New UNIX Kermit (Part 1 of 5)

Sam Chin tsc2597 at acf4.UUCP
Thu Feb 28 14:00:00 AEST 1985

Here is the much asked for new version of KERMIT for BSD 4.2.
*** Warning *** This is supposedly a prerelease version but it
seems to work fine as far as i've used it - which isn't much. This
is the first of five shar files. I tried to keep them small but some
of the files were 60K in length and I didn't want to split them. I
hope the number of requests for this justifies the posting. Let's hope
Okstate reads this and doesn't attempt a simultaneous posting.

                                         Sam Chin
                                         tsc2597 at nyu-acf4

------------------ C U T ------ H E R E ----------------------------
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by acf4!tsc2597  on Wed Feb 27 22:18:35 EST 1985
# Contents:  ckcmd.c ckcmd.h ckconu.c ckdebu.h ckermi.ann
echo x - ckcmd.c
sed 's/^@//' > "ckcmd.c" <<'@//E*O*F ckcmd.c//'
char *cmdv = "Unix cmd package V1.0(014) 1 Feb 85";

/*  C K C M D  --  Interactive command package for Unix  */
 Modelled after the DECSYSTEM-20 command parser (the COMND JSYS)

 . parses and verifies keywords, text strings, numbers, and other data
 . displays appropriate menu or help message when user types "?"
 . does keyword and filename completion when user types ESC
 . accepts any unique abbreviation for a keyword
 . allows keywords to have attributes, like "invisible"
 . can supply defaults for fields omitted by user
 . provides command line editing (character, word, and line deletion)
 . accepts input from keyboard, command files, or redirected stdin
 . allows for full or half duplex operation, character or line input
 . settable prompt, protected from deletion

  cmsetp - Set prompt
  cmsavp - Save current prompt
  prompt - Issue prompt
  cmini  - Clear the command buffer (before parsing a new command)
  cmres  - Reset command buffer pointers (before reparsing)
  cmkey  - Parse a keyword
  cmnum  - Parse a number
  cmifi  - Parse an input file name
  cmofi  - Parse an output file name
  cmfld  - Parse an arbitrary field
  cmtxt  - Parse a text string
  cmcfm  - Parse command confirmation (end of line)

 Return codes:
  -3: no input provided when required
  -2: input was invalid
  -1: reparse required (user deleted into a preceding field)
   0 or greater: success
  See individual functions for greater detail.

 Before using these routines, the caller should #include ckcmd.h, and
 set the program's prompt by calling cmsetp().  If the file parsing
 functions cmifi and cmofi are to be used, this module must be linked
 with a ckz??? file system support module for the appropriate system,
 e.g. ckzbsd for Berkeley Unix.  If the caller puts the terminal in
 character wakeup ("cbreak") mode with no echo, then these functions will
 provide line editing -- character, word, and line deletion, as well as
 keyword and filename completion upon ESC and help strings, keyword, or
 file menus upon '?'.  If the caller puts the terminal into character
 wakeup/noecho mode, care should be taken to restore it before exit from
 or interruption of the program.  If the character wakeup mode is not
 set, the system's own line editor may be used.

 Author: Frank da Cruz (SY.FDC at CU20B),
 Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, Jan 1985.
 Copyright (C) 1985, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
 Permission is granted to any individual or institution to copy or use this
 software except for explicitly commercial purposes, provided this copyright
 notice is retained.
/* Includes */

#include <stdio.h>			/* Standard C I/O package */
#include <ctype.h>			/* Character types */
#include "ckcmd.h"			/* Command parsing definitions */
#include "ckdebu.h"			/* Formats for debug() */

/* Local variables */

int psetf = 0,				/* Flag that prompt has been set */
    cc = 0,				/* Character count */
    dpx = 0;				/* Duplex (0 = full) */

int hw = HLPLW,				/* Help line width */
    hc = HLPCW,				/* Help line column width */
    hh,					/* Current help column number */
    hx;					/* Current help line position */

#define PROML 60			/* Maximum length for prompt */

char cmprom[PROML+1];			/* Program's prompt */
char *dfprom = "Command? ";		/* Default prompt */

int cmflgs;				/* Command flags */

char cmdbuf[CMDBL+4];			/* Command buffer */
char hlpbuf[HLPBL+4];			/* Help string buffer */
char atmbuf[ATMBL+4];			/* Atom buffer */
char filbuf[ATMBL+4];			/* File name buffer */

/* Command buffer pointers */

static char *bp,			/* Current command buffer position */
    *pp,				/* Start of current field */
    *np;				/* Start of next field */
/*  C M S E T P  --  Set the program prompt.  */

cmsetp(s) char *s; {
    char *strncpy();
    psetf = 1;				/* Flag that prompt has been set. */
    strncpy(cmprom,s,PROML - 1);	/* Copy the string. */
    cmprom[PROML] = NUL;

/*  C M S A V P  --  Save a copy of the current prompt.  */

cmsavp(s,n) int n; char s[]; {
    s[n] = NUL;

/*  P R O M P T  --  Issue the program prompt.  */

prompt() {
    if (psetf == 0) cmsetp(dfprom);	/* If no prompt set, set default. */
    printf("\r%s",cmprom);		/* Print the prompt. */

/*  C M R E S  --  Reset pointers to beginning of command buffer.  */

cmres() {  
    cc = 0;				/* Reset character counter. */
    pp = np = bp = cmdbuf;		/* Point to command buffer. */
    cmflgs = -5;			/* Parse not yet started. */

/*  C M I N I  --  Clear the command and atom buffers, reset pointers.  */

The argument specifies who is to echo the user's typein --
  1 means the cmd package echoes
  0 somebody else (system, front end, terminal) echoes

cmini(d) int d; {
    for (bp = cmdbuf; bp < cmdbuf+CMDBL; bp++) *bp = NUL;
    *atmbuf = NUL;
    dpx = d;
/*  C M N U M  --  Parse a number in the indicated radix  */

/*  For now, only works for positive numbers in base 10.  */

   -3 if no input present when required,
   -2 if user typed an illegal number,
   -1 if reparse needed,
    0 otherwise, with n set to number that was parsed
cmnum(xhlp,xdef,radix,n) char *xhlp, *xdef; int radix, *n; {
    int x; char *s;

    if (radix != 10) {			/* Just do base 10 for now */
	printf("cmnum: illegal radix - %d\n",radix);

    x = cmfld(xhlp,xdef,&s);
    debug(F101,"cmnum: cmfld","",x);
    if (x < 0) return(x);    /* Parse a field */

    if (digits(atmbuf)) {		/* Convert to number */
	*n = atoi(atmbuf);
    } else {
	printf("\n?not a number - %s\n",s);
/*  C M O F I  --  Parse the name of an output file  */

 Depends on the external function zchko(); if zchko() not available, use
 cmfld() to parse output file names.

   -3 if no input present when required,
   -2 if permission would be denied to create the file,
   -1 if reparse needed,
    0 or 1 otherwise, with xp pointing to name.
cmofi(xhlp,xdef,xp) char *xhlp, *xdef, **xp; {
    int x; char *s;

    if (*xhlp == NUL) xhlp = "Output file";
    *xp = "";

    if ((x = cmfld(xhlp,xdef,&s)) < 0) return(x);

    if (chkwld(s)) {
	printf("\n?Wildcards not allowed - %s\n",s);
    if (zchko(s) < 0) {
	printf("\n?Write permission denied - %s\n",s);
    } else {
	*xp = s;
/*  C M I F I  --  Parse the name of an existing file  */

 This function depends on the external functions:
   zchki()  - Check if input file exists and is readable.
   zxpand() - Expand a wild file specification into a list.
   znext()  - Return next file name from list.
 If these functions aren't available, then use cmfld() to parse filenames.
   -4 EOF
   -3 if no input present when required,
   -2 if file does not exist or is not readable,
   -1 if reparse needed,
    0 or 1 otherwise, with:
	xp pointing to name,
    	wild = 1 if name contains '*' or '?', 0 otherwise.
cmifi(xhlp,xdef,xp,wild) char *xhlp, *xdef, **xp; int *wild; {
    int i, x, xc, y; char *sp;

    cc = xc = 0;			/* Initialize counts & pointers */
    *xp = "";
    if ((x = cmflgs) != 1) {		/* Already confirmed? */
	x = getwd();			/* No, get a word */
    } else {
	cc = setatm(xdef);		/* If so, use default, if any. */
    *xp = atmbuf;			/* Point to result. */
    *wild = chkwld(*xp);

    while (1) {
	xc += cc;			/* Count the characters. */
	debug(F111,"cmifi: getwd",atmbuf,xc);
    	switch (x) {
	    case -4:			/* EOF */
	    case -2:			/* Out of space. */
	    case -1:			/* Reparse needed */

/* cont'd... */
/* ...cmifi(), cont'd */

	    case 0:			/* SP or NL */
	    case 1:
	    	if (xc == 0) *xp = xdef;    /* If no input, return default. */
		else *xp = atmbuf;
		if (**xp == NUL) return(-3); /* If field empty, return -3. */
		/* If filespec is wild, see if there are any matches */

		*wild = chkwld(*xp);
		debug(F101," *wild","",*wild);
		if (*wild != 0) {
		    y = zxpand(*xp);
		    if (y == 0) {
			printf("\n?No files match - %s\n",*xp);
		    } else if (y < 0) {
			printf("\n?Too many files match - %s\n",*xp);
		    } else return(x);

		/* If not wild, see if it exists and is readable. */

		y = zchki(*xp);
		if (y == -3) {
		    printf("\n?Read permission denied - %s\n",*xp);
		} else if (y == -2) {
		    printf("\n?File not readable - %s\n",*xp);
		} else if (y < 0) {
		    printf("\n?File not found - %s\n",*xp);
/* cont'd... */
/* ...cmifi(), cont'd */

	    case 2:			/* ESC */
	    	if (xc == 0) {
		    if (*xdef != '\0') {
			printf("%s ",xdef); /* If at beginning of field, */
			addbuf(xdef);	/* supply default. */
			cc = setatm(xdef);
		    } else {		/* No default */
		if (*wild = chkwld(*xp)) {  /* No completion if wild */
		sp = atmbuf + cc;
		*sp++ = '*';
		*sp-- = '\0';
		y = zxpand(atmbuf);	/* Add * and expand list. */
		*sp = '\0';		/* Remove *. */

		if (y == 0) {
		    printf("\n?No files match - %s\n",atmbuf);
		} else if (y < 0) {
		    printf("\n?Too many files match - %s\n",atmbuf);
		} else if (y > 1) {	/* Not unique, just beep. */
		} else {		/* Unique, complete it.  */
		    znext(filbuf);	/* Get whole name of file. */
		    sp = filbuf + cc;	/* Point past what user typed. */
		    printf("%s ",sp);	/* Complete the name. */
		    addbuf(sp);		/* Add the characters to cmdbuf. */
		    setatm(pp);		/* And to atmbuf. */
		    *xp = atmbuf;	/* Return pointer to atmbuf. */
		    return(cmflgs = 0);

/* cont'd... */
/* ...cmifi(), cont'd */

	    case 3:			/* Question mark */
	    	if (*xhlp == NUL)
	    	    printf(" Input file specification");
		    printf(" %s",xhlp);
		if (xc > 0) {
		    sp = atmbuf + cc;	/* Insert * at end */
		    *sp++ = '*';
		    *sp-- = '\0';
		    y = zxpand(atmbuf);
		    *sp = '\0';
		    if (y == 0) {		    
			printf("\n?No files match - %s\n",atmbuf);
		    } else if (y < 0) {
			printf("\n?Too many file match - %s\n",atmbuf);
		    } else {
			printf(", one of the following:\n");
			for (i = 0; i < y; i++) {
		} else printf("\n");
    x = getwd();

/*  C H K W L D  --  Check for wildcard characters '*' or '?'  */

chkwld(s) char *s; {

    for ( ; *s != '\0'; s++) {
    	if ((*s == '*') || (*s == '?'))
/*  C M F L D  --  Parse an arbitrary field  */
   -3 if no input present when required,
   -2 if field too big for buffer,
   -1 if reparse needed,
    0 otherwise, xp pointing to string result.
cmfld(xhlp,xdef,xp) char *xhlp, *xdef, **xp; {
    int x, xc;

    cc = xc = 0;			/* Initialize counts & pointers */
    *xp = "";
    if ((x = cmflgs) != 1) {		/* Already confirmed? */
	x = getwd();			/* No, get a word */
    } else {
	cc = setatm(xdef);		/* If so, use default, if any. */
    *xp = atmbuf;			/* Point to result. */

    while (1) {
	xc += cc;			/* Count the characters. */
	debug(F111,"cmfld: getwd",atmbuf,xc);
	debug(F101," x","",x);
    	switch (x) {
	    case -4:			/* EOF */
	    case -2:			/* Out of space. */
	    case -1:			/* Reparse needed */
	    case 0:			/* SP or NL */
	    case 1:
	    	if (xc == 0) *xp = xdef;    /* If no input, return default. */
		else *xp = atmbuf;
		if (**xp == NUL) x = -3;    /* If field empty, return -3. */
	    case 2:			/* ESC *** (maybe treat as SP) */
	    	if (xc == 0) {
		    printf("%s ",xdef);	/* If at beginning of field, */
		    addbuf(xdef);	/* supply default. */
		    cc = setatm(xdef);
		} else {
		    putchar(BEL);	/* Beep if already into field. */
	    case 3:			/* Question mark */
	    	if (*xhlp == NUL)
		    printf(" Please complete this field");
	            printf(" %s",xhlp);
    x = getwd();
/*  C M T X T  --  Get a text string, including confirmation  */

  Print help message 'xhlp' if ? typed, supply default 'xdef' if null
  string typed.  Returns

   -1 if reparse needed or buffer overflows.
    1 otherwise.

  with cmflgs set to return code, and xp pointing to result string.

cmtxt(xhlp,xdef,xp) char *xhlp; char *xdef; char **xp; {

    int x, xc;

    cc = xc = 0;			/* Start counters off at 0 */
    *xp = "";				/* And pointer to null string. */
    *atmbuf = NUL;			/* And empty atom buffer. */
    if ((x = cmflgs) != 1) {
	x = getwd();			/* Get first word. */
	*xp = pp;			/* Save pointer to it. */
    while (1) {
	xc += cc;			/* Accumulate count. */
	debug(F111,"cmtxt: getwd",atmbuf,xc);
	switch (x) {
	    case -4:			/* EOF */
	    case -2:			/* Overflow */
	    case -1:			/* Deletion */
	    case 0:			/* Space */
	    case 1:			/* CR or LF */
	        if (xc == 0) *xp = xdef;
	    case 2:			/* ESC */
	    	if (xc == 0) {
		    printf("%s ",xdef);
		    cc = addbuf(xdef);
		} else {
	    case 3:			/* Question Mark */
	    	if (*xhlp == NUL)
		    printf(" Text string");
		    printf(" %s",xhlp);
	    	printf("\n?Unexpected return code from getwd() - %d\n",x);
	x = getwd();
/*  C M K E Y  --  Parse a keyword  */

 Call with:
   table    --  keyword table, in 'struct keytab' format;
   n        --  number of entries in table;
   xhlp     --  pointer to help string;
   xdef     --  pointer to default keyword;

   -3       --  no input supplied and no default available
   -2       --  input doesn't uniquely match a keyword in the table
   -1       --  user deleted too much, command reparse required
    n >= 0  --  value associated with keyword

cmkey(table,n,xhlp,xdef) struct keytab table[]; int n; char *xhlp, *xdef; {
    int i, y, z, zz, xc;
    char *xp;

    xc = cc = 0;			/* Clear character counters. */

    if ((zz = cmflgs) == 1) 		/* Command already entered? */
    else zz = getwd(); 

debug(F101,"cmkey: table length","",n);
while (1) {
    xc += cc;
    debug(F111,"cmkey: getwd",atmbuf,xc);

    switch(zz) {
	case -4:			/* EOF */
	case -2:			/* Buffer overflow */
    	case -1:			/* Or user did some deleting. */

	case 0:				/* User terminated word with space */
	case 1:				/* or newline */
	    if (cc == 0) setatm(xdef);
	    y = lookup(table,atmbuf,n,&z);
	    switch (y) {
		case -2:
		    printf("\n?Ambiguous - %s\n",atmbuf);
		    return(cmflgs = -2);
		case -1:
		    printf("\n?Invalid - %s\n",atmbuf);
		    return(cmflgs = -2);

/* cont'd... */
/* ...cmkey(), cont'd */

	case 2:				/* User terminated word with ESC */
	    if (cc == 0) {
	    	if (*xdef != NUL) {	/* Nothing in atmbuf */
		    printf("%s ",xdef);	/* Supply default if any */
		    cc = setatm(xdef);
		    debug(F111,"cmkey: default",atmbuf,cc);
		} else {
		    putchar(BEL);	/* No default, just beep */
	    y = lookup(table,atmbuf,n,&z); /* Something in atmbuf */
	    debug(F111,"cmkey: esc",atmbuf,y);
	    if (y == -2) {
	    if (y == -1) {
		printf("\n?Invalid - %s\n",atmbuf);
		return(cmflgs = -2);
	    xp = table[z].kwd + cc;
    	    printf("%s ",xp);
	    debug(F110,"cmkey: addbuf",cmdbuf,0);

/* cont'd... */
/* ...cmkey(), cont'd */

	case 3:				/* User terminated word with "?" */
	    y = lookup(table,atmbuf,n,&z);
	    if (y > -1) {
		printf(" %s\n%s%s",table[z].kwd,cmprom,cmdbuf);
	    } else if (y == -1) {
		return(cmflgs = -2);

	    if (*xhlp == NUL)
	    	printf(" One of the following:\n");
	    	printf(" %s, one of the following:\n",xhlp);

	    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {	
		if (!strncmp(table[i].kwd,atmbuf,cc)
		    	&& !test(table[i].flgs,CM_INV))
	    printf("%s%s", cmprom, cmdbuf);

	    printf("\n%d - Unexpected return code from getwd\n",zz);
	    return(cmflgs = -2);
	zz = getwd();
/*  C M C F M  --  Parse command confirmation (end of line)  */

   -2: User typed anything but whitespace or newline
   -1: Reparse needed
    0: Confirmation was received

cmcfm() {
    int x, xc;

    debug(F101,"cmcfm: cmflgs","",cmflgs);

    xc = cc = 0;
    if (cmflgs == 1) return(0);

    while (1) {
	x = getwd();
	xc += cc;
	debug(F111,"cmcfm: getwd",atmbuf,xc);
        switch (x) {
	    case -4:			/* EOF */
	    case -2:
	    case -1:

	    case 0:			/* Space */
	    case 1:			/* End of line */
	    	if (xc > 0) {
		    printf("?Not confirmed - %s\n",atmbuf);
    	    	} else return(0);		    
	    case 2:

            case 3:
	    	if (xc > 0) {
		    printf("\n?Not confirmed - %s\n",atmbuf);
	        printf("\n Type a carriage return to confirm the command\n");
/* Keyword help routines */

/*  C L R H L P -- Initialize/Clear the help line buffer  */

clrhlp() {				/* Clear the help buffer */
    hlpbuf[0] = NUL;
    hh = hx = 0;

/*  A D D H L P  --  Add a string to the help line buffer  */

addhlp(s) char *s; {			/* Add a word to the help buffer */
    int j;

    hh++;				/* Count this column */

    for (j = 0; j < hc; j++) {		/* Fill the column */
	if (*s != NUL)			/* First with chars from the string */
	    hlpbuf[hx++] = *s++;
	else {
	    if (hh < (hw / hc))		/* Then with spaces */
	    	hlpbuf[hx++] = SP;
	    else {
		hlpbuf[hx++] = NUL;	/* If last column, no spaces. */
		dmphlp();		/* Print it. */
    if (*s != NUL)			/* Still some chars left in string? */
	hlpbuf[hx-1] = '+';		/* Mark as too long for column. */

/*  D M P H L P  --  Dump the help line buffer  */

dmphlp() {				/* Print the help buffer */
    hlpbuf[hx++] = NUL;
    printf(" %s\n",hlpbuf);
/*  L O O K U P  --  Lookup the string in the given array of strings  */

 Call this way:  v = lookup(table,word,n,&x);

   table - a 'struct keytab' table.
   word  - the target string to look up in the table.
   n     - the number of elements in the table.
   x     - address of an integer for returning the table array index.

 The keyword table must be arranged in ascending alphabetical order, and
 all letters must be lowercase.

 Returns the keyword's associated value ( zero or greater ) if found,
 with the variable x set to the array index, or:

  -3 if nothing to look up (target was null),
  -2 if ambiguous,
  -1 if not found.

 A match is successful if the target matches a keyword exactly, or if
 the target is a prefix of exactly one keyword.  It is ambiguous if the
 target matches two or more keywords from the table.

lookup(table,cmd,n,x) char *cmd; struct keytab table[]; int n, *x; {

    int i, v, cmdlen;

/* Lowercase & get length of target, if it's null return code -3. */

    if ((((cmdlen = lower(cmd))) == 0) || (n < 1)) return(-3);

/* Not null, look it up */

    for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
	if (!strcmp(table[i].kwd,cmd) ||
           ((v = !strncmp(table[i].kwd,cmd,cmdlen)) &&
             strncmp(table[i+1].kwd,cmd,cmdlen))) {
		*x = i;
	if (v) return(-2);

/* Last (or only) element */

    if (!strncmp(table[n-1].kwd,cmd,cmdlen)) {
	*x = n-1;
    } else return(-1);
/*  G E T W D  --  Gets a "word" from the command input stream  */

Usage: retcode = getwd();

 -4 if end of file (e.g. pipe broken)
 -2 if command buffer overflows
 -1 if user did some deleting
  0 if word terminates with SP or tab
  1 if ... CR
  2 if ... ESC
  3 if ... ?

  pp pointing to beginning of word in buffer
  bp pointing to after current position
  atmbuf containing a copy of the word
  cc containing the number of characters in the word copied to atmbuf
getwd() {

    int c;				/* Current char */
    static int inword = 0;		/* Flag for start of word found */
    int quote = 0;			/* Flag for quote character */
    int echof = 0;			/* Flag for whether to echo */

    pp = np;				/* Start of current field */
    debug(F101,"getwd: cmdbuf","",(int) cmdbuf);
    debug(F101," bp","",(int) bp);
    debug(F101," pp","",(int) pp);
    debug(F110," cmdbuf",cmdbuf,0);

    while (bp < cmdbuf+CMDBL) {		/* Loop */

	echof = 0;			/* Flag for whether to echo */

	if ((c = *bp) == NUL) {		/* Get next character */
	    if (dpx) echof = 1;		/* from reparse buffer */
	    c = getchar();		/* or from tty. */
	    if (c == EOF) return(-4);

	if (quote == 0) {

	    if (c == '\\') {		/* Quote character */
	       quote = 1;
	    if (c == FF) {		/* Formfeed. */
	    	c = NL;			/* Replace with newline */
	    	system("clear");	/* and clear the screen. */

	    if (c == HT) c = SP; 	/* Substitute space for tab. */

/* cont'd... */
/* ...getwd(), cont'd */

    	    if (c == SP) {		/* If space */
		*bp++ = c;		/* deposit it in buffer. */
		if (echof) putchar(c);	/* echo it. */
		if (inword == 0) {	/* If leading, gobble it. */
		} else {		/* If terminating, return. */
		    np = bp;
		    inword = 0;
		    return(cmflgs = 0);
	    if (c == NL) { 		/* CR, LF */
		*bp = NUL;		/* End the string */
		if (echof) putchar(c);	/* Echo the typein */
		np = bp;		/* Where to start next field. */
		setatm(pp);		/* Copy this field to atom buffer. */
		inword = 0;
		return(cmflgs = 1);
	    if (c == '?') { 		/* Question mark */
		*bp = NUL;
		return(cmflgs = 3);
	    if (c == ESC) { 		/* ESC */
		*bp = NUL;
		return(cmflgs = 2);
	    if (c == BS || c == RUB) { 	/* Character deletion */
		if (bp > cmdbuf) {	/* If still in buffer... */
		    printf("\b \b");	/* erase character from screen, */
		    bp--;		/* point behind it, */
		    if (*bp == SP) inword = 0; /* Flag if current field gone */
		    *bp = NUL;		/* Erase character from buffer. */
		} else {		/* Otherwise, */
		    putchar(BEL);	/* beep, */
		    cmres();		/* and start parsing a new command. */
		if (pp < bp) continue;
		else return(cmflgs = -1);
	    if (c == LDEL) { 		/* ^U, line deletion */
	    	while ((bp--) > cmdbuf) {
	    	    printf("\b \b");
		    *bp = NUL;
		cmres();		/* Restart the command. */
		inword = 0;
		return(cmflgs = -2);

/* cont'd... */
/* ...getwd(), cont'd */

    	    if (c == WDEL) { 		/* ^W, word deletion */
	    	if (bp <= cmdbuf) {	/* Beep if nothing to delete */
		    return(cmflgs = -1);
		for ( ; (bp >= cmdbuf) && (*bp == SP) ; bp--) {
		    printf("\b \b");
		    *bp = NUL;
		for ( ; (bp >= cmdbuf) && (*bp != SP) ; bp--) {
		    printf("\b \b");
		    *bp = NUL;
		*bp++ == NUL;
		inword = 0;
		return(cmflgs = -1);
	    if (c == RDIS) { 		/* ^R, redisplay */
		*bp = NUL;
	if (echof) putchar(c);		/* If tty input, echo. */
	inword = 1;			/* Flag we're in a word. */
	quote = 0;			/* Turn off quote. */
	*bp++ = c;			/* And deposit it. */
    }					/* end of big while */
    putchar(BEL);			/* Get here if... */
    printf("\n?Buffer full\n");
    return(cmflgs = -2);
/* Utilility functions */

/* A D D B U F  -- Add the string pointed to by cp to the command buffer  */

addbuf(cp) char *cp; {
    int len = 0;
    while ((*cp != NUL) && (bp < cmdbuf+CMDBL)) {
    	*bp++ = *cp++;			/* Copy and */
    	len++;				/* count the characters. */
    *bp++ = SP;				/* Put a space at the end */
    *bp = NUL;				/* Terminate with a null */
    np = bp;				/* Update the next-field pointer */
    return(len);			/* Return the length */

/*  S E T A T M  --  Deposit a string in the atom buffer  */

setatm(cp) char *cp; {
    char *ap;
    cc = 0;
    ap = atmbuf;
    *ap = NUL;
    while (*cp == SP) cp++;
    while ((*cp != SP) && (*cp != NL) && (*cp != NUL)) {
	*ap++ = *cp++;
    *ap++ = NUL;
    return(cc);				/* Return length */

/*  D I G I T S  -- Verify that all the characters in line are digits  */

digits(s) char *s; {
    while (*s) {
        if (!isdigit(*s)) return(0);

/*  L O W E R  --  Lowercase a string  */

lower(s) char *s; {
    int n = 0;
    while (*s) {
	if (isupper(*s)) *s = tolower(*s);
	s++, n++;

/*  T E S T  --  Bit test  */

test(x,m) int x, m; { /*  Returns 1 if any bits from m are on in x, else 0  */
    return((x & m) ? 1 : 0);
@//E*O*F ckcmd.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r ckcmd.c
echo x - ckcmd.h
sed 's/^@//' > "ckcmd.h" <<'@//E*O*F ckcmd.h//'
/*  C K C M D . H  --  Header file for cmd package  */

/* Sizes of things */

#define HLPLW  78			/* Width of ?-help line */
#define HLPCW  19			/* Width of ?-help column */
#define CMDBL  200			/* Command buffer length */
#define HLPBL  100			/* Help string buffer length */
#define ATMBL  100			/* Command atom buffer length*/

/* Special characters */

#define NUL  '\0'			/* Null */
#define HT   '\t'			/* Horizontal Tab */
#define NL   '\n'			/* Newline */
#define FF   0014			/* Formfeed    (^L) */
#define RDIS 0022			/* Redisplay   (^R) */
#define LDEL 0025			/* Delete line (^U) */
#define WDEL 0027			/* Delete word (^W) */
#define ESC  0033			/* Escape */
#define RUB  0177			/* Rubout */

#ifndef BEL
#define BEL  0007			/* Bell */

#ifndef BS
#define BS   0010			/* Backspace */

#ifndef SP
#define SP   0040			/* Space */

/* Keyword table flags */

#define CM_INV 1			/* Invisible keyword */

/* Keyword Table Template */

struct keytab {				/* Keyword table */
    char *kwd;				/* Pointer to keyword string */
    int val;				/* Associated value */
    int flgs;				/* Flags (as defined above) */
@//E*O*F ckcmd.h//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r ckcmd.h
echo x - ckconu.c
sed 's/^@//' > "ckconu.c" <<'@//E*O*F ckconu.c//'
char *connv = "Connect Command for Unix, V4.0(002) 24 Jan 85";

/*  C O N N E C T  --  Dumb terminal connection to remote system  */

 This module should work under all versions of Unix.  It calls externally
 defined system-depended functions for i/o, but depends upon the existence
 of the fork() function.

#include "ckermi.h"

extern int local, speed, escape, handsh, duplex, parity, flow, seslog;
extern char ttname[], sesfil[];

int i, active;				/* Variables global to this module */
char *chstr();
#define LBUFL 100			/* Line buffer */
char lbuf[LBUFL];

/*  C O N E C T  --  Perform terminal connection  */

conect() {
    int pid, n;
    char c;
    char errmsg[50], *erp;

	if (!local) {
	    printf("Sorry, you must 'set line' first\n");
	if (speed < 0) {
	    printf("Sorry, you must 'set speed' first\n");
	if ((escape < 0) || (escape > 0177)) {
	    printf("Your escape character is not ASCII - %d\n",escape);
	if (ttopen(ttname) < 0) {
	    erp = errmsg;
	    sprintf(erp,"Sorry, can't open %s",ttname);
    	printf("Connecting thru %s, speed %d.\r\n",ttname,speed);
	printf("The escape character is %s (%d).\r\n",chstr(escape),escape);
	printf("Type the escape character followed by C to get back,\r\n");
	printf("or followed by ? to see other options.\r\n");
	if (seslog) printf("(Session logged to %s.)\r\n",sesfil);

/* cont'd... */
/* ...connect, cont'd */

/* Condition console terminal and communication line */	    

    	if (conbin() < 0) {
	    printf("Sorry, can't condition console terminal\n");
	if (ttvt(speed,flow) < 0) {
	    printf("Sorry, Can't condition communication line\n");
	pid = fork();			/* All ok, make a fork */
	if (pid) {			
	    active = 1;			/* This fork reads, sends keystrokes */
	    while (active) {
		c = coninc() & 0177;
		if (c == escape) {   	/* Look for escape char */
		    c = coninc() & 0177;
		} else {		/* Ordinary character */
		    ttoc(dopar(c));	/* Send it out with desired parity */
		    if (duplex) {	/* Half duplex? */
			conoc(c);	/* Yes, also echo it. */
			if (seslog) zchout(ZSFILE,c);	/* And maybe log it. */
	    kill(pid,9);		/* Done, kill inferior. */
	    wait(0);			/* Wait till gone. */
	    conres();			/* Reset the console. */
	    ttclos();			/* Reset & close communication line. */
	    printf("C-Kermit Disconnected\n");
	} else {			/* Inferior reads, prints port input */
	    while (1) {
		c = ttinc(0) & 0177;	/* Wait for a character. */
		if (seslog) zchout(ZSFILE,c);
		n = ttchk();		/* Any more left in buffer? */
		if (n > 0) {
		    if (n > LBUFL) n = LBUFL;  /* Get them all at once. */
		    if ((n = ttxin(n,lbuf)) > 0) {
			for (i = 0; i < n; i++) lbuf[i] &= 0177;
			if (seslog) zsoutx(ZSFILE,lbuf,n);
/*  H C O N N E  --  Give help message for connect.  */

hconne() {
    int c;
    char *hlpmsg = "\
\r\nC to close the connection, or:\
\r\n  S for status\
\r\n  ? for help\
\r\n  B to send a BREAK\
\r\n  0 to send a null\
\r\n escape character twice to send the escape character.\r\n\r\n";

    conol(hlpmsg);			/* Print the help message. */
    conol("Command>");			/* Prompt for command. */
    c = coninc();
    conoc(c);				/* Echo it. */
    c &= 0177;				/* Strip any parity. */
    return(c);				/* Return it. */

/*  C H S T R  --  Make a printable string out of a character  */

char *
chstr(c) int c; {
    static char s[8];
    char *cp = s;

    if (c < SP) {
    } else sprintf(cp,"'%c'\n",c);
    cp = s;
/*  D O E S C  --  Process an escape character argument  */

doesc(c) char c; {
    int d;
    c &= 0177;
    while (1) {
	if (c == escape) {		/* Send escape character */
	    d = dopar(c);
    	} else				/* Or else look it up below. */
	    if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c);

	switch (c) {

	case 'c':			/* Close connection */
	case '\03':
	    active = 0;

	case 'b':			/* Send a BREAK */
	case '\02':

	case 's':			/* Status */
	case '\023':
	    conol("\r\nConnected thru ");
	    if (seslog) {
		conol(", logging to ");

	case '?':			/* Help */
	    c = hconne();

	case '0':			/* Send a null */
	    c = '\0';
	    d = dopar(c);

	case SP:			/* Space, ignore */

	default:			/* Other */
	    conoc(BEL); 		/* Invalid esc arg, beep */
@//E*O*F ckconu.c//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r ckconu.c
echo x - ckdebu.h
sed 's/^@//' > "ckdebu.h" <<'@//E*O*F ckdebu.h//'
#define F000 0				/* Formats for debug() */

#define F001 1
#define F010 2
#define F011 3
#define F100 4
#define F101 5
#define F110 6
#define F111 7

@//E*O*F ckdebu.h//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r ckdebu.h
echo x - ckermi.ann
sed 's/^@//' > "ckermi.ann" <<'@//E*O*F ckermi.ann//'
 5-Feb-85 16:10:21-EST,5392;000000000001
Mail-From: SY.FDC created at  5-Feb-85 16:09:41
Date: Tue 5 Feb 85 16:09:41-EST
@From: Frank da Cruz <SY.FDC at CU20B.ARPA>
Subject: Info-Kermit Digest V2 #1 -- New Unix Kermit
To: Info-Kermit-Members at CU20B.ARPA
cc: Info-Unix at BRL-TGR.ARPA
Reply-To: Info-Kermit at CU20B
Queries-To: Info-Kermit-Request at CU20B

Info-Kermit Digest         Tue,  5 Feb 1985       Volume 2 : Number  1

      New Unix Kermit Available for Testing


My apologies for the long delay since the last issue of the Info-Kermit
Digest, which was Vol.1, No.46, dated 31 December 1984.  This first issue
of Volume 2 is to announce a test release of the new Unix Kermit.  In
subsequent issues, I'll attempt to catch up on other overdue items.

A new Kermit program has been written in C, initially for 4.2 Berkeley Unix.
The features of this program include:

@. Full implementation of the Kermit protocol, except for Attribute packets:
  - Acts as server
  - Talks to server
  - All packet encoding and error checking options are provided
  - File transfer interruption
  - Filename collision avoidance
  - Binary and text file transfer
@. Modular construction for easy portability to other systems
@. An interactive command parser as well as Unix-style command line arguments
@. Command and initialization files
@. Piped operation
@. Improved terminal connect, with optional logging
@. Logs for debugging, packets, and transactions
@. Communication with IBM mainframes

Several items on the wish list were not done for lack of time.  They will
probably be added in the future:

@. File attributes
@. Command macros
@. Login scripts
@. Raw file transmit

The new program is called "C-Kermit" because it is intended as a basis for
Kermit programs for any systems that have C compilers.  Its version number
is 4.0, to distinguish it from earlier releases of Unix Kermit, the most
recent of which was 3.0.

This prerelease test version of the program runs only under Berkeley Unix 4.2.
We also intend to bring it to the following systems within the coming weeks:

@. DEC Pro-350 and Pro-380 with Venix (a Unix v7 derivative)
@. Amdahl UTS on IBM 370-series mainframes
@. Apple Macintosh (maybe)

Support for other systems will have to be added elsewhere.  The program is
being "pre-released" at this time for two reasons:

1. It seems to be perfectly usable on Berkeley 4.2 systems, and is an
   improvement over the previous version.

2. The modular design may need some adjustment to accommodate certain systems.
   Before a great deal of additional coding is done, it is highly desirable
   to get the design and specification of the system-dependent modules stable.

Therefore, please take the files, read the documentation, try running the
program on your Berkeley Unix system if you have one, and send comments or bug
reports to me as soon as you can.  If you have a Unix system that is not
Berkeley Unix, or a non-Unix system with a C compiler, please take a look at
the system-dependent modules to see how they could be adapted to your system;
again, if you have any suggestions or criticisms of the design, please let me
know.  I'm particularly interested in issues of portability.  After a round or
two of this, perhaps the design can be agreed upon, and then those who would
like to contribute support for Version 6, System III, System V, Xenix, PC/IX,
etc etc, can do so without fear of running into other people's changes for
other systems.  Before attempting to adapt C-Kermit to a new system, please
let me know so I can tell you whether someone else is already at work on the
same thing, and perhaps put you in touch.

The files are on CU20B as KER:CK*.*, available via anonymous FTP.  The file
CKERMI.DOC provides user-level documentation as well as a description of the
program organization and hints for adapting it to new systems.  Within several
days the files should also be available on BITNET via KERMSRV (to get started
with KERMSRV, type SMSG RSCS MSG CUVMA KERMSRV HELP), and to Unix systems via
UUCP from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Here's how to UUCP to OK State:

You need to set up "okstate" as a site in your "L.sys" UUCP dialing file
using the information listed below.  You can then issue the following 
command on your system:

	uucp okstate\!/u/kermit/ck\* /usr/spool/uucppublic

   (this example will retrieve the new Unix version of Kermit)

The "/usr/spool/uucppublic" is chosen as the destination on your system since
the destination must be WIDE OPEN (drwxrwxrwx) to everyone.  You should
not remove files from your uucppublic until the entire transfer is complete
including any redials that are necessary.  If you do remove some files
our system may retransmit them, resulting in a higher phone bill for you. 

-- UUCP Login information --

Site Name    :  okstate
Phone number :  (405) 624-6953  (one line only)
Login name   :  uucpker
Password     :  thefrog
Hours        :  10:00pm - 10:00am central time (7 day per week)
Problem      :  okstate!uucp-support  (UUCP)
  reports    :  uucp-support%okstate at csnet-relay  (ARPA)

The phone number is for 300/1200 baud (bell compatible).


End of Info-Kermit Digest
@//E*O*F ckermi.ann//
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r ckermi.ann
echo Inspecting for damage in transit...
temp=/tmp/shar$$; dtemp=/tmp/.shar$$
trap "rm -f $temp $dtemp; exit" 0 1 2 3 15
cat > $temp <<\!!!
     985    4187   25236 ckcmd.c
      45     202    1139 ckcmd.h
     199     735    4764 ckconu.c
      10      29     151 ckdebu.h
     124     836    5310 ckermi.ann
    1363    5989   36600 total
wc  ckcmd.c ckcmd.h ckconu.c ckdebu.h ckermi.ann | sed 's=[^ ]*/==' | diff -b $temp - >$dtemp
if [ -s $dtemp ]
then echo "Ouch [diff of wc output]:" ; cat $dtemp
else echo "No problems found."
exit 0

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