jerq layers code (Part 2 of 4)

S.Kenyon sk at ukc.UUCP
Wed Apr 10 20:40:29 AEST 1985

echo 'Start of jerq layers code, part 02 of 04:'
echo 'x - plot/plot.c'
sed 's/^X//' > plot/plot.c << '/'
X *  File:        plot.c
X *
X *  Sccs-id:     @(#)plot.c  1.4  85/03/24
X *
X *  Description: This file contains the one function plot, which
X *               given a bitmap sb, a rectangle r and a scale factor size
X *               create a plot file suitable for the Printronix.
X *
X *  Author:      Simon Kenyon.
X *
X *  History:     SCK  1.1  83/10/03  Created.
X *               SCK  1.2  84/11/29  Made it work.
X *               SCK  1.3  85/02/22  Tidied up for release.
X *               SCK  1.4  85/03/24  Changed the include files around.
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include "../h/layers.h"
Xint     bitptr;                        /* bit pointer into scan line being
X                                          constructed */
X *  Name:        plot
X *
X *  Description: Given a bitmap sb, a rectangle r and a scale factor size
X *               create a plot file suitable for the Printronix.
X *
X *  Synopsis:    plot (sb, r, size)
X *               struct Bitmap  *sb;
X *               struct Rectangle    r;
X *               int     size;
X *
X *  Globals:     bitptr (w)
X *
X *  Calls:       printf        (libc)
X *               append        (append.c)
X *               reformat      (reformat.c)
X *               outline       (outline.c)
X *
X *  Called by:   This is a top level function.
X */
Xplot (sb, r, size)
Xstruct Bitmap  *sb;
Xstruct Rectangle    r;
Xint     size;
X    int     Index;
X    int     Delta;
X    int     sx;
X    int     sy;
X    int     dx;
X    int     dy;
X    int     w;
X    int     h;
X    int     startBits;
X    int     endBits;
X    int     start;
X    int     end;
X    int     word;
X    int     nWords;
X    int     scanline;
X    int     linecount;
X    unsigned short  srcWord;
X    w = r.corner.x - r.origin.x;
X    h = r.corner.y - r.origin.y;
X    if ((w <= 0) || (h <= 0))
X        return;
X    sx = r.origin.x;
X    sy = r.origin.y;
X    startBits = sx % WORDSIZE;
X    endBits = (sx + w - 1) % WORDSIZE;
X    if (w <= (WORDSIZE - startBits))
X        nWords = 1;
X    else
X        nWords = (w - (WORDSIZE - startBits) - 1) / WORDSIZE + 2;
X    Index = (sy - sb -> rect.origin.y) * sb -> width +
X        (sx / WORDSIZE) -
X        (sb -> rect.origin.x / WORDSIZE);
X    Delta = sb -> width - nWords;
X * gunge at start of plotfile
X */
X    printf ("\n\n\n");
X    for (scanline = 1; scanline <= h; scanline++) {
X    /*
X     * gunge at start of plot line
X     */
X        bitptr = 0;
X        start = startBits;
X        end = WORDSIZE - 1;
X        for (word = 1; word <= nWords; word++) {
X            srcWord = *(sb -> base + Index);
X            append (srcWord, start, end, size);
X            Index++;
X            if (word == (nWords - 1)) {
X                start = 0;
X                end = endBits;
X            }
X            else {
X                start = 0;
X                end = WORDSIZE - 1;
X            }
X        }
X    /*
X     * gunge at end of line
X     */
X        append ((short) 0, 0, 15, 1);  /* kludge (I'm sorry) */
X        reformat ();
X        for (linecount = 0; linecount < size; linecount++)
X            outline ();
X        Index += Delta;
X    }
echo 'x - src/addobs.c'
sed 's/^X//' > src/addobs.c << '/'
X *  File:        addobs.c
X *
X *  Sccs-id:     @(#)addobs.c  1.4  85/03/24
X *
X *  Description: This file contains the one function addobs which
X *               adds obscured rectangle argr to obscured list op
X *               of layer lp, subdividing obscured portions
X *               of layers as necessary.
X *
X *  Author:      Simon Kenyon.
X *
X *  History:     SCK  1.1  83/10/03  Created.
X *               SCK  1.2  84/11/29  Made it work.
X *               SCK  1.3  85/02/27  Tidied up for release.
X *               SCK  1.4  85/03/24  Changed the include files around.
X */
X#include "../h/layers.h"
X *  Name:        addobs
X *
X *  Description: Add obscured rectangle argr to obscured list op
X *               of layer lp, subdividing obscured portions
X *               of layers as necessary.
X *
X *  Synopsis:    boolean addobs (op, argr, newr, lp)
X *               struct Obscured *op;
X *               struct Rectangle    argr;
X *               struct Rectangle    newr;
X *               struct Layer   *lp;
X *
X *  Globals:     None.
X *
X *  Calls:       rectXrect  (rectxrect.c)
X *               addobs     (addobs.c)
X *               addrect    (addrect.c)
X *               balloc     (balloc.c)
X *               malloc     (libc)
X *               bitblt     (bitblt.c)
X *
X *  Called by:   newlayer  (newlayer.c)
X *               addobs    (addobs.c)
X */
Xboolean addobs (op, argr, newr, lp)
Xstruct Obscured *op;
Xstruct Rectangle    argr;              /* struct Obscured rectangle */
Xstruct Rectangle    newr;              /* complete rectangle of new layer */
Xstruct Layer   *lp;                    /* layer op belongs to */
X    struct Obscured *newop;
X    struct Rectangle    r;
X    struct Bitmap  *bp;
X    struct Rectangle    temp;
X    struct Bitmap  *balloc ();
X    char   *malloc ();
X    r = argr;                          /* argr will be unchanged through
X                                          addobs() */
X    if (rectXrect (r, newr)) {
X    /*
X     * this is much like layerop()
X     */
X        if (r.origin.y < newr.origin.y) {
X        /*
X         * temp = piece of r below newr;
X         */
X            temp = r;
X            temp.corner.y = newr.origin.y;
X            (void) addobs (op, temp, newr, lp);
X            r.origin.y = newr.origin.y;
X        }
X        if (r.corner.y > newr.corner.y) {
X        /*
X         * temp = piece of r above newr;
X         */
X            temp = r;
X            temp.origin.y = newr.corner.y;
X            (void) addobs (op, temp, newr, lp);
X            r.corner.y = newr.corner.y;
X        }
X        if (r.origin.x < newr.origin.x) {
X        /*
X         * temp = piece of r to the left of newr;
X         */
X            temp = r;
X            temp.corner.x = newr.origin.x;
X            (void) addobs (op, temp, newr, lp);
X            r.origin.x = newr.origin.x;
X        }
X        if (r.corner.x > newr.corner.x) {
X        /*
X         * temp = piece of r to the right of newr;
X         */
X            temp = r;
X            temp.origin.x = newr.corner.x;
X            (void) addobs (op, temp, newr, lp);
X            r.corner.x = newr.corner.x;
X        }
X    /*
X     * r is now contained in rectangle of new layer
X     */
X        if ((r.origin.x == argr.origin.x) &&/* no clip, just bookkeeping */
X                (r.origin.y == argr.origin.y) &&
X                (r.corner.x == argr.corner.x) &&
X                (r.corner.y == argr.corner.y)) {
X            (void) addrect (r, op -> lobs);
X            return (FALSE);            /* no subdivision */
X        }
X        (void) addrect (r, op -> lobs);
X    }
X    bp = balloc (r);
X /*
X  * newop = new struct Obscured
X  */
X    newop = (struct Obscured   *) malloc ((unsigned) sizeof (struct Obscured));
X /*
X  * copy the subdivided portion of the image
X  */
X    (void) bitblt (op -> bmap, r, bp, bp -> rect.origin, NULL, S);
X    newop -> bmap = bp;
X    newop -> rect = r;
X    newop -> lobs = op -> lobs;
X /*
X  * link newop into end of lp -> obs
X  */
X    if (lp -> endobs != NULL)
X        lp -> endobs -> next = newop;
X    else
X        lp -> obs = newop;
X    newop -> prev = lp -> endobs;
X    newop -> next = NULL;
X    lp -> endobs = newop;
X    return (TRUE);                     /* subdivision */
echo 'x - src/pass.c'
sed 's/^X//' > src/pass.c << '/'
X *  File:        pass.c
X *
X *  Sccs-id:     @(#)pass.c  1.4  85/03/24
X *
X *  Description: The file contains the one function Pass, which creates
X *               the rectangle/bitmap pair list which is used by lbitblt ()
X *               to bitblt between two layers.
X *
X *  Author:      Simon Kenyon.
X *
X *  History:     SCK  1.1  83/10/03  Created.
X *               SCK  1.2  84/11/29  Made it work.
X *               SCK  1.3  85/02/21  Tidied up for release.
X *               SCK  1.4  85/03/24  Changed the include files around.
X */
X#include "../h/layers.h"
X *  Name:        Pass
X *
X *  Description: Create a rectangle/bitmap pair list.
X *
X *  Synopsis:    Pass (lp, r, sb, op, l, p2, p3, p4)
X *               struct Layer   *lp;
X *               struct Rectangle    r;
X *               struct Bitmap  *sb;
X *               struct Obscured *op;
X *               struct ListElement **l;
X *               int    *p2;
X *               int    *p3;
X *               int    *p4;
X *
X *  Globals:     None.
X *
X *  Calls:       lessthan  (lessthan.c)
X *               malloc    (libc)
X *
X *  Called by:   lbitblt  (lbitblt.c)
X */
XPass (lp, r, sb, op, l, p2, p3, p4)
Xstruct Layer   *lp;
Xstruct Rectangle    r;
Xstruct Bitmap  *sb;
Xstruct Obscured *op;
Xstruct ListElement **l;
Xint    *p2;                            /* unused */
Xint    *p3;                            /* unused */
Xint    *p4;                            /* unused */
X    struct ListElement *e;
X    struct ListElement *pe;
X    struct ListElement *newe;
X    char   *malloc ();
X    pe = NULL;
X    for (e = *l; e != NULL; e = e -> next) {/* e = each element of l */
X        if (!lessthan (r, e -> rect)) {
X        /*
X         * insert {sb,r} into l before e;
X         */
X            newe = (struct ListElement *)
X                   malloc ((unsigned) sizeof (struct ListElement));
X            newe -> bp = sb;
X            newe -> rect = r;
X            newe -> next = e;
X            if (pe != NULL)
X                pe -> next = newe;
X            else
X                *l = newe;
X            return;
X        }
X        pe = e;
X    }
X /*
X  * append {sb,r} to l;
X  */
X    newe = (struct ListElement *)
X           malloc ((unsigned) sizeof (struct ListElement));
X    newe -> bp = sb;
X    newe -> rect = r;
X    newe -> next = NULL;
X    if (pe != NULL)
X        pe -> next = newe;
X    else
X        *l = newe;
echo 'x - src/rlayerop.c'
sed 's/^X//' > src/rlayerop.c << '/'
X *  File:        rlayerop.c
X *
X *  Sccs-id:     @(#)rlayerop.c  1.4  85/03/24
X *
X *  Description: This file contains the one routine Rlayerop which
X *               given a layer lp, a rectangle r, a bitmap operator fn,
X *               and the obscured list of the layer op, recursively chain
X *               along the obscured list of the layer, performing the
X *               operation on the intersection of the argument rectangle
X *               and the obscured bitmap, and pass nonintersecting portions on
X *               to be intersected with other bitmaps on the obscured list.
X *               when the obscured list is empty, the rectangle must be drawn
X *               on the screen.
X *
X *  Author:      Simon Kenyon.
X *
X *  History:     SCK  1.1  83/10/03  Created.
X *               SCK  1.2  84/11/29  Made it work.
X *               SCK  1.3  85/03/04  Tidied up for release.
X *               SCK  1.4  85/03/24  Changed the include files around.
X */
X#include "../h/layers.h"
Xextern struct Bitmap   *display;
X *  Name:        Rlayerop
X *
X *  Description: Given a layer lp, a rectangle r, a bitmap operator fn,
X *               and the obscured list of the layer op, recursively chain
X *               along the obscured list of the layer, performing the
X *               operation on the intersection of the argument rectangle
X *               and the obscured bitmap, and pass nonintersecting portions on
X *               to be intersected with other bitmaps on the obscured list.
X *               when the obscured list is empty, the rectangle must be drawn
X *               on the screen.
X *
X *  Synopsis:    Rlayerop (lp, fn, r, op, p1, p2, p3, p4)
X *               struct Layer   *lp;
X *               int     (*fn) ();
X *               struct Rectangle    r;
X *               struct Obscured *op;
X *               int    *p1;
X *               int    *p2;
X *               int    *p3;
X *               int    *p4;
X *
X *  Globals:     display  (r/w)
X *
X *  Calls:       (*fn) <=> addpiece  (addpiece.c)  by newlayer  (newlayer.c)
X *                         LBblt     (lbblt.c)        lblt      (lblt.c)
X *                         Pass      (pass.c)         lbitblt   (lbitblt.c)
X *               rectXrect           (rectxrect.c)
X *               Rlayerop            (rlayerop.c)
X *
X *  Called by:   layerop   (layerop.c)
X *               Rlayerop  (rlayerop.c)
X */
XRlayerop (lp, fn, r, op, p1, p2, p3, p4)
Xstruct Layer   *lp;
Xint     (*fn) ();
Xstruct Rectangle    r;
Xstruct Obscured *op;                   /* element of obscured list with which
X                                          to intersect r */
Xint    *p1;
Xint    *p2;
Xint    *p3;
Xint    *p4;
X    struct Rectangle    temp;
X /*
X  * recursively subdivide and intersect rectangle r
X  * with the obscured bitmaps in layer lp.
X  */
X    if (op == NULL)                    /* this rectangle is not obscured */
X        (void) (*fn) (lp, r, display, op, p1, p2, p3, p4);/* draw on screen */
X    else
X        if (rectXrect (r, op -> rect) == FALSE)/* they miss */
X            (void) Rlayerop (lp, fn, r, op -> next, p1, p2, p3, p4);
X /* chain */
X        else {                         /* they must intersect */
X            if (r.origin.y < op -> rect.origin.y) {
X            /*
X             * temp = piece of r below op -> rect;
X             */
X                temp = r;
X                temp.corner.y = op -> rect.origin.y;
X                (void) Rlayerop (lp, fn, temp, op -> next, p1, p2, p3, p4);
X                r.origin.y = op -> rect.origin.y;
X            }
X            if (r.corner.y > op -> rect.corner.y) {
X            /*
X             * temp = piece of r above op -> rect;
X             */
X                temp = r;
X                temp.origin.y = op -> rect.corner.y;
X                (void) Rlayerop (lp, fn, temp, op -> next, p1, p2, p3, p4);
X                r.corner.y = op -> rect.corner.y;
X            }
X            if (r.origin.x < op -> rect.origin.x) {
X            /*
X             * temp = piece of r to the left of op -> rect;
X             */
X                temp = r;
X                temp.corner.x = op -> rect.origin.x;
X                (void) Rlayerop (lp, fn, temp, op -> next, p1, p2, p3, p4);
X                r.origin.x = op -> rect.origin.x;
X            }
X            if (r.corner.x > op -> rect.corner.x) {
X            /*
X             * temp = piece of r right of op -> rect;
X             */
X                temp = r;
X                temp.origin.x = op -> rect.corner.x;
X                (void) Rlayerop (lp, fn, temp, op -> next, p1, p2, p3, p4);
X                r.corner.x = op -> rect.corner.x;
X            }
X        /*
X         * what's left goes in this obscured bitmap
X         */
X            (void) (*fn) (lp, r, op -> bmap, op, p1, p2, p3, p4);
X        }
echo 'x - src/upfront.c'
sed 's/^X//' > src/upfront.c << '/'
X *  File:        upfront.c
X *
X *  Sccs-id:     @(#)upfront.c  1.4  85/03/24
X *
X *  Description: This file contains the one routine upfront which
X *               pulls layer lp to the front of the screen.
X *
X *  Author:      Simon Kenyon.
X *
X *  History:     SCK  1.1  83/10/03  Created.
X *               SCK  1.2  84/11/29  Made it work.
X *               SCK  1.3  85/03/04  Tidied up for release.
X *               SCK  1.4  85/03/24  Changed the include files around.
X */
X#include "../h/layers.h"
Xextern struct Layer *TopLayer;
Xextern struct Layer *BottomLayer;
X *  Name:        upfront
X *
X *  Description: Pull layer lp to the front of the screen.
X *
X *  Synopsis:    upfront (lp)
X *               struct Layer   *lp;
X *
X *  Globals:     BottomLayer  (r/w)
X *               TopLayer     (r/w)
X *
X *  Calls:       screenswap  (screenswap.c)
X *               rectXrect   (rectxrect.c)
X *
X *  Called by:   This is a top level routine.
X *               dellayer  (dellayer.c)
X *               newlayer  (newlayer.c)
X */
Xupfront (lp)
Xstruct Layer   *lp;
X    struct Layer   *fr;                /* a layer in front of lp */
X    struct Layer   *beh;               /* a layer behind lp */
X    struct Obscured *op;
X    struct Obscured *nop;
X    if (lp -> front == NULL)
X        return;                        /* lp is at the front already */
X    for (fr = lp -> front; fr != NULL; fr = fr -> front)
X                                       /* fr = each layer in front of lp */
X        for (op = lp -> obs; op != NULL;) {
X        /* op = each obscured portion of lp */
X            nop = op;
X            op = op -> next;
X            if (nop -> lobs == fr) {   /* fr obscures nop */
X                (void) screenswap (nop -> bmap, nop -> bmap -> rect);
X            /*
X             * unlink nop from lp
X             */
X                if (nop -> prev != NULL)
X                    nop -> prev -> next = nop -> next;
X                else
X                    lp -> obs = nop -> next;
X                if (nop -> next != NULL)
X                    nop -> next -> prev = nop -> prev;
X                else
X                    lp -> endobs = nop -> prev;
X            /*
X             * link nop into end of fr
X             */
X                if (fr -> endobs != NULL)
X                    fr -> endobs -> next = nop;
X                else
X                    fr -> obs = nop;
X                nop -> prev = fr -> endobs;
X                nop -> next = NULL;
X                fr -> endobs = nop;
X            }
X        }
X /*
X  * move lp to front of layer list by
X  * unlinking lp from layer list...
X  */
X    if (lp -> back != NULL)
X        lp -> back -> front = lp -> front;
X    else
X        BottomLayer = lp -> front;
X    if (lp -> front != NULL)
X        lp -> front -> back = lp -> back;
X    else
X        TopLayer = lp -> back;
X /*
X  * ...and linking lp in at head of list
X  */
X    TopLayer -> front = lp;
X    lp -> front = NULL;
X    lp -> back = TopLayer;
X    TopLayer = lp;
X    for (beh = BottomLayer; beh != lp; beh = beh -> front)
X                                       /* beh = all other layers from back to
X                                          front */
X        for (op = beh -> obs; op != NULL; op = op -> next)
X                                       /* op = each obscured portion of beh */
X            if (rectXrect (lp -> rect, op -> rect))
X                op -> lobs = lp;       /* mark op obscured by lp */
echo 'x - test/hilbert.c'
sed 's/^X//' > test/hilbert.c << '/'
X *  File:        hilbert.c
X *
X *  Sccs-id:     @(#)hilbert.c  1.3  85/03/24
X *
X *  Description: This file contains code to plot hilbert curves
X *               as described in
X *               Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs
X *               by N. Wirth.
X *
X *  Author:      Simon Kenyon.
X *
X *  History:     SCK  1.1  85/03/15  Created.
X *               SCK  1.2  85/03/22  Tidied up for release.
X *               SCK  1.3  85/03/24  Changed the include files around.
X */
X#include "../h/layers.h"
Xstruct Layer   *drawP;
X *  Name:        hilbert
X *
X *  Description: Control routine for drawing hilbert curves.
X *
X *  Synopsis:    hilbert (depth, grid)
X *               int     depth;
X *               int     grid;
X *
X *  Globals:     None.
X *
X *  Calls:       a  (hilbert.c)
X *
X *  Called by:   test  (test.c)
X */
Xhilbert (depth, grid)
Xint     depth;                         /* draw hilbert curves of orders 1 to
X                                          depth */
Xint     grid;                          /* size to draw them */
X    struct Point    home;
X    struct Point    old;
X    struct Point    cur;
X    int     i;
X    int     h;
X    h = grid;
X    home.x = h / 2;
X    home.y = h / 2;
X    for (i = 1; i <= depth; i++) {
X        h = h / 2;
X        home.x += (h / 2);
X        home.y += (h / 2);
X        cur = old = home;
X        a (i, h, &old, &cur);
X    }
X *  Name:        do_plot
X *
X *  Description: Draw a line from old to cur.
X *
X *  Synopsis:    do_plot (old, cur)
X *               struct Point   *old;
X *               struct Point   *cur;
X *
X *  Globals:     drawP  (r/w)
X *
X *  Calls:       lline  (lline.c)
X *
X *  Called by:   test  (test.c)
X */
Xdo_plot (old, cur)
Xstruct Point   *old;
Xstruct Point   *cur;
X    lline (drawP, *old, *cur, S);
X    *old = *cur;
X *  Name:        a
X *
X *  Description: Recursive procedure used to draw hilbert curves.
X *
X *  Synopsis:    a (i, h, old, cur)
X *               int     i;
X *               int     h;
X *               struct Point   *cur;
X *               struct Point   *old;
X *
X *  Globals:     None.
X *
X *  Calls:       d        (hilbert.c)
X *               do_plot  (hilbert.c)
X *               a        (hilbert.c)
X *               b        (hilbert.c)
X *
X *  Called by:   hilbert.c  (hilbert.c)
X *               a          (hilbert.c)
X *               b          (hilbert.c)
X *               d          (hilbert.c)
X */
Xa (i, h, old, cur)
Xint     i;
Xint     h;
Xstruct Point   *cur;
Xstruct Point   *old;
X    if (i > 0) {
X        d (i - 1, h, old, cur);
X        cur -> x -= h;
X        do_plot (old, cur);
X        a (i - 1, h, old, cur);
X        cur -> y -= h;
X        do_plot (old, cur);
X        a (i - 1, h, old, cur);
X        cur -> x += h;
X        do_plot (old, cur);
X        b (i - 1, h, old, cur);
X    }
X *  Name:        b
X *
X *  Description: Recursive procedure used to draw hilbert curves.
X *
X *  Synopsis:    b (i, h, old, cur)
X *               int     i;
X *               int     h;
X *               struct Point   *cur;
X *               struct Point   *old;
X *
X *  Globals:     None.
X *
X *  Calls:       c        (hilbert.c)
X *               do_plot  (hilbert.c)
X *               b        (hilbert.c)
X *               a        (hilbert.c)
X *
X *  Called by:   a          (hilbert.c)
X *               b          (hilbert.c)
X *               c          (hilbert.c)
X */
Xb (i, h, old, cur)
Xint     i;
Xint     h;
Xstruct Point   *cur;
Xstruct Point   *old;
X    if (i > 0) {
X        c (i - 1, h, old, cur);
X        cur -> y += h;
X        do_plot (old, cur);
X        b (i - 1, h, old, cur);
X        cur -> x += h;
X        do_plot (old, cur);
X        b (i - 1, h, old, cur);
X        cur -> y -= h;
X        do_plot (old, cur);
X        a (i - 1, h, old, cur);
X    }
X *  Name:        c
X *
X *  Description: Recursive procedure used to draw hilbert curves.
X *
X *  Synopsis:    c (i, h, old, cur)
X *               int     i;
X *               int     h;
X *               struct Point   *cur;
X *               struct Point   *old;
X *
X *  Globals:     None.
X *
X *  Calls:       b        (hilbert.c)
X *               do_plot  (hilbert.c)
X *               c        (hilbert.c)
X *               d        (hilbert.c)
X *
X *  Called by:   b          (hilbert.c)
X *               c          (hilbert.c)
X *               d          (hilbert.c)
X */
Xc (i, h, old, cur)
Xint     i;
Xint     h;
Xstruct Point   *cur;
Xstruct Point   *old;
X    if (i > 0) {
X        b (i - 1, h, old, cur);
X        cur -> x += h;
X        do_plot (old, cur);
X        c (i - 1, h, old, cur);
X        cur -> y += h;
X        do_plot (old, cur);
X        c (i - 1, h, old, cur);
X        cur -> x -= h;
X        do_plot (old, cur);
X        d (i - 1, h, old, cur);
X    }
X *  Name:        d
X *
X *  Description: Recursive procedure used to draw hilbert curves.
X *
X *  Synopsis:    d (i, h, old, cur)
X *               int     i;
X *               int     h;
X *               struct Point   *cur;
X *               struct Point   *old;
X *
X *  Globals:     None.
X *
X *  Calls:       a        (hilbert.c)
X *               do_plot  (hilbert.c)
X *               d        (hilbert.c)
X *               c        (hilbert.c)
X *
X *  Called by:   a          (hilbert.c)
X *               c          (hilbert.c)
X *               d          (hilbert.c)
X */
Xd (i, h, old, cur)
Xint     i;
Xint     h;
Xstruct Point   *cur;
Xstruct Point   *old;
X    if (i > 0) {
X        a (i - 1, h, old, cur);
X        cur -> y -= h;
X        do_plot (old, cur);
X        d (i - 1, h, old, cur);
X        cur -> x -= h;
X        do_plot (old, cur);
X        d (i - 1, h, old, cur);
X        cur -> y += h;
X        do_plot (old, cur);
X        c (i - 1, h, old, cur);
X    }
echo 'x - test/jerq.c'
sed 's/^X//' > test/jerq.c << '/'
X *  File:        jerq.c
X *
X *  Sccs-id:     @(#)jerq.c  1.5  85/03/24
X *
X *  Description: This file contains the test harness for the layers code.
X *
X *  Author:      Simon Kenyon.
X *
X *  History:     SCK  1.1  83/10/04  Created.
X *               SCK  1.2  84/11/29  Made it work.
X *               SCK  1.3  85/03/21  Tidied up for release.
X *               SCK  1.4  85/03/22  Moved initialisation to layers.c.
X *               SCK  1.5  85/03/24  Changed the include files around.
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include "../h/layers.h"
X *  Name:        main
X *
X *  Description: Main line program to call the layers code test routine.
X *
X *  Synopsis:    main(argc, argv)
X *               int    argc;
X *               char **argv;
X *
X *  Globals:     None.
X *
X *  Calls:       atoi     (libc)
X *               freopen  (libc)
X *               fprintf  (libc)
X *               done     (jerq.c)
X *               usage    (jerq.c)
X *               layers   (layers.c)
X *               test     (test.c)
X *
X *  Called by:   Operating System.
X */
Xmain (argc, argv)
Xint     argc;
Xchar  **argv;
X    char   *cp;
X    int     pltsiz;
X    int     testno;
X    pltsiz = 1;
X    testno = 1;
X    for (; argc > 1; argc--) {
X        argv++;
X        if (**argv == '-') {
X            switch (*++*argv) {
X                case 'o':              /* define output file */
X                    if (argc >= 2) {
X                    /*
X                     * open output file
X                     */
X                        if (freopen (*++argv, "w", stdout) == NULL) {
X                            fprintf (stderr, "jerq: cannot open %s\n", *argv);
X                            done (1);
X                        }
X                        argc--;
X                    }
X                    continue;
X                case 's':              /* plot size */
X                    pltsiz = atoi (++*argv);
X                    continue;
X                case 't':              /* test no. */
X                    testno = atoi (++*argv);
X                    continue;
X                default:
X                    fprintf (stderr, "jerq: unknown option %s\n", *argv);
X                    usage ();
X                    continue;
X            }
X        }
X    }
X    test (testno, pltsiz);             /* test the "Layers" code */
X    done (0);
X *  Name:        usage
X *
X *  Description: Print usage message on stderr and exit.
X *
X *  Synopsis:    usage ()
X *
X *  Globals:     None.
X *
X *  Calls:       fprintf  (libc)
X *               done     (jerq.c)
X *
X *  Called by:   main     (jerq.c)
X */
Xusage () {
X    fprintf (stderr, "usage: jerq [-o plotfile] [-sn] [-tn]\n");
X    done (1);
X *  Name:        done
X *
X *  Description: Exit with appropriate status.
X *
X *  Synopsis:    done (n)
X *               int     n;
X *
X *  Globals:     None.
X *
X *  Calls:       exit  (libc)
X *
X *  Called by:   main   (jerq.c)
X *               usage  (jerq.c)
X */
Xdone (n)
Xint     n;
X    exit (n);
echo 'Part 02 of jerq layers code complete.'

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