nop				; skip return is stupid
	clc				; no carry -> no character
portc1:	and	al,7fh			; we don't worry about parity here
	stc				; have a character
portchr	endp

; put the character in al to the screen
outtty	proc	near
	mov 	ah,chr_write
	call 	bios_confunc
	test 	ourarg.flgs,capt ; capturing output?
	jz 	outtt1		; no, forget it
	call 	ourarg.captr	; else call the routine

outtt1:	test	flags1,prtscr	; print screen?
	jz	outtt2		; no, try something else
	call	bios_print

outtt2:	ret
outtty	endp

; send the character in al out to the serial port
; handle echoing also...
outprt	proc	near
	test	ourarg.flgs,lclecho	; echoing?
	jz	outpr1			; no, forget it
	push	ax			; save char
	call	outtty			; print it
	pop	ax			; restore
outpr1:	mov	ah,al			; this is where outchr expects it
	call	outchr			; output to the port
	 nop				; skip returns...
outprt	endp

modlin	proc	near			; turn on mode line
	mov	al,ourarg.escc
	mov	modbuf.m_echr,' '	; first char is initial space
	mov	modbuf.m_hlp,' '	; goes here too.
	cmp	al,32			; printable?
	jnb	modl1			; yes, keep going
	add	al,40h			; made printable
	mov	modbuf.m_echr,'^'	; note control char
	mov	modbuf.m_hlp,'^'
modl1:	mov	modbuf.m_echr+1,al	; fill in character
	mov	modbuf.m_hlp+1,al
	mov	al,ourarg.baudb		; get baud bits
	mov	si,offset unkbaud	; assume unknown baud
	cmp	al,baudnsiz		; too big?
	jnb	modl2			; yes, use default
	mov	cl,2			; each is 4 bytes long
	shl	al,cl
	mov	ah,0
	add	ax,offset baudn
	mov	si,ax
modl2:	mov	cx,size m_baud		; length of baud space
	mov	di,offset modbuf.m_baud
	rep	movsb			; copy in baud rate
	mov	al,ourarg.parity	; get parity code
	mov	cl,2			; each is 4 bytes long...
	shl	al,cl
	mov	ah,0
	add	ax,offset parnams	; names of parity settings
	mov	si,ax
	mov	cx,4			; each is 4 long
	mov	di,offset modbuf.m_par
	rep	movsb
	mov	si,offset remmsg	; assume remote echoing
	test	ourarg.flgs,lclecho	; echoing?
	jz	modl4			; no, keep going
	mov	si,offset lclmsg
modl4:	mov	cx,3			; size of on/off
	mov	di,offset modbuf.m_echo
	rep	movsb
;	mov	al,'1'
;	cmp	portno,1		; port 1?
;	je	modl5			; yes, keep going
;	mov	al,'2'
;modl5:	mov	modbuf.m_prt,al		; fill in port number
;	mov	cx,size modfrm		; this is size of mode line
;	mov	si,offset modbuf	; mode line image
	mov	si,offset offmsg	; assume printer off
	test	flags1,prtscr		; print screen enabled?
	jz	modl5			; no, keep going
	mov	si,offset onmsg
modl5:	mov	cx,3
	mov	di,offset modbuf.m_prs
	rep	movsb
	mov	dx,offset modbuf
	call	putmod
	ret				; and return
modlin	endp

; translate the scan code in ah according to the translate table
; given in ktrntab/krpltab, output to port.  If no translation,
; use ascii char in al. (should probably include shift state
; somewhere).  Shift state is in bl.
trnout	proc	near
	test	ourarg.flgs,havtt	; translate table given?
	jz	trnou3			; no, just output character
	cmp	ourarg.klen,0		; did they say we have one 
	je	trnou3			; but we really don't?
	push	ax			; save original value
	xor	ah,ah			; Zero top half
	mov	di,ourarg.ktab
	mov	cx,ourarg.klen
	repne	scasw			; look for our key
	pop	ax			; recover character
	jne	trnou3			; not found, forget it
	sub	di,ourarg.ktab
	sub	di,2			; (minus 2 for pre-increment)
	mov	bx,ourarg.krpl
	mov	si,[bx][di]		; and addr of replacement
	mov	cl,[si]			; get first byte (length)
	xor	ch,ch			; clear high-order byte
	inc	si			; point to translation string
trnou2:	lodsb				; get a byte
	push	si
	push	cx			; save important registers
	call	outprt			; send to port
	pop	cx
	pop	si
	loop	trnou2			; send all chars
	ret				; and return
trnou3:	xor	ah,ah			; get scan code
	mov	cx,lckeys		; length of table
	mov	di,offset ckeys		; table address
	repne	scasb
;	mov	al,0			; ascii code was 0...
	jne	trnou4			; not found, keep going
	sub	di,offset ckeys+1	; get table offset
	shl	di,1			; shift for word offset
	jmp	ckacts[di]		; jump to appropriate routine
trnou4:	call	outprt			; just output single char
	ret				; and return

;trnmod:	test	flags,modoff		; mode line already off?
;	jnz	trnm1			; yes, go turn on
;	call	clrmod			; no, clear mode line here
;	or	flags,modoff		; turn on flag
;	ret				; and return
;trnm1:	call	modlin			; turn on mode line
;	and	flags,not modoff	; clear flag
;	ret				; and return

	call	sendbr

trnprs:	xor	flags1,prtscr		; flip the flag
	and	ourarg.flgs,not modoff	; turn on mode line
	call	modlin			; write into mode line
	ret				; and return

trn1ch:	mov	cx,1			; length is always 1
	jmp	trnou2

; common entry for arrow keys
trn2ch:	mov	cx,2			; length is always 2
	jmp	trnou2			; go send definition

trn3ch:	mov	cx,3			; length is always 3
	jmp	trnou2

trnupw:	mov	si,offset uptrn
	jmp	trn2ch

trndnw:	mov	si,offset dntrn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnlfw:	mov	si,offset lftrn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnrgw:	mov	si,offset rgtrn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnhom:	mov	si,offset homtrn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnent:	mov	si,offset enttrn
	jmp	trn1ch

trnf0:	mov	si,offset f0trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnf1:	mov	si,offset f1trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnf2:	mov	si,offset f2trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnf3:	mov	si,offset f3trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnf4:	mov	si,offset f4trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnf5:	mov	si,offset f5trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnf6:	mov	si,offset f6trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnf7:	mov	si,offset f7trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnf8:	mov	si,offset f8trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnf9:	mov	si,offset f9trn
	jmp	trn3ch

trnf10:	mov	si,offset f10trn
	jmp	trn3ch

trnf11:	mov	si,offset f11trn
	jmp	trn3ch

trnkpn:	and	al,07fh			; strip high bits
	jmp	trnou4			; now output it

trnkps:	and	al,03fh			; strip high bits (special case)
	jmp	trnou4

trnsf0:	mov	si,offset sf0trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnsf1:	mov	si,offset sf1trn
	jmp	trn3ch

trnsf2:	mov	si,offset sf2trn
	jmp	trn3ch

trnsf3:	mov	si,offset sf3trn
	jmp	trn3ch

trnsf4:	mov	si,offset sf4trn
	jmp	trn3ch

trnsf5:	mov	si,offset sf5trn
	jmp	trn3ch

trnsf6:	mov	si,offset sf6trn
	jmp	trn3ch

trnsf7:	mov	si,offset sf7trn
	jmp	trn3ch

trnsf8:	mov	si,offset sf8trn
	jmp	trn3ch

trnsf9:	mov	si,offset sf9trn
	jmp	trn3ch

trnsf10: mov	si,offset sf10trn
	jmp	trn3ch

trnsf11: mov	si,offset sf11trn
	jmp	trn3ch

trnskp1: mov	si,offset skp1trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnskp2: mov	si,offset skp2trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnskp3: mov	si,offset skp3trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnskp4: mov	si,offset skp4trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnskp5: mov	si,offset skp5trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnskp6: mov	si,offset skp6trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnskp7: mov	si,offset skp7trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnskp8: mov	si,offset skp8trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnskp9: mov	si,offset skp9trn
	jmp	trn2ch

trnout	endp

code	ends 

//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 msyz100.asm
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld msyz100.asm
/bin/echo 'Extracting msz100.hlp'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >msz100.hlp

			September 20, 1984

This guide is meant to be a supplement to the MSKERMIT.HLP file.  It
describes the differences between the Z-100 version of Kermit and
the IBM-PC version.  This version has not been tested with Z-DOS
version 2.0.  LOCAL command execution may or may not work.

* Program Operation

The Z-100 version of Kermit uses a slightly different concept for
Heath emulation.  The Z-100 normally uses the same escape sequences
as the Heathkit H-19 terminal, although a slightly different key
arrangement is used.  With Heath emulation mode turned on, the normal
Z-100/H19 escape sequences will be sent by the function keys and keypad.
However, key redefinition will not be available.  Printer control is 
also not available in Heath emulation mode.  When Heath emulation
is turned off (the default), the function keys and keypad emulate the
Heath sequence as best as possible (no checks are made for alternate
or shifted keypad modes), but key redefinition is allowed.  If a problem
is encountered running a program that uses the keypad keys or function
keys, swicth to Heath emulation and see if that helps.  Heath
emulation only affects what characters are sent for keys typed at the
keyboard.  It does not change the affect of incoming characters or
escape sequences.

The Z-100 version of Kermit-MS does not support multiple communication
ports.  The modem is assumed to be connected to the AUX port.  This
port must be configured as no parity, no handshake, 1 stop bit, 8 data
bits, no pad.

* Terminal Emulation

The Z-DOS version of Kermit-MS uses the following capabilities:

	Escape Char:	^]
	Printer control
	Key redefinition (with Heath emulation off)

Screen scroll is not currently supported.

X. Printer Control

The contents of a screen may be printed at any time if a printscreen
driver has been installed prior to running Kermit.  This is usually
done by running the PSC command which comes with your ZDOS 1.25
disks.  After this, the screen contents may be printed using

If you wish to log a terminal session on the printer and you are not
using Heath emulation mode, the F12 function key will start or stop
the spooling of incoming characters to the printer.  This may also
be simulated by the Kermit-MS LOG PRN and CLOSE commands.

X. Key Redefinition

Key redefinitions are accomplished in the same way as with the IBM-PC
version.  However, key redefintion may only be used when Heath
emulation is turned off.
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 msz100.hlp
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld msz100.hlp

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