MS-DOS Kermit sources (Part 4 of 7)

Jim Knutson knutson at ut-ngp.UUCP
Sat Oct 6 02:07:20 AEST 1984

: Run this shell script with "sh" not "csh"
export PATH
if [ $1x = -ax ]; then
/bin/echo 'Extracting msterm.asm'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >msterm.asm
	public	clscpt, defkey, cptfcb, inicpt, clscpi, telnet
	public  dopar, shokey, prkey
	include msdefs.h

datas 	segment	public 'datas'
	extrn	flags:byte, trans:byte, buff:byte, portval:word

targ	termarg	<0,1,80,24,cptchr,2dch,0,scntab,deftab,0,,parnon>
ssp	dw	0		; Save SP in Telnet.
crlf    db      cr,lf,'$'
tmp	db	?,'$'
temp	dw	0
temp1   dw      ?               ; Temporary storage.
temp2   dw      ?               ; Temporary storage.
tmsg1	db	cr,lf,'[Connecting to host, type $' 
tmsg3	db	' C to return to PC]',cr,lf,cr,lf,cr,lf,'$'
tmsg2	db	cr,lf,'[Back at micro]',cr,lf,'$'
erms22	db	cr,lf,'?No capture file open$' ;[jd]
esctl	db	'Control-$'         ; [6]

inthlp  db	cr,lf,' ?  This message'
	db	cr,lf,' C  Close the connection'
	db	cr,lf,' S  Status of the connection'
	db	cr,lf,' B  Send a break'
	db	cr,lf,' M  Toggle mode line'
	db	cr,lf,' Q  Quit logging'
	db	cr,lf,' R  Resume logging'
	db	cr,lf,' 0  Send a null'
	db	cr,lf,' Typing the escape character will send it to the host'
	db	0

intprm	db	'Command>$'


defbsiz	equ	400		; combined length of all definitions...
scntab	dw	scntlen dup (?)	; scan codes redefined
deftab	dw	scntlen dup (?) ; pointer to definition strings
defbuf	db	defbsiz dup (?)
defptr	dw	defbuf		; pointer starts at beginning
deflen	dw	defbsiz		; amt of space left in buffer
sttmsg	db	'Type space to continue$'
shkmsg	db	cr,lf,'Press key: $'
datas	ends

code	segment	public
	extrn 	comnd:near, outchr:near, stat0:near
	extrn	escprt:near, clrbuf:near, term:near
	extrn	cmblnk:near, locate:near, prtchr:near
	extrn	beep:near, puthlp:near
	extrn	serini:near,serrst:near, sendbr:near, showkey:near
	assume	cs:code, ds:datas

; the show key command.

shokey	proc	near
	mov	ah,cmcfm		; confirm with carriage return
	call	comnd
	 jmp	r			; uh oh...
	mov	dx,offset shkmsg
	mov	ah,prstr
	int	dos			; print a prompt for it
	mov	ax,offset targ		; give it terminal arg block.
	call	showkey			; show them the key definition
	push	ax
	push	cx			; save results
	mov	dx,offset crlf
	mov	ah,prstr
	int	dos
	pop	cx
	pop	ax
	call	prkey			; print the buffer
	mov	dx,offset crlf
	mov	ah,prstr
	int	dos
	jmp	rskp			; and return
shokey	endp

; pass a string pointer in ax, length in cx.
; Prints the string, quoting any unprintables, except crlf.

prkey	proc	near
	mov	si,ax			; copy string ptr
	jcxz	prke6			; no string, stop here
prke1:	push	cx			; save counter
	lodsb				; get a byte
	and	al,7fH			; only consider low-order 7 bits.
	cmp	al,' '			; printable?
	jb	prke2			; no, print the hard way
	cmp	al,7fH			; maybe a delete?
	jne	prke4			; no, can just put into string
prke2:	jcxz	prke3			; last char, can't be crlf
	cmp	al,cr			; carriage return?
	jne	prke3			; no, go on
	cmp	byte ptr [si],lf	; followed by linefeed?
	jne	prke3
	mov	ah,prstr
	mov	dx,offset crlf
	int	dos			; else just print crlf
	inc	si			; skip over lf
	pop	cx			; careful...
	dec	cx
	push	cx
	jmp	short prke5
prke3:	push	ax			; preserve the char
	mov	ah,conout
	mov	dl,'\'
	int	dos			; print the quote character
	pop	ax
	call	proct			; print the octal byte
	jmp	short prke5
prke4:	mov	dl,al			; normal char, just print it
	mov	ah,conout
	int	dos
prke5:	pop	cx			; restore count
	loop	prke1
prke6:	ret				; and return
prkey	endp

; print the byte in al as an octal number
proct	proc	near
	mov	dl,al			; get the byte
	and	dl,7h			; keep low-order byte
	mov	cl,3
	shr	al,cl			; shift to get next digit
	jz	proc1			; 0, no more to print
	push	dx			; else save current digit
	call	proct			; print rest
	pop	dx
proc1:	mov	ah,conout
	add	dl,'0'			; make printable
	int	dos
proct	endp

;	This is the CONNECT command.
	mov ah,cmcfm
	call comnd		; Get a confirm.
	 jmp r			;  Didn't get a confirm.
	mov ah,prstr		; Output
	mov dx,offset crlf	; a crlf.
	int dos
	call domsg		; Reassure user. [19b]
	mov al,targ.flgs	; get present flags
	and al,modoff		; this is only one we can keep around
	or al,havtt		; defaults (!)
	cmp flags.debug,0	; debug mode?
	jz tel0			; no, keep going
	or al,trnctl		; yes, show control chars
tel0:	cmp flags.vtflg,0	; vt52 emulation?
	jz tel1
	or al,emheath
tel1:	mov bx,portval
	cmp [bx].ecoflg,0	; echoing?
	jz tel2
	or al,lclecho
tel2:	mov targ.flgs,al	; store flags
	mov ah,flags.comflg
	mov targ.prt,ah		; Port 1 or 2
	mov ah,trans.escchr
	mov targ.escc,ah
	mov ah,[bx].parflg
	mov targ.parity,ah
	mov ax,[bx].baud
	mov targ.baudb,al
	mov ah,flags.capflg
	and ah,capt
	or targ.flgs,ah
	call serini		; init serial port
tem:	mov ax,offset targ	; Point to terminal arguments
	call term
	or targ.flgs,scrsam	; assume screen is the same.
intchr:	mov ah,dconio		; Direct console I/O.
	mov dl,0FFH		; Input.
	int dos			; Get a char.
	jz intchr		; no char, keep looking
	mov ah,al
	jz intchr		; If so, go until we get a char.
	cmp ah,' '		; space - ignore it
	je tem
	mov bh,ah		; Save the actual char.
	and ah,not ('a'-'A')	; Convert to upper case.
	or ah,40H		; convert ctl-char to actual char.
	cmp ah,'C'		; Is it close?
	jne intch1
	call serrst		; reset serial port
	jmp rskp		; and return
intch1: cmp ah,'S'		; Is it status?
	jnz intch2
	call stat0		; If so, call stat0.
	call puthlp		; put help on screen
	mov dx,offset sttmsg
	mov ah,prstr
	int dos
intch1a:mov ah,8		; console input, no echo
	int dos
	cmp al,' '		; space?
	jne intch1a
	and targ.flgs,not scrsam ; remember screen changed.
	jmp tem
intch2: cmp ah,'B'		; Send a break? [20g]
	jne intch3		; No. [20g]
	call sendbr		; Yes, so send a break. [20g]
	jmp tem			; And return.  [20g]
intch3:	cmp ah,'M'		; mode line?
	jne intch4
	xor targ.flgs,modoff	; toggle mode line
	jmp tem			; and reconnect
intch4:	cmp bh,'?'		; Is it help?
	jne intch5		; If not, go to the next check.
	mov ax,offset inthlp	; If so, get the address of the help message.
	call puthlp		; write help msg
	mov dx,offset intprm
	mov ah,prstr		; Print it.
	int dos
	and targ.flgs,not scrsam ; remember screen changed
	jmp intchr		; Get another char.
intch5: cmp bh,trans.escchr	; Is it the escape char?
	jne intch7		; If not, go send a beep to the user.
intch6: mov ah,al
	call outchr
	jmp tem			; Return, we are done here.
intch7:	cmp ah,'Q'		; maybe want to stop logging?
	jne intch8
	test targ.flgs,capt	; not capturing, can't do this
	jz intc10
	and targ.flgs,not capt ; stop capturing
	jmp tem			; and resume
intch8:	cmp ah,'R'		; maybe resume?
	jne intch9		; no, keep going
	cmp flags.capflg,0	; can we capture?
	jz intc10		; no, forget it
	test targ.flgs,capt	; already capturing?
	jnz intc10		; yes, can't toggle back on then
	or targ.flgs,capt	; else turn flag on
	jmp tem			; and resume
intch9:	cmp bh,'0'		; perhaps want a null (note original chr in bh)
	jne intc10
	mov ah,0
	call outchr
	jmp tem
intc10:	call beep
	jmp tem

; Reassure user about connection to the host.  Tell him what escape
; sequence to use to return and the communications port and baud
; rate being used.   [19b] 

	mov ah,prstr
	mov dx,offset tmsg1
	int dos
	call escprt
	mov ah,prstr
	mov dx,offset tmsg3
	int dos

; Set parity for character in Register AL.

dopar:	push bx
	mov bx,portval
	cmp [bx].parflg,parnon	; No parity?			[10 start]
	je parret		; Just return
	cmp [bx].parflg,parevn	; Even parity?
	jne dopar0
	and al,07FH		; Strip parity.
	jpe parret		; Already even, leave it.
	or al,080H		; Make it even parity.
	jmp parret
dopar0:	cmp [bx].parflg,parmrk	; Mark parity?
	jne dopar1
	or al,080H		; Turn on the parity bit.
	jmp parret
dopar1:	cmp [bx].parflg,parodd	; Odd parity?	
	jne dopar2
	and al,07FH		; Strip parity.
	jpo parret		; Already odd, leave it.
	or al,080H		; Make it odd parity.
	jmp parret
dopar2: and al,07FH		; Space parity - turn off parity bit.
parret:	pop bx
	ret					; [10 end]

inicpt	proc	near
	mov	capbp,offset capbuf
	mov	caplft,128		; init buffer ptr & chrs left
	ret				; and return
inicpt	endp

cptchr	proc	near			; capture routine, char in al
	push	di
	mov	di,capbp
	mov	byte ptr [di],al
	inc	di
	mov	capbp,di		; restore pointer
	pop	di
	dec	caplft			; decrement chars remaining
	jnz	cptch1			; more room, forget this part
	call	cptdmp			; dump the info
	call	inicpt			; re-init ptrs.
cptch1:	ret				; and return
cptchr	endp

cptdmp	proc	near			; empty the capture buffer
	push	ax
	push	dx
	mov	ah,setdma
	mov	dx,offset capbuf	; the capture routine buffer
	int	dos
	mov	ah,writef
	mov	dx,offset cptfcb
	int	dos			; write out the block
;*** must be fixed... check error returns, disable capturing,
;*** figure out how to put dma address back
	mov	dx,offset buff
	mov	ah,setdma
	int	dos			; put dma back
	pop	dx
	pop	ax
cptdmp	endp

clscpt	proc	near
	test	flags.capflg,0FFH	; doing capture
	jnz	clscp1			; yes, go ahead
	mov	dx,offset erms22
	mov	ah,prstr
	int	dos
	jmp	rskp
clscp1:	mov	ah,cmcfm
	call	comnd
	 jmp	r
clscpi:	mov	al,'Z'-64		; control-z for eof...
	call	cptchr			; output to file
	mov	al,caplft
	cmp	al,128			; is buffer empty?
	je	clscp2			; yes, forget this stuff
	call	cptdmp			; dump buffer (preserves registers)
clscp2:	mov	ah,0
	sub	word ptr cptfcb+16,ax	; subtract remaining from low filsize
	sbb	word ptr cptfcb+18,0	; and from high size (with borrow)
	mov	ah,closf
	mov	dx,offset cptfcb
	int	dos			; close up file
	mov	flags.capflg,0		; no longer capturing...
	jmp	rskp			; and return
clscpt	endp

; enter with ax/scan code to define, si/ pointer to definition, cx/ length
; of definition.  Defines it in definition table.
;*** somewhere should check for overflow etc of defbuf, and of scntab
defkey	proc	near
	push	ax		; save scan code
	mov	ax,ds
	mov	es,ax		; address data segment
	mov	di,defptr	; this is where the def gets built
	inc	di		; leave a byte for length
defk1:	lodsb			; get a byte from the source
	cmp	al,'\'		; escape?
	jne	defk2		; no, just deposit him
	dec	cx		; count available is one less
	call	trnesc		; translate the escape sequence
	inc	cx		; account for '\' (loop will decrement again).
defk2:	stosb			; drop off character
	loop	defk1		; and keep going while we have more
	mov	ax,di		; get ptr to end
	dec	ax		; back up pointer to end
	mov	si,defptr	; pick up old ptr value
	sub	ax,si		; this is actual length used
	mov	byte ptr [si],al ; fill in length of entry
	mov	defptr,di	; this is next free byte
; definition address is in si
	pop	ax		; recover scan code
	mov	cx,targ.klen	; length of scan table
	jcxz	defk4		; not there, just go add it
	mov	di,offset scntab ; the scan code table
	repne	scasw		; look for this one
	jne	defk4		; not defined already
	sub	di,offset scntab + 2 ; compute index into table
	mov	deftab[di],si	; fill in address
	ret			; and return
defk4:	mov	di,targ.klen	; get length again
	inc	di
	cmp	di,scntlen
	ja	defk5		;** ignore def if over size
	mov	targ.klen,di	; update length
	shl	di,1		; double for word index
	mov	scntab[di-2],ax	; put scan code into table
	mov	deftab[di-2],si	; and fill in definition
defk5:	ret			; that's it
defkey	endp

; enter with si/ source pointer, cx/ count
; converts an escape sequence, updates all pointers
trnesc	proc	near
	push	bx
	push	dx		; preserve these
	mov	al,0		; this is current accumulation
	jcxz	trnes2		; empty string, forget it
	mov	bl,3		; this is max # of digits to use
	mov	bh,8		; this is radix
trnes1:	mov	dl,[si]
	cmp	dl,'0'
	jb	trnes2		; out of range, stop here
	cmp	dl,'7'
	ja	trnes2
	inc	si		; accept character
	sub	dl,'0'		; convert to binary
	mul	bh		; shift accumulation
	add	al,dl		; add to accumulation
	dec	bl		; decrement digit counter
	loopnz	trnes1		; and keep trying
trnes2:	pop	dx
	pop	bx
	ret			; and return
trnesc	endp

; Jumping to this location is like retskp.  It assumes the instruction
;   after the call is a jmp addr.
	pop bp
	add bp,3
	push bp
; Jumping here is the same as a ret.

code	ends 

//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 msterm.asm
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld msterm.asm
/bin/echo 'Extracting msapc.hlp'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >msapc.hlp

This note describes the capabilities of MS-DOS MSKermit as implemented for
the NEC Advanced Personal Computer (APC).  The APC system dependent portion of
the code (both port and terminal handlers) resides in the file MSXAPC.ASM.
This is the only module required in addition to those that all implementations

MSKermit on the APC supports both the standard serial port (as port 1) and
the optional (H14) add-on serial port (as port 2).  Port selection is
performed using the SET PORT command.  Any baud rate up to 38400 is legal
although 38400 has never been tested and may not work well.  The port is
always configured as 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.  Any necessary
parity is supplied by Kermit.

The interrupt vector used by the optional port is jumper-selectable.  Kermit
is set up to use IR8 by default, so if another vector is required the
MSXAPC.ASM file must be altered and reassembled.  The changes are well
commented, and only amount to changing the value of a conditional.

Terminal mode support on the APC is relatively primitive.  The only provisions
that have been made for emulation are in the operating system firmware, which
supports a limited subset of both VT100/ANSI and ADM-3A commands.

Two pages of screen memory and rollback are also provided by the firmware.
Control-uparrow scrolls back one line, while control-downarrow scrolls forward
a line.

Screen printing is performed by the CRTDUMP resident extension to MS-DOS
using the control-print command.  The print (or control-P) key alone causes
Kermit to toggle echoing of the screen display to the printer.

Key redefinition is provided, but only for the keyboard keys.  The function
keys must be defined using the system's KEY program.  There is no direct
access to the keyboard's scan codes on the APC, so instead each key is
redefined by its ASCII value, limiting the usefulness of this function.

The default escape character is control-].  Bugs in the firmware prevent
this control sequence from being returned to the program, however, so it
is necessary to instead use the left arrow key which sends the control-]
code.  Another alternative is to redefine the escape character in your
MSKERMIT.INI initialization file.

Despite these limitations, MSKermit for the APC is being released so that
the benefits of its file transfer capability are available to APC MS-DOS
users.  It is to be hoped that these users will take it on themselves to
enhance the capabilities.
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 msapc.hlp
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld msapc.hlp
/bin/echo 'Extracting mskermit.hlp'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >mskermit.hlp


                             July 26, 1984

Kermit-MS is a program that provides terminal emulation and file trans-
fer for Intel 8088- and 8086-based microcomputers running the MS-DOS or
PC-DOS operating system.  The Kermit file transfer protocol was
developed and the Kermit-MS program were developed at the Columbia
University Center for Computing Activities.

* Program Operation

Kermit-MS can be run interactively, from a batch file, or as an
"external" DOS command.  Commands consist of one or more fields,
separated by "whitespace" -- one or more spaces or tabs.  Upon startup,
the program executes any commands found in the file MSKERMIT.INI in the
current path.

X. Interactive Operation:

To run Kermit-MS interactively, invoke the program from DOS command
level by typing its name.  When you see the command's prompt,
"Kermit-MS>", you may type Kermit commands repeatedly until you are
ready to exit the program.  You can use these special characters while
typing commands.

BACKSPACE  Delete the character most recently typed.  May be typed
        repeatedly to delete backwards.  You may also use DELETE,
        RUBOUT, or equivalent keys.

CTRL-W  Delete the most recent "word", or field, on the command line.
        May be typed repeatedly.

CTRL-U  Delete the entire command line.

CTRL-C  Cancel the current command and return to the "Kermit-MS>"

?       Type a brief message describing what you are expected to type in
        the current field.

ESC     If enough characters have been supplied in the current field
        (keyword or file name) to uniquely identify it, supply the
        remainder of the field and position to the next field of the
        command.  Otherwise, sound a beep.

=       Wildcard character for matching single characters in filenames,
        equivalent to MS-DOS "?".

X. Command Line Invocation:

Kermit-MS may also be invoked with command line arguments from DOS com-
mand level, for instance:

    A>kermit send
    A>kermit set port 1, set baud 9600, connect

When invoked with command line arguments, Kermit-MS will behave as if it
were an external DOS command, like MODE.  Note that several commands may
be given on the command line, separated by commas.

* Kermit-MS Commands

Kermit-MS V2.26 has the following commands:

          BYE  to remote server.
        CLOSE  log file and stop logging remote session.
      CONNECT  as terminal to remote system.
       DEFINE  macros of Kermit-MS commands.
       DELETE  local files.
    DIRECTORY  listing of local files.
           DO  a macro expansion.
         EXIT  from Kermit-MS.
       FINISH  Shut down remote server.
          GET  remote files from server.
         HELP  about Kermit-MS.
        LOCAL  prefix for local file management commands.
          LOG  remote terminal session.
       LOGOUT  remote server.
         PUSH  to MS-DOS command level.
         QUIT  from Kermit-MS
      RECEIVE  files from remote Kermit.
       REMOTE  prefix for remote file management commands.
          RUN  an MS-DOS program.
         SEND  files to remote Kermit.
       SERVER  mode of remote operation.
          SET  various parameters.
         SHOW  various parameters.
        SPACE  inquiry.
       STATUS  inquiry.
         TAKE  commands from file.

The following SET commands are available in Kermit-MS:

                BAUD  Communications port line speed
                BELL  Whether to beep at the end of a transaction
    BLOCK-CHECK-TYPE  Level of error checking for file transfer
               DEBUG  Display packet contents during file transfer
        DEFAULT-DISK  Default disk drive for file i/o
         DESTINATION  Default destination device for incoming files
         END-OF-LINE  Packet terminator
                 EOF  Method for determining or marking end of file
              ESCAPE  Escape character for CONNECT
        FLOW-CONTROL  Enable or disable XON/XOFF
           HANDSHAKE  Half-duplex line turnaround option
             HEATH19  Heath/Zenith-19 terminal emulation
          INCOMPLETE  What to do with an incompletely received file
                 KEY  Specify key redefinitions, or "keystroke macros"
          LOCAL-ECHO  Specify which host does the echoing during CONNECT
              PARITY  Character parity to use
                PORT  Select a communications port
              PROMPT  Change the "Kermit-MS>" prompt to something else
             RECEIVE  Request remote Kermit to use specified parameters
              REMOTE  For running Kermit-MS interactively from back port
                SEND  Use the specified parameters during file transfer
           TAKE-ECHO  Control echoing of commands from TAKE files
               TIMER  Enable/disable timeouts during file transfer
             WARNING  Specify how to handle filename collisions

The STATUS command shows the values of parameters which may be SET.

* Command Macros

Kermit-MS provides a facility for combining commands into "macros."
Command macro definitions may be included in your MSKERMIT.INI file,
TAKEn explicitly from a specified file, or typed interactively, and may
be invoked with the DO command.

* Command Macros

Kermit-MS command macros are constructed with the DEFINE command.  The
syntax is 

    DEFINE macro-name  [command [, command [, ...]]]

Any Kermit-MS commands may be included.  Example:

    define telenet set parity mark, set baud 1200, connect

A Kermit-MS command macro is invoked using the DO command.  For in-
stance, Kermit-MS comes with a predefined macro to allow convenient
setup for IBM communications; to invoke it, you would type 

    do ibm

The IBM macro is defined as "parity mark, handshake xon, local-echo on,
timer on".  You can delete or replace this definition by adding a new
(perhaps null) definition, such as

    define ibm parity even, handshake cr, local-echo on, timer on]
    define ibm

Command macro definitions can be displayed with the SHOW MACROS command.

* Terminal Emulation

Here are the terminal emulation options for the systems presently sup-
ported by Kermit-MS:

  System         EscChar   Cabilities   Terminal Service
  IBM PC, XT       ^]      R M P K      Heath19 emulation
  DEC Rainbow      ^]      R   P K      VT102 firmware
  HP-150           ^]      R            HP-2623 firmware
  Wang PC          ^A                   Wang firmware
  Generic DOS      ^]                   Depends on system

Under Capabilities, R means rollback, M means mode line, P means printer
control, and K means key redefinition.

IBM PC/XT Kermit can disable Heath-19 emulation and use an external con-
sole device driver like ANSI.SYS instead.

The escape character is used to regain the attention of Kermit-MS.  When
you type the escape character, Kermit-MS waits for you to follow it with
a single character command:

  ?   Help -- prints the available single-character commands.
  C   Close the connection and return to Kermit-MS prompt level.
  S   Show the status of the connection.
  B   Send a BREAK signal to the port.
  0   (the digit zero) Send a NUL (ASCII 0) to the port.
  Q   Temporarily quit logging the remote session.
  R   Resume logging the remote session.
  M   Toggle the mode line, i.e. turn it off if it is on & vice versa.
  ^]  (or whatever you have set the escape character to be)
      Typing the escape character twice sends one copy of it to the con-
      nected host.

Typing any other character (except the space bar, which is the "null
command") after the escape character will cause Kermit-MS to beep, but
will do no harm.  The escape character can be changed to something other
than Control-Rightbracket by using the SET ESCAPE command.

Kermit-MS includes several advanced features for use during terminal
emulation, including screen scroll, printer control, and key redefini-

X. Screen Scroll

Kermit-MS provides several pages of screen memory, which may be scrolled
up and down using keys as follows:

  Function            IBM PC/XT   Rainbow           HP-150
  Screen Down         PgDn        PrevScreen        Prev
  Line Down           Ctrl-PgDn   Ctrl-PrevScreen   Shift-UpArrow
  Screen Up           PgUp        NextScreen        Next
  Line Up             Ctrl-PgUp   Ctrl-NextScreen   Shift-DownArrow
  Top of Memory       Home
  Bottom of Memory    End

X. Printer Control

A locally attached printer may be controlled in the normal manner, on
most systems.  Pushing the "Print Screen" key (shifted on some systems)
will cause the current contents of the screen to be printed or spooled;
holding down CTRL while depressing Print Screen will start or stop the
spooling of incoming characters to the printer.

CTRL-Print-Screen can be simulated with the Kermit-MS LOG PRN and CLOSE

X. Key Redefinitions

Use SHOW KEY to find out the scan code of the key you want to redefine,
then use SET KEY SCAN xxx to define the new value.  Control characters
are entered in the definition string as \ooo (a backslash followed by 2
or 3 octal digits denoting the ASCII value of the character).
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 mskermit.hlp
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld mskermit.hlp
/bin/echo 'Extracting msmkboo.c'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >msmkboo.c
 * This program takes a file and encodes it into printable characters.
 * These printable files can then be decoded by the programs MSPCBOOT.BAS
 * or MSPCTRAN.BAS as the need may be.  The file is encoded by taking
 * three consecutive eight bit bytes and dividing them into four six bit
 * bytes.  An ASCII zero was then added to the resulting four characters.
 * to make them all printable ASCII characters in the range of the
 * character zero to the character underscore.  In order to reduce the
 * size of the file null repeat count was used.  The null repeat count
 * compresses up to 78 consecutive nulls into only two characters.  This
 * is done by using the character tilde (~) as an indication that a group
 * of repetitive nulls has occured.  The character following the tilde is
 * number of nulls in the group.  The number is also converted in to a
 * printable character by adding an ASCII zero.  The highest number of
 * nulls is therefore the highest printable character tilde.  This is
 * equal to tilde minus zero nulls or 78 nulls.  Because of the three
 * byte to four byte encoding the repeat counting can only start with
 * the first character of a three byte triplet.
 * This C program was written specifically for the DEC-20 and as such
 * will not easily be transported to another system.  The main problem
 * lies in the file I/O routines.  It is necessary to make sure that
 * untranslated eight bit bytes are input from the input file.  The 
 * main change would be to make the OPEN statement reflect this for 
 * your particular system and brand of UNIX and C.  The rest of the
 * program should be transportable with little or no problems.

#include <stdio.h>		/* Standard UNIX i/o definitions */
#include <file.h>

X/* Symbol Definitions */

#define MAXPACK		80	/* Maximum packet size */

#define MYRPTQ		'~'	/* Repeat count prefix I will use */
#define DATALEN		78	/* Length of data buffer */

#define TRUE		-1	/* Boolean constants */
#define FALSE		0

X/* Macros */

#define tochar(ch)  ((ch) + '0')

X/* Global Variables */

int	size,			/* Size of present data */
	maxsize,		/* Max size for data field */
        nc,			/* Number of input chars */
        oc,			/* Number of output chars */
	fd,			/* File pointer of file to read/write */
	rpt,			/* repeat count */
	rptq,			/* repeat quote */
	rptflg,			/* repeat processing flag */
	eoflag,			/* Set when file is empty. */
	otot;			/* What char number we are processing. */

char	t,			/* Current character */
	*filnam,		/* Current file name */
	packet[MAXPACK];	/* Packet buffer */
main(argc,argv)				/* Main program */
int argc;				/* Command line argument count */
char **argv;				/* Pointers to args */
    char sfile();		        /* Send file routine & ret code */
    if (--argc != 2) usage();		/* Make sure there's a command line. */
    rptq = MYRPTQ;			/* Repeat Quote */
    rptflg = TRUE;			/* Repeat Count Processing Flag */

    filnam = *++argv;			/* Get file to send */
    ofile = *++argv;			/* Output file to create */
    printf("Done, in: %d, out: %d, efficiency: %.2f%%\n",nc,oc,(100.0*nc)/oc);
   S F I L E - Send a whole file

char sfile()				/* Send a file */
    char *i;

    if (fd < 0)				/* Report any errors */
        printf("\n?Error opening file \"%s\"\n",filnam);

    if (ofd < 0)
        printf("\n?error opening file \"%s\"\n",ofile);

    oc = strlen(filnam);		/* Get the string length. */
    for (i=filnam; *i != '\0'; i++)	/* Uppercase the file name. */
	if (*i >= 'a' && *i <= 'z') *i ^= 040;
    write(ofd,filnam,oc);	 	/* Write the file name in the file. */

    maxsize = DATALEN - 5;
    rpt = 0;				/* Zero the repeat count. */
    oc = nc = 0;			/* Output & input character counts. */
    otot = 1;				/* Start with first char of triplet. */
    while (getbuf() > 0)		/* While not EOF, get a packet. */
	while (size < DATALEN - 1) packet[size++] = ' ';
	packet[size++] = '\r';		/* Explicit CRLF. */
	packet[size++] = '\n';
	packet[size] = '\0';
        oc += size;			/* Count output size. */
        write(ofd,packet,size);		/* Write the packet to the file. */
        printf("%d: %s",size,packet);	/* Print on the screen for testing. */
   G E T B U F -- Do one packet.

getbuf()				/* Fill one packet buffer. */
    if (eoflag != 0) return(-1);	/* If at the end of file, stop. */
    size = 0;
    while((t = getch()) >= 0)		/* t == -1 means EOF. */
	nc++;				/* Count the character. */
        process(t);			/* Process the character. */
	if (size >= maxsize)		/* If the packet is full, */
            packet[size] = '\0';	/*  terminate the string. */
    eoflag = -1;			/* Say we hit the end of the file. */
    process(0);				/* Clean out any remaining chars. */
    process(' ');
    packet[size] = '\0';		/* Return any partial final buffer. */
X/* P R O C E S S -- Do one character. */

char a;
    if (otot == 1)			/* Is this the first of three chars? */
        if (a == 0)			/* Is it a null? */
	    if (++rpt < 78)		/* Below max nulls, just count. */
	    else if (rpt == 78)		/* Reached max number, must output. */
                packet[size++] = rptq;	/* Put in null repeat char and */
                packet[size++] = tochar(rpt); /* number of nulls. */
                packet[size] = '\0';
                rpt = 0;
	    if (rpt == 1)		/* Just one null? */
		one = 0;		/* Say the first char was a null. */
		two = a;		/* This char is the second one. */
		otot = 3;		/* Look for the third char. */
		rpt = 0;		/* Restart null count. */
	    if (rpt > 1)		/* Some number of nulls? */
                packet[size++] = rptq;	/* Insert the repeat prefix */
                packet[size++] = tochar(rpt); /* and count. */
                packet[size] = '\0';
                rpt = 0;		/* Reset repeat counter. */
	    one = a;			/* Set first character. */
	    otot = 2;			/* Say we are at the second char. */
    else if (otot == 2)
	two = a;			/* Set second character. */
	otot = 3;			/* Say we are at the third char. */
        three = a;
	otot = 1;			/* Start over at one. */
	pack(one,two,three);		/* Pack in the three characters. */
X/* This routine does the actual three character to four character encoding.
 * The concept is relatively straight forward.  The first output character
 * consists of the first (high order or most significant) six bits of the
 * first input character.  The second output character is made from the
 * remaining two low order bits of the first input character and the first
 * four high order bits of the second input character.  The third output
 * character is built from the last four low order bits of the second input
 * character and the two high order bits of the third input character.  The
 * fourth and last output character consists of the six low order bit of
 * the third input character.  In this way the three eight bit input char-
 * acters (for a total of 24 bits) are divided into four six bit output
 * characters (also for a total of 24 bits).  In order to make the four
 * output characters printable an ASCII zero is then added to each of them.

char x,y,z;
    packet[size++] = tochar((x >> 2) & 077);
    packet[size++] = tochar(((x & 003) << 4) | ((y >> 4) & 017));
    packet[size++] = tochar(((y & 017) << 2) | ((z >> 6) & 003));
    packet[size++] = tochar(z & 077);
    packet[size] = '\0';
getch()					/* Get next (or pushed) char. */
   char a;

   return((read(fd,&a,1) > 0) ? a : -1); /* (or -1 if EOF) */

usage()					/* Give message if user makes */
{					/* a mistake in the command. */
    fprintf(stderr,"usage: msmkboo inputfile outputfile\n");
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 msmkboo.c
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld msmkboo.c
/bin/echo 'Extracting mspctran.bas'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >mspctran.bas
1    'Use this BASIC program on the PC if you have the printable file 
2    'MSKERMIT.BOO already on the PC to convert it to an executable
3    'file.  This program takes about 30 minutes to run on a PC with
4    'floppy disks.
5    ' Bill Catchings, June 1984
6    ' Columbia University Center for Computing Activities

10   t$ = time$				' Save the time.
20   defint a-z				' Integer to gain some speed.
30   n$ = chr$(0)
40   z = asc("0")
50   t = asc("~")-z
60   def fnuchr%(a$)=asc(a$)-z
70   open "MSKERMIT.BOO" for input as #1

100  input#1,f$				' Is this the right file?
110  if len(f$) > 20 then goto 900
120  open f$ for output as #2
130  print "Outputting to "+f$

200  if eof(1) then goto 800		' Exit nicely on end of file.
210  input#1,x$				' Get a line.
220  y$ = ""				' Clear the output buffer.
230  goto 400

300  print#2,y$;			' Print output buffer to file.
310  goto 200				' Get another line.

400  if len(x$) < 4 goto 300		' Is the input buffer empty?
410  a = fnuchr%(x$)
420  if a = t then goto 700		' Null repeat character?
430  q$=mid$(x$,2,3)			' Get the quadruplet to decode.
440  x$=mid$(x$,5)
450  b = fnuchr%(q$)
460  q$ = mid$(q$,2)
470  c = fnuchr%(q$)
480  q$ = mid$(q$,2)
490  d = fnuchr%(q$)

500  y$ = y$ + chr$(((a * 4) + (b \ 16)) and 255) ' Decode the quad.
510  y$ = y$ + chr$(((b * 16) + (c \ 4)) and 255)
520  y$ = y$ + chr$(((c * 64) + d) and 255)
530  goto 400				' Get another quad.

700  x$ = mid$(x$,2)			' Expand the nulls.
710  r = fnuchr%(x$)			' Get the number of nulls.
715 print " Null: ",r
720  x$ = mid$(x$,2)
730   for i=1 to r			' Loop, adding nulls to string.
740   y$ = y$ + n$
750   next
760  print#2,y$;			' Output the nulls to the file.
770  y$ = ""				' Clear the output buffer.
780  goto 400

800  print "Processing complete, elapsed time: "+t$+" to "+time$
810  print "Output in "+f$
820  close #1,#2
830  goto 9999

900  print "?The version of the MSKERMIT.BOO file is incorrect"
910  goto 820

9999 end
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 mspctran.bas
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld mspctran.bas
/bin/echo 'Extracting msrbboo.bas'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >msrbboo.bas
1 DEFINT A-Z:ZRUBOUT$=CHR$(8)+" "+CHR$(8):ZESCAPE$=CHR$(27):'Sreen utility definitions B.E.
8 DEF FNXY$(ZX,ZY)=ZLEADIN$+MID$(STR$(INT(ZX)),2)+";"+MID$(STR$(INT(ZY)),2)+"H":'Cursor Adressing function (ZX=Line[1..24],ZY=Column[1..80])
9 GOTO 25:'This to be modified to GOTO Start of program <===================
13 IF ASC(ZTEMP$)=3 THEN GOTO 9999 ELSE IF ZTEMP$ >= "a" THEN ZTEMP$=CHR$(ASC(ZTEMP$)-32)'Uppercase Modify GOTO xx to Control-C intercept <=====================
18 'End of VT100 definitions *****

19	'Use this BASIC program on the CP/M side of the Rainbow (with
20	'Microsoft MBasic-86) to translate the MSRB100.BOO file on
21	'your CP/M disk to binary .EXE format, then from the MS-DOS
22	'side use RDCPM to transfer the result to the MS-DOS file
23	'system.  This program takes about 30 minutes to run on a Rainbow
24	'with floppy disks.
25	'- Bill Catchings, CU; modified for Rainbow by Bernie Eiben, DEC.
26	PRINT ZHOME$+ZCLEAR$;"Rainbow 4for3 Code Expander Version 1"
30	PRINT:PRINT: N$ = CHR$(0)
40	Z = ASC("0")
50	T = ASC("~")-Z
61	PRINT "FILE-NAME to Expand : ";:ZLENGTH=13:GOSUB 10:'Get Input
100	INPUT#1,F$			' Is this the right file?
110	IF LEN(F$) > 20 THEN GOTO 900
120	OPEN "O",2,F$			' Ouput-name from file
130	PRINT "Outputting to "+F$
200	IF EOF(1) THEN GOTO 800		' Exit nicely on end of file.
210	INPUT#1,X$			' Get a line.
220	Y$ = ""				' Clear the output buffer.
230	GOTO 400
300	PRINT#2,Y$;			' Print output buffer to file.
310	GOTO 200			' Get another line.
400	IF LEN(X$) < 4 GOTO 300		' Is the input buffer empty?
410	A = FNUCHR%(X$)
420	IF A = T THEN GOTO 700		' Null repeat character?
430	Q$=MID$(X$,2,3)			' Get the quadruplet to decode.
440	X$=MID$(X$,5)
450	B = FNUCHR%(Q$)
460	Q$ = MID$(Q$,2)
470	C = FNUCHR%(Q$)
480	Q$ = MID$(Q$,2)
490	D = FNUCHR%(Q$)
500	Y$ = Y$ + CHR$(((A * 4) + (B \ 16)) AND 255) ' Decode the quad.
510	Y$ = Y$ + CHR$(((B * 16) + (C \ 4)) AND 255)
520	Y$ = Y$ + CHR$(((C * 64) + D) AND 255)
530	GOTO 400			' Get another quad.
700	X$ = MID$(X$,2)			' Expand the nulls.
710	R = FNUCHR%(X$)			' Get the number of nulls.
715	PRINT FNXY$(6,5)+ZCLRLIN$;" Null: ",R
720	X$ = MID$(X$,2)
730	FOR I=1 TO R			' Loop, adding nulls to string.
740	Y$ = Y$ + N$
750	NEXT
760	PRINT#2,Y$;			' Output the nulls to the file.
770	Y$ = ""				' Clear the output buffer.
780	GOTO 400
800	PRINT "Processing complete"
810	PRINT "Output in "+F$
820	CLOSE #1,#2
830	GOTO 9999
900	PRINT "?The FORMAT of the ",ZSTRING$," file is incorrect"
910	GOTO 820
9999	END
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 msrbboo.bas
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld msrbboo.bas
/bin/echo 'Extracting msrbboo.hlp'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >msrbboo.hlp
Date: Thu 13 Sep 84 16:32:44-EDT
From: Frank da Cruz <SY.FDC at CU20B.ARPA>
Subject: Rainbow MS-DOS Kermit Bootstrapping
To: Info-Kermit at CU20B

Users of DEC Rainbow 100s have complained that there's no bootstrapping
procedure they can use for getting the new MS-DOS Kermit onto the Rainbow
over the communication line.  The problem was that Basic was not available
for MS-DOS on the Rainbow (or else it was so new that no one had it yet),
so the Microsoft Basic program we provided for decoding the .BOO (4-for-3
encoded) binary file could not be used on the Rainbow.

Now, thanks to Bernie Eiben at DEC, we have a version of the Basic program
that will run on the CP/M-86 side of the Rainbow.  It's a reworking of
MSPCTRAN.BAS, which assumes that you already have the .BOO file on your
CP/M disk.  It builds an .EXE file, which you can then move to the MS-DOS
side of your Rainbow by booting MS-DOS and then using RDCPM to get the
file from the CP/M-format disk.  How you get the .BOO file onto the CP/M
disk in the first place is another question.  Either you use some file
capture utility -- commercial or otherwise -- or else you go through the
DDT bootstrap procedure given for CP/M-80 Kermit (since the Rainbow is
also a CP/M-80 system).

Bernie's program is in KER:MSRBBOO.BAS.
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 msrbboo.hlp
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld msrbboo.hlp
/bin/echo 'Extracting msrbemacs.ini'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >msrbemacs.ini
; EMACS function key setup for Kermit-MS/Rainbow
; C-@ (set mark) on SELECT
set key select
; M-h (select region) on CTRL-SELECT
set key scan 1313
; C-U 12 C-X C-I (rigidly indent region 12 spaces) on TAB
set key scan 9
; C-X C-I (rigidly indent region) on SHIFT-TAB
set key scan 521
; C-S (forward search) on FIND
set key find
; C-R (reverse search) on CTRL-FIND
set key scan 1307
; M-D (delete word) on REMOVE
set key remove
; M-K (delete sentence) on CTRL-REMOVE
set key scan 1311
; C-P (up line) on uparrow
set key scan 295
; M-[ (up paragraph) on CTRL-uparrow
set key scan 1319
; C-X [ (up page) on SHIFT-uparrow
set key scan 807
; M-< (top of file) on CTRL-SHIFT-uparrow
set key scan 1831
; C-B (back character) on leftarrow
set key scan 301
; C-A (beginning of line) on CTRL-leftarrow
set key scan 1325
; M-A (back sentence) on SHIFT-leftarrow
set key scan 813
; C-N (next line) on downarrow
set key scan 297
; M-] (down paragraph) on CTRL-downarrow
set key scan 1321
; C-X ] (down page) on SHIFT-downarrow
set key scan 809
; M-> (end of file) on CTRL-SHIFT-downarrow
set key scan 1833
; C-F (forward character) on rightarrow
set key scan 299
; C-E (end of line) on CTRL-rightarrow
set key scan 1323
; M-E (end of sentence) on SHIFT-rightarrow
set key scan 811
; C-X E (do keyboard macro) on DO
set key scan 257
; C-U C-X E (do keyboard macro 4x) on CTRL-DO
set key scan 1281
; C-U 8 C-X E (do keyboard macro 8x) on SHIFT-DO
set key scan 769
; C-U C-U C-X E (do keyboard macro 16x) on CTRL-SHIFT-DO
set key scan 1793
; ^_ on HELP
set key scan 256
; C-X C-Z on EXIT
set key scan 271
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 msrbemacs.ini
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld msrbemacs.ini
/bin/echo 'Extracting msxapc.asm'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >msxapc.asm
; Kermit system dependent module for NEC Advanced Personal Computer (APC)
; Ron Blanford, University of Washington, August 1984

	public	serini, serrst, clrbuf, outchr, coms, vts, dodel,
	public	ctlu, cmblnk, locate, lclini, prtchr, dobaud, clearl,
	public	dodisk, getbaud, beep,
	public	count, xofsnt, puthlp, putmod, clrmod, poscur
	public	sendbr, term, machnam, setktab, setkhlp, showkey
	include msdefs.h

false	equ	0
true	equ	1

; port assignments for 8251 serial controllers

;		Standard interface

mndata	equ	30H		; Data port (read/write)
mnst1a	equ	32H		; Status port (when read)
mncmda	equ	32H		; Command port (when written)
mnst2a	equ	34H		; Alternate status port (when read)
mnmska	equ	34H		; Mask port (when written)
mntdca	equ	36H		; Transmit disable port (write only)

;		Optional (H14) interface

mndatb	equ	31H		; Data port (read/write)
mnst1b	equ	33H		; Status port (when read)
mncmdb	equ	33H		; Command port (when written)
mnst2b	equ	35H		; Alternate status port (when read)
mnmskb	equ	35H		; Mask port (when written)
mntdcb	equ	37H		; Transmit disable port (write only)

; Status bits from mnst1

txrdy	equ	01H		; Bit for output ready.
rxrdy	equ	02H		; Bit for input ready.

; Command values for mncmd

ccmd	equ	37H		; RTS & DTR high, RX & TX enabled, reset ERR
cbrk	equ	08H		; break enabled
cmode	equ	40H		; enable mode reset
mmode	equ	4EH		; 16x rate, 8 data, no parity, 1 stop

; Mask values for mnmsk

txmsk	equ	01H		; disables transmit ready interrupt
rxmsk	equ	02H		; disables receive ready interrupt
tbemsk	equ	04H		; disables transmit buffer empty interrupt

; port assignments for 8253 timers

;		Standard interface

tmdata	equ	2BH		; data port
tmcmda	equ	27H		; command port

;		Optional (H14) interface

tmdatb	equ	61H		; data port
tmcmdb	equ	67H		; command port

; values for tmcmd which select timer channel and mode

tmsela	equ	76H		; Channel 1, mode 3 (standard port)
tmselb	equ	36H		; Channel 0, mode 3 (optional port)

; Timer information for current port selection

tmrinfo	struc
tmdat	dw	0		; data port
tmcmd	dw	0		; command port
tmsel	db	0		; byte which selects channel and mode
tmrinfo	ends

; port assignments for 8259 interrupt controllers

;		Standard interface

intcmda	equ	20H		; Command port (master controller)
intmska	equ	22H		; Mask port
ictmsk	equ	08H		; Timer interrupt mask (to master)
icsmska	equ	02H		; Standard serial interrupt mask (to master)
icsvcta equ	11H		; Interrupt vector for standard interface

;		Optional (H14) interface

; The interrupt request vector for the optional (H14) serial interface is
; jumper-selectable to any of vectors IR2, IR5, IR8, or IR12.  NEC recommends
; that IR8 be used, so that has been selected as the default here.  To use
; any of the other vectors, set the following conditionals appropriately.
; Only one of the following should be true:

IR2	equ	false		; interrupt vector 2
IR5	equ	false		; interrupt vector 5
IR8	equ	true		; interrupt vector 8
IR12	equ	false		; interrupt vector 12

intcmdb equ	20H		; Command port (master controller)
intmskb equ	22H		; Mask port
icsmskb equ	04H		; Interrupt mask
icsvctb equ	12H		; Interrupt table index

intcmdb equ	20H		; Command port (master controller)
intmskb equ	22H		; Mask port
icsmskb equ	20H		; Interrupt mask
icsvctb equ	15H		; Interrupt table index

intcmdb equ	28H		; Command port (slave controller)
intmskb equ	2AH		; Mask port
icsmskb equ	02H		; Interrupt mask
icsvctb equ	19H		; Interrupt table index

	IF IR12
intcmdb equ	28H		; Command port (slave controller)
intmskb equ	2AH		; Mask port
icsmskb equ	20H		; Interrupt mask
icsvctb equ	1DH		; Interrupt table index

; generic end of interrupt for intcmd

icEOI	equ	20H

; miscellaneous constants

ctrlP	equ	10H		; Key that toggles printer echo
mntrgh	equ	bufsiz*3/4	; High XON/XOFF trigger = 3/4 of buffer full.

; external variables used:
; drives - # of disk drives on system
; flags - global flags as per flginfo structure defined in pcdefs
; trans - global transmission parameters, trinfo struct defined in pcdefs
; portval - pointer to current portinfo structure (currently either port1
;    or port2)
; port1, port2 - portinfo structures for the corresponding ports

; global variables defined in this module:
; xofsnt, xofrcv - tell whether we saw or sent an xoff.

datas 	segment	public 'datas'
	extrn	drives:byte,flags:byte, trans:byte
	extrn	portval:word, port1:byte, port2:byte

machnam	db	'NEC APC$'
nyimsg	db	cr,lf,'Not yet implemented$'
badbd	db	cr,lf,'Unimplemented baud rate$'
lstpos	dw	0		; column position for printer echoing
crlf	db	cr,lf,'$'
delstr  db      BS,' ',BS,'$'	; Delete string.
clrlin  db      cr,'$'		; Clear line (just the cr part).
ceolseq	db	esc,'[K$'	; Clear to end of line
cpseq	db	esc,'=rc'	; rc replaced by row and column before display
clrseq	db	01EH,01AH,'$'	; Home cursor and clear screen

; The following color values were selected to look well on both monochrome
; and color monitors.  In particular, the normal color should be at normal
; intensity on the monochrome monitor (green, blue, or cyan), and the bold
; color should be at bold intensity (red, purple, yellow, or white).

nrmseq	db	esc,'[0m$'	; reset to normal video (green)
invseq	db	esc,'[7m$'	; start reverse video (green)
bldseq	db	esc,'[19m$'	; start bold video (purple)

ourarg	termarg	<>
modem	mdminfo	<mndata,mnst1a,mncmda,0,0,0,0>
timer	tmrinfo	<tmdata,tmcmda,tmsela>
ourflgs	db	0		; flags for telnet options
fprint	equ	80H		;   echo screen output to printer

oldsera	dw	?		; old serial handler for standard port
oldsega	dw	?		; segment of above
oldmska	db	?		; old interrupt controller mask
portina	db	0		; Has comm port been initialized.

oldserb	dw	?		; old serial handler for optional port
oldsegb	dw	?		; segment of same.
oldmskb	db	?		; old interrupt controller mask
portinb	db	0		; Has comm port been initialized.

xofsnt	db	0		; Say if we sent an XOFF.
xofrcv	db	0		; Say if we received an XOFF.

; variables for serial interrupt handler
source	db	bufsiz DUP (?)	; Buffer for data from port.
srcpnt	dw	0		; Pointer in buffer (DI).
count	dw	0		; Number of chars in int buffer.
savesi	dw	0		; Save SI register here.	
	dw	80 DUP (?)	; local stack for interrupt processing
mnstk	dw	?
mnsp	dw	?		; remote stack info
mnsseg	dw	?

shkbuf	db	300 dup (?)	; room to display key definition
shkmsg	db	'  Scan code: '
shkmln	equ	$-shkmsg
shkms1	db	cr,lf,'  Definition: '
shkm1ln	equ	$-shkms1

setktab	db	2
	mkeyw	'BACKSPACE',08H
	mkeyw	'SCAN',-1

setkhlp	db	cr,lf,'BACKSPACE, or SCAN followed by decimal ASCII code$'

comptab	db	7
	mkeyw	'1',1
	mkeyw	'2',0
	mkeyw	'COM1',1
	mkeyw	'COM2',0
	mkeyw	'H14',0
	mkeyw	'OPTIONAL',0
	mkeyw	'STANDARD',1

bddat	label	word
	dw	0D30H		; 45.5 baud
	dw	0C00H		; 50 baud
	dw	0800H		; 75 baud
	dw	0574H		; 110 baud
	dw	0476H		; 134.5 baud
	dw	0400H		; 150 baud
	dw	0200H		; 300 baud
	dw	0100H		; 600 baud
	dw	0080H		; 1200 baud
	dw	0055H		; 1800 baud
	dw	004DH		; 2000 baud
	dw	0040H		; 2400 baud
	dw	0020H		; 4800 baud
	dw	0010H		; 9600 baud
	dw	0008H		; 19200 baud
	dw	0004H		; 38400 baud (not tested - may not work)

datas	ends

code	segment	public
	extrn	comnd:near, dopar:near
	assume	cs:code,ds:datas

; local initialization routine, called by Kermit initialization.

	mov flags.vtflg,0	; turn off heath emulation
	mov dx,offset nrmseq	; set to our normal background color
	call tmsg

; this is called by Kermit initialization.  It checks the
; number of disks on the system, sets the drives variable
; appropriately.  The only problem is that a value of two
; is returned for single drive systems to be consistent
; with the idea of the system having logical drives A and
; B.  Returns normally.  

	mov ah,gcurdsk		; current disk value to AL.
	int dos
	mov dl,al		; put current disk in DL.
	mov ah,seldsk		; select current disk.
	int dos			; get number of drives in AL.
	mov drives,al

; show the definition of a key.  The terminal argument block (which contains
; the address and length of the definition tables) is passed in ax.
; Returns a string to print in AX, length of same in CX.
; Returns normally.

; On the APC there is no direct access to the keyboard; the best we
; can do is use direct console I/O to get a key value which has already
; been translated to some extent by the operating system.

	push es
	push ax			; save the terminal argument block
	mov bx,ds
	mov es,bx		; address data segment
showk1:	mov ah,dconio		; get scan value
	mov dx,0FFH
	int dos
	jz showk1
	mov ah,0
	push ax			; save scan code
	mov di,offset shkbuf	; move 'Scan code' message to buffer
	mov si,offset shkmsg
	mov cx,shkmln
	rep movsb
	call nout		; add scan code to buffer
	mov si,offset shkms1	; move 'Definition' message to buffer
	mov cx,shkm1ln
	rep movsb
	pop ax			; retrieve scan code
	pop bx			; and terminal argument block
	mov cx,[bx].klen	; length of translation table
	jcxz showk3		; no table, key not defined
	push di
	mov di,[bx].ktab	; get table address
	repne scasw		; look for scan code
	mov si,di
	pop di
	jne showk3		; not defined
	sub si,[bx].ktab	; compute entry offset in table
	sub si,2
	add si,[bx].krpl	; index to replacement
	mov si,[si]		; get its address
	mov cl,[si]		; get its length
	mov ch,0
	inc si
	rep movsb		; transfer replacement to display buffer
showk3:	mov ax,offset shkbuf	; return address of buffer in ax
	mov cx,di		; and length in cx
	sub cx,ax
	pop es

; copy numeric value from AX to ASCII buffer indicated by DI.  DI is updated.

	mov dx,0		; zero high word
	mov bx,10		; divide
	div bx
	push dx			; save remainder digit
	or ax,ax		; anything left?
	jz nout1		; no, start output phase
	call nout
nout1:	pop ax			; retrieve a digit
	add al,'0'		; make it ASCII
	stosb			; put it in buffer

; skip returns if no character available at port,
; otherwise returns with char in al, # of chars in buffer in dx.

	call chkxon		; see if we have to xon the host.
	cmp count,0
	jnz prtch2
	jmp rskp		; No data - check console.
prtch2:	pushf			; save current interrupt value
	cli			; disable interrupts while manipulating pointers
	mov si,savesi
	lodsb			; get a byte
	cmp si,offset source + bufsiz	; bigger than buffer?
	jb prtch1		; no, keep going
	mov si,offset source	; yes, wrap around
prtch1:	dec count
	mov savesi,si 
	mov dx,count		; return # of chars in buffer
	popf			; restore original interrupt flag

; local routine to see if we have to transmit an xon

	push bx
	mov bx,portval
	cmp [bx].floflg,0	; doing flow control?
	je chkxo1		; no, skip all this
	cmp xofsnt,false	; have we sent an xoff?
	je chkxo1		; no, forget it
	cmp count,mntrgh	; below trigger?
	jae chkxo1		; no, forget it
	mov ax,[bx].flowc	; ah gets xon
	call outchr		; send it
	 nop			;  ignore failure
	mov xofsnt,false	; remember we've sent an xon.
chkxo1:	pop bx			; restore register
	ret			; and return

; Put the char in AH to the serial port.  This assumes the
; port has been initialized.  Should honor xon/xoff.  Skip returns on
; success, returns normally if the character cannot be written.

	mov bp,portval
	cmp ds:[bp].floflg,0	; Are we doing flow control.
	je outch2		; No, just continue.
	sub cx,cx		; clear counter
outch1:	cmp xofrcv,true		; Are we being held?
	jne outch2		; No - it's OK to go on.
	loop outch1		; held, try for a while
	mov xofrcv,false	; timed out, force it off and fall thru.
outch2:	push dx			; Save register.
	sub cx,cx
	mov al,ah		; Parity routine works on AL.
	call dopar		; Set parity appropriately.
	mov ah,al		; Don't overwrite character with status.
	mov dx,modem.mdstat	; port status register
outch3:	in al,dx
	test al,txrdy		; Transmitter ready?
	jnz outch4		; Yes
	loop outch3
	 jmp outch5		; Timeout
outch4:	mov al,ah		; Now send it out
	mov dx,modem.mddat
	out dx,al
	pop dx
	jmp rskp
outch5:	pop dx

; Send a break out the current serial port.  Returns normally.

	mov dx,modem.mdcom	; send to command port
	mov al,cbrk+ccmd	; add break to normal command
	out dx,al
	sub cx,cx		; wait a while
sndbr1:	loop sndbr1
	mov al,ccmd		; restore normal command
	out dx,al
	ret			; and return.

; Clear the input buffer. This throws away all the characters in the
; serial interrupt buffer.  This is particularly important when
; talking to servers, since NAKs can accumulate in the buffer.
; Returns normally.

	pushf			; save current interrupt value
	cli			; disable interrupts
	mov ax,offset source	; reset pointers to beginning of buffer
	mov srcpnt,ax
	mov savesi,ax
	mov count,0
	popf			; restore original interrupt value

; Set the baud rate for the current port, based on the value in the
; portinfo structure.  On entry, previous value of baud rate is saved in AX.
; Returns normally.

	mov bp,portval
	mov bx,ds:[bp].baud	;make sure new value is valid
	shl bx,1
	add bx,offset bddat
	cmp word ptr [bx],0FFH
	jne dobd0
	mov ds:[bp].baud,ax	;replace bad rate with previous value
	mov dx,offset badbd
	jmp tmsg
dobd0:	mov dx,timer.tmcmd	;timer command port
	mov al,timer.tmsel	;select proper channel and mode
	out dx,al
	mov ax,[bx]		;get timer initializer for this rate
	mov dx,timer.tmdat	;timer data port
	out dx,al		;output low byte
	mov al,ah
	out dx,al		;output high byte

; Get the current baud rate from the serial card and set it
; in the portinfo structure for the current port.  Returns normally.
; This is used during initialization.

	mov bx,portval		; no way to determine baud rate on APC
	mov [bx].baud,B1200	;  so set default baud rate to 1200

; Set the mode for the current port.  This is part of the serial
; initialization routine.

	mov dx,modem.mdcom	;send 3 zeros to command port to reset chip
	mov al,0
	out dx,al
	mov al,0
	out dx,al
	mov al,0
	out dx,al
	mov al,cmode		;enable mode setting
	out dx,al
	push ax			;allow 8251 time to reset
	pop ax
	push ax
	pop ax
	mov al,mmode		;mode: 16x rate, 8 data, no parity, 1 stop
	out dx,al
	mov al,ccmd		;RTS & DTR high, RX & TX enabled, reset errors
	out dx,al

; set the current port.

	mov dx,offset comptab	;get port selection
	mov bx,0
	mov ah,cmkey
	call comnd
	 jmp r
	push bx
	mov ah,cmcfm		;get a confirmation
	call comnd
	 jmp comx
	pop bx
	mov flags.comflg,bl	;save port selection
	cmp flags.comflg,1
	jne coms2
	mov ax,offset port1	;set to run on port 1
	mov portval,ax
	call resetb		;reset port 2, if in use
	call inita		;set up port 1
coms2:	mov ax,offset port2	;set to run on port 2
	mov portval,ax
	call reseta		;reset port 1, if in use
	call initb		;set up port 2
comx:	pop bx

; initialization for using serial port.  This routine performs
; any initialization necessary for using the serial port, including
; setting up interrupt routines, setting buffer pointers, etc.
; Doing this twice in a row should be harmless (this version checks
; a flag and returns if initialization has already been done).
; SERRST below should restore any interrupt vectors that this changes.
; Returns normally.

	cmp flags.comflg,1
	jne seri2
	call resetb
	call inita
seri2:	call reseta
	call initb

; Reset the serial port.  This is the opposite of serini.  Calling
; this twice without intervening calls to serini should be harmless.
; Returns normally.

	call reseta		;reset port 1
	call resetb		;reset port 2

; Local routine to initialize the standard serial port

	cmp portina,1		; Did we initialize port already? [21c]
	je inita0		; Yes, so just leave. [21c]
	push es
	cli			; Disable interrupts
	mov ax,offset port1
	mov portval,ax
	xor ax,ax		; Address low memory
	mov es,ax
	mov ax,es:[4*icsvcta]	; save standard port interrupt vector
	mov oldsera,ax
	mov ax,es:[4*icsvcta+2]
	mov oldsega,ax
	mov ax,offset serint	; point to our routine
	mov es:[4*icsvcta],ax	; point at our serial routine
	mov es:[4*icsvcta+2],cs	; our segment
	mov dx,intmska		; set up standard port...
	in al,dx
	mov oldmska,al		; save old master controller mask

;	NEC recommends that the timer interrupt be disabled during interrupt-
;	driven serial I/O, but this disables the clock display and keyboard
;	repeat.  I have not had any problems leaving it enabled, so I will
;	leave it alone here.  If problems develop, uncomment the following
;	line to disable timer interrupts. -- RonB

;	or al,ictmsk		; disable timer interrupt
	and al,not icsmska	; enable serial interrupt at master controller
	out dx,al
	mov dx,mnmska		; enable serial interrupt at port
	mov al,txmsk+tbemsk	; disable tx and tbe interrupts (enable rx)
	out dx,al
	mov dx,mntdca		; enable operation of serial port
	mov al,0
	out dx,al
	mov modem.mddat,mndata
	mov modem.mdstat,mnst1a
	mov modem.mdcom,mncmda
	mov timer.tmdat,tmdata
	mov timer.tmcmd,tmcmda
	mov timer.tmsel,tmsela
	call domode
	call dobaud
	mov portina,1		; Remember port has been initialized.
	call clrbuf		; Clear input buffer. 
	sti			; Allow interrupts
	pop es
inita0:	ret

; Local routine to initialize the optional (H14) serial port

	cmp portinb,1		; Did we initialize port already? [21c]
	je initb0		; Yes, so just leave. [21c]
	push es
	cli			; Disable interrupts
	mov ax,offset port2
	mov portval,ax
	xor ax,ax		; Address low memory
	mov es,ax
	mov ax,es:[4*icsvctb]	; save optional port interrupt vector
	mov oldserb,ax
	mov ax,es:[4*icsvctb+2]
	mov oldsegb,ax
	mov ax,offset serint	; point to our routine
	mov es:[4*icsvctb],ax	; point at our serial routine
	mov es:[4*icsvctb+2],cs	; our segment
	mov dx,intmskb		; set up optional port...
	in al,dx
	mov oldmskb,al		; save old master or slave controller mask
	and al,not icsmskb	; enable serial interrupt at controller
	out dx,al
	mov dx,mnmskb		; enable serial interrupt at port
	mov al,txmsk+tbemsk	; disable tx and tbe interrupts (enable rx)
	out dx,al
	mov dx,mntdcb		; enable operation of serial port
	mov al,0
	out dx,al
	mov modem.mdstat,mnst1b
	mov modem.mddat,mndatb
	mov modem.mdcom,mncmdb
	mov timer.tmdat,tmdatb
	mov timer.tmcmd,tmcmdb
	mov timer.tmsel,tmselb
	call domode
	call dobaud
	mov portinb,1		; Remember port has been initialized.
	call clrbuf		; Clear input buffer. 
	sti			; Allow interrupts
	pop es
initb0:	ret

; Reset standard serial port

	cmp portina,0		; Did we reset port already?
	je rsta0		; Yes, so just leave.
	push es
	cli			; Disable interrupts
	xor ax,ax		; Address low memory
	mov es,ax
	mov ax,oldsera		; Restore interrupt vector
	mov es:[4*icsvcta],ax
	mov ax,oldsega
	mov es:[4*icsvcta+2],ax
	mov dx,intmska		; restore old master controller mask
	mov al,oldmska
	out dx,al
	mov dx,mnmska		; disable serial interrupts at port
	mov al,txmsk+rxmsk+tbemsk
	out dx,al
	mov portina,0		; Remember port has been reset
	sti			; Allow interrupts
	pop es
rsta0:	ret

; Reset optional (H14) serial port

	cmp portinb,0		; Did we reset port already?
	je rstb0		; Yes, so just leave.
	push es
	cli			; Disable interrupts
	xor ax,ax		; Address low memory
	mov es,ax
	mov ax,oldserb		; Restore interrupt vector
	mov es:[4*icsvctb],ax
	mov ax,oldsegb
	mov es:[4*icsvctb+2],ax
	mov dx,intmskb		; restore old slave controller mask
	mov al,oldmskb
	out dx,al
	mov dx,mnmskb		; disable serial interrupts at port
	mov al,txmsk+rxmsk+tbemsk
	out dx,al
	mov portinb,0		; Remember port has been reset
	sti			; Allow interrupts
	pop es
rstb0:	ret

; serial port interrupt routine.  This is not accessible outside this
; module, handles serial port receiver interrupts.

	push ds			; save these on remote stack
	push ax
	mov ax,seg datas	; get our own data segment
	mov ds,ax
	mov mnsp,sp		; save remote stack information
	mov mnsseg,ss
	mov sp,offset mnstk	; switch to local stack
	mov ss,ax
	push es			; and save remaining registers
	push bp
	push di
	push si
	push dx
	push cx
	push bx
	mov es,ax
	call mnproc		; process the interrupt
	mov al,icEOI
	cmp flags.comflg,1	; If using standard port
	je intr1
	mov dx,intcmdb		;    or H14 vectored to master
	cmp dx,intcmda
	je intr1		;    only signal End of Interrupt to master,
	out dx,al		; otherwise signal to both slave and master.
intr1:	mov dx,intcmda
	out dx,al
	pop bx			; restore registers from stack
	pop cx
	pop dx
	pop si
	pop di
	pop bp
	pop es
	mov ax,mnsseg		; switch back to remote stack
	mov ss,ax
	mov ax,mnsp
	mov sp,ax
	pop ax
	pop ds

; handler for serial input

mnproc:	cld
	mov di,srcpnt		; get buffer pointer
	mov dx,modem.mdstat	; is data available?
	in al,dx
	test al,rxrdy
	jz mnpro7
	mov dx,modem.mddat	; read data
	in al,dx
	or al,al
	jz mnpro7		; Ignore nulls.
	cmp al,7FH		; Ignore rubouts, too.
	jz mnpro7
	mov ah,al
	and ah,7fH		; only consider low-order 7 bits for flow ctl.
	mov bp,portval
	cmp ds:[bp].floflg,0	; Doing flow control?
	je mnpro4		; Nope.
	mov bx,ds:[bp].flowc	; Flow control char (BH = XON, BL = XOFF).
	cmp ah,bl		; Is it an XOFF?
	jne mnpro3		; Nope, go on.
	mov xofrcv,true		; Set the flag.
	jmp short mnpro7
mnpro3:	cmp ah,bh		; Get an XON?
	jne mnpro4		; No, go on.
	mov xofrcv,false	; Clear our flag.
	jmp mnpro7
mnpro4:	stosb
	cmp di,offset source + bufsiz
	jb mnpro5		; not past end...
	mov di,offset source	; wrap buffer around
mnpro5:	mov srcpnt,di		; update ptr
	inc count
	cmp ds:[bp].floflg,0	; Doing flow control?
	je mnpro7		; No, just leave.
	cmp xofsnt,true		; Have we sent an XOFF?
	je mnpro7		; Yes.
	cmp count,mntrgh	; Past the high trigger point?
	jbe mnpro7		; No, we're within our limit.
	mov ah,bl		; Get the XOFF.
	call outchr		; Send it.
	 nop			;   ignore failure.
	mov xofsnt,true		; Remember we sent it.
mnpro7:	ret


; Dumb terminal emulator.  Anyone wishing to enhance it is encouraged
; to do so.

	mov si,ax		; save argument block locally
	mov di,offset ourarg
	mov ax,ds
	mov es,ax
	mov cx,size termarg
	rep movsb

term1:	call prtchr		; Serial port input processor
	 jmp short term2	;  ...have a char
	jmp termk		; no char, continue
term2:	and al,7FH		; only use ASCII in terminal mode
	push ax
	mov dl,al
	mov ah,conout
	int dos			; display char
	pop ax
	test ourarg.flgs,capt	; are we capturing output?
	jz term3
	push ax
	call ourarg.captr
	pop ax
term3:	test ourflgs,fprint	; are we echoing to printer?
	jz termk
	call lstchr

termk:	mov ah,dconio		; Keyboard input processor
	mov dl,0FFH
	int dos			; check console
	jz term1		; no char, continue
	cmp al,ourarg.escc	; is it the escape char?
	je termx
	cmp al,ctrlP		; is it the print toggle?
	jne term6
	xor ourflgs,fprint
	jmp term1
term6:	call trnout		; translate key and send it out
	jmp term1
termx:	ret

; do appropriate translations on input key, and transmit

trnout:	mov ah,0
	test ourarg.flgs,havtt	; is there a translation table?
	jz trnou2
	mov cx,ourarg.klen	; get table length and origin
	mov di,ourarg.ktab
	repne scasw		; look for key
	jne trnou2		; if not found, just send it
	sub di,ourarg.ktab	; reset to offset of replacement
	sub di,2
	add di,ourarg.krpl
	mov si,[di]
	mov cl,[si]		; get length of replacement
	mov ch,0
	jcxz trnou3		; if length is zero, send nothing
	inc si
trnou1:	lodsb			; get replacement character
	push si
	push cx
	call sndhst		; send it to port
	pop cx
	pop si
	loop trnou1		; continue until translation complete
trnou2:	call sndhst		; plain characters go out as they are
trnou3:	ret

; send character in AL to port, with possible local echo

sndhst:	push ax
	mov ah,al
	call outchr		; send char to port
	 nop			;  ...don't care if it fails
	pop ax
	test ourarg.flgs,lclecho ; doing local echo?
	jz sndhs2
	mov dl,al
	mov ah,conout
	int dos			;  if so, display char
sndhs2:	ret

; send character to printer.  The only special case is the tab, which must
; be expanded to spaces because MS-DOS doesn't.

lstchr:	cmp al,tab
	jne lstch2
	mov ax,lstpos		; current column position
	mov cx,8		; # of spaces = 8 - (column % 8)
	div cl
	sub cl,ah
	add lstpos,cx		; update the column position
	mov al,' '
lstch1:	call lstch4		; print all the spaces
	loop lstch1
lstch2:	cmp al,cr		; CR returns column count to zero
	jne lstch3
	mov lstpos,0
lstch3:	cmp al,' '		; only printable characters are counted
	jb lstch4
	cmp al,del
	je lstch4
	inc lstpos
lstch4: mov dl,al		; print the character in any case
	mov ah,lstout
	int dos


; Set heath emulation on/off.

	mov dx,offset nyimsg
	jmp tmsg

; Position the cursor according to contents of DX:
; DH contains row, DL contains column.  Returns normally.

	push si
	cmp dh,25		; out of range just assumes high value
	jb poscu1
	mov dh,24
poscu1:	cmp dl,80
	jb poscu2
	mov dl,79
poscu2:	add dx,2020H		; add offset for ADM cursor addressing
	mov cpseq+2,dh
	mov cpseq+3,dl
	mov si,offset cpseq	; print sequence (ESC=rc)
	mov cx,4
posc1:	lodsb
	mov dl,al
	mov ah,conout
	int dos
	loop posc1
	pop si

; Locate; homes the cursor.  Returns normally.

	mov dx,0		; Go to top left corner of screen.
	jmp poscur

; Delete a character from the terminal.  This works by printing
; backspaces and spaces.  Returns normally.

	cmp al,del		; Del character needs extra backspace
	jne dodel1
	mov dl,bs
	mov ah,conout
	int dos
dodel1:	mov dx,offset delstr	; Erase weird character.
	jmp tmsg

; Move the cursor to the left margin, then clear to end of line.
; Returns normally.

	mov dx,offset clrlin	; this just goes to left margin...
	call tmsg
	jmp clearl		; now clear line

; Clear to the end of the current line.  Returns normally.

	mov dx,offset ceolseq	; clear sequence
	jmp tmsg

; This routine blanks the screen.  Returns normally.

	mov dx,offset clrseq	; clear screen sequence
	jmp tmsg

; write a line in inverse video at the bottom of the screen...
; the line is passed in dx, terminated by a $.  Returns normally.

	push dx			; preserve message
	mov dx,24*100H		; line 24
	call poscur
	mov dx,offset invseq	; put into inverse video
	call tmsg
	pop dx			; print the message
	call tmsg
	mov dx,offset nrmseq	; normal video
	jmp tmsg

; clear the mode line written by putmod.  Returns normally.

	mov dx,24*100H
	call poscur
	jmp clearl

; Put a help message on the screen.  This one uses bold video...
; pass the message in ax, terminated by a null.  Returns normally.

	push ax			; save pointer to message
	mov dx,offset crlf
	call tmsg
	mov dx,offset bldseq	; set to bold video
	call tmsg
	pop si			; retrieve pointer to message
puth1:	lodsb			; get a character
	cmp al,0
	je puth2		; stop if terminator
	mov dl,al		; otherwise display the character
	mov ah,conout
	int dos
	jmp puth1
puth2:	mov dx,offset nrmseq	; reset to normal video
	call tmsg
	mov dx,offset crlf
	call tmsg

; Produce a short beep.  Returns normally.

	mov dl,bell
	mov ah,conout
	int dos
; Prints $-terminated message in dx, for local use only

	mov ah,prstr
	int dos

; Jumping to this location is like retskp.  It assumes the instruction
;   after the call is a jmp addr.
	pop bp
	add bp,3
	push bp
; Jumping here is the same as a ret.
R       PROC    NEAR
R       ENDP

code	ends 
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 msxapc.asm
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld msxapc.asm
/bin/echo 'Extracting msxdmb.asm'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >msxdmb.asm
code	segment	public
code	ends
datas	segment	public 'datas'
datas	ends
stack	segment	stack 'stack'
stack	ends
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 msxdmb.asm
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld msxdmb.asm
/bin/echo 'Extracting msxdmb.hlp'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >msxdmb.hlp
MSXDMB.ASM is a dummy file to make the segments come out in the right order
on the Rainbow version of Kermit-MS.  It must be included with the other
modules, as the first one.
//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 msxdmb.hlp
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld msxdmb.hlp
/bin/echo 'Extracting msxgen.asm'
sed 's/^X//' <<'//go.sysin dd *' >msxgen.asm
; Generic MS DOS Kermit module

	public	serini, serrst, clrbuf, outchr, coms, vts, dodel,
	public	ctlu, cmblnk, locate, lclini, prtchr, dobaud, clearl,
	public	dodisk, getbaud, beep
	public	count, xofsnt, puthlp, putmod, clrmod, poscur
	public	sendbr, term, machnam, setktab, setkhlp, showkey
	include msdefs.h

false	equ	0
true	equ	1
instat	equ	6
rddev	equ	3fH
open	equ	3dH

; external variables used:
; drives - # of disk drives on system
; flags - global flags as per flginfo structure defined in pcdefs
; trans - global transmission parameters, trinfo struct defined in pcdefs
; portval - pointer to current portinfo structure (currently either port1
;    or port2)
; port1, port2 - portinfo structures for the corresponding ports

; global variables defined in this module:
; xofsnt, xofrcv - tell whether we saw or sent an xoff.

datas 	segment	public 'datas'
	extrn	drives:byte,flags:byte, trans:byte
	extrn	portval:word, port1:byte, port2:byte

machnam	db	'Generic MS-DOS 2.0$'
erms20	db	cr,lf,'?Warning: System has no disk drives$' ; [21a]
erms40	db	cr,lf,'?Warning: Unrecognized baud rate$'
erms41	db	cr,lf,'?Warning: Cannot open com port$'
erms50	db	cr,lf,'Error reading from device$'
hnd1	db	cr,lf,'Enter a file handle.  Check your DOS manual if you are '
	db	cr,lf,'not certain what value to supply (generally 3).$'
hnd2	db	cr,lf,'Handle: $'
hnderr	db	cr,lf,'Warning: Handle not known.  Any routine using the '
	db	cr,lf,'communications port will probably not work.$'
hndhlp	db	cr,lf,'A four digit file handle $'
badbd	db	cr,lf,'Unimplemented baud rate$'
noimp	db	cr,lf,'Command not implemented.$'
shkmsg	db	'Not implemented.'
shklen	equ	$-shkmsg
setktab	db	0
setkhlp	db	0
crlf    db      cr,lf,'$'
delstr  db      BS,BS,'  ',BS,BS,'$' 	; Delete string. [21d]
clrlin  db      cr,'$'			; Clear line (just the cr part).
clreol	db	'^U',cr,lf,'$'		; Clear line.
telflg	db	0		; non-zero if we're a terminal.
xofsnt	db	0		; Say if we sent an XOFF.
xofrcv	db	0		; Say if we received an XOFF.
count	dw	0		; Number of chars in int buffer.
prthnd	dw	0		; Port handle.
prttab	dw	com2,com1
com1	db	'COM1',0
com2	db	'COM2',0
tmp	db	?,'$'
temp	dw	0
temp1   dw      ?               ; Temporary storage.
temp2   dw      ?               ; Temporary storage.
rdbuf	db	20 dup(?)	; Buffer for input.

; Entries for choosing communications port. [19b]
comptab	db	04H
	db	01H,'1$'
	dw	01H
	db	01H,'2$'
	dw	00H
	db	04H,'COM1$'
	dw	01H
 	db	04H,'COM2$'
	dw	00H

ourarg	termarg	<>

datas	ends

code	segment	public
	extrn	comnd:near, dopar:near, prserr:near, atoi:near, prompt:near
	assume	cs:code,ds:datas

; this is called by Kermit initialization.  It checks the
; number of disks on the system, sets the drives variable
; appropriately.  Returns normally.  

	mov ah,gcurdsk			; Current disk value to AL.
	int dos
	mov dl,al			; Put current disk in DL.
	mov ah,seldsk			; Select current disk.
	int dos				; Get number of drives in AL.
	mov drives,al

; Clear the input buffer. This throws away all the characters in the
; serial interrupt buffer.  This is particularly important when
; talking to servers, since NAKs can accumulate in the buffer.
; Do nothing since we are not interrupt driven.  Returns normally.


; Clear to the end of the current line.  Returns normally.

	mov ah,prstr
	mov dx,offset clreol
	int dos

; Put the char in AH to the serial port.  This assumes the
; port has been initialized.  Should honor xon/xoff.  Skip returns on
; success, returns normally if the character cannot be written.

outchr:	mov bp,portval
	cmp ds:[bp].floflg,0	; Are we doing flow control.
	je outch2		; No, just continue.
	xor cx,cx		; clear counter
outch1:	cmp xofrcv,true		; Are we being held?
	jne outch2		; No - it's OK to go on.
	loop outch1		; held, try for a while
	mov xofrcv,false	; timed out, force it off and fall thru.
outch2:	push dx			; Save register.
	mov al,ah		; Parity routine works on AL.
	call dopar		; Set parity appropriately.
	mov dl,al
	mov ah,punout		; Output char in DL to comm port.
	int dos
	pop dx
	jmp rskp

; This routine blanks the screen.  Returns normally.

	mov ah,prstr
	mov dx,offset crlf	; Can't do anything else.
	int dos

; Homes the cursor.  Returns normally.

	mov dx,0		; Go to top left corner of screen.
	jmp poscur

; Write a line at the bottom of the screen...  
; the line is passed in dx, terminated by a $.  Returns normally.
putmod	proc	near
	push	dx		; preserve message
	mov	dx,1800h	; now address line 24
	call	poscur
	pop	dx		; get message back
	mov	ah,prstr
	int	dos		; write it out
	ret			; and return
putmod	endp

; clear the mode line written by putmod.  Returns normally.
clrmod	proc	near
	mov	dx,1800h
	call	poscur		; Go to bottom row.
	call	clearl		; Clear to end of line.
clrmod	endp

; Put a help message on the screen.  
; Pass the message in ax, terminated by a null.  Returns normally.
puthlp	proc	near
	push	ax		; preserve this
	mov 	ah,prstr
	mov 	dx,offset crlf
	int 	dos
	pop	si		; point to string again
puthl3:	lodsb			; get a byte
	cmp	al,0		; end of string?
	je	puthl4		; yes, stop
	mov 	dl,al
	mov	ah,dconio
	int	dos		; else write to screen
	jmp	puthl3		; and keep going
puthl4:	mov 	ah,prstr
	mov 	dx,offset crlf
	int 	dos
puthlp	endp

; Set the baud rate for the current port, based on the value
; in the portinfo structure.  Returns normally.

	mov ah,prstr
	mov dx,offset noimp	; Say it's not implemented.
	int dos
	mov bx,portval
	mov [bx].baud,0FFFFH	; So it's not a recognized value.
	ret			; Must be set before starting Kermit.

; Get the current baud rate from the serial card and set it
; in the portinfo structure for the current port.  Returns normally.
; This is used during initialization.

	ret			; Can't do this.

; Use for DOS 2.0 and above.  Check the port status.  If no data, skip
; return.  Else, read in a char and return.
	push bx
	push cx
	push si
	push bp
	call chkxon
	mov bx,prthnd
	mov al,instat
	mov ah,ioctl
	int dos
	or al,al
	jz prtch4		; not ready...
	mov bx,prthnd
	mov ah,rddev
	mov cx,1
	mov dx,offset temp
	int dos
	cmp al,5		; Error condition.
	je prt3x
	cmp al,6		; Error condition
	je prt3x
	mov al,byte ptr temp
	mov bp,portval
	cmp ds:[bp].parflg,PARNON	; no parity?
	je prtch3		; then don't strip
	and al,7fh		; else turn off parity
prtch3:	pop bp
	pop si
	pop cx
	pop bx
prt3x:	mov ah,prstr
	mov dx,offset erms50
	int dos
prtch4:	pop bp
	pop si
	pop cx
	pop bx
	jmp rskp		; no chars...

; Local routine to see if we have to transmit an xon
chkxon	proc	near
	push	bx
	mov	bx,portval
	cmp	[bx].floflg,0	; doing flow control?
	je	chkxo1		; no, skip all this
	cmp	xofsnt,false	; have we sent an xoff?
	je	chkxo1		; no, forget it
	mov	ax,[bx].flowc	; ah gets xon
	call	outchr		; send it
	nop			; in case it skips
	mov	xofsnt,false	; remember we've sent the xon.
chkxo1:	pop	bx		; restore register
	ret			; and return
chkxon	endp

; Send a break out the current serial port.  Returns normally.

; Position the cursor according to contents of DX:
; DH contains row, DL contains column.  Returns normally.

; Delete a character from the terminal.  This works by printing
; backspaces and spaces.  Returns normally.

	mov ah,prstr
	mov dx,offset delstr	; Erase weird character.
	int dos			

; Move the cursor to the left margin, then clear to end of line.
; Returns normally.

	mov ah,prstr
	mov dx,offset clrlin
	int dos
	call clearl

; Set the current port.  

        mov dx,offset comptab
        mov bx,0
        mov ah,cmkey
        call comnd
         jmp r
        push bx
        mov ah,cmcfm
        call comnd              ; Get a confirm.
         jmp comx		;  Didn't get a confirm.
        pop bx
        mov flags.comflg,bl     ; Set the comm port flag.
	cmp flags.comflg,1	; Using Com 1?
	jne coms0		; Nope.
	mov ax,offset port1
	mov portval,ax
coms0:	mov ax,offset port2
	mov portval,ax
comx:	pop bx

; Set heath emulation on/off.

	jmp notimp

notimp:	mov ah,prstr
	mov dx,offset noimp
	int dos
	jmp prserr

; Initialize variables to values used by the generic MS DOS version.

lclini:	mov flags.vtflg,0	; Don't to terminal emulation.
	call opnprt		; Get file handle for comm port.

; Get a file handle for the communications port.  Use DOS call to get the
; next available handle.  If it fails, ask user what value to use (there
; should be a predefined handle for the port, generally 3).  The open
; will fail if the system uses names other than "COM1" or "COM2".
opnprt:	mov al,flags.comflg
	mov ah,0
	mov si,ax
	shl si,1		; double index
	mov dx,prttab[si]
	mov ah,open
	mov al,2
	int dos
	jnc opnpr2
	mov ah,prstr		; It didn't like the string.
	mov dx,offset erms41
	int dos
	mov dx,offset hnd1
	int dos
opnpr0:	mov dx,offset hnd2	; Ask user to supply the handle.
	call prompt
	mov ah,cmtxt
	mov bx,offset rdbuf	; Where to put input.
	mov dx,offset hndhlp	; In case user wants help.
	call comnd
	 jmp opnpr3		; Maybe user typed a ^C.
	mov si,offset rdbuf
	call atoi		; Convert to real number
	 jmp opnpr0		; Keep trying. 
	mov prthnd,ax		; Value returned in AX
opnpr2:	mov prthnd,ax		; Call succeeded.
opnpr3:	cmp flags.cxzflg,'C'	; Did user type a ^C?
	jne opnpr4		; No, don't say anything.
	mov ah,prstr		; Else, issue a warning.
	mov dx,offset hnderr
	int dos
opnpr4:	ret			; Yes, fail.

	mov ax,offset shkmsg
	mov cx,shklen

; Initialization for using serial port.  Returns normally.
	cld			; Do increments in string operations
	call clrbuf		; Clear input buffer. 
	ret			; We're done.

; Reset the serial port.  This is the opposite of serini.  Calling
; this twice without intervening calls to serini should be harmless.
; Returns normally.

	ret			; All done.

; Produce a short beep.  The PC DOS bell is long enough to cause a loss
; of data at the port.  Returns normally.

	mov dl,bell
	mov ah,dconio
	int dos
; Dumb terminal emulator.  Doesn't work too well above 1200 baud (and
; even at 1200 baud you sometimes lose the first one or two characters
; on a line).  
term	proc	near
	mov si,ax		; this is source
	mov di,offset ourarg	; place to store arguments
	mov ax,ds
	mov es,ax		; address destination segment
	mov cx,size termarg
	rep movsb		; copy into our arg blk
term1:	call prtchr
	jmp short term2		; have a char...
	jmp short term3		; no char, go on
term2:	push ax
	and al,7fh		; mask off parity for terminal
	mov dl,al
	mov ah,conout
	int dos			; go print it
	pop ax
	test ourarg.flgs,capt	; capturing output?
	jz term3		; no, forget it
	call ourarg.captr	; else call the routine
term3:	mov ah,dconio
	mov dl,0ffh
	int dos
	jz term1		; no character, go on
	cmp al,ourarg.escc	; escape char?
	je term4		; yes, exit
	push ax			; save char
	mov ah,al
	or ah,80H		; turn on hi bit so DOS doesn't interfere
	call outchr		; output the character
	pop ax
	test ourarg.flgs,lclecho ; echoing?
	jz term1		; no, continue loop
	mov dl,al
	mov ah,dconio
	int dos
	jmp term1		; else echo and keep going
term4:	ret
term	endp

; Jumping to this location is like retskp.  It assumes the instruction
;   after the call is a jmp addr.
	pop bp
	add bp,3
	push bp
; Jumping here is the same as a ret.
R       PROC    NEAR
R       ENDP

code	ends 
	end//go.sysin dd *
if [ $made = TRUE ]; then
	/bin/chmod 640 msxgen.asm
	/bin/echo -n '	'; /bin/ls -ld msxgen.asm

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