Son of 'which'

Larry J. Barello larry at tikal.UUCP
Tue Aug 27 00:40:19 AEST 1985

A week or so I posted a quick C version of the UCB shell script
"which".  It takes as arguments command names and searches your path
for instances of them.  The version I posted had some cute bugs: it
didn't work if you didn't have a path or if there were a null
component in the path (Thanks to Tom Truscott).  To the folks with v8
shell: wish I had it, sounds like it make a lot of utilities, like
this one, useless.

Here is a fancified version of the original one.


-------- cut here (duh) -------

#include <stdio.h>

char *getenv();
char *index();

char **av;
    char *origpath, *path, *cp;
    char buf[200];
    char patbuf[512];
    int quit, found;

    if (ac < 2) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s cmd [cmd, ..]\n", *av);
    if ((origpath = getenv("PATH")) == 0)
	origpath = ".";

    av[ac] = 0;
    for(av++ ; *av; av++) {

	strcpy(patbuf, origpath);
	cp = path = patbuf;
	quit = found = 0;

	while(!quit) {
	    cp = index(path, ':');
	    if (cp == NULL) 
		*cp = '\0';

	    sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", (*path ? path:"."), *av);
	    path = ++cp;

	    if (access(buf, 1) == 0) {
		printf("%s\n", buf);
	if (!found) 
	    printf("No %s in %s\n", *av, origpath);


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