A program to list files from bottom to top.

Stephen J. Muir stephen at dcl-cs.UUCP
Sat Aug 31 12:03:52 AEST 1985

Here is a program which reverses the order of lines in files.
----------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------
echo 'Start of pack.out, part 01 of 01:'
echo 'x - revfile.1'
sed 's/^X//' > revfile.1 << '/'
X.TH REVERSE 1  "30 August 1985"
Xrevfile \- reverse order of lines in files
X.B revfile
X[ file ] ...
X.I Revfile
Xcopies the named files to the standard output, reversing the order of the lines.
XIf no file is specified, the standard input is copied.
XThe filename \*(lq-\*(rq also refers to the standard input.
XLines can be arbitrary length.
XThe effect is irreversible if the last character of the file isn't '\\n',
XStephen J. Muir (dcl-cs!stephen)
echo 'x - revfile.c'
sed 's/^X//' > revfile.c << '/'
X/* Written by Stephen J. Muir, Computing Dept., Lancaster University
X * stephen at uk.ac.lancs.comp
X * stephen at uk.ac.lancaster.computing
X * dcl-cs!stephen
X *
X * revfile(1) - reverse order of lines in files
X *
X */
X# include <stdio.h>
X# include <sys/types.h>
X# include <sys/stat.h>
X# include <sys/file.h>
X# define BUFSIZE	4096
Xextern char	*malloc ();
Xchar	*standin = "-", *tmpfile = "/tmp/revfileXXXXXX";
Xstruct stat	mystat;
Xstruct list
X	{ char		l_buf [BUFSIZE];
X	  short		l_cnt;
X	  struct list	*l_next;
X	}	*head, *pool;
X/* insert data at beginning of list */
Xlinsert (buf, size)
X	char	*buf;
X	{ register struct list	*lp;
X	  if (size == 0)
X		return;
X	  if (lp = pool)	/* try to reuse a list element */
X		pool = pool->l_next;
X	  else if ((lp = (struct list *)malloc (sizeof (struct list))) == 0)
X	  { fprintf (stderr, "Out of memory\n");
X	    exit (1);
X	  }
X	  bcopy (buf, lp->l_buf, size);
X	  lp->l_cnt = size;
X	  lp->l_next = head;
X	  head = lp;	/* insert at head of list */
X	}
Xlflush (buf, size)
X	char	*buf;
X	{ register struct list	*lp;
X	  if (size && fwrite (buf, 1, size, stdout) != size)
X	  { perror ("stdout");
X	    exit (1);
X	  }
X	  while (head)		/* flush list */
X	  { if (fwrite (head->l_buf, 1, head->l_cnt, stdout) != head->l_cnt)
X	    { perror ("stdout");
X	      exit (1);
X	    }
X	    head = (lp = head)->l_next;
X	    lp->l_next = pool;
X	    pool = lp;		/* add to list of old elements */
X	  }
X	}
Xrevfile (name)
X	char	*name;
X	{ static char	buf [BUFSIZE];
X	  register char	*cp, *ep;
X	  register int	ofd, nfd, i, pos, newpos;
X	  if (strcmp (name, standin))	/* open the file */
X	  { if ((ofd = open (name, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
X	    { perror (name);
X	      return (1);
X	    }
X	  }
X	  else
X		ofd = 0;
X	  /* attempt to use original file */
X	  if (fstat (ofd, &mystat) == -1 ||
X	      (mystat.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG ||	/* regular file? */
X	      (pos = lseek (ofd, 0, L_XTND)) == -1	/* go to EOF? */
X	     )
X	  { pos = 0;				/* failed - copy file */
X	    if ((nfd = open (tmpfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0)) == -1 ||
X		unlink (tmpfile) == -1
X	       )
X	    { perror (tmpfile);
X	      goto erroro;
X	    }
X	    while ((i = read (ofd, buf, BUFSIZE)) > 0)
X	    { if (write (nfd, buf, i) != i)
X	      { perror (tmpfile);
X		goto errorn;
X	      }
X	      pos += i;
X	    }
X	    if (i == -1)
X	    { perror (name);
X	      goto errorn;
X	    }
X	    close (ofd);
X	    ofd = nfd;
X	    name = tmpfile;
X	  }
X	  while (pos)
X	  { if ((newpos = pos - BUFSIZE) < 0)
X		newpos = 0;
X	    i = pos - newpos;
X	    if (lseek (ofd, newpos, L_SET) != newpos || read (ofd, buf, i) != i)
X	    { perror (name);
X	      goto erroro;
X	    }
X	    for (cp = ep = &buf [i]; cp > &buf [0]; )
X		if (*--cp == '\n')
X		{ lflush (cp + 1, ep - (cp + 1));
X		  ep = cp + 1;
X		}
X	    linsert (cp, ep - cp);
X	    pos = newpos;
X	  }
X	  lflush (0, 0);
X	  if (ofd)
X		close (ofd);
X	  return (0);
Xerrorn:	  close (nfd);
Xerroro:	  if (ofd)
X		close (ofd);
X	  return (1);
X	}
Xmain (argc, argv, envp)
X	char	*argv [], *envp [];
X	{ register short	exitstat = 0;
X	  if (--argc <= 0)
X	  { argv = &standin;
X	    argc = 1;
X	  }
X	  else
X		++argv;
X	  mktemp (tmpfile);
X	  while (argc--)
X		if (revfile (*argv++))
X			exitstat = 1;
X	  if (fclose (stdout) == EOF)
X	  { perror ("stdout");
X	    exit (1);
X	  }
X	  exit (exitstat);
X	}
echo 'Part 01 of pack.out complete.'
UUCP:	...!seismo!mcvax!ukc!dcl-cs!stephen
DARPA:	stephen%lancs.comp at ucl-cs	| Post: University of Lancaster,
JANET:	stephen at uk.ac.lancs.comp	|	Department of Computing,
Phone:	+44 524 65201 Ext. 4599		|	Bailrigg, Lancaster, UK.
Project:Alvey ECLIPSE Distribution	|	LA1 4YR

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