LA AdaTEC Ada Fair `84 Programs (2 of 2)

adatrain at trwspp.UUCP adatrain at trwspp.UUCP
Mon Oct 1 03:39:12 AEST 1984

---------------------  Next  Program  -----------------------------

-- Version: @(#)floatvec.ada	1.2		Date: 9/21/84
-- Author:  Edward Colbert
--	    Ada Technology Group
--	    Information Software Systems Lab
--	    Defense Systems Group
--	    TRW
--	    Redondo Beach, CA
-- This program measures the time required for the adding of the
-- elements of a large floating point vector
-- Note:  In order for the measurement to be meaningful, it must be the 
-- only program executing while the test is run.  
-- Please set Vector_Size large enough to provide at least two significant 
-- digits in the average times, i.e., the difference between 
-- the elapsed time and the loop time must be at least 100 times 
-- Duration'Small & at least 100 times System.Tick.

with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
with Calendar; use Calendar;
with System; use System;
procedure Float_Vector_Add_Test is

   Vector_Size : constant Positive := 1000;

   type Real_Time is digits Max_Digits;

   Start_Time : Time;
   Loop_Time : Duration;
   Elapsed_Time : Duration;
   Average_Time : Real_Time;

   package Duration_IO is new Fixed_IO (Duration);
   use Duration_IO;

   package Real_Time_IO is new Float_IO (Real_Time);
   use Real_Time_IO;

   package Int_IO is new Integer_IO (Integer);
   use Int_IO;

   type vector is array (1..Vector_Size) of Float;
   v1, v2, vector_result: vector;
   count:  integer := integer'first;	-- used in timing loop


   -- Initialize Vectors
   for N in vector'range loop
      v1(N) := float (N);
      v2(N) := float (vector'last - N + 1);
   end loop;

   -- Measure the timing loop overhead.
   Start_Time := Clock;
   for N in vector'range loop
      count := count + 1;		-- prevent optimization
   end loop;
   Loop_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   -- Measure the time including the adding of vector elements
   Start_Time := Clock;
   for N in vector'range loop
      count := count + 1;		-- prevent optimization
      vector_result (n) := v1(n) + v2(n);
   end loop;
   Elapsed_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   Put("Loop time = ");
   Put(Loop_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put(" seconds for ");
   Put(Vector_Size, Width => 0);
   Put_Line(" iterations");

   Put("Elapsed time = ");
   Put(Elapsed_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put(" seconds for ");
   Put(Vector_Size, Width => 0);
   Put_Line(" iterations (1 iteration/element)");

   Average_Time := Real_Time(Elapsed_Time - Loop_Time)/Real_Time(Vector_Size);
   Put("Average time for adding each element = ");
   Put(Average_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put_Line(" seconds");

   if (Elapsed_Time - Loop_Time < 100 * Duration'Small	or
       Elapsed_Time - Loop_Time < 100 * System.Tick)	then
      Put_Line("** TEST FAILED (due to insufficient precision)! **");
      Put_Line("** TEST PASSED **");
   end if;

end Float_Vector_Add_Test;

---------------------  Next  Program  -----------------------------

-- Version: @(#)friend.ada	1.1		Date: 5/30/84
-- Author:  Bryce Bardin
--          Ada Projects Section
--          Software Engineering Division
--          Ground Systems Group
--          Hughes Aircraft Company
--          Fullerton, CA
-- The purpose of this program is to determine how "friendly" the Ada
-- compiler is with regard to warning about the use of uninitialized 
-- objects, exceptions which will always be raised, and both warning 
-- about and removal of code that will never be executed.
-- Compilers may be graded by the number of instances they catch in each 
-- of the three categories:  set/use errors, 'hard' exceptions, and 
-- 'dead' code removal.  A perfect score is: 12, 3, and 4, respectively.
-- Detection of set/use errors encountered during execution will not be
-- counted in the score even though it may be a useful feature to have.
-- Appropriate supporting evidence, such as an assembly listing, must be 
-- supplied if dead code removal is claimed.
-- N.B.:  It is not expected that any compiler will get a perfect score!
package Global is
   G : Integer; -- uninitialized
end Global;

with Global;
package Renamed is
   R : Integer renames Global.G; -- "A rose by any other name ..."
end Renamed;

with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
procedure Do_It is
   Put_Line("Should do it.");
end Do_It;

with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
procedure Dont_Do_It is
   Put_Line("Shouldn't have done it.");
end Dont_Do_It;

procedure Raise_It is
   raise Program_Error;
end Raise_It;

with Global; use Global;
with Renamed; use Renamed;
with Do_It;
with Dont_Do_It;
with Raise_It;
procedure Friendly is
   L : Integer; -- uninitialized
   Use_1 : Integer := L; -- use before set 1
   Use_2 : Integer := G; -- use before set 2
   Use_3 : Integer := R; -- use before set 3
   Use_4 : Integer;
   Use_5 : Integer;
   Use_6 : Integer;
   Static : constant Integer := 8;
   Named : constant := 8;
   procedure Embedded (Data : Integer) is separate;
   Use_4 := L; -- use before set 4
   Use_5 := G; -- use before set 5
   Use_6 := R; -- use before set 6
   Embedded(L); -- use before set 7
   Embedded(G); -- use before set 8
   Embedded(R); -- use before set 9
   if Static = 8 then
      Dont_Do_It; -- never executed 1
   end if;
   if Static - 4 /= 2**2 then
      Dont_Do_It; -- never executed 2
   end if;
   if Named mod 4 = 0 then
      Dont_Do_It; -- never executed 3
   end if;
   if Named/2 + 2 /= 6 then
      Dont_Do_It; -- never executed 4
   end if;
   Raise_It; -- always raised 1
end Friendly;

separate (Friendly)
procedure Embedded (Data : Integer) is
   Use_1 : Integer := L; -- use before set 10
   Use_2 : Integer := G; -- use before set 11
   Use_3 : Integer := R; -- use before set 12
   Use_4 := Data; -- (if Data is uninitialized, causes a use before set)
   raise Program_Error; -- always raised 2
   Raise_It; -- always raised 3
end Embedded;

---------------------  Next  Program  -----------------------------

-- Version: @(#)int_dir.ada	1.2		Date: 9/21/84
-- Author:  Edward Colbert
--	    Ada Technology Group
--	    Information Software Systems Lab
--	    Defense Systems Group
--	    TRW
--	    Redondo Beach, CA
-- This program measures the time required for doing various file
-- operations using the Direct_IO package with Integer.
-- Note:  In order for the measurement to be meaningful, it must be the 
-- only program executing while the test is run.  
-- Please set Times large enough to provide at least two significant 
-- digits in the average times, i.e., the difference between 
-- the elapsed time and the loop time must be at least 100 times 
-- Duration'Small & at least 100 times System.Tick.

with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
with Direct_IO;
with Calendar; use Calendar;
with System; use System;
procedure Integer_Direct_IO_Test is

   Times : constant Positive := 1000;

   type Real_Time is digits Max_Digits;

   Start_Time : Time;
   Loop_Time : Duration;
   Average_Time : Real_Time;
   Create_Time : Duration;
   Close_Time  : Duration;
   Open_Time   : Duration;
   Delete_Time : Duration;
   Read_Time   : Duration;
   Write_Time  : Duration;

   package Duration_IO is new Fixed_IO (Duration);
   use Duration_IO;

   package Real_Time_IO is new Float_IO (Real_Time);
   use Real_Time_IO;

   package Int_IO is new Integer_IO (Integer);
   use Int_IO;

   package Int_Direct_IO is new Direct_IO (Integer);
   use Int_Direct_IO;

   file:   Int_Direct_IO.file_type;
   value:  Integer := 5;
   count:  Integer := Integer'first;	-- used in timing loop


   -- Measure the timing loop overhead.
   Start_Time := Clock;
   for N in 1 .. Times loop
      count := count + 1;		-- prevent optimization
   end loop;
   Loop_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   -- Create a file
   Start_Time := Clock;
   Int_Direct_IO.Create (file, mode => out_file, name => "test_file");
   Create_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   -- Measure the time of Writing of value
   Start_Time := Clock;
   for N in 1 .. Times loop
      count := count + 1;
      Int_Direct_IO.write (file, value);
   end loop;
   Write_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   -- Close a file
   Start_Time := Clock;
   Int_Direct_IO.Close (file);
   Close_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   -- Open a file
   Start_Time := Clock;
   Int_Direct_IO.Open (file, mode => in_file, name => "test_file");
   Open_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   -- Measure the time of Reading of value
   Start_Time := Clock;
   for N in 1 .. Times loop
      count := count + 1; (file, value);
   end loop;
   Read_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   -- Delete a file
   Start_Time := Clock;
   Int_Direct_IO.Delete (file);
   Delete_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   Put ("Create File Time = ");
   Put (Create_Time, Fore => 0);
   put_line (" seconds ");

   Put ("Close File Time = ");
   Put (Close_Time, Fore => 0);
   put_line (" seconds ");

   Put ("Open File Time = ");
   Put (Open_Time, Fore => 0);
   put_line (" seconds ");

   Put ("Delete File Time = ");
   Put (Delete_Time, Fore => 0);
   put_line (" seconds ");

   Put("Loop time = ");
   Put(Loop_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put(" seconds for ");
   Put(Times, Width => 0);
   Put_Line(" iterations");

   Put("Elapsed time = ");
   Put(Write_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put(" seconds for ");
   Put(Times, Width => 0);
   Put_Line(" Writes");

   Average_Time := Real_Time(Write_Time - Loop_Time)/Real_Time(Times);
   Put("Average time for a Write = ");
   Put(Average_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put_Line(" seconds");


   Put("Elapsed time = ");
   Put(Read_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put(" seconds for ");
   Put(Times, Width => 0);
   Put_Line(" Reads");

   Average_Time := Real_Time(Read_Time - Loop_Time)/Real_Time(Times);
   Put("Average time for a Read = ");
   Put(Average_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put_Line(" seconds");


   if (Read_Time  - Loop_Time < 100 * Duration'Small)	or
      (Read_Time  - Loop_Time < 100 * System.Tick)	or
      (Write_Time - Loop_Time < 100 * Duration'Small)	or
      (Write_Time - Loop_Time < 100 * System.Tick)	then
      Put_Line("** TEST FAILED (due to insufficient precision)! **");
      Put_Line("** TEST PASSED **");
   end if;

end Integer_Direct_IO_Test;

---------------------  Next  Program  -----------------------------

-- Version: @(#)int_text.ada	1.2		Date: 9/21/84
-- Author:  Edward Colbert
--	    Ada Technology Group
--	    Information Software Systems Lab
--	    Defense Systems Group
--	    TRW
--	    Redondo Beach, CA
-- This program measures the time required for doing various file
-- operations using the Text_IO package with Integers.
-- Note:  In order for the measurement to be meaningful, it must be the 
-- only program executing while the test is run.  
-- Please set Times large enough to provide at least two significant 
-- digits in the average times, i.e., the difference between 
-- the elapsed time and the loop time must be at least 100 times 
-- Duration'Small & at least 100 times System.Tick.

with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
with Calendar; use Calendar;
with System; use System;
procedure Integer_Text_IO_Test is

   Times : constant Positive := 1000;

   type Real_Time is digits Max_Digits;

   Start_Time : Time;
   Loop_Time : Duration;
   Average_Time : Real_Time;
   Create_Time : Duration;
   Close_Time  : Duration;
   Open_Time   : Duration;
   Delete_Time : Duration;
   Read_Time   : Duration;
   Write_Time  : Duration;

   package Duration_IO is new Fixed_IO (Duration);
   use Duration_IO;

   package Real_Time_IO is new Float_IO (Real_Time);
   use Real_Time_IO;

   package Int_IO is new Integer_IO (Integer);
   use Int_IO;

   file:   Text_IO.file_type;
   value:  Integer := 5;
   count:  Integer := Integer'first;	-- used in timing loop


   -- Measure the timing loop overhead.
   Start_Time := Clock;
   for N in 1 .. Times loop
      count := count + 1;		-- prevent optimization
   end loop;
   Loop_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   -- Create a file
   Start_Time := Clock;
   Text_IO.Create (file, mode => out_file, name => "test_file");
   Create_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   -- Measure the time of Writing of value
   Start_Time := Clock;
   for N in 1 .. Times loop
      count := count + 1;
      Int_IO.put (file, value);
   end loop;
   Write_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   -- Close a file
   Start_Time := Clock;
   Text_IO.Close (file);
   Close_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   -- Open a file
   Start_Time := Clock;
   Text_IO.Open (file, mode => in_file, name => "test_file");
   Open_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   -- Measure the time of Reading of value
   Start_Time := Clock;
   for N in 1 .. Times loop
      count := count + 1;
      Int_IO.get (file, value);
   end loop;
   Read_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   -- Delete a file
   Start_Time := Clock;
   Text_IO.Delete (file);
   Delete_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   Put ("Create File Time = ");
   Put (Create_Time, Fore => 0);
   put_line (" seconds ");

   Put ("Close File Time = ");
   Put (Close_Time, Fore => 0);
   put_line (" seconds ");

   Put ("Open File Time = ");
   Put (Open_Time, Fore => 0);
   put_line (" seconds ");

   Put ("Delete File Time = ");
   Put (Delete_Time, Fore => 0);
   put_line (" seconds ");

   Put("Loop time = ");
   Put(Loop_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put(" seconds for ");
   Put(Times, Width => 0);
   Put_Line(" iterations");

   Put("Elapsed time = ");
   Put(Write_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put(" seconds for ");
   Put(Times, Width => 0);
   Put_Line(" Writes");

   Average_Time := Real_Time(Write_Time - Loop_Time)/Real_Time(Times);
   Put("Average time for a Write = ");
   Put(Average_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put_Line(" seconds");


   Put("Elapsed time = ");
   Put(Read_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put(" seconds for ");
   Put(Times, Width => 0);
   Put_Line(" Reads");

   Average_Time := Real_Time(Read_Time - Loop_Time)/Real_Time(Times);
   Put("Average time for a Read = ");
   Put(Average_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put_Line(" seconds");


   if (Read_Time  - Loop_Time < 100 * Duration'Small)	or
      (Read_Time  - Loop_Time < 100 * System.Tick)	or
      (Write_Time - Loop_Time < 100 * Duration'Small)	or
      (Write_Time - Loop_Time < 100 * System.Tick)	then
      Put_Line("** TEST FAILED (due to insufficient precision)! **");
      Put_Line("** TEST PASSED **");
   end if;

end Integer_Text_IO_Test;

---------------------  Next  Program  -----------------------------

-- Version: @(#)intvec.ada	1.2		Date: 9/21/84
-- Author:  Edward Colbert
--	    Ada Technology Group
--	    Information Software Systems Lab
--	    Defense Systems Group
--	    TRW
--	    Redondo Beach, CA
-- This program measures the time required for the adding of the
-- elements of a large integer vector
-- Note:  In order for the measurement to be meaningful, it must be the 
-- only program executing while the test is run.  
-- Please set Vector_Size large enough to provide at least two significant 
-- digits in the average times, i.e., the difference between 
-- the elapsed time and the loop time must be at least 100 times 
-- Duration'Small & at least 100 times System.Tick.

with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
with Calendar; use Calendar;
with System; use System;
procedure Integer_Vector_Add_Test is

   Vector_Size : constant Positive := 1000;

   type Real_Time is digits Max_Digits;

   Start_Time : Time;
   Loop_Time : Duration;
   Elapsed_Time : Duration;
   Average_Time : Real_Time;

   package Duration_IO is new Fixed_IO (Duration);
   use Duration_IO;

   package Real_Time_IO is new Float_IO (Real_Time);
   use Real_Time_IO;

   package Int_IO is new Integer_IO (Integer);
   use Int_IO;

   type vector is array (1..Vector_Size) of integer;
   v1, v2, vector_result: vector;
   count:  integer := integer'first;	-- used in timing loop


   -- Initialize Vectors
   for N in vector'range loop
      v1(N) := N;
      v2(N) := vector'last - N + 1;
   end loop;

   -- Measure the timing loop overhead.
   Start_Time := Clock;
   for N in vector'range loop
      count := count + 1;		-- prevent optimization
   end loop;
   Loop_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   -- Measure the time including the adding of vector elements
   Start_Time := Clock;
   for N in vector'range loop
      count := count + 1;		-- prevent optimization
      vector_result (n) := v1(n) + v2(n);
   end loop;
   Elapsed_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   Put("Loop time = ");
   Put(Loop_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put(" seconds for ");
   Put(Vector_Size, Width => 0);
   Put_Line(" iterations");

   Put("Elapsed time = ");
   Put(Elapsed_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put(" seconds for ");
   Put(Vector_Size, Width => 0);
   Put_Line(" Elements");

   Average_Time := Real_Time(Elapsed_Time - Loop_Time)/Real_Time(Vector_Size);
   Put("Average time for adding each element = ");
   Put(Average_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put_Line(" seconds");

   if (Elapsed_Time - Loop_Time < 100 * Duration'Small	or
       Elapsed_Time - Loop_Time < 100 * System.Tick)	then
      Put_Line("** TEST FAILED (due to insufficient precision)! **");
      Put_Line("** TEST PASSED **");
   end if;

end Integer_Vector_Add_Test;

---------------------  Next  Program  -----------------------------

-- Version: @(#)lowlev.ada	1.1		Date: 5/30/84
-- Author:  Bryce Bardin
--          Ada Projects Section
--          Software Engineering Division
--          Ground Systems Group
--          Hughes Aircraft Company
--          Fullerton, CA
-- The following program tests length clauses in conjunction with 
-- unchecked conversion.
-- Before running the test, No_Of_Bits must be set to the base 2 logarithm 
-- of the successor of System.Max_Int, i.e., the total number of bits in 
-- the largest integer type supported.
-- Note:  The place where this change is to be made is flagged by a 
-- comment prefixed by "--!".  
-- For a compiler to pass this test, it must obey the length clauses 
-- and instantiate and use the unchecked conversions correctly.
-- The output will consist of Cases sets of three identical values.
-- If a conversion fails, the line will be flagged as an error.  A summary
-- error count and a "pass/fail" message will be output.
-- Ideally, an assembly listing should be provided which demonstrates 
-- the efficiency of the compiled code.

with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
with Unchecked_Conversion;
with System;
procedure Change_Types is

--! Change this to Log2 (System.Max_Int + 1):
   No_Of_Bits : constant := 32;

   Cases : constant := 100;

   type Int is range 0 .. 2**No_Of_Bits - 1;
   for Int'Size use No_Of_Bits;
--! Change this to System.Max_Int/(Cases - 1):
   Increment : constant Int := System.Max_Int/(Cases - 1);

   type Bit is (Off, On);
   for Bit use (Off => 0, On => 1);
   for Bit'Size use 1;

   subtype Bits is Positive range 1 .. No_Of_Bits;

   type Bit_String is array (Bits) of Bit;
   for Bit_String'Size use No_Of_Bits;

   I : Int;
   J : Int;
   B : Bit_String;
   Errors : Natural := 0;
   Column : constant := 16;

   package Int_IO is new Integer_IO(Int);
   use Int_IO;

   package Nat_IO is new Integer_IO(Natural);
   use Nat_IO;

   procedure Put (B : Bit_String) is
      for N in Bits loop
	 if B(N) = On then
	 end if;
      end loop;
   end Put;

   function To_Bit_String is new Unchecked_Conversion (Int, Bit_String);

   function To_Int is new Unchecked_Conversion (Bit_String, Int);


   for N in 1 .. Cases loop

      I := Int(N-1) * Increment;
      B := To_Bit_String(I);
      J := To_Int(B);

      if J /= I then
	 Errors := Errors + 1;
	 Put("*** ERROR ***");
      end if;

      Set_Col(To => Column);
      Put("I = ");
      Put(I, Base => 2);

      Set_Col(To => Column);
      Put("B = ");

      Set_Col(To => Column);
      Put("J = ");
      Put(J, Base => 2);
   end loop;


   if Errors > 0 then
      Put_Line("*** TEST FAILED! ***");
      if Errors = 1 then
	 Put_Line("There was 1 error.");
	 Put("There were ");
	 Put(Errors, Width => 0);
	 Put_Line(" errors.");
      end if;
      Put_Line("TEST PASSED!");
      Put_Line("There were no errors.");
   end if;

end Change_Types;

---------------------  Next  Program  -----------------------------

-- Version: @(#)proccal.ada	1.2		Date: 9/21/84
-- Author:  Bryce Bardin
--          Ada Projects Section
--          Software Engineering Division
--          Ground Systems Group
--          Hughes Aircraft Company
--          Fullerton, CA
-- This program measures the time required for simple procedure calls 
-- with scalar parameters.
-- Note:  In order for the measurement to be meaningful, it must be the 
-- only program executing while the test is run.  
-- Please set Times large enough to provide at least two significant 
-- digits in the average calling times, i.e., the differences between 
-- the elapsed times and the corresponding loop times for each form of
-- call should be greater than 100 times Duration'Small & greater than
-- 100 times System.Tick.

with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
with Calendar; use Calendar;
with System; use System;
procedure Procedure_Call is

   Times : constant Positive := 1000;

   type Real_Time is digits Max_Digits;

   Start_Time : Time;
   Loop_Time : Duration;
   Elapsed_Time : Duration;
   Average_Time : Real_Time;

   Insufficient_Precision : Boolean := False;

   package Duration_IO is new Fixed_IO (Duration);
   use Duration_IO;

   package Real_Time_IO is new Float_IO (Real_Time);
   use Real_Time_IO;

   package Int_IO is new Integer_IO (Integer);
   use Int_IO;

   type Cases is range 1 .. 4;

   Kind : array (Cases) of String (1 .. 22) :=
      ("No parameter call:    ",
       "In parameter call:    ",
       "Out parameter call:   ",
       "In Out parameter call:");

   -- This package is used to prevent elimination of a "null" call
   -- by a smart compiler.
   package Prevent is
      Counter : Natural := 0;
      procedure Prevent_Optimization;
   end Prevent;
   use Prevent;

   procedure Call is
   end Call;

   procedure Call_In (N : in Natural) is
      Counter := N;
   end Call_In;

   procedure Call_Out (N : out Natural) is
      N := Counter;
   end Call_Out;

   procedure Call_In_Out (N : in out Natural) is
      N := Counter;
   end Call_In_Out;

-- This procedure determines if Times is large enough to assure adequate 
-- precision in the timings.
   procedure Check_Precision is
      if (Elapsed_Time - Loop_Time < 100 * Duration'Small	or
          Elapsed_Time - Loop_Time < 100 * System.Tick)	then
	 Insufficient_Precision := True;
      end if;
   end Check_Precision;

   package body Prevent is
      procedure Prevent_Optimization is
	 Counter := Counter + 1;
      end Prevent_Optimization;
   end Prevent;


   for Case_Number in Cases loop

      -- Measure the timing loop overhead.
      Start_Time := Clock;
      for N in 1 .. Times loop
	 case Case_Number is
	    when 1 =>
	    when 2 =>
	       Counter := N;
	    when 3 =>
	       Counter := N;
	    when 4 =>
	       Counter := N;
	 end case;
      end loop;
      Loop_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

      -- Measure the time including the procedure call.
      Start_Time := Clock;
      for N in 1 .. Times loop
	 case Case_Number is
	    when 1 =>
	    when 2 =>
	    when 3 =>
	    when 4 =>
	 end case;
      end loop;
      Elapsed_Time := Clock - Start_Time;


      -- Calculate timing and output the result


      Put("Loop time = ");
      Put(Loop_Time, Fore => 0);
      Put(" seconds for ");
      Put(Times, Width => 0);
      Put_Line(" iterations");

      Put("Elapsed time = ");
      Put(Elapsed_Time, Fore => 0);
      Put(" seconds for ");
      Put(Times, Width => 0);
      Put_Line(" iterations");

      Average_Time := Real_Time(Elapsed_Time - Loop_Time)/Real_Time(Times);
      Put("Average time for a call = ");
      Put_Line(" seconds");

   end loop;

   if Insufficient_Precision then
      Put_Line("** TEST FAILED (due to insufficient precision)! **");
      Put_Line("TEST PASSED");
   end if;

end Procedure_Call;

---------------------  Next  Program  -----------------------------

--		  Version: @(#)qsortpar.ada	1.1	Date: 6/5/84
--			    Gerry Fisher
--		    Computer Sciences Corporation
--			    May 26, 1984
--  This benchmark consists of two versions of the familiar quick
--  sort algorithm: a parallel version and a sequential version.
--  A relatively small vector (length 100) is sorted into ascending
--  sequence.  The number of comparisons and exchanges is counted.
--  In the parallel version separate tasks are created to sort the
--  two subvectors created by partitioning the vector.  Each task
--  invokes the quicksort procedure.  The parallel version is
--  functionally equivalent to the sequential version and should
--  require the same number of comparisions and exchanges.  A check
--  is made to verify that this is so.  Also, the sorted vector is
--  checked to verify that the sort has been performed correctly.
--  Control is exercised so that no more than fourteen tasks are
--  created when sorting the vector.
--  The sorting is repeated a number of times to obtain a measurable
--  amount of execution time.
--  The important measure for this benchmark is the ratio of the
--  execution time of the parallel version to that of the sequential
--  version.  This will give some indication of task activation and
--  scheduling overhead.
--  One file is used for both versions.  The boolean constant "p"
--  indicates whether the parallel or serial version of the algorithm
--  is to be used.  Simply set this constant TRUE for the parallel
--  test and FALSE for the sequential test.  A difference in code
--  size between the two tests may indicate that conditional
--  compilation is supported by the compiler.

with text_io; use text_io;
procedure main is
   failed : exception;

   type vector is array(integer range <>) of integer;
   type stats  is record c, e : integer := 0; end record;

   p : constant boolean := true;	-- true for parallel algorithm
   n : constant integer := 100;		-- size of vector to be sorted
   m : constant integer := 100;		-- number of times to sort vector

   x : vector(1 .. n);

   y : stats;

   procedure Quick_sort(A : in out vector; w : out stats) is
     lb : constant integer := A'first;
     ub : constant integer := A'last;
     k	: integer;

     c, e : integer := 0;
     u, v : stats;

     function partition(L, U : integer) return integer is
       q, r, i, j : integer;

       r := A((U + L)/2);
       i := L;
       j := U;

       while i < j loop
	  while A(i) < r loop
	    c := c + 1;
	    i := i + 1;
	  end loop;

	  while A(j) > r loop
	    c := c + 1;
	    j := j - 1;
	  end loop;

	  c := c + 2;

	  if i <= j then
	    e := e + 1;
	    q := A(i);
	    A(i) := A(j);
	    A(j) := q;
	    i := i + 1;
	    j := j - 1;
	  end if;
       end loop;

       if j > L then
	 return j;
	 return L;
       end if;

     end partition;

     if lb < ub then

      k := partition(lb, ub);

      if ub > lb + 15 then
       if p then
	  task S1;
	  task body S1 is
	    Quick_sort(A(lb .. k), u);
	  end S1;

	  task S2;
	  task body S2 is
	    Quick_sort(A(k + 1 .. ub), v);
	  end S2;

	Quick_sort(A(lb .. k), u);
	Quick_sort(A(k + 1 .. ub), v);
       end if;

      elsif ub > lb + 1 then
	Quick_sort(A(lb .. k), u);
	Quick_sort(A(k + 1 .. ub), v);
      end if;

      e := e + u.e + v.e;
      c := c + u.c + v.c;

     end if;

     w := (c, e);

   end Quick_sort;


  if p then
    put_line("*** Starting Parallel Quick Sort Benchmark");
    put_line("*** Starting Sequential Quick Sort Benchmark");
  end if;

  for k in 1 .. m loop

   for i in x'range loop
     x(i) := x'last - i + 1;
   end loop;

   Quick_sort(x, y);

   for i in x'first .. x'last - 1 loop
     if x(i) > x(i + 1) then
       raise failed;
     end if;
  end loop;


 end loop;


 if y.c /= 782 or else y.e /= 148 then
   put_line("*** FAILED Wrong number of comparisons or exchanges");
   put_line("*** PASSED Sorting test");
 end if;

  when failed => put_line("*** FAILED Vector not sorted");

end main;

---------------------  Next  Program  -----------------------------

--		Version: @(#)qsortseq.ada	1.1	Date: 6/5/84
--			    Gerry Fisher
--		    Computer Sciences Corporation
--			    May 27, 1984
--  This benchmark consists of two versions of the familiar quick
--  sort algorithm: a parallel version and a sequential version.
--  A relatively small vector (length 100) is sorted into ascending
--  sequence.  The number of comparisons and exchanges is counted.
--  In the parallel version separate tasks are created to sort the
--  two subvectors created by partitioning the vector.  Each task
--  invokes the quicksort procedure.  The parallel version is
--  functionally equivalent to the sequential version and should
--  require the same number of comparisions and exchanges.  A check
--  is made to verify that this is so.  Also, the sorted vector is
--  checked to verify that the sort has been performed correctly.
--  Control is exercised so that no more than fourteen tasks are
--  created when sorting the vector.
--  The sorting is repeated a number of times to obtain a measurable
--  amount of execution time.
--  The important measure for this benchmark is the ratio of the
--  execution time of the parallel version to that of the sequential
--  version.  This will give some indication of task activation and
--  scheduling overhead.
--  One file is used for both versions.  The boolean constant "p"
--  indicates whether the parallel or serial version of the algorithm
--  is to be used.  Simply set this constant TRUE for the parallel
--  test and FALSE for the sequential test.  A difference in code
--  size between the two tests may indicate that conditional
--  compilation is supported by the compiler.

with text_io; use text_io;
procedure main is
   failed : exception;

   type vector is array(integer range <>) of integer;
   type stats  is record c, e : integer := 0; end record;

   p : constant boolean := false;	-- true for parallel algorithm
   n : constant integer := 100;		-- size of vector to be sorted
   m : constant integer := 100;		-- number of times to sort vector

   x : vector(1 .. n);

   y : stats;

   procedure Quick_sort(A : in out vector; w : out stats) is
     lb : constant integer := A'first;
     ub : constant integer := A'last;
     k	: integer;

     c, e : integer := 0;
     u, v : stats;

     function partition(L, U : integer) return integer is
       q, r, i, j : integer;

       r := A((U + L)/2);
       i := L;
       j := U;

       while i < j loop
	  while A(i) < r loop
	    c := c + 1;
	    i := i + 1;
	  end loop;

	  while A(j) > r loop
	    c := c + 1;
	    j := j - 1;
	  end loop;

	  c := c + 2;

	  if i <= j then
	    e := e + 1;
	    q := A(i);
	    A(i) := A(j);
	    A(j) := q;
	    i := i + 1;
	    j := j - 1;
	  end if;
       end loop;

       if j > L then
	 return j;
	 return L;
       end if;

     end partition;

     if lb < ub then

      k := partition(lb, ub);

      if ub > lb + 15 then
       if p then
	  task S1;
	  task body S1 is
	    Quick_sort(A(lb .. k), u);
	  end S1;

	  task S2;
	  task body S2 is
	    Quick_sort(A(k + 1 .. ub), v);
	  end S2;

	Quick_sort(A(lb .. k), u);
	Quick_sort(A(k + 1 .. ub), v);
       end if;

      elsif ub > lb + 1 then
	Quick_sort(A(lb .. k), u);
	Quick_sort(A(k + 1 .. ub), v);
      end if;

      e := e + u.e + v.e;
      c := c + u.c + v.c;

     end if;

     w := (c, e);

   end Quick_sort;


  if p then
    put_line("*** Starting Parallel Quick Sort Benchmark");
    put_line("*** Starting Sequential Quick Sort Benchmark");
  end if;

  for k in 1 .. m loop

   for i in x'range loop
     x(i) := x'last - i + 1;
   end loop;

   Quick_sort(x, y);

   for i in x'first .. x'last - 1 loop
     if x(i) > x(i + 1) then
       raise failed;
     end if;
  end loop;


 end loop;


 if y.c /= 782 or else y.e /= 148 then
   put_line("*** FAILED Wrong number of comparisons or exchanges");
   put_line("*** PASSED Sorting test");
 end if;

  when failed => put_line("*** FAILED Vector not sorted");

end main;

---------------------  Next  Program  -----------------------------

-- Version: @(#)rendez.ada	1.2		Date: 9/21/84
-- Author:  Bryce Bardin
--          Ada Projects Section
--          Software Engineering Division
--          Ground Systems Group
--          Hughes Aircraft Company
--          Fullerton, CA
-- This program measures the time required for a simple rendezvous.
-- Note:  In order for the measurement to be meaningful, it must be the 
-- only program executing while the test is run.  
-- Please set Times large enough to provide at least two significant 
-- digits in the average rendezvous times, i.e., the difference between 
-- the elapsed time and the loop time must be at least 100 times 
-- Duration'Small & at least 100 times System.Tick.

with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
with Calendar; use Calendar;
with System; use System;
procedure Rendezvous is

   Times : constant Positive := 1000;

   type Real_Time is digits Max_Digits;

   Start_Time : Time;
   Loop_Time : Duration;
   Elapsed_Time : Duration;
   Average_Time : Real_Time;

   package Duration_IO is new Fixed_IO (Duration);
   use Duration_IO;

   package Real_Time_IO is new Float_IO (Real_Time);
   use Real_Time_IO;

   package Int_IO is new Integer_IO (Integer);
   use Int_IO;

   task T is
      entry Call;
   end T;

   -- This package is used to prevent elimination of the "null" timing loop 
   -- by a smart compiler.
   package Prevent is
      Count : Natural := 0;
      procedure Prevent_Optimization;
   end Prevent;
   use Prevent;

   task body T is
	    accept Call;
	 end select;
      end loop;
   end T;

   package body Prevent is
      procedure Prevent_Optimization is
	 Count := Count + 1;
      end Prevent_Optimization;
   end Prevent;


   -- Measure the timing loop overhead.
   Start_Time := Clock;
   for N in 1 .. Times loop
   end loop;
   Loop_Time := Clock - Start_Time;

   -- Measure the time including rendezvous.
   Start_Time := Clock;
   for N in 1 .. Times loop
   end loop;

   Put("Loop time = ");
   Put(Loop_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put(" seconds for ");
   Put(Times, Width => 0);
   Put_Line(" iterations");

   Elapsed_Time := Clock - Start_Time;
   Put("Elapsed time = ");
   Put(Elapsed_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put(" seconds for ");
   Put(Times, Width => 0);
   Put_Line(" iterations");

   Average_Time := Real_Time(Elapsed_Time - Loop_Time)/Real_Time(Times);
   Put("Average time for no-parameter rendezvous = ");
   Put(Average_Time, Fore => 0);
   Put_Line(" seconds");

   if (Elapsed_Time - Loop_Time < 100 * Duration'Small	or
       Elapsed_Time - Loop_Time < 100 * System.Tick)	then
      Put_Line("** TEST FAILED (due to insufficient precision)! **");
      Put_Line("** TEST PASSED **");
   end if;

end Rendezvous;

---------------------  Next  Program  -----------------------------

-- Version: @(#)sets.ada	1.2		Date: 9/20/84
-- Author:  Bryce Bardin
--          Ada Projects Section
--          Software Engineering Division
--          Ground Systems Group
--          Hughes Aircraft Company
--          Fullerton, CA
-- This is a highly portable implementation of sets in Ada.
-- N. B.:  Vendors are invited to supply listings which demonstrate 
-- the quality of the code generated.
   type Element is (<>);
   with function Image (E : Element) return String is Element'Image;
package Sets is

   type Set is private;
   -- A set of elements.

   Empty_Set : constant Set;
   -- The set of no elements.

   Full_Set : constant Set;
   -- The set of all elements.

   function "and" (Left, Right : Set) return Set;
   -- Returns the conjunction (intersection) of two sets.
   -- Usage:  S1 and S2

   function "or" (Left, Right : Set) return Set;
   -- Returns the inclusive disjunction (union) of two sets.
   -- Usage:  S1 or S2

   function "xor" (Left, Right : Set) return Set;
   -- Returns the exclusive disjunction of two sets.
   -- Usage:  S1 xor S2

   function "not" (Right : Set) return Set;
   -- Returns the negation (complement) of a set, i.e., the set of
   -- all elements not in Right.
   -- Usage:  not S

   function "-" (Left, Right : Set) return Set;
   -- Returns the difference of two sets, i.e., the set of elements
   -- in Left which are not in Right.
   -- Usage:  S1 - S2

   function "+" (Left : Element; Right : Set) return Set;
   -- Adds an element to a set.
   -- Returns the union (or) of an element with a set.
   -- Usage:  E + S

   function "+" (Left : Set; Right : Element) return Set;
   -- Adds an element to a set.
   -- Returns the union (or) of an element with a set.
   -- Usage:  S + E

   function "+" (Right : Element) return Set;
   -- Makes an element into a Set.
   -- Returns the union of the element with the Empty_Set.
   -- Usage:  + E

   function "+" (Left, Right : Element) return Set;
   -- Combines two elements into a Set.
   -- Returns the union (or) of two elements with the Empty_Set.
   -- Usage:  E1 + E2

   function "-" (Left : Set; Right : Element) return Set;
   -- Deletes an element from a set, i.e., removes it from the set
   -- if it is currently a member of the set, otherwise it returns
   -- the original set.
   -- Usage:  S - E

-- This function is predefined:
-- function "=" (Left, Right : Set) return Boolean;
   -- Tests whether Left is identical to Right.
   -- Usage: S1 = S2

   function "<=" (Left, Right : Set) return Boolean;
   -- Tests whether Left is contained in Right, i.e., whether Left 
   -- is a subset of Right.
   -- Usage:  S1 <= S2

   function Is_Member (S : Set; E : Element) return Boolean;
   -- Tests an element for membership in a set.
   -- Returns true if an element is in a set.
   -- Usage:  Is_Member (S, E)

   procedure Put (S : Set);
   -- Prints a set.
   -- Usage:  Put (S)


   type Set is array (Element) of Boolean;
   -- A set of elements.

   Empty_Set : constant Set := (Element => False);
   -- The set of no elements.

   Full_Set : constant Set := (Element => True);   
   -- The set of all elements.

   pragma Inline ("and");
   pragma Inline ("or");
   pragma Inline ("xor");
   pragma Inline ("not");
   pragma Inline ("-");
   pragma Inline ("+");
   pragma Inline ("<=");
   pragma Inline ("Is_Member");

end Sets;

with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
package body Sets is

   type Bool is array (Element) of Boolean;

   function "and" (Left, Right : Set) return Set is
      return Set(Bool(Left) and Bool(Right));
   end "and";

   function "or" (Left, Right : Set) return Set is
      return Set(Bool(Left) or Bool(Right));
   end "or";

   function "xor" (Left, Right : Set) return Set is
      return Set(Bool(Left) xor Bool(Right));
   end "xor";

   function "not" (Right : Set) return Set is
      return Set(not Bool(Right));
   end "not";

   function "-" (Left, Right : Set) return Set is
      return (Left and not Right);
   end "-";

   function "+" (Left : Element; Right : Set) return Set is
      Temp : Set := Right;
      Temp(Left) := True;
      return Temp;
   end "+";

   function "+" (Left : Set; Right : Element) return Set is
      Temp : Set := Left;
      Temp(Right) := True;
      return Temp;
   end "+";

   function "+" (Right : Element) return Set is
      return Empty_Set + Right;
   end "+";

   function "+" (Left, Right : Element) return Set is
      return Empty_Set + Left + Right;
   end "+";

   function "-" (Left : Set; Right : Element) return Set is
      Temp : Set := Left;
      Temp(Right) := False;
      return Temp;
   end "-";

   function "<=" (Left, Right : Set) return Boolean is
      return ((Left and not Right) = Empty_Set);
   end "<=";

   function Is_Member (S : Set; E : Element) return Boolean is
      return (S(E) = True);
   end Is_Member;

   procedure Put (S : Set) is
      Comma_Needed : Boolean := False;
      Text_IO.Put ("{");
      for E in Element loop
         if S(E) then
            if Comma_Needed then
               Text_IO.Put (",");
            end if;
            Text_IO.Put (Image(E));
            Comma_Needed := True;
         end if;
      end loop;
      Text_IO.Put ("}");
   end Put;

end Sets;

-- This procedure tests the set package.
-- Its output is self-explanatory.
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
with Sets;
procedure Main is

   type Color is (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue);

   package Color_Set is new Sets(Color);
   use Color_Set;

   X, Y, Z : Set;

   procedure Put_Set (Name : String; S : Set) is
      Put (Name);
      Put (" = ");
      Put (S);
   end Put_Set;

   procedure Compare_Set (S_String : String; S : Set;
                          T_String : String; T : Set) is
      if S = T then
         Put (S_String);
         Put (" is identical to ");
         Put (T_String);
      end if;
      if S /= T then
         Put (S_String);
         Put (" is not identical to ");
         Put (T_String);
      end if;
      if S <= T then
         Put (S_String);
         Put (" is a subset of ");
         Put (T_String);
      end if;
      if T <= S then
         Put (T_String);
         Put (" is a subset of ");
         Put (S_String);
      end if;
   end Compare_Set;

   procedure Test_Membership (C : Color; S_String : String; S : Set) is
      Put (Color'Image(C));
      if Is_Member(S,C) then
         Put (" is a member of ");
         Put (" is not a member of ");
      end if;
      Put (S_String);
   end Test_Membership;


   X := Empty_Set;
   Put_Line ("X := Empty_Set");
   Put_Set ("X",X);

   Y := Empty_Set;
   Put_Line ("Y := Empty_Set");
   Put_Set ("Y",Y);

   Compare_Set ("X",X,"Y",Y);

   Y := Full_Set;
   Put_Line ("Y := Full_Set");
   Put_Set ("Y",Y);

   Compare_Set ("X",X,"Y",Y);

   X := not X;
   Put_Line ("X := not X");
   Put_Set ("X",X);

   Compare_Set ("X",X,"Y",Y);

   Y := Empty_Set + Blue;
   Put_Line ("Y := Empty_Set + Blue");
   Put_Set ("Y",Y);

   Y := + Yellow;
   Put_Line ("Y := + Yellow");
   Put_Set ("Y",Y);

   Y := Blue + Y;
   Put_Line ("Y := Blue + Y");
   Put_Set ("Y",Y);

   X := Full_Set - Red;
   Put_Line ("X := Full_Set - Red");
   Put_Set ("X",X);

   Test_Membership (Red,"X",X);
   Test_Membership (Yellow,"X",X);
   Compare_Set ("X",X,"Y",Y);

   Z := X - Y;
   Put_Line ("Z := X - Y");
   Put_Set ("Z",Z);

   Z := Y - X;
   Put_Line ("Z := Y - X");
   Put_Set ("Z",Z);

   X := Green + Blue + Yellow + Red;
   Put_Line ("X := Green + Blue + Yellow + Red");
   Put_Set ("X",X);

   X := Green + Blue;
   Put_Line ("X := Green + Blue");
   Put_Set ("X",X);

   Z := X or Y;
   Put_Line ("Z := X or Y");
   Put_Set ("Z",Z);

   Z := X and Y;   
   Put_Line ("Z := X and Y");
   Put_Set ("Z",Z);

   Z := X xor Y;   
   Put_Line ("Z := X xor Y");
   Put_Set ("Z",Z);

end Main;

---------------------  Next  Program  -----------------------------

-- Version: @(#)shared.ada	1.1		Date: 5/30/84
-- Author:  Bryce Bardin
--          Ada Projects Section
--          Software Engineering Division
--          Ground Systems Group
--          Hughes Aircraft Company
--          Fullerton, CA
-- This program illustrates the use of tasking to provide shared access 
-- to global variables.  N.B.:  The values it outputs may vary from run 
-- to run depending on how tasking is implemented.

-- A "FIFO" solution to the READERS/WRITERS problem.
-- Authors:  Gerald Fisher and Robert Dewar.
-- (Modified by Bryce Bardin to terminate gracefully.)
-- May be used to provide shared access to objects by an arbitrary number of 
-- readers and writers which are serviced in order from a single queue.  
-- Writers are given uninterrupted access for updates and readers are assured 
-- that updates are indivisible and therefore complete when read access is 
-- granted.
-- If C is a task object of type Control and O is an object which is to be 
-- shared between readers and writers using C, then:
--    readers should do:
--       C.Start(Read);
--       <read all or part of O>
--       C.Stop;
--    and writers should do:
--       C.Start(Write);
--       <update all or part of O>
--       C.Stop;

package Readers_Writers is

   type Service is (Read, Write);

   task type Control is
      entry Start (Mode : Service);  -- start readers or writers
      entry Stop;                    -- stop readers or writers
   end Control;

end Readers_Writers;

package body Readers_Writers is

   task body Control is
      Read_Count : Natural := 0;
            -- remove the first reader or writer from the queue
            accept Start (Mode : Service) do
               if Mode = Read then
                  Read_Count := Read_Count + 1;
                  -- when writer, wait for readers which have already 
                  -- started to finish before allowing the writer to 
                  -- perform the update
                  while Read_Count > 0 loop
                     -- when a write is pending, readers stop here        
                     accept Stop;
                     Read_Count := Read_Count - 1;
                  end loop;
               end if;
            end Start;

            if Read_Count = 0 then
               -- when writer, wait for writer to stop before allowing 
               -- other readers or writers to start
               accept Stop;
            end if;
            -- when no write is pending, readers stop here
            accept Stop;
            Read_Count := Read_Count -1;
            -- quit when everyone agrees to do so
         end select;
      end loop;
   end Control;

end Readers_Writers;

-- This package allows any number of concurrent programs to read and/or 
-- indivisibly write a particular (possibly composite) variable object
-- without interference and in FIFO order.  Similar packages can be 
-- constructed to perform partial reads and writes of composite objects.
-- If service cannot be started before the appropriate time limit expires,
-- the exception Timed_Out will be raised.  (By default, service must be
-- started within Duration'Last (24+) hours.  Setting the time limits to 
-- 0.0 will require immediate service.)

   type Object_Type is private;
   Object : in out Object_Type;

   Read_Time_Limit : in Duration := Duration'Last;
   Write_Time_Limit : in Duration := Duration'Last;

   -- for testing only
   with procedure Read_Put (Item : in Object_Type) is <>;

   -- for testing only
   with procedure Write_Put (Item : in Object_Type) is <>;

   -- for testing only
   with procedure Copy (From : in Object_Type; To : in out Object_Type);

package Shared_Variable is

   -- for testing only: Item made "in out" instead of "out"
   procedure Read (Item : in out Object_Type);
   procedure Write (Item : in Object_Type);

   Timed_Out : exception;

end Shared_Variable;

with Readers_Writers; use Readers_Writers;
package body Shared_Variable is

   C : Control;

   -- for testing only: Item made "in out" instead of "out"
   procedure Read (Item : in out Object_Type) is

	 delay Read_Time_Limit;
	 raise Timed_Out;
      end select;

-- for testing only; this allows the scheduler to screw up!
      Copy(From => Object, To => Item);
-- temporarily replaces
--    Item := Object;

-- for testing only

   end Read;

   procedure Write (Item : in Object_Type) is

	 delay Write_Time_Limit;
	 raise Timed_Out;
      end select;

-- for testing only; this allows the scheduler to screw up!
      Copy(From => Item, To => Object);
-- temporarily replaces
      Object := Item;

-- for testing only

   end Write;

end Shared_Variable;

with Shared_Variable;
package Encapsulate is

   Max : constant := 2;

   subtype Index is Positive range 1 .. Max;

   type Composite is array (Index) of Integer;

   procedure Read (C : out Composite);

   procedure Write (C : in Composite);

-- This is a help function for testing
   function Set_To (I : Integer) return Composite;

-- This is a help function for testing
   function Value_Of (C : Composite) return Integer;

-- This entry is used to serialize debug output to Standard_Output
   task Msg is
      entry Put (S : String);
   end Msg;

end Encapsulate;

with Text_IO;
package body Encapsulate is

   Shared : Composite;

   function Set_To (I : Integer) return Composite is
      Temp : Composite;
      for N in Index loop
	 Temp(N) := I;
      end loop;
      return Temp;
   end Set_To;

   function Value_Of (C : Composite) return Integer is
      return C(Index'First);
   end Value_Of;

   -- for testing only; this allows the scheduler to overlap readers and 
   -- writers and thus screw up if Readers_Writers doesn't do its job.
   -- it also checks that the copy is consistent.
   procedure Copy (From : in Composite; To : in out Composite) is
      for I in Index loop
	 To(I) := From(I);
         -- delay so that another access could be made:
	 delay 0.5;
      end loop;
      -- test for consistency:
      for I in Index range Index'Succ(Index'First) .. Index'Last loop
	 if To(I) /= To(Index'First) then
	    raise Program_Error;
	 end if;
      end loop;
   end Copy;

   procedure Read_Put (Item : Composite) is
      Msg.Put(Integer'Image(Value_Of(Item)) & " read");
   end Read_Put;

   procedure Write_Put (Item : Composite) is
      Msg.Put(Integer'Image(Value_Of(Item)) & " written");
   end Write_Put;

   task body Msg is
	    accept Put (S : String) do
	       Text_IO.Put (S);
	    end Put;
	 end select;
      end loop;
   end Msg;

   package Share is new Shared_Variable 
      (Object_Type => Composite, Object => Shared, Read_Put => Read_Put,
      Write_Put => Write_Put, Copy => Copy);
   use Share;

   procedure Read (C : out Composite) is
      Temp : Composite;
      C := Temp;
   end Read;

   procedure Write (C : in Composite) is
   end Write;


   Shared := Set_To (0);

end Encapsulate;

with Encapsulate; use Encapsulate;
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
procedure Test_Shared is

   Local : Composite := Set_To (-1);

   task A;
   task B;
   task C;

   procedure Put(C : Character; I : Integer);

   task body A is




   end A;

   task body B is


   end B;

   task body C is



   end C;

   procedure Put(C : Character; I : Integer) is
      Msg.Put("Task " & C & " read the value " & Integer'Image(I));
   end Put;

end Test_Shared;

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